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Post #709634

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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)
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Date created
5-Jun-2014, 4:20 PM

Darth Mallwalker said:

A similar thing happened in the last page(s) of Harmy's ROTJ thread.
Did you try DL'ing that one part again?

Some write 91.5MB to mean 91.5 MiB or 91.5 x 1,048,576 = 95,944,704 bytes.
which round up to 96MB

 I did DL a second time with the same result, unfortunately.  Thanks for the math; I'm horrible at that!  :)

I do get an ISO file, but it won't open.

EDIT: The problem was that the files DL'd from various sites weren't named exactly the same. Once I homogenized the names based on the predominant file name, I now have a working ISO!   Apologies for knocking the thread off base.  I guess I was so excited about seeing the original SW in HD, I didn't think about the thread continuity.  Looking forward to watching it.  **Thank you, Harmy!!**