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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 41


DuracellEnergizer said:

AntcuFaalb said:

Does anyone really enjoy these silly massive multicolored lightsaber battles? I don't even think twelve-year-old me would consider this "cool".


Is this what people want? If so, then I feel very... different.

I definitely share your hatred of masses of lightsabers. Masses of lightsabers look like glowstick raves, not like epic battles.


nightstalkerpoet said:

Anyone think there's a chance we'll see a return of Alec Guinness as Obi Wans ghost? Considering they are creating a whole scene of Philip Seymour Hoffman in the last hunger games, I'd imagine it could be quite possible.

It makes more sense for Ewan McGregor to play ghost Kenobi, and I honestly wouldn't mind. Ewan is one of the few things to like about the prequels.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I would prefer Alec Guinness if it's possible. There's too much of a difference in their appearance for Ewan to play Obi-Wan as a ghost, after Alec has already played that part.


If there are no ghosts, however, it would be nice to have an explanation in the movie as to why they no longer make an appearance. Perhaps they fade out of existence after a while, or their range becomes increasingly limited and they can only show up in certain places.


Do you think it's possible or likely that Disney leaked this concept art?  I mention it because the pictures haven't been removed from any of the host sites, including the supposed original site, mf.com.  Unless if the pictures spread too fast for Disney to contain it and decided to let it go... In any case, it's good publicity for the film.


Looking at Star Trek Into Darkness and understanding that this is still based on a guideline by Lucas I predict that Luke will die in Ep7 and be a ghost guiding the new protagonist in episodes 8 and 9.

Leia will be the lead villain and will be redeemed in Episode 9 and also die.

It's like poetry...they rhyme :-P


I hope Luke isn't the baddy for VII (nor Leia). However, it sure would make for a tragic story about someone we care about if he did turn bad. Sound vaguely familiar? It's exactly what the PT should have set up for the OT, where we should have cared a great deal for Anakin (just as we do Luke) and then by ESB we learn for the first time he's actually alive AND the villain. Is that what JJ is trying to do, 1up Lucas? Again I'm hoping it isn't the case - to me it would undermine what Luke went through in the OT, VI especially - but we'll see. Whatever happens, I'm expecting it to be done well.

Warwick Davis is set to return in VII, according to here. He did make a cameo appearance in TPM as a brand new character, so his involvement in VII doesn't automatically mean we'll see Ewoks. But then again, it could happen, if a certain villain is indeed to "Alas, poor Yorick" over Vader's helmet. I won't mind the sight of Ewoks, so long as they're done right: more as cunning hunters and less cute n cuddly.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


I think Obi Wan would have said goodbye to Luke at some point after ROTJ, much like he did in Heir To The Empire. There's always the holocron/hologram angle which Rebels has already done.

Ewan might look good with proper old age makeup, unless they CGI footage of Sir Alec as was done with Brando in Superman Returns. They would still need Obi Wan to say lines Guinness never said in the OT, which puts J.J. in Frink's shoes. ;)

Seeing the Ewoks kick some ass would great! Luke could have asked them to guard the remains. And told Threepio to keep his vocabulator shut. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I would have less of a problem with them CGing Alec and using Ewan's voice than using Ewan entirely.


RicOlie_2 said:

I would have less of a problem with them CGing Alec and using Ewan's voice than using Ewan entirely.

I agree. IF they still needed an Obi-Wan ghost to consult with Luke, hooking Ewan up with Mo-cap gear to create Sir Alec would be the way to go. Since he's a ghost, I don't think it'd be weird.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


Too bad Peter Sellers died before Sir Alec, the man could to a spot on Guinness IMHO.
Any other actors that can do a good Alec Guinness out there?


Leonardo said:

Too bad Peter Sellers died before Sir Alec, the man could to a spot on Guinness IMHO.
Any other actors that can do a good Alec Guinness out there?

 Yeah Darth Maul can...



VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that clip.

Too bad it's so short, I wanna hear more of it.
Hi-ho Google, away!


unamochilla2 said:


let it go

 I see what you did there.


RicOlie_2 said:

I would have less of a problem with them CGing Alec and using Ewan's voice than using Ewan entirely.

 neither scenario is ideal. but given the choices, i would rather age ewan than use a cgi version of alec with ewans voice. i realize anything can be cgi'd but idk how authentic that would seem, especially with the wrong voice. ewan is a great actor and did a good job of channeling alec in his performance, his mannerisms. 

I will never understand why george changed the end scene of ROTJ to show young anakin but left old obi-wan. if you are going to change one, then change both or its inconsistent. same idea here. better to use the actors you have then to mix cgi with the actors, so they are all real....not some real, some cgi.



Perhaps he thought there would be blowback to replacing Sir Alec? (And not just from angry fans.) It would be pretty hard for even Lucasfilm's spin doctors to downplay a headline such as "Oscar winning actor digitally erased from Star Wars film".

The second and third set of SE changes were done somewhat quietly compared to the very much hyped '97 changes.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV's Frink said:

Pac-Man said:

I would prefer no ghosts


A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


SilverWook said:

Perhaps he thought there would be blowback to replacing Sir Alec? (And not just from angry fans.) It would be pretty hard for even Lucasfilm's spin doctors to downplay a headline such as "Oscar winning actor digitally erased from Star Wars film".

The second and third set of SE changes were done somewhat quietly compared to the very much hyped '97 changes.

 i always assumed that was why sir alec was left alone. but then anakin should have been left as well, for consistency. why switch it so u have young anakin and old obiwan? makes no sense to me! ;)



My own explanation for why Lucas changed it is that Shaw as Anakin's ghost was supposed to be representative of "the good man" Luke's father was before becoming Darth Vader.


RicOlie_2 said:

I would have less of a problem with them CGing Alec and using Ewan's voice than using Ewan entirely.

I don't think he would agree on doing that. First it is kinda humiliating for him as an actor. And more importantly it would be kinda stupid to just use a dead actor's appearance (without his consent, which cannot be obtained anyway of course).



Fang Zei said:

My own explanation for why Lucas changed it is that Shaw as Anakin's ghost was supposed to be representative of "the good man" Luke's father was before becoming Darth Vader.

 Probably should have used Jake Lloyd then.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


imperialscum said:

RicOlie_2 said:

I would have less of a problem with them CGing Alec and using Ewan's voice than using Ewan entirely.

I don't think he would agree on doing that. First it is kinda humiliating for him as an actor. And more importantly it would be kinda stupid to just use a dead actor's appearance (without his consent, which cannot be obtained anyway of course).

 If that was the case, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, and a boat load of other dead actors wouldn't be earning their families/estates money today.

Why would voicing Obi Wan be humiliating for Ewan? He's played the character three times basing his performance on Alec Guinness. Much like James Earl Jones, he'd be in and out of the recording studio in a day or two, and be well paid for it.

And after working for Michael Bay, there's no place to go but up. ;)

Thirty years on, Obi Wan's ghost may be little more than a faint shadow now. I don't think he's going to be walking around and sitting on a log like in ROTJ.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Has Lucas or Lucasfilm ever made an official statement as to why Anakin's ghost was changed?  It really doesn't seem like much thought was put into the change, especially when you consider the footage that was used and how it was executed.