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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 205


so now that the release date has finally arrived depending on your location, is it ok to freely discuss the movie in this thread?

I saw a midnight screening last night and it honestly felt like the film I’d waited 32 years to see, it was everything I loved about the original STAR WARS, and it was clear that JJ and co had gone to great lengths to recreate the feel of the original trilogy .

There isn’t much that can be said without getting into dangerous spoiler territory, but If I had to pick the film’s weakest point I would have to say it was the design and execution of Supreme Leader Snoke, I guess we’re going to have to wait for 8 & 9 to delve into his background and learn more about him, but visually he came across as a Palpatine/Voldemort/Gollum hybrid that looked more at home in one of Peter Jackson’s LOTR films, not sure if that was Serkis’s influence but I just found the reveal of a character that they hid for so long in the lead-up to be ultimately a bit of a let down. The concept art looks far more interesting than what ended up on screen.

but overall this is the first film in years that I think I will go back to at least another 3 times to see it in the cinema.


This is the spoiler thread. Go nuts. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I have to say that I kind of envy those who have seen the 4 hour version, because I really felt like a lot of cool stuff had been cut out of the film as I was watching it. It was surprising to see a lot of material from the teasers and trailers not make it into the final cut of the film.
A lot of the moments that we’ve been scrutinizing here for the past year, just wasn’t in the film. The shot of Maz giving Anakin’s lightsaber to Leia was not in the film. The overall film actually kind of forgot about her entirely after the scenes on Tokadona. I get the impression that a lot of great scenes have been cut out in lieu of the big CGI blowing up Starkiller Base climax.
Although it seems unlikely, I’d love to see an extended cut (in the vein of the LOTR movies) one day.

The ending of this will will probably create the most conflicted feeling for most OT fans. Thinking about the movie the day after I saw, I’m now realizing how much my mind is lingering on the ending, and how much of the films strength lies in the first half. The first half is really were the film tries out something new, and focuses on the new characters. The moment Han and Chewie appear, we start getting the occasional Abrams-nerdy-reference. And when it comes to the big climax, you really do get a déjà vu feeling. However, cynicism surrounding the predictable climax shouldn’t get in the way of the fact that they did actually make up a lot of new stuff and characters for TFA. I really hope that these ideas and character will get to flourish in Ep. VIII & IX now that there’s no particular need for the same level of nostalgia to convince people to go watch it.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I’d agree that the ending was a bit… weird. It’ll definitely be interesting to see where it goes in the future!

Now I should be in bed so I’ll leave it at that 😃


TFA is the film I was looking for.
Best Star Wars movie since ESB.

Sure some questionable scenes, but overall an oustanding performance.


FreaQ said:

TFA is the film I was looking for.
Best Star Wars movie since ESB.

Sure some questionable scenes, but overall an oustanding performance.

Completely agree

Not enough people read the EU.


That was great. It was all that I wanted the film to be.
What happened to Captain Phasma ? She looked great but did really nothing at all except get captured and deactivate the shield.
What are your thoughts on Rey? Is she Luke’s daughter? Leia gave her a real big hug back at the base for someone she did not know.


Saw it last night.

Han & Chewie really steals the show for me. You really see moments of his character that even ROTJ missed - so its refreshing to see him again. And as someone mentioned earlier there isn’t that INDY4 “I’m too old for this” stuff.

Rey and Finn were great. They captured that light hearted innocence that Luke/Leia had in ANH. I thought Finn was really nice character.

There is thankfully much scope for simple faneditting to make it flow better.

Rey’s introduction reminded me of Luke’s original introductory scenes that were cut in favour of better flow in ANH. I think by the same logic we could be introduced to her a bit later on perhaps - or re-edit her introduction to BB8.

They really didn’t need to be so obvious with Ren’s patronage. Like its so obviously mentioned so many times - where if it was just confirmed on the bridge scene with Han - it would carry much more impact.

Yeah Millenium Falcon sitting in the same junk yard where Rey was seems a bit convenient - could have just been left there when she was perhaps?

Really didn’t think much of Starkiller Base. Really an unnecessary plot device that isn’t explored far enough to me given the scale and threat of it. And the red laser thing being viewable from across the galaxy didn’t seem right (I know it’s fantasy).

Not much really happened in space either.

It doesn’t deserve all this negativity - the best SW film since ESB for me.


I didn’t imagine that Han called Kylo “Ben” did I?


I really don’t want to sound argumentative or terribly cynical, and I understand that so many fans really want to like this movie, but seriously, I have to say, at this point, knowing what we know how can anyone suggest this movie is good?

I wonder at times if everyone in society has collectively lost his mind.

This movie is clearly a cheap ripoff. A con. A money grab. A bait and switch.

  • The Empire was defeated in the original trilogy. No problem! We have a new, improved empire! Complete with an evil guy in black robes, scary mask, and red light saber!

  • You like cool stormtroopers? Snowtroopers? WE GOT 'EM! The Empire 2.0 has got oodles of stormtroopers!

  • How did the Republic allow the Empire 2.0 to come into existence? Who cares! It’s a movie! Please don’t answer, “How did the original empire come into existence?” Because the answer is simple – a corrupt politician seized the existing legal republican government, a la Adolf Hitler, that’s how. So did the new Republic make the same mistake? No, because the new Republic still exists in this new universe. So WTF? Oh well…who needs things to make sense?

  • So we have a cute, plucky little beachball droid carrying a secret message being hunted by the bad guys. Uh, wait…isn’t that just a straight, cheap ripoff?

  • So we have an Force-sensitive, unknown orphan who grew up on an entirely desert planet who is unaware of her vast potential. Um, hello? Again, cheap ripoff copycat?

  • By the way, I thought even Force-sensitives had to be TRAINED to use the Force before they can?

  • So the Empire 2.0 has stormtroopers, but they’re not clones…and they’re not conscripts or recruits. So the Empire 2.0 breeds them? From birth? So the Empire 2.0 has some vast wing of babies being birthed to become stormtroopers somewhere? How else do you explain that “Finn” does not have a name?

  • Why is it that in a galaxy populated by trillions of people, we keep bumping into the same four or five over and over, no matter where we go? And the same goes for spaceships, too. How awfully convenient that the Millenium Falcon just happens to be on the desert planet that Rey is on? And how awfully convenient that Han Solo decides it’s a good idea to take back ownership of the Falcon at the age of, what, 70?

  • So the Empire 2.0 has an even bigger, badder Death Star. It blows up stars! But it’s on a planet…so it cannot travel from place to place in the galaxy…so it shoots its laser or plasma or whatever blasts from light years away and the blast travels and travels and travels across the galaxy to hit its target? What does the laser blast make the jump to hyperspace itself to get to its target in due time?

  • I mean, really? The Death Star thing all over again? Really? And somehow the First Order/Empire 2.0 is capable of making a weapon even more powerful that the Death Stars, despite the fact that it’s not the ruling government of the entire galaxy?!

  • And really, like, say, 10 or 20 years before this movie is set there was NO ONE in the Republic saying, “Hey, guys! A bunch of copycats are restarting the Empire! They’re building star destroyers and TIE fighters and maybe a planet killing machine thing! We need to stop them!”?!

  • And really, Rey thinks the Jedi and all that jazz is “legend.” Um, hello? That war was only 30 years ago! That would be like saying the events of 1985 are just perceived as “legends” today in 2015. Please. Yeah, WWII was just a legend. Right.

  • SURPRISE! The bad guy is Han and Leia’s son! Wow! Never saw that coming! What a huge reveal!

  • Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy is wiped out, SO HE LEAVES?!? GOES INTO HIDING?! When there’s a perfectly safe Resistance planet he could have gone to to help out in the fight?! Don’t tell me Obi Wan went into hiding, because he didn’t. He took Luke to safety on Tatooine and then guarded over him because he knew that the only person who could possibly sway Darth Vader back to the light was Vader’s son.

  • Leia gets word that there’s a lead as to where her brother is…so she sends her best PILOT to collect the intel? Yeah, because when there’s important information to be collected in Iraq or Syria or Russia, President Obama sends his best F-16 pilot.

  • Han Solo: “Hey, Finn, I hear you have some really important information to get to Leia. I mean, we could just, you know, do one of those video chats that we do all the time, but, nah. We’ll go there in person. In the Millenium Falcon. BUT FIRST! We have to make a pitstop at a bar in a castle so you can meet my old Force sensitive mentor!” Finn: “But Han! In the first movie released in 1977, you told Obi Wan that you didn’t believe in the Force! That you had traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other and just concluded it was just ‘simple tricks and nonsense.’” Han: “Um…oh yeah.”

Stupid. Effing stupid. Completely cheap and stupid. Insulting to the intelligence. There should a huge public outcry. Outrage! Instead? 99% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes!


Just a heads up that in the US, I’m finding that people who bought too many tickets trying to resell them and make money are starting to return them. I was looking at a tuesday next week showing, and now will be heading to the theater around 11pm tonight. So make sure to check.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


Smoking Lizard said:

I really don’t want to sound argumentative or terribly cynical, and I understand that so many fans really want to like this movie, but seriously, I have to say, at this point, knowing what we know how can anyone suggest this movie is good?

I wonder at times if everyone in society has collectively lost his mind.

This movie is clearly a cheap ripoff. A con. A money grab. A bait and switch.

  • The Empire was defeated in the original trilogy. No problem! We have a new, improved empire! Complete with an evil guy in black robes, scary mask, and red light saber!

  • How did the Republic allow the Empire 2.0 to come into existence? Who cares! It’s a movie! Please don’t answer, “How did the original empire come into existence?” Because the answer is simple – a corrupt politician seized the existing legal republican government, a la Adolf Hitler, that’s how. So did the new Republic make the same mistake? No, because the new Republic still exists in this new universe. So WTF? Oh well…who needs things to make sense?

Who says they won the entire war in ROTJ? They celebrated one military victory in a tree-house-village with a bunch of natives. ANH also had a huge celebration at the end (it was considerably bigger I might add), yet that didn’t mean that they won the war.
Even the EU never assumed that the war was won. Just because the Emperor died doesn’t mean you win the entire war.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • So the Empire 2.0 has stormtroopers, but they’re not clones…and they’re not conscripts or recruits. So the Empire 2.0 breeds them? From birth? So the Empire 2.0 has some vast wing of babies being birthed to become stormtroopers somewhere? How else do you explain that “Finn” does not have a name?

Well, to be nitpicky, Finn did say that he was taken away from his family at a very young age, so he wasn’t technically bred to be a Stormtrooper.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • Why is it that in a galaxy populated by trillions of people, we keep bumping into the same four or five over and over, no matter where we go? And the same goes for spaceships, too. How awfully convenient that the Millenium Falcon just happens to be on the desert planet that Rey is on? And how awfully convenient that Han Solo decides it’s a good idea to take back ownership of the Falcon at the age of, what, 70?

Again, to be nitpicky, if none of this, or anything similar had happened, we wouldn’t have had a movie. What you described is basically just Hollywood 101. Also, the OT was filled with moments like these. I mean what are the chances that R2 would end up with Luke in ANH. Out of the entire planet, he happened to land nearby, and conveniently get captured by Jawas that would end up re-uniting him with C3PO, that would then sell him to the force-sensitive son of the main villain, that was also tied in with the guy he was looking for in the first place. And what were the chances that that R5 droid would malfunction at just the right moment, thereby making the rest of the film, as well as the rest of the trilogy possible.
Also, the main villain was all of a sudden the main characters father, and once that was established they turned the love interest, now that she’d gotten ‘hitched’ to the other male protagonist, into conveniently being his long lost sister.
Star Wars, like most movies, are all about convenient plot twists. This is hardly anything new.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • So the Empire 2.0 has an even bigger, badder Death Star. It blows up stars! But it’s on a planet…so it cannot travel from place to place in the galaxy…so it shoots its laser or plasma or whatever blasts from light years away and the blast travels and travels and travels across the galaxy to hit its target? What does the laser blast make the jump to hyperspace itself to get to its target in due time?

  • I mean, really? The Death Star thing all over again? Really? And somehow the First Order/Empire 2.0 is capable of making a weapon even more powerful that the Death Stars, despite the fact that it’s not the ruling government of the entire galaxy?!

  • And really, like, say, 10 or 20 years before this movie is set there was NO ONE in the Republic saying, “Hey, guys! A bunch of copycats are restarting the Empire! They’re building star destroyers and TIE fighters and maybe a planet killing machine thing! We need to stop them!”?!

Although, I think most people more-or-less of agrees with you here (me included), it has after all been 30 years, and the second Death Star took less than two years to build. So if you can make a super weapon the size of a friggin’ moon in roughly two years, image what a bunch of fanatics can manage in three decades. Also, the film never established how powerful the First Order really is so we don’t know if they’re actually a remnant similarly to the EU, or still a large political Empire. For all we know the galaxy could be divided between these two large military forces. Until, we’ve seen ep. VIII and IX, we can’t really tell.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • And really, Rey thinks the Jedi and all that jazz is “legend.” Um, hello? That war was only 30 years ago! That would be like saying the events of 1985 are just perceived as “legends” today in 2015. Please. Yeah, WWII was just a legend. Right.

Technically it’s been half a century. Keep in mind that the Jedi haven’t really been a thing since the start of the Empire (19 BBY, e.g. prior to ANH). Also, it’s a big galaxy, and Rey is on a scavenger planet in the middle of nowhere. So 50 years earlier there were roughly thousand magical peacekeepers that mostly worked undercover and were only directly involved in politics and military campaigns. Even in the PT the Jedi were treated as somewhat mythological. Anakin didn’t question their existence, but he exaggerated their abilities when talking to Qui-Gon. By the time of ANH, no one really doubted that there was once lightsaber wielding religious warriors, but the Force had become a somewhat forgotten notion. Add another 30 years to that, and it’s really not that strange that someone would believe they were legends, or at least apocryphal. Rey also clearly knows all the names, events, and even certain details, she just perceived them as folk tales and exaggerations.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • SURPRISE! The bad guy is Han and Leia’s son! Wow! Never saw that coming! What a huge reveal!

  • Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy is wiped out, SO HE LEAVES?!? GOES INTO HIDING?! When there’s a perfectly safe Resistance planet he could have gone to to help out in the fight?! Don’t tell me Obi Wan went into hiding, because he didn’t. He took Luke to safety on Tatooine and then guarded over him because he knew that the only person who could possibly sway Darth Vader back to the light was Vader’s son.

His father turned to evil, he himself almost turned to the dark side, and during his first attempt at living up to the Jedi before him one of his students turned to evil and slaughter everyone. Although, I would’t consider going into hiding the best idea, it’s not necessarily inconsistent with his personality, or any human-being for that matter. I mean he’s got quite a large amount of heavy burdens to live with, and a lot of responsibility for a ex-farmer, turned war-hero, and wannabe-Jedi.

Smoking Lizard said:

  • Leia gets word that there’s a lead as to where her brother is…so she sends her best PILOT to collect the intel? Yeah, because when there’s important information to be collected in Iraq or Syria or Russia, President Obama sends his best F-16 pilot.

Again, that just movie-logic. I don’t think real-life politics is the best thing to draw inspiration from. Also, how about ANH, they’ve discovered and stolen the plans to a new super-weapon, and Bail Organa sends his teenage daughter to deliver them. Also, they decided to have Lando, some ex con-man they’ve only know for a few months, to lead the attack on the second Death Star. Surely someone more reliable like Wedge would make more sense?

Smoking Lizard said:

  • Han Solo: “Hey, Finn, I hear you have some really important information to get to Leia. I mean, we could just, you know, do one of those video chats that we do all the time, but, nah. We’ll go there in person. In the Millenium Falcon. BUT FIRST! We have to make a pitstop at a bar in a castle so you can meet my old Force sensitive mentor!” Finn: “But Han! In the first movie released in 1977, you told Obi Wan that you didn’t believe in the Force! That you had traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other and just concluded it was just ‘simple tricks and nonsense.’” Han: “Um…oh yeah.”

So Han knew this weird old lady that babbled on about magic all the time. Sure, that’ll convince him it’s real.
She may have know about it, but she wasn’t force sensitive. Then why does she talk about it so much? Well she’s a thousand years old, meaning that unlike everyone else she’s only been in a Jedi-free galaxy for a fraction of her life-time. And in a millennium you’d probably bump into a lot of interesting people. Some of them had to have been Jedi. Also, Han bragging about having been all over the galaxy, was the cocky bragging of a cynical, thirty-something smuggler.

Anyhow, I don’t blame you for being disappointed by this film. It rehashed a ridiculous amount of things, and it’s far from perfect. But I think you’re exaggerating by calling for a “public outrage.” It was a casual pop-culture sequel that added something new, and rehashed a lot of the old. And I think it’s far to early to make assumptions about a good deal of the films new/continued lore.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Smoking Lizard said:

I really don’t want to sound argumentative or terribly cynical, and I understand that so many fans really want to like this movie, but seriously, I have to say, at this point, knowing what we know how can anyone suggest this movie is good?

I wonder at times if everyone in society has collectively lost his mind.

This movie is clearly a cheap ripoff. A con. A money grab. A bait and switch.

  • The Empire was defeated in the original trilogy. No problem! We have a new, improved empire! Complete with an evil guy in black robes, scary mask, and red light saber!

  • You like cool stormtroopers? Snowtroopers? WE GOT 'EM! The Empire 2.0 has got oodles of stormtroopers!

  • How did the Republic allow the Empire 2.0 to come into existence? Who cares! It’s a movie! Please don’t answer, “How did the original empire come into existence?” Because the answer is simple – a corrupt politician seized the existing legal republican government, a la Adolf Hitler, that’s how. So did the new Republic make the same mistake? No, because the new Republic still exists in this new universe. So WTF? Oh well…who needs things to make sense?

  • So we have a cute, plucky little beachball droid carrying a secret message being hunted by the bad guys. Uh, wait…isn’t that just a straight, cheap ripoff?

  • So we have an Force-sensitive, unknown orphan who grew up on an entirely desert planet who is unaware of her vast potential. Um, hello? Again, cheap ripoff copycat?

  • By the way, I thought even Force-sensitives had to be TRAINED to use the Force before they can?

  • So the Empire 2.0 has stormtroopers, but they’re not clones…and they’re not conscripts or recruits. So the Empire 2.0 breeds them? From birth? So the Empire 2.0 has some vast wing of babies being birthed to become stormtroopers somewhere? How else do you explain that “Finn” does not have a name?

  • Why is it that in a galaxy populated by trillions of people, we keep bumping into the same four or five over and over, no matter where we go? And the same goes for spaceships, too. How awfully convenient that the Millenium Falcon just happens to be on the desert planet that Rey is on? And how awfully convenient that Han Solo decides it’s a good idea to take back ownership of the Falcon at the age of, what, 70?

  • So the Empire 2.0 has an even bigger, badder Death Star. It blows up stars! But it’s on a planet…so it cannot travel from place to place in the galaxy…so it shoots its laser or plasma or whatever blasts from light years away and the blast travels and travels and travels across the galaxy to hit its target? What does the laser blast make the jump to hyperspace itself to get to its target in due time?

  • I mean, really? The Death Star thing all over again? Really? And somehow the First Order/Empire 2.0 is capable of making a weapon even more powerful that the Death Stars, despite the fact that it’s not the ruling government of the entire galaxy?!

  • And really, like, say, 10 or 20 years before this movie is set there was NO ONE in the Republic saying, “Hey, guys! A bunch of copycats are restarting the Empire! They’re building star destroyers and TIE fighters and maybe a planet killing machine thing! We need to stop them!”?!

  • And really, Rey thinks the Jedi and all that jazz is “legend.” Um, hello? That war was only 30 years ago! That would be like saying the events of 1985 are just perceived as “legends” today in 2015. Please. Yeah, WWII was just a legend. Right.

  • SURPRISE! The bad guy is Han and Leia’s son! Wow! Never saw that coming! What a huge reveal!

  • Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy is wiped out, SO HE LEAVES?!? GOES INTO HIDING?! When there’s a perfectly safe Resistance planet he could have gone to to help out in the fight?! Don’t tell me Obi Wan went into hiding, because he didn’t. He took Luke to safety on Tatooine and then guarded over him because he knew that the only person who could possibly sway Darth Vader back to the light was Vader’s son.

  • Leia gets word that there’s a lead as to where her brother is…so she sends her best PILOT to collect the intel? Yeah, because when there’s important information to be collected in Iraq or Syria or Russia, President Obama sends his best F-16 pilot.

  • Han Solo: “Hey, Finn, I hear you have some really important information to get to Leia. I mean, we could just, you know, do one of those video chats that we do all the time, but, nah. We’ll go there in person. In the Millenium Falcon. BUT FIRST! We have to make a pitstop at a bar in a castle so you can meet my old Force sensitive mentor!” Finn: “But Han! In the first movie released in 1977, you told Obi Wan that you didn’t believe in the Force! That you had traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other and just concluded it was just ‘simple tricks and nonsense.’” Han: “Um…oh yeah.”

Stupid. Effing stupid. Completely cheap and stupid. Insulting to the intelligence. There should a huge public outcry. Outrage! Instead? 99% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes!

If I’m reading your message correctly, it seems like you haven’t seen the film? While you’re right on some points (ie: the Starkiller - they really couldn’t come up with anything else?), others aren’t quite so.

The First Order isn’t a “New Empire” - it feels much like the Thrawn trilogy with the remains hiding out far away from the Republic. They’re described as having “risen from the ashes” and their stormtroopers seem to have actually been kidnapped at young ages (as per Finn’s dialogue) and brought up with propaganda and training (slave labor troops?). Nothing is really sure about the politics of this universe. It might be like the USA in the 1860s: split with two different governments. Or perhaps the Resistance is a separate military branch with some independence from the Republic?

Luke set up a Jedi school, but Kylo Ren and his knights destroyed it. There seems to be some reason as to why he went into hiding because…

Rey has an interesting flashback which suggests that she’s had Jedi training and was sent to Jakku to be safe (possibly from the Knights of Ren?). Her presence sets off a series of events - like R2 telling the Resistance where Luke is hiding. So perhaps, she was Luke’s last hope but was too young when Ren destroyed the Jedi school?

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


Rey may well be Kylo Rens twin - sure lots of people might find it stupid but it’s perfectly logical considering that twins pass through the female line in families.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


nightstalkerpoet said:

Rey may well be Kylo Rens twin - sure lots of people might find it stupid but it’s perfectly logical considering that twins pass through the female line in families.

I’m going to guess cousins. That she’s Luke’s daughter.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


ZkinandBonez said:

BTW, did anyone else get the same feeling that I did while watching the film that Adam Driver’s performance as Kylo Ren is more or less what Anakin should have been like in the PT?

Ah! Good idea. Anakin going nuts with his saber and destroying a computer when frustrated? Excellent.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


Do you plan on watching the movie with an open mind? I’m getting an angry old man, yelling at sky vibe here.

The funny thing is, I was thinking about the movie during the whole day and by now I am softened up and ready to see it again. So I guess whatever JJ & Co. is doing, it works! People want to see this thing, yeah!

But this time it’s gonna be 2D.


Just wanted to remind everyone here that Jay has now added a dedidicated thread for everyone who has seen the movie to add their thoughts to. And I suggest no peeking in this new thread whatsover, until AFTER you’ve seen the movie for yourselves - originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Force-Awakens-Official-Review-Thread-SPOILERS/id/46786

I finally saw the movie for myself this afternoon here in the U.K., and look forward to adding some thoughts of my own eventually. 😃


ImperialFighter said:

Just wanted to remind everyone here that Jay has now added a dedidicated thread for everyone who has seen the movie to add their thoughts to. And I suggest no peeking in this new thread whatsover, until you see the movie for yourselves - originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Force-Awakens-Official-Review-Thread-SPOILERS/id/46786

I finally saw the movie for myself this afternoon here in the U.K., and look forward to adding some thoughts of my own eventually. 😃

So, how is it any different from this thread? This is also a TFA spoiler thread.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.