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StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread — Page 43


mverta said:

Another shot restored...

Yavin Launch

 Wow, very nice! And I really appreciate that you didn't want to just recreate the ships, even though I can see how it would be really tempting (I actually did it in despecialized, though for me the only other option was the GOUT).


Yeah, the first row of ships actually disappear entirely on the fifth frame of this shot, looks like you kept that flaw intact even though that's one thing that most people would find tempting to smooth over if they had the chance.
One of those little quirks in the original compositing I discovered when I found out about the alternative version of this shot.

Corrected or not, in motion neither would make a noticable difference anyway.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


msycamore said:

Yeah, the first row of ships actually disappear entirely on the fifth frame of this shot, looks like you kept that flaw intact even though that's one thing that most people would find tempting to smooth over if they had the chance.
One of those little quirks in the original compositing I discovered when I found out about the alternative version of this shot.

Corrected or not, in motion neither would make a noticable difference anyway.

I forget, are the disappearing ships only on the "cloudless" composite, or are they also on the original one with the moving clouds?

(To clarify, the original batch of 35mm prints had a few different optical composites, which were actually replaced during the original run. We think it was around the time the film went into full national release with mono prints. msycamore can explain further.)


TServo2049 said:

I forget, are the disappearing ships only on the "cloudless" composite

Yes, as the alternate version of this shot begin with that first row of ships already way above the horizon it's not present. I recall it uses the same ship elements, just different timing.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


We all do this for our own reasons, mine are different to Mike's and different to the -1 teams, and probably different to Harmy's and Adywan's and everyone else's motivations. But we all love this stupid film, and spend insane amounts of time and money on it. I sometimes have no idea why, but then I remember sitting in that cinema in 1977 and just being removed from this world for 2 hours, and it all makes sense to me again, and I go back to my control surface and get on with things.

Hear, hear


lucasdroid said:

I hope we can all get a drink one day.

Yeah at MikeV's place where we can watch Legacy while we do that. ;)

@Mike - do you think it would have been significantly more difficult to restore that shot in 2k not 4k in 2002 at the time of the DVD restoration?

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


No.  Well, yes if you're just trying to throw some software at it, but in that case it's still hard today.  Whether it's now or then, 2K or 4K, the key is being willing to break the shot into elements and handle them separately.  It's insanely more work and time intensive, but obviously do-able.  Having the original negative or whatever's left of things would have only made it easier.

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Yes I understand what you're saying, and if I'm correct once you've split the film into your "elements" you would group them into the stacks of similar ones and then designate the work for each group to different restorers in the production line, and then put everything back together once they've all been restored. At least I'm assuming that's how it works, or should work, in an ideal environment.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Except it is rarely the same for any two shots which makes it hard to put it in a fire-brigade-like pipeline, unless you have VFX generalists in every chair who can adapt to whatever the shot challenges are.  Dealing with the sky in this shot, for example, required a different process than the sky in, say, the Rebel Launch shot.

Sandcrawler Restored

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The restoration is looking great!

Also, you mentioned in the video about George's "Romantic" vision for some of these shots.  I thought I also remember reading somewhere that he used pantyhose over the lens in may of the Tatooine shots, precisely for that purpose.  Could that be the cause of those degraded globs which are on all prints? 

“Meesa Stooopid”


I never thought Tatooine could look so great. I didn't think that shot or the Mos Eisley Spaceport reveal could ever be so clear. I've never seen the details you have brought out. I never noticed the ships leaving Yavin in any version, it always just looked like noise.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Melatius - the pantyhose over the lens was indeed used in the Tunisia footage - it's an old trick; I've used it myself in place of a diffusion filter.  It's most evidenced by the prismatic specular highlights coming off Threepio in direct sunlight shots. However, this isn't what causes those blobs, the origins of which I'm not 100% sure, but it's got to be a combination of the nature of the film stock, and I'm pretty sure some intentional generational degradation - something else we know for a fact was done to help some of the worst shots blend more contiguously with bracketing better shots.

Eyeshot - It's cool, right? For me too, just like everyone else. :)

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The sandcrawler shot was a pickup done in California months after the Tunisia shooting. Gil Taylor wasn't involved, nor any of the other camera crew from the original shoot. They may have used a different stock. And it was degraded by an extra generation because it had a wipe.


I remember the big brown blobs of grain were also in the shot of the Falcon fleeing Mos Eisley and are present in Harmy's Despecialized Edition of that shot. Are these two scenes related somehow as in when/how they were shot?

George creates Star Wars.
Star Wars creates fans.
George destroys Star Wars.
Fans destroy George.
Fans create Star Wars.


mverta i must say i am very much liking your sandcrawler restored video, i have never seen it looking so good.

I always felt that this shot always stood out as being different from the rest, it is actually the only shot i feel does not fit in very well in Harmy's despecialised edition, not taking anything away from Harmy here, as i know you can only do the best with what you have to work with, and as you explained mverta it was a very hard shot to restore.


It's funny how restoring the old shots, actually make them look more believable than the "improved" shots of the Special Edition. I always loved the look of the first Star Wars, but when compared to the rest of the trilogy, I felt it actually looked its age, where the others still looked pretty modern.

Seeing the little bits that Mike has been showing, that is no longer the case. It turns out the copies of the film I've watched just look like shit, and the movie looked just as good as the following 2 films. In all actuality, I think it's making the other 2 look worse in comparison. Of course, the other 2 haven't been torn apart at the levels of Star Wars, so what could they look like?

It is sad that they were so lazy with their restorations at Lucasfilm, when they have much better resources.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Hey Mike, I have a hypothetical question for you.  You have said that you have no interest in restoring Empire or Jedi.  However, in the hypothetical situation where the execs at Disney see what you've done, love it, and want to release it, but only under the condition that you restore the other films and let them release them as a set, would you then consider it?


Oh, sure.  My lack of interest in restoring the other films is just due to how much work it takes to get the proper materials and the costs of really scanning them properly, etc.

But if I had access to great scans, etc., it would be fun.  They would benefit from all of Legacy's software tools and resources and would be tons easier.  The first anything is the hardest one; building the infrastructure, getting the foundation built, getting up to speed...  Plus I've learned tons of tricks and techniques along the way, and been forced to come up with new ways to handle things simply because of the issues with the harder shots in Star Wars.  That sandcrawler shot, for example, was simultaneously a testing ground for things which would apply to the Worst Shot in the Film - the landspeeder panning shot after Ben Jedi Mind Tricks the stormtrooper.  That will actually be a fun video to post but it will take me a bit to make it, because I want to show just how much shit went into repairing that shot.  It's also the most dramatic before/after, ultimately, because of how wrecked the source is.

Eagle-eyed observers have noticed I've been posting Changed-in-the-Special-Edition shots first, and you guys are right as to why - when you see what could've been done even with the most problem plates, it makes the additions all the more unnecessary.  And they're not even good shots most of the time.  I'm working on the next round of videos now, things like the Throne Room (tons of work), Falcon Hangar matte paintings, Ben's Hut... stay tuned!

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How long does it take to work on the average shot?  Have you loaded in all the film scans you have an then pick and choose your tools in one piece of custom made software to repair a sing shot?

Will the people that helped to develop these tools eventually sell this software to the public?