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Idea & Help Wanted: a Live Action version of Clone Wars 2003



Just an idea but using assets from all the prequel movies, the sound effects from the show, making some custom backgrounds and props, and having a few actors digitally added in later on to play some of the human roles,could a live action version of the Clone Wars Anime be put together? Does anyone with more knowledge on this kind of stuff know how much work this would actually take to put together? If anyone would be interested in making this, I would try to help in any way I could. Thanks in advance everyone.


Hmm. Good question. I like the idea! Maybe the Clone Wars game that was on GameCube, PS2 and Xbox can be used too? I know someone created a crawl for this too. I always liked this version of Clone Wars better than the newer one.


I mean, it would pretty much have to be a fan film, but yeah of course it could be done.


Darth Lucas said:

I mean, it would pretty much have to be a fan film, but yeah of course it could be done.

The question is would someone do it though? 😕


Smithers said:

Well it would be tons of work, I wouldn’t be capable of creating several 3d realistic environments, not to mention characters like asajj ventress, so no, I don’t think anyone will do it

Perhaps with practical effects instead of heavy cgi and trimming down some the 2nd half?