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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 119


KyloGirlN said:

You're guaranteed to laugh :D

I want my money back.


unamochilla2 said:

darklordoftech said:

Why is Kylo Ren dressed like Darth Maul? Did Ren meet Maul? Is Ren a Maul groupie?

Maybe that's Abrams way of pleasing the PT fans?  He did say he was  trying to please everyone.

 When/where did this happen?


TV's Frink said:

unamochilla2 said:

darklordoftech said:

Why is Kylo Ren dressed like Darth Maul? Did Ren meet Maul? Is Ren a Maul groupie?

Maybe that's Abrams way of pleasing the PT fans?  He did say he was  trying to please everyone.

 When/where did this happen?

 In the opening panel of celebration, someone asked the question "how do you ensure that you please everyone?" or something along those lines, and JJ joked "well we just will". 

There was nothing specifically related to pleasing the PT or OT crowds.


KyloGirlN said:

Hi guys!

Please check this funny parody of Kylo Ren lightsaber! You're guaranteed to laugh :D


I hate the smell of Spam in the morning.

"These deadly rays will be your death..."


brash_stryker said:

TV's Frink said:

unamochilla2 said:

darklordoftech said:

Why is Kylo Ren dressed like Darth Maul? Did Ren meet Maul? Is Ren a Maul groupie?

Maybe that's Abrams way of pleasing the PT fans?  He did say he was  trying to please everyone.

 When/where did this happen?

 In the opening panel of celebration, someone asked the question "how do you ensure that you please everyone?" or something along those lines, and JJ joked "well we just will". 

There was nothing specifically related to pleasing the PT or OT crowds.

 I recall him going out of his way not to refer to the PT at all, even when questioned directly about it. That, plus his recent reference to the bones of Jar Jar, gives me hope that he has little to no interest in pleasing the PT fanboys (who, for the most part, seem to have rejected this Trilogy out of hand, anyway).

"These deadly rays will be your death..."


Akton said:

brash_stryker said:

TV's Frink said:

unamochilla2 said:

darklordoftech said:

Why is Kylo Ren dressed like Darth Maul? Did Ren meet Maul? Is Ren a Maul groupie?

Maybe that's Abrams way of pleasing the PT fans?  He did say he was  trying to please everyone.

 When/where did this happen?

 In the opening panel of celebration, someone asked the question "how do you ensure that you please everyone?" or something along those lines, and JJ joked "well we just will". 

There was nothing specifically related to pleasing the PT or OT crowds.

 I recall him going out of his way not to refer to the PT at all, even when questioned directly about it. That, plus his recent reference to the bones of Jar Jar, gives me hope that he has little to no interest in pleasing the PT fanboys (who, for the most part, seem to have rejected this Trilogy out of hand, anyway).

Yup, I loved that. They've made it abundantly clear that the PT doesn't align with their idea of what Star Wars should be. JJ seemed to steer any question that brought up the Prequels back to the practical effects of the OT, and how they were trying to replicate that. It's great they're not walking on eggshells for fear of upsetting the Prequel fans.

Here's the link to the bit darklordoftech is referring to. Bizarrely I had to upload the whole opening panel myself because Star Wars's youtube page left it unlisted, and then made it private so no-one can view it.



Every time a PT fanboy gets all hurt about JJ "not using Lucas' ideas" or the PT getting pushed aside in merch and mention, I get more excited for this movie.

I do keep telling myself it might suck in the back of my mind though.

It seems like people are really embracing the new characters. In fact, the big question people ask me now about Star Wars is, “Are Finn and Poe gay lovers?” And really how the f*ck would I know? My second husband left me for a man, so my gaydar isn’t exactly what you’d call Death Star level quality. ----Carrie Fisher


fishmanlee said:

So does anybody else think the guy to the left of the red masked guy in that one photo looks sort of like a Rancor?

 I thought the exact same thing!


Another interview with JJ:

Bruce Handy: Your movie is taking place 30-something years after Return of the Jedi. Are you going to give it some of that fill-in-blanks quality, in terms of whatever’s happened in the Star Wars galaxy across those decades?

J.J. Abrams: Well, what’s cool is we’ve obviously had a lot of time [during the development process] to talk about what’s happened outside of the borders of the story that you’re seeing. So there are, of course, references to things, and some are very oblique so that hopefully the audience can infer what the characters are referring to. We used to have more references to things that we pulled out because they almost felt like they were trying too hard to allude to something. I think that the key is—and whether we’ve accomplished that or not is, of course, up to the audience—but the key is that references be essential so that you don’t reference a lot of things that feel like, oh, we’re laying pipe for, you know, an animated series or further movies. It should feel like things are being referenced for a reason.

Bruce Handy: Tell me about what it was like working on the new film both as its writer-director and as a hard-core Star Wars fan going back to your childhood.

J.J. Abrams: Maybe the weirdest moment, which came months after production, was the first time I sat down with John Williams to show him about a half an hour of the movie. I can’t describe the feeling. All I will say is, just to state the facts of it: I am about to show John Williams 30 minutes of a Star Wars movie that he has not seen [and] that I directed. That’s probably as surreal as it gets in my professional life experience.

Bruce Handy: The first three Star Wars movies had a certain knowingness, because of the way the characters are, so archetypal, and the way they reference a lot of film history, like Luke gazing out at the two setting suns the way someone would in a John Ford Western. That was such a part of the whole “movie brat” thing in the 70s, that George Lucas was a part of. Did you fool around with any of those kinds of nods at movie history?

J.J. Abrams: There are a few specific references that are kind of my own little stupid, secret ones. But what I realized early on was it was all about point of view—meaning it’s not like you just objectively throw in a star field or a spaceship or a desert planet or whatever the thing. The question is, who is that person in that experience? Why does it matter to them? What are they desperate for or afraid of? For me, you could reference all the stuff you want, but the experience of the audience in this is that they’ve got to be sitting with someone who happens to be on-screen going through these experiences. And then that’s not just a desert planet; it could be the most desperate place in the world. Or that’s not just a spaceship flying by; it could be the greatest, most heroic moment of your life. That, to me, has been the constant struggle: to make sure that none of these things are treated like either they’re a museum piece and we’re trying to honor them or they’re gratuitous and thrown in because, well, it’s a Star Wars movie so you’ve got to put these things in. Everything has got to be essential to the characters in the film.

You’ll geek out over this, too.


Those Vanity Fair pictures got me more excited than the trailer did. :) I'm feeling gradually more positive about this thing, though I'm trying to suppress my expectations just a little, so that I don't kill the possibility of me being blown away.


RedLetterMedia just put up a Plinkett vid of TFA teaser.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


EyeShotFirst said:

RedLetterMedia just put up a Plinkett vid of TFA teaser.



Nothing too groundbreaking here, but I'm glad RLM is continuing their assault against those asinine "trailer reaction" videos - which reached levels of sublimity in Rich Evans' "reaction" to the original teaser. I think I would have preferred a follow-up to that (though it'd be hard to top).

"These deadly rays will be your death..."


zaknaberrnon said:

fishmanlee said:

So does anybody else think the guy to the left of the red masked guy in that one photo looks sort of like a Rancor?

 I thought the exact same thing!

 My first thought was that he kind of looked like a Vogon.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Akton said:

EyeShotFirst said:

RedLetterMedia just put up a Plinkett vid of TFA teaser.



Nothing too groundbreaking here, but I'm glad RLM is continuing their assault against those asinine "trailer reaction" videos - which reached levels of sublimity in Rich Evans' "reaction" to the original teaser. I think I would have preferred a follow-up to that (though it'd be hard to top).

I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I think Stoklasa is being cautiously optimistic about the new trailer. Just like his partner in crime, Jay:


Take the part where Plinkett says "the teaser doesn't show much. Just tell us what the movie is about!!!" and sighs with nostalgia "remember the old trailers?" and uses as an example the original teaser for Star Wars, which, like TFA's, tells us NOTHING about the movie!

And obviously the part at the end where he suddenly catches himself praising Star Wars for the same things he was poo-pooing a second earlier. That was on the nose.

At the end, how many of you caught the small, small message? I wonder if it's true or if it's more bait for the people who ask "more!" constantly.


J.J. Abrams:

The question is, who is that person in that experience? Why does it matter to them? What are they desperate for or afraid of? For me, you could reference all the stuff you want, but the experience of the audience in this is that they’ve got to be sitting with someone who happens to be on-screen going through these experiences.

That, to me, has been the constant struggle: to make sure that none of these things are treated like either they’re a museum piece and we’re trying to honor them or they’re gratuitous and thrown in because, well, it’s a Star Wars movie so you’ve got to put these things in.

Everything has got to be essential to the characters in the film.

He is the polar opposite of Lucas.  No doubt the story, characters, and film are finally in capable hands. 

Forum Moderator

Did any catch Plinkett's comment on how Han Solo should have died at the end of ESB?


Considering most of us have ears, I would say so.


Does anyone realize for a nearly forty-year franchise, Star Wars maybe had five good years in it? If things don't change around in eight months Star Wars' reputation as one of the worst franchises ever could be cemented.