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When You Are a Movie/TV Character... — Page 5


doubleKO said:

If a public phone rings, you will answer it. It will be for you.

If you are somewhere you shouldn't be and the phone rings, you will answer it.

If you just killed someone and their phone rings, you will answer it.

If someone gives you a portable phone and it rings, you will not answer it.

 I am just going to take a guess.  if I am this character am I Mr.Reese or Mr.Finch from Person of Interest?


doubleKO said:

If someone gives you a portable phone and it rings, you will not answer it.

 One of the characters in one of the Ocean's movies (I think it was Ocean's Eleven) answered a cellphone given to them, and I think I've seen such portable phones answered more often than not in movies/TV shows. I think movie characters just love answering phones in general.


You will take several years just to start dating a girl you like even if everyone can see the two of you really like each other from the first time you meet. Then you will take two or three year of dating before proposing. After that you will be engaged for at least three years and the whole time you will be having sex but she will never get pregnant. Oh and when you finally do set a date your wedding will be interrupted by an action scene or a kidnapping. Then when you finally do get married you will be in your mid 40s before you have your first and only kid and neither one of you will have to take any time off from your jobs to watch the kid and take care of them,ever. Oh and if you have one fight ever the relationship will be over,there is no repairing the damage after one thing has gone less then perfectly and voices have been raised.

Really I would like to see one film series or Tv show with a romantic relationship that is somewhat close to real life before I die.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

doubleKO said:

If a public phone rings, you will answer it. It will be for you.

If you are somewhere you shouldn't be and the phone rings, you will answer it.

If you just killed someone and their phone rings, you will answer it.

If someone gives you a portable phone and it rings, you will not answer it.

 I am just going to take a guess.  if I am this character am I Mr.Reese or Mr.Finch from Person of Interest?

 The first three are just general, the last one is all about The Dude, dude.


doubleKO said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

doubleKO said:

If a public phone rings, you will answer it. It will be for you.

If you are somewhere you shouldn't be and the phone rings, you will answer it.

If you just killed someone and their phone rings, you will answer it.

If someone gives you a portable phone and it rings, you will not answer it.

 I am just going to take a guess.  if I am this character am I Mr.Reese or Mr.Finch from Person of Interest?

 The first three are just general, the last one is all about The Dude, dude.

 Oh.  I have never seen that movie so I was thinking Person of Interest because the machine contacts them with payphones and a lot of the time they try to avoid cellphones so they don't get caught.

I guess I was looking too closely for an exact match instead of thinking in general terms.



Possessed said:

-You're Robert Downey Jr. 

You got me.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Destroying the controls of an electric train will cause it to continue at its present speed.

An electric train is always travelling at top speed when its controls are destroyed.

Police sketches are so accurate it's as though the offender sat for their portrait.

You forgot your umbrella.


LOL, so true.

And when a real train loses control some how or other, the same thing goes as for an electric train.


If you go to a beach, club, party, social event, etc. you won't find fat or ugly people

<span>The statement below is true
The statement above is false</span>


No matter what kind of wind, impact, or force of any kind you go through, your hair will not get messed up.


If you have to swim your clothes will be completely dry after 3 minutes out of the water

<span>The statement below is true
The statement above is false</span>


If you are on a date you will eat nothing but Sushi and if you are at home you will eat nothing but pizza and no matter what you will never make your own food from scratch.


If you are a female character you can eat nothing but donuts,burgers,and pizza and work a desk job but still weigh in at only 120 pounds or so.

If you are a male character you can have forty pounds of muscle despite the fact that you will never be seen once lifting weights and you character may be kind of a slob who eats nothing but junk food and and has a job like a doctor or a writer.  Unless you have a failed marriage and a kid who never talks to you,then you will be fat.


DrCrowTStarwars said:

If you are a male character you can have forty pounds of mussel despite the fact that you will never been seen once lifting weights and you character may be kind of a slob who eats nothing but junk food and and has a job like a doctor or a writer.

 Can't say I've ever come across that before in a movie or TV show. Where does he usually keep them all? The deep freeze?


RicOlie_2 said:

LOL, so true.

And when a real train loses control some how or other, the same thing goes as for an electric train.

I meant real trains. Electric ones. Or they could be diesel. But not steam trains. Or maybe even steam trains. If you break the minds of the firemen but not their bodies... I guess I should have just left the electric part out. What did you have to go and write that for? You made me think about trains for a good few minutes longer than I wanted to think about trains :(


Where I live, electric trains are model trains. However, I guess model trains don't feature much outside of family and kid movies, but in those cases the same rules apply as for real trains.


Although you sport a thick, manly stubble and have hairy forearms your chest, shoulders and back look as if they've just been waxed at all times... even if you're stranded on an island (the gentlemen of Lost for example!)


No matter which weapon are you firing recoil is never a problem.

No matter who is involved in a car chase all drivers will have top driving skills, the drivers not involved in the chase who are minding their own business will suck at even breaking.

<span>The statement below is true
The statement above is false</span>


You can always get your old job back.


RicOlie_2 said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

If you are a male character you can have forty pounds of mussel despite the fact that you will never been seen once lifting weights and you character may be kind of a slob who eats nothing but junk food and and has a job like a doctor or a writer.

Can’t say I’ve ever come across that before in a movie or TV show. Where does he usually keep them all? The deep freeze?

Stop calling for Dr. Crow’s violent death! He doesn’t deserve this harsh treatment!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


You have sick muscles even though you’ve been fighting a war against robots for several years and were eating dog food and expired beans-