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Random Thoughts — Page 322


So I'm alone in my like of the trailer? It looks like stupid fun, like Terminator 3. I hated Salvation. Ugh.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Yeah I had no problem with T3 and it's time travel plot made more sense then the one in T2.

As I said I am giving this movie a chance, but after the last one I am keeping my expectations low.


Realised it's been just over 3 years since the last series of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'. A 9th outing may still happen I guess, at some point but still...

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


One of my all time favorite shows but I stopped watching the last few seasons.  Happened to coincide with dropping HBO but even so, it was getting a little stale.


TV's Frink said:

One of my all time favorite shows but I stopped watching the last few seasons.  Happened to coincide with dropping HBO but even so, it was getting a little stale.

Same here.
The season with the Seinfeld reunion was the last one I really loved.
I think the final episode of that one would have made a great finale to the show.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Congratulations to NASA on a successful first flight test of Orion. Watching the launch really took me back to the good old days of Apollo.

May Congress give you guys more money to accelerate the testing program, even if it's only to poke Russia in the eye. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


ray_afraid said:

TV's Frink said:

One of my all time favorite shows but I stopped watching the last few seasons.  Happened to coincide with dropping HBO but even so, it was getting a little stale.

Same here.
The season with the Seinfeld reunion was the last one I really loved.
I think the final episode of that one would have made a great finale to the show.

I think I checked out just prior to that season.  If the show would ever stream on Netflix or Amazon prime I'd definitely watch it.


SilverWook said:

Congratulations to NASA on a successful first flight test of Orion. Watching the launch really took me back to the good old days of Apollo.

May Congress give you guys more money to accelerate the testing program, even if it's only to poke Russia in the eye. ;)

 The politics thread is *that* way. ;-)


"Hi, my name is Carrie Fisher. I'm known for playing Princess Leia Organa in the original Star Wars trilogy and the crazy gun-weilding bitch in The Blues Brothers. I happen to have a fondness for white, powdery snow."

"Hi, my name is Stevie Nicks. I'm known for playing Lindsey Buckingham's guitar back in the '70s. I, too, happen to have a fondness for white, powdery snow."

"Did I he'ya someone mention a fondness for powda'ry snow?!"


"Dat is so cool! I, too, have a fondess for white, powda'ry snow! I fact, I have a whole load of da stuff stashed away fo'ya special occassions! Would you pa'ya of beauta'ful snowburds like ta sha'ya some with me?"


"Just go inta da transporta ova dere --"

"-- it's wa'ya I keep my snow to keep it nice und chilled!"

"Well now, I, um, would advise against doing that. For, you see, the, um, transporter is, well, um, unstable at this time. It is, um, finicky, in fact. It would be very, very, very unwise to, um, go inside it right now!"

"You lai!"

"Well, you see, um, no, I don't!"

"Shaddap! Now get oudda here before I tyrn you inta a icicle!

"Whatever. I've got to stop aliens from invading Jurassic Park, anyway."

"Okay, gurls, da non-Gentile is gone! Get to da transporta!"

"Yippie! Snow!"

"Hey oh!"


"Freeze in Hell, bitches!"

"We went into the transporter and all I got was this stupid yarmulke!"


I think the Carrie Fisher cocaine jokes are getting old. She's clean and sober these days, isn't she?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Did anyone else watch "Peter Pan Live" in NBC last night?   Did anyone else think Christopher Walken was on drugs?   It sure looked like it to me.


When does he not look like he's on drugs? He's always been this spooky kind of guy.

I didn't see the broadcast, but being stoned on live tv doesn't seem like a good idea.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

When does he not look like he's on drugs? He's always been this spooky kind of guy.

And that is why I love him (insert Frink-antagonizing "no homo" statement here). 


SilverWook said:

When does he not look like he's on drugs? He's always been this spooky kind of guy.

I didn't see the broadcast, but being stoned on live tv doesn't seem like a good idea.

 he seemed to be off, had a blank look on his face like he didnt know where he was.  He forgot lines.  His performance was strange, arkward and also bad.   If he wasn't high, it was almost like he was intentionally tanking his performance.


I wish I could be strang and arkward.  Was he silly strang or shoe strang?


I noticed that DuracellEnergizer's newest movie star crush is C-3PO.


darth_ender said:

I noticed that DuracellEnergizer's newest movie star crush is C-3PO.


Just vat are you insinuvating, you non-herrenvolk svine?


That you can't do a german accent. At least in writing.

That up there was the worst Arnie impression I've ever read. But you do a good Jeff Goldblum.


Possessed said:

I wish I could be strang and arkward.  Was he silly strang or shoe strang?

 *sigh*  Obviously, I meant strange, not strang.   Typp corrected.


Warbler said:

Possessed said:

I wish I could be strang and arkward.  Was he silly strang or shoe strang?

 *sigh*  Obviously, I meant strange, not strang.   Typp corrected.

 LOL, perfect place for a typo...


Leonardo said:

That you can't do a german accent. At least in writing.

That up there was the worst Arnie impression I've ever read. But you do a good Jeff Goldblum.

ALLOL. They do suck, don't they? 


RicOlie_2 said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

I wish I could be strang and arkward.  Was he silly strang or shoe strang?

 *sigh*  Obviously, I meant strange, not strang.   Typp corrected.

 LOL, perfect place for a typo...
