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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 123


It's the Jupiter Effect all over again! Or did Chuck Norris revise his 1000 years of darkness prediction?

At least Y2K was semi plausible. I think some VCR timers didn't work or something. ;)

You don't have to be Carl Sagan to know there isn't anything big enough between the Earth and the Sun to blot it out for days. Would be a cool way for some aliens to get our attention though!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Three churches within five miles of where I live have been burnt to the ground by nut jobs.

Again Merry freaking Christmas!


Dude. Not cool. Even if you personally have no use for organized religion, burning down a church is a crime.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Dude. Not cool. Even if you personally have no use for organized religion, burning down a church is a crime.

 Yeah not to mention two people have died so far.

I take it he is in favor of a " final solution" to the "Christian problem".

I will be ignoring him from now on.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

SilverWook said:

Dude. Not cool. Even if you personally have no use for organized religion, burning down a church is a crime.

 Yeah not to mention two people have died so far.

 First of all I wasn't being serious, and you didn't mention this in your first post about it so I didn't know that.   It's a shame the two people died, it really is.  And while the church burning is bad and disrespectful (as was my comment, but I did not mean it) it's no worse than any other arson.  Even the bible says the church is the people, not the building.  The building is not holy, and the bible says this.  (other than the Jewish tabernacle, which the bible says is no longer even the case)  If someone was going around burning christians alive, that'd be a real outrage.  (not that burning the building isn't bad enough)

So yes.  I apologize.  That word I said was uncool, and disrespectful, and I wish I hadn't said it. but in my defense you didn't mention the two people being killed.

You're still a moron though, and I couldn't be happier you're ignoring me.   A final solution to the christian problem huh?  God you're a fucking tool.


Good thing I didn't post "ALLOL" like I was going to, or I would be banned by know.


Christ! The bridge!

I've left it unattended!

On topic, the keyboard I'm using has something wrong with it. Keeps inserting random "b"s when I type.


Leonardo said:

Christ! The bridge!

I've left it unattended!

On topic, the keyboard I'm using has something wrong with it. Keeps inserting random "b"s when I type.

 I had one that used to do that with the letter "h", I hate that.

I have no idea how you screw up a keyboard but it seems to happen once in a while.


Leonardo said:

Christ! The bridge!

I've left it unattended!

On topic, the keyboard I'm using has something wrong with it. Keeps inserting random "b"s when I type.

 Stob it.


I seem to have fixed it. It just needed a little cleaning up.

It was full of..... iiickkk...!

In other news, my sister can't stand the sight of me apparently. Don't know what I've done to deserve this, and she won't tell me nor my mother. Twas a nice sunday, let me tell ya. To have my heart broken by my own sister. Nice.


Leonardo said:

I seem to have fixed it. It just needed a little cleaning up.

It was full of..... iiickkk...!

In other news, my sister can't stand the sight of me apparently. Don't know what I've done to deserve this, and she won't tell me nor my mother. Twas a nice sunday, let me tell ya. To have my heart broken by my own sister. Nice.

 Ouch I feel for you man.

My little sister has just gotten to the age where she stops talking to us and will not tell the men of the family what we have done to upset her. Woman, JUST TELL US WHAT WE DID WRONG ALREADY!!!

Hope things get better for you soon.


Leonardo said:

Christ! The bridge!

I've left it unattended!

 A little late. I crossed it a long time ago. I wasn't going to wait who knows how many days to go to the bathroom.


Leonardo said:

I seem to have fixed it. It just needed a little cleaning up.

It was full of..... iiickkk...!

In other news, my sister can't stand the sight of me apparently. Don't know what I've done to deserve this, and she won't tell me nor my mother. Twas a nice sunday, let me tell ya. To have my heart broken by my own sister. Nice.

 Who doesn't love a face like that?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I've got a fucking pimple underneath my eyebrow.  It isn't visible but it's really pissing me off.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

 Ouch I feel for you man.

My little sister has just gotten to the age where she stops talking to us and will not tell the men of the family what we have done to upset her. Woman, JUST TELL US WHAT WE DID WRONG ALREADY!!!

Hope things get better for you soon.

 Thank you, I appreciate that.

RicOlie_2 said:

Leonardo said:

Christ! The bridge!

I've left it unattended!

 A little late. I crossed it a long time ago. I wasn't going to wait who knows how many days to go to the bathroom.

But I was going to make espresso!

NeverarGreat said:

 Who doesn't love a face like that?

 Awwwww thanks pumpkin.

(is he referring to my current avatar?)

Possessed said:

I've got a fucking pimple underneath my eyebrow.  It isn't visible but it's really pissing me off.

 If it's what I think it is, I used to get them when I was younger. There's a cream for that, fix you right up.


I like my old Norelco shaver, but replacement heads are getting impossible to find, and I have only enough left to keep it going two more years. (Lucked out in finding a few on clearance in a drug store a few years back. Three bucks each!) Prices online are in the hundreds, more than even a top of the line shaver costs these days. What the ****?

Forced obsolescence sucks.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Yes I'll have to get some Leonardo.  It caught me by surprise seeing as I'm no longer a teenager and it came out of nowhere.  Oh well I guess at least it's invisible.


No no, it's literally underneath my eyebrow, like under the brow itself.  The hair covers it and it's totally invisible.  I can't even feel it unless I rub it.  It's just knowing that it's there.  Plus once I start rubbing it I can't stop.  (teehee)


I recall the worst pimple I ever had was inside my leg, right on the hip joint where it was impossible to squeeze the sucker.

Suffice it to say, things were uncomfortably ugly for a while there before I managed to successfully lance, drain, and clean out the bastard.