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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 9


Some scenes in ep. VIII will apparently be shot in Dubrovnik, Croatia;

Also this is happening;

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I’m hoping Max Von is a clone as he didn’t get anywhere near the screen time an actor of his caliber deserves.


That may be problematic due to how old Max is and the first thing Kylo Ren said to him was “Look how old you’ve become.”

While CGI is getting there I’m still getting a slight uncanny valley vibe.


Ok, a ten minute flashback.

Basically, I’m done with clones. I’m fed up with them and I don’t want any more.

Oh hai, Mark.


With Ford still cast in Episode VIII, I wonder if he’ll be the Banquo’s ghost to Ren’s Macbeth, silently haunting him in hallucinations as he grows more and more unstable.

I really hope Johnson sets up further rifts between Ren and Hux so that there’s a full blown schism in Episode IX, dividing the First Order between the former’s religious extremism and the latter’s militant technocracy.


CG Arnie looks more real in stills than Real Arnie (not that I was ever convinced) 😄


I couldn’t conjure the semi adequate words to respond to such a statement even my life was on the line. But if that’s how you feel.


They can make a CGI Arnold, but they can’t match up the punker’s hair from the original film? 😉

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Nothing we weren’t already pretty sure about, but I guess Gwendoline Christie confirmed that Phasma will be back for VIII. I don’t feel like tracking down the original interview, but I’ve seen it covered in all the usual places over the course of the weekend.


Snoke better do something awesome in VIII or IX. I left TFA wondering what the point of his inclusion in the film was.


Because if they introduced the master of the main villain as a hologram in the second part of the trilogy, people would complain that VIII would be a carbon copy of ESB.

Ceci n’est pas une signature.


darklordoftech said:

Snoke better do something awesome in VIII or IX. I left TFA wondering what the point of his inclusion in the film was.

Learning who he is in Episode VIII would be fine too.


Real Arnie is too shiny to be real. He must be made of some kind of plastic. CGI Arnie looks like flesh attached to metal.


Bear in mind that I am middle aged and stopped buying computer games at the sixth generation. I only watch a very select group of modern movies so I am not as much of a connoisseur of modern CGI as some but in stills (I am in no rush to watch the film) I really can’t complain about the effects used here.
I personally find the opening sequences of Antman where we have digitally rejuvenated Michael Douglas and practically aged Hayley Atwell interacting astonishingly convincing to these old eyes.
I suspect future generations of film and computer game audiences will get better and better and finding fault with special effects.
I just walk around permanently astonished by how realistic planet Earth looks though the round things in my skull, I can’t figure out how to switch them off yet.


Real Arnie looks like a real person to me while CGI Arnie looks more like an cyborg masquerading as a human.


Oh, I wasn’t calling it a bad effect, I just can’t say that I find it super convincing. It’s masterful CGI, but it does have a bit of an uncanny feel to me. Had it been in a video game or an animated film I’d consider it brilliant. In a movie however, I see it as somewhat malplaced. But then again I feel that way about most CGI. If it’s subtle it’s great. If it’s something obvious, but representing something inorganic, I can stretch my suspension of disbelief. But when it’s supposed to be something organic, not to mention a human, and a famous one at that, it just feels weird to me.

As for the whole “not being used to it” thing that Bingowings mentioned, I think it goes both ways. A lot of people over 40(-ish) are so used to movies not having digital fakery that they don’t really give it much thought (and of course having grown up with wonky-animatronics, matte-paintings, etc. I get why the smooth motion of CGI seems impressive in contrast). However a lot of kids these days have grown up with CGI, so to them it’s basically just what movies are supposed to look like. Heck, that even applies to people my age (I’m in my 20’s btw) a lot of the time. So I’m not too sure if people really will be able to differentiate it more in the future. I hope so, but I doubt it.
Of course if new movies start using practical effects more, it could help make a differentiation easier as people get something to compare it to.

(Example; seeing the trailer for Jupiter Ascending after having just watched Interstellar, which used miniature effects, I suddenly got the impression that I had just watched the trailer for an animated movie. So the kind of CGI effects that impressed me 10 years ago, suddenly felt really cheap when contrasted to something more real.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


joefavs said:

Here we go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQQMLE4FuIQ

Also, Benicio del Toro and Laura Dern (?!) have just been officially announced.

Both of these news makes me really excited.

(Seriously though, Laura Dern in a SW movie, that’s awesome. Of course it could just a brief “cameo”, but that’s still pretty cool.)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Oh for sure, Laura Dern is one of my favorites. I just had no idea she was even a possibility. Del Toro’s name has been bandied around for months, but Dern is completely out of the blue.


joefavs said:

Oh for sure, Laura Dern is one of my favorites. I just had no idea she was even a possibility. Del Toro’s name has been bandied around for months, but Dern is completely out of the blue.

Well, many people were surprised that Max von Sydow would be in a Star Wars film. And although Dern is mostly known for more artsy films, she was after all in Jurassic Park so I can’t say I’m too surprised.
(I kind of like the idea of one of David Lynch’s go-to actors appearing in a SW, considering how he turned town ROTJ. Of course that’s just pure coincidence, but I find that kind of appropriate.)
I’m also kind of curious to see who’s going to get cameos in this film, considering how different a director Johnson is from Abrams. I felt that the cameos in TFA kind of reflected Abrams’ work, so It’ll be fun to see who Johnson invited to play bit-parts.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I left her out of my first post because she’s not a recognizable name, but Kelly Marie Tran was cast as well. I’m wondering if she’ll play the part that Tatiana Maslany and Gina Rodriguez were rumored for.


The official announcement that Episode 7 has started filming, including a teaser video and cast list.


And NO Harrison Ford. I don’t know why people still thought he was coming back just because Kennedy said that all the cast would be back when TFA came out. Of course she wasn’t going to say “they’re all coming back except for Harrison”. That would have given the game away about his death.




Ep 8 is what will make or break this trilogy. People were very forgiving of Ep 7. It was a tool used to wipe the shitty taste of the Prequels off the pallet of angry SW fans. It accomplished its goal and not much more. If we just end up getting more of the same in ep 8, there will be backlash.