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Rate 'The Last Jedi' (NO SPOILERS) (was: Rate TFA (NO SPOILERS)) — Page 8


CatBus said:

Looks like I delayed watching TFA for so long this thread isn’t about rating TFA anymore? Oh, well, on the OP’s 100-point scale, with high and low markers:

The Third Man: 100
ESB: 80
SW: 75
ESB:SE: 70
ROTJ: 60
SW:SE: 60
TFA: 55
Holiday Special: 20
TPM: 8
Battlefield Earth: 1

At least for me, ratings for TFA are subject to change over time as the newness wears off, expectations change, etc. Certainly the best new thing in the Star Wars universe in 30 years, but 55 is pretty average.

Ahh! You finally caved in and saw it. Glad you liked it.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


8/10 as of right now. Like many others this could change in the future but nobody else seems to have mentioned that episodes 8 and 9 might play a big part. There were many unanswered questions which is fine for a movie that will have 2 sequels. But we’ll have to wait for those see if the answers are satisfactory.

I was worried that it was going to be like a super hero movie/mission impossible/any other action movie where it was enjoyable but not special. I found this to be very involving and thrilling, felt very invested in the characters and rooting for them.

In fact for all the talk of how it was very similar to Star Wars, I’m going to say that it outdid Star Wars. Yes, I think it was better than the 1977 movie except for editing and score. I can see why people are saying it was too similar and I would have preferred a more original plot but the bottom line is, it executed very well.
My favorite movie happens to be Whisper of the Heart (Studio Ghibli 1995). As part of his Disneycember reviews, Doug Walker (aka Nostalgia Critic) pointed out that it tells a fairly conventional love story but stands out because it does a very good job of doing that. That’s how I feel about The Force Awakens, it is simply a excellently made film that is set in the Star Wars universe.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



OK, my turn now!

SW: 8/10
An exciting movie with some minor pacing and character issues.

ESB: 9/10
Taking the characters from the previous movie and doing something really interesting with them.

ROTJ: 5.5/10
Upon rewatching this one I was surprised how underwhelming it was. The pacing is terrible compared to the previous two films. I feel like the same story could have been told in under an hour.

TPM: 4.5/10
An incredibly boring Star Wars movie.

AOTC: 2/10
A terrible movie that doesn’t feel like Star Wars at all.

ROTS: 3/10
The magic is still lost, but at least this one has its nice moments when compared to the previous one.

TFA: 7/10
I think the overall story doesn’t really work all that well, however, this is certainly a character movie. No Star Wars film has ever had characters that were this well written and played (yeah, I went there). The movie did a great job at introducing new likeable heroes and I really hope the creators of the sequels will put them into some amazing adventures.


I just saw it for the 2nd time. Initially I gave TFA an 8…same as ROTJ for me.

And now…I’m giving it a 7.



I went into TFA with incredibly low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised. Not blown away by any means, but pleasantly surprised. It definitely has some flaws, most of which are related to its being overly derivative and containing just a smidgeon too much self-aware fan service. But all that being acknowledged, it was still a fun, spirited, and enjoyable movie. Best of all, it actually felt like a real Star Wars movie. First time that’s happened in thirty-two years.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


I was FINALLY able to get in to see TFA for a second time. I was in a much better frame of mind to enjoy and appreciate it for what it was, which I did in abundance. The strong emotional moments had me mentally clinching, and the excitement was exactly what you want a Star Wars film to get out of you. It may not have been exactly what I would have done, but I really enjoyed it this time for what it was trying to be.
Being who I am, I couldn’t help but parse it for potential editing. Even hearing about the deleted scenes that might be included for home video, I really don’t think fan editing would improve anything. I’ve already drawn my line in the sand at ROTJ; I don’t want to edit any future films as good as or better than Jedi. Even if some of the deleted scenes end up working well when baked back into the film, an extended edition would be about all I’d want to do.
Maybe it’s a good thing I had to wait so long before seeing it again! I really got into the brilliant score, whereas the first time I didn’t even notice the music. It wasn’t fair what I said earlier about the music; I’m kind of a dumbass sometimes.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Bosk said:

The original trilogy (theatrical versions)
ESB 9/10
ANH 8/10
ROJ 7/10

Spin offs

TPM 5/10 (because of the score and Darth Maul)
TFA 4/10
ROS 3/10
AOC 2/10

I second this. However, I’d give The Force Awakens a 5/10. It’s not horrible, but it’s not good either. It’s just… mediocre average.

~The original trilogy is my life… kind of~


Interesting. How do you rate the other six movies?



Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


I already laughed at that joke, now I don’t know who gets the credit.


I would give it a zero! This was the worst movie I’ve ever seen!


Right now it’s sitting somewhere around a 7/10, but it requires at least a second viewing before I can really get my head around it.


For the moment I’d put on a pretty equal level to TFA. It had many moments far superior to TFA, but I felt was inconsistent in tone. So for me it kind of evens out in terms of over-all quality.

A 6/10 movie with 7 & 8/10 moments. (Does that make any sense?)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Warbler said:

ModsRBad said:

I would give it a zero! This was the worst movie I’ve ever seen!

wow. That bad huh?

Nah, it’s not. But it is (and will continue to be) massively polarizing.


8/10 after first viewing. My top 3 Star Wars movies are still the OT. Bottom 3 are the prequels ,then it gets somewhat confusing 😊


TFA was placed just below ROTJ for me, and I’m unsure whether to place TLJ just above or just below it, until I see it again. It’s a very different movie, which itself is a strength, the way each OT film felt unique. But it makes it harder to compare them.

My stance on revising fan edits.


9.5/10 on first view. needs more viewings


ZkinandBonez said:

dahmage said:

9.5/10 on first view. needs more viewings

Needs more viewings? Not a lot of room for improvement is there? Sounds like you were pretty happy with it.

i need more viewings to be sure of that rating. worst case i could see it dropping to an 8, but i doubt it.