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Random Thoughts — Page 323


I think it will be rebroadcast again this month.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Allison Williams didn't hold a candle to Mary Martin and it looked like Walken forgot to take his Xanax or something.

Gorgeous set design, though. I hope this did well enough that NBC keeps doing yearly shows like this.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I practically don't remember anything from the last 3 months of my life.  I hardly even remember training for the job I'm working right now.  Luckily when I get there I remember how to do it.

Btw love your avatar, you a zelda fan?


I suggest he change to this avatar:

Much cooler fer sure.


TK-949 said:

There's only one Death:


 I don't like the goth remake of Marry Poppins.


ray_afraid said:

Hey Possessed, is it



or Death:


 The second ones out.  But it's the third one but also paying tribute to the first one.  RIP Evil chuck!

In a similar fashion my username is also a double homage.  Although not very direct.  Possessed is a homage to Regan from the Exorcist, and also there was an 80's death metal band called Possessed, who had a song about the exorcist as well.  So it's kind of a double and a half homage.

I'm considering changing my avatar though because I don't want people to think I'm satanic.


I can't seem to stop clucking like a chicken while going around the house. Both amusing and addictive.

Must be the fault of those stupid ads that play on tv all the time, where Antonio Banderas tries to sell cookies while talking to a chicken. And the chicken answers. Mate, the cookies have always been excellent, you don't need to do this!

Meanwhile, Kevin Costner is selling salmon. Ironic and stupid at the same time.


Possessed said:

Btw love your avatar, you a zelda fan?

Less of one than this lets on. I enjoy the series but I've beaten very few. I just like this picture, haha.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Here is a list of all the various incarnations of Batman I am most familiar with. #1 is my top favourite, #12 is my least favourite, with #2-11 spanning the whole spectrum in between.

  1. DCAU Batman 1.0 (from Batman: The Animated Series and its two spinoff films)
  2. Bronze Age Batman
  3. Early Modern Age Batman (late '80s-'90s)
  4. Burton Batman
  5. DCAU Batman 2.0 (from The New Batman Adventures onward)
  6. Golden Age Batman
  7. Schmacher Batman 1.0 (from Batman Forever)
  8. Nolan Batman
  9. Adam West Batman
  10. Silver Age Batman
  11. Schmacher Batman 2.0 (from Batman & Robin)
  12. Modern Age Batman ('00s to now)

The Batman movie's with Michael Keaton are pretty decent.  My only real problems with them are that in the first one the Joker is so good that it overshadows Batman, and that when doing the fight scenes/stunts, he looks incredibly uncomfortable/stiff/something not right in that suit.  Idk, the way batman moves in those movies just looks awkward.


I think they used a dancer for some of the scenes when he's in the suit, Keaton didn't wear it for the whole movie. Also, the neck was made of stiff rubber, so he couldn't turn his head.


I can't exactly put my finger on it, but there are some shots of him in the suit that just don't look right.  The common offenders are shots where he is just walking from point a to point b.  Commonly walking from an open area to a corner to crouch or hide... he just looks awkward.


Leonardo said:

I think they used a dancer for some of the scenes when he's in the suit, Keaton didn't wear it for the whole movie. Also, the neck was made of stiff rubber, so he couldn't turn his head.

 Yeah and the suit weighed in a whopping 85 pounds when all the gear was on it, you try moving normally with 85 pounds of rubber on top of you.

I have to say I love the Burton movies because they just have a look and feel to them that no other film has and Keaton is my second favorite Batman after Kevin Conroy on BTAS. Oh and I really like Elfman's music too.


Oh I'm not blaming the actor for looking awkward in an 85 pound suit.  I'm blaming them making him wear an 85 pound suit.  Looked cool while he was standing still, not so much when he was fighting people.

The movies were pretty good overall though.

And I agree that Keaton was a damn good batman.


How come I can't find full sized Krackle bars anywhere?  They only come in those stupid fun sized bars in bags with a bunch of stuff i don't want.


DuracellEnergizer said:


7.  Schmacher Batman 1.0 (from Batman Forever)

8.  Nolan Batman

 I hope you were expecting the Spanish Inquisition, you heretic!

Burn him at the stake!


Pfft. Nobody'd ever bitch about Kilmer's Batman is he'd been in a better Batman movie.


While I'm here, I may as well say that I absolutely love my new avatar. Here's to hoping I keep it awhile before something else comes along, possesses my soul, and forces me to adopt its visage as my own.


I think I'm going to end all my sentences with "?!" for the forseeable future as they seem to go well with my current avatar?!


Then you should probably put Fink on ignore until you snap out of it! :P