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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 3


SilverWook said:

George worked much the same way. He didn’t have the sister thing worked out yet when Yoda spoke of another in Empire. Did Irvin Kershner have to know if Vader really was Luke’s father or not to make that scene work?

I think someone at Lucasfilm will be guiding things. People are not just going to make up whatever they want.

That is true, but also remember that Star Wars was intended to be a stand alone film. A big difference here is this was known to be a trilogy from the get go. So the possibility that they put a bunch of mysteries in the first act that they don’t have any clue what the answers to them are and are then are handing it off to someone else is concerning. I am hoping that is not the case and they have something fleshed out.


hydrospanner said:

SilverWook said:

George worked much the same way. He didn’t have the sister thing worked out yet when Yoda spoke of another in Empire. Did Irvin Kershner have to know if Vader really was Luke’s father or not to make that scene work?

I think someone at Lucasfilm will be guiding things. People are not just going to make up whatever they want.

That is true, but also remember that Star Wars was intended to be a stand alone film. A big difference here is this was known to be a trilogy from the get go. So the possibility that they put a bunch of mysteries in the first act that they don’t have any clue what the answers to them are and are then are handing it off to someone else is concerning. I am hoping that is not the case and they have something fleshed out.

This is where I’m fuzzy on the details, but didn’t Lucas already have the drafts for three movies ready before STAR WARS landed in theaters? He let FOX showoff the first Star Wars, but Lucas wanted to run with his other two scripts as an independent studio. From what I infer, if Star Wars flopped at the box office, then there wouldn’t be sequels, however, if it did succeed, it gave Lucas the green light to go on with two more movies with full rights.

This is something I’ve never really sure about when people say STAR WARS was meant to be a stand alone movie.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

hydrospanner said:

SilverWook said:

George worked much the same way. He didn’t have the sister thing worked out yet when Yoda spoke of another in Empire. Did Irvin Kershner have to know if Vader really was Luke’s father or not to make that scene work?

I think someone at Lucasfilm will be guiding things. People are not just going to make up whatever they want.

That is true, but also remember that Star Wars was intended to be a stand alone film. A big difference here is this was known to be a trilogy from the get go. So the possibility that they put a bunch of mysteries in the first act that they don’t have any clue what the answers to them are and are then are handing it off to someone else is concerning. I am hoping that is not the case and they have something fleshed out.

This is where I’m fuzzy on the details, but didn’t Lucas already have the drafts for three movies ready before STAR WARS landed in theaters? He let FOX showoff the first Star Wars, but Lucas wanted to run with his other two scripts as an independent studio. From what I infer, if Star Wars flopped at the box office, then there wouldn’t be sequels, however, if it did succeed, it gave Lucas the green light to go on with two more movies with full rights.

This is something I’ve never really sure about when people say STAR WARS was meant to be a stand alone movie.

Well, they may have been planning sequels, but the movie was written in a way where it stands on its own. Compare the ending of ANH to the ending of TFA.


hydrospanner said:
Well, they may have been planning sequels, but the movie was written in a way where it stands on its own. Compare the ending of ANH to the ending of TFA.

To me, there’s that one key scene of why I thought ANH isn’t standalone. And it’s that scene where you see Vader’s Tie zoom away after he stopped the ship from spinning around. If we never got that small little sequence, then I think the argument of ANH intending to be standalone would be stronger. But since that Vader was given additional screen time after the Death Star is blown up, it no longer is standalone because it means we still have a bad guy (a skilled bad guy no less) out in the far reaches of the Galaxy.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

hydrospanner said:
Well, they may have been planning sequels, but the movie was written in a way where it stands on its own. Compare the ending of ANH to the ending of TFA.

To me, there’s that one key scene of why I thought ANH isn’t standalone. And it’s that scene where you see Vader’s Tie zoom away after he stopped the ship from spinning around. If we never got that small little sequence, then I think the argument of ANH intending to be standalone would be stronger. But since that Vader was given additional screen time after the Death Star is blown up, it no longer is standalone because it means we still have a bad guy (a skilled bad guy no less) out in the far reaches of the Galaxy.

Well if they killed him off then they couldn’t use him in a potential sequel. I still think the story of ANH is pretty self contained. The difference is TFA story is written in a way where it needs a sequel to continue to explain the mysteries it presents us and it even ends on a cliffhanger.


hydrospanner said:
The difference is TFA story is written in a way where it needs a sequel to continue to explain the mysteries it presents us and it even ends on a cliffhanger.

True enough.

The Rise of Failures


Rian Johnson was hanging around for a ton of production and post production on TFA and had a bunch of really in-depth conversations with JJ about the direction of the story. Hell, I seem to remember JJ even saying Johnson asked him to tweak a couple things so they would lead into his movie more smoothly, and JJ’s already read his Episode VIII script and presumably given feedback on it. This is not JJ and Kasdan turning around after their movie and saying “screw you guys, you’re on your own”, it’s simply someone else getting into the driver’s seat to keep it fresh. The LFL story group isn’t flying blind.


I’m excited for the new movie. TFA made me care about these new characters and I want to see what happens to them next. Even some controversial things, like Starkiller Base lead into interesting avenues to explore. The Republic is probably in disarray, it would be like if a dirty bomb exploded in the heart of DC while congress is in session. What is Luke like after years of exile, blaming himself for what happened? Will the romance be Rey/Finn, Rey/Poe or Finn/Poe?

Excited instead of worried about the future of Star Wars. I can live with that.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


hydrospanner said:

TavorX said:

hydrospanner said:
Well, they may have been planning sequels, but the movie was written in a way where it stands on its own. Compare the ending of ANH to the ending of TFA.

To me, there’s that one key scene of why I thought ANH isn’t standalone. And it’s that scene where you see Vader’s Tie zoom away after he stopped the ship from spinning around. If we never got that small little sequence, then I think the argument of ANH intending to be standalone would be stronger. But since that Vader was given additional screen time after the Death Star is blown up, it no longer is standalone because it means we still have a bad guy (a skilled bad guy no less) out in the far reaches of the Galaxy.

Well if they killed him off then they couldn’t use him in a potential sequel. I still think the story of ANH is pretty self contained. The difference is TFA story is written in a way where it needs a sequel to continue to explain the mysteries it presents us and it even ends on a cliffhanger.

Just remember that for a short while Lucas was considering making a low-budget sequel to cash in on the sudden success of ANH. He actually had Alan Dean Foster write Splinter’s of the Minds Eye with the specfic intentions of it possibly being the next SW film. He even told him to; avoid dog-fights because it would be too expensive to make, to contain the story to one planet, and to not include Han Solo in the plot because Ford’s contract hadn’t been renewed.
In addition to this, the first draft of ESB has Luke actually meet the Force-ghost of his father.
So Lucas is speaking BS when he claims that he had it all planned out from the beginning. He’s probably just bitter since Kasdan is getting so much praise nowadays since so much of the fan-base doesn’t really trust him creatively anymore. So now he’s trying to “cover his ass” so-to-speak.

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joefavs said:

Rian Johnson was hanging around for a ton of production and post production on TFA and had a bunch of really in-depth conversations with JJ about the direction of the story. Hell, I seem to remember JJ even saying Johnson asked him to tweak a couple things so they would lead into his movie more smoothly, and JJ’s already read his Episode VIII script and presumably given feedback on it. This is not JJ and Kasdan turning around after their movie and saying “screw you guys, you’re on your own”, it’s simply someone else getting into the driver’s seat to keep it fresh. The LFL story group isn’t flying blind.

I hope you are correct and that is the case and that the ST doesn’t turn out like LOST.


ZkinandBonez said:
Just remember that for a short while Lucas was considering making a low-budget sequel to cash in on the sudden success of ANH. He actually had Alan Dean Foster write Splinter’s of the Minds Eye with the specfic intentions of it possibly being the next SW film. He even told him to; avoid dog-fights because it would be too expensive to make, to contain the story to one planet, and to not include Han Solo in the plot because Ford’s contract hadn’t been renewed.
In addition to this, the first draft of ESB has Luke actually meed the Force-ghost of his father.
So Lucas is speaking BS when he claims that he had it all planned out from the beginning. He probably just bitter since Kasdan is getting so much praise now that so much of the fan-base doesn’t really trust him creatively anymore. So now he’s trying to “cover his ass” so-to-speak.

This is my first time hearing any of this, so thank you for that!

The Rise of Failures


I heard somewhere that getting people to consider that possibility was one of Oscar Isaac’s goals when he was figuring out how he wanted to play the character, but I didn’t see the interview he’s supposed to have said it in myself so I can’t say how accurate that is. I think it seems pretty obvious that at least Finn is hoping for Finn/Rey, though.


Personally I’d like to see Oscar Isaac get Boba Fetted into a Sarlacc pit in the next movie. Preferably one of the cartoonish over the top special edition ones.


Why are you still here? I thought you were back to only caring about the OOT.

Also, as far as I can tell, you’re the only person on the entire internet who reacted this negatively to that character.


Alderaan said:

Personally I’d like to see Oscar Isaac get Boba Fetted into a Sarlacc pit in the next movie. Preferably one of the cartoonish over the top special edition ones.

Ah I can see it now.

Rey to Chewie: “Poeba Pett? Where?”

Rey swings her staff at Poe’s X-Wing by accident which causes the engine to malfunction while Poe is inside

The X-Wing goes haywire and sends Poe to the nearest sun and explodes where he is digested for energy to warm the whole galaxy for the next 1000 years

The Rise of Failures


joefavs said:

Why are you still here? I thought you were back to only caring about the OOT.

You’ll have to read more carefully next time.

I liked most of the characters in TFA. Daisy was a star. I thought John Boyega was fine, my only problems with his character were with the writing and not his acting. Harrison gave his best performance in years. I really don’t get the hate on Carrie. And I thought Adam Driver was good until he took off the mask.

Oscar Isaac and Domnhall Gleeson were absolutely terrible though. Snoke was another pathetic incarnation, but that was a CGI fail.


I don’t get the Poe hate at all. He’s a great pilot, and that he puts a lot of trust in Finn speaks to being an optimist instead of a cynic. Ordinary people without Jedi powers were sorely missed in the prequels.

Whether he’s the new Wedge, or the new Ric remains to be seen. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


So does anyone think Lando will show up?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I’m in the camp that doesn’t necessarily praise Poe nor hates him. I felt his only shining moment was when he first spoke to Kylo. Other than that, I’m excited to see how they shape this character, but for now, he’s not really in the forefront of my mind compared to Rey, Kylo, Han, Leia, and Finn.

The Rise of Failures


SilverWook said:

So does anyone think Lando will show up?

“We’ll see” -Billy Dee Williams at the World Premiere.

I sure hope so.

The Rise of Failures


SilverWook said:

George worked much the same way. He didn’t have the sister thing worked out yet when Yoda spoke of another in Empire. Did Irvin Kershner have to know if Vader really was Luke’s father or not to make that scene work?

I think someone at Lucasfilm will be guiding things. People are not just going to make up whatever they want.

With Kathleen Kennedy at the helm of Lucasfilm, you know it won’t just be all willy nilly. And remember that while VIII and IX will not be written by JJ, he is still the EP on the movies. There will be a steady hand at the tiller. Just because someone won’t recieve a writing credit in the titles doesn’t mean they won’t be present or consulted in order to maintain continuity.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you…stranger.


I see a Star Destroyer…converted into a giant casino. And the Resistance wants it to make up their shortfall in command ships.

And Lando might insist Han wanted him to have the Falcon back if he died. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


If Billy Dee is healthy enough to come back, he will. I can see Lando gathering a force to help Leia and the Resistance with keeping the Republic together. I wonder if his crew will be composed of sexy ladies in stylish uniforms?

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher