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I spent this morning looking at the audio for Lando's announcement scene.I have found a section where the 2 mixes can co-exist (SE & OUT) but as far as how that will effect the footage is perhaps another matter.

The SE Mix is pitched down a tone exactly or near enough a complete tone compared with the OUT mix.

So this only proves that both mixes can co-exist so far as footage goes that is out of my remit as I am not a skilled video editor. But I do realise that with doing one thing something more or less will be sacrificed.

In this audio clip I sacrificed the extra line "Attention" as this was the cause of the music not matching up. I also pitched it up to match the out mix. But kept from the SE mix "The Empire has taken control of this city" from SE mix scene of the exterior of cloud city.

Like I said this only proves the audio can co-exist not necessarily the footage. and it is only a rough mock up also.


It would like to also say I don't expect anything to change but I did want to understand the issue and this was what I came up with if it helps then great if not no problem but I do totally understand the problem.


Yeah i got the gist of that... While i was doing this i realised you cannot have it all.

If I had to pinpoint the issue with both the original and the special edition I think R2's arm interface is the lynch pin of the sequence in both films yet neither managed to get something as simple as this out the way all in one shot.

Deploy >>> Light up >>> plug in >>> electricuted

I really think it's that simple a problem.




Wow!, that latest preview was a nice surprise adywan.  Fabulous work as always, and the combined effect of all your enhancements (whether big, small, or miniscule) throughout the whole clip blew me away.  :)

Anyway, here's some things that came to mind, so please bear with me -

I'm happy to admit that I was one of those who never actually noticed that 'Slave I's peeling paintwork and detailing was different between the 'Han being loaded aboard' shot and the 'taking off' shot, until Jaitea brought it up a few pages back!  Thankfully, you'd already sorted it perfectly anyway.  Remarkable stuff once again.

But something else struck me as really interesting in your new new shot shown in the comparison pics above - namely, that the main body of 'Slave I' is no longer raised higher above the landing platform, compared to the original shot... 

Now, although I personally used to like the original look of the ship perching/hovering(?) higher off the ground upon it's protruding 'Repulsor Generator' (as shown in this diagram)http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/archive/0/0b/20081015144046!SlaveI_egvv.jpg , I can certainly understand the change, as your new positioning makes it tie-in nicely with the way it was shown lying very 'flat-to-the-ground' in 'Episode II' instead...as seen in this shot example - http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070815224521/starwars/images/9/99/Slave_I.jpg

(Bloody prequels... - due to that very different landing position seen in Ep.II, and because I didn't like the change of colour-scheme the ship was given, I've previously chosen to look at it as merely being a 'similar-looking' type of ship as 'Slave I'...but not actually THE 'Slave I' that older 'Boba' eventually pilots in ESB!  Of course, I sometimes prefer to look on the current versions of the official prequels as being nothing more than some kind of bizarre 'alternate universe' version of 'Star Wars', totally unrelated to the Original Trilogy movies altogether!  But I digress, and seeing as it's meant to be the same ship, I just wish George had also used something resembling the classic ESB colour-scheme for Ep.II in the first place, albeit newer and not so beat-up at that earlier point.  Ho hum)  :) 

However, as you're thankfully planning to revisit Ep.II one day anyway, then this new 'flat-to-the-ground' landing position in 'ESB:Revisited' will be one continuity difference less between your versions.  I could just continue to 'imagine' that 'Jango' uses a *different* ship in Ep.II, but on the other hand, I guess the likes of the protruding 'Repulsor Generator' and any other details that are seen to stick out a little beyond 'Slave I's underbelly can just be 'imagined' as retracting back inside a little, when it comes in to land...and retract back out again a little, as it takes off...  So it's all good at the end of the day.  :)

Anyway, coming to my *main* point about this particular new shot in ESB:R, I just wondered if there should also be a subtle hint of the 'boarding ramp' seen in Ep.II added to the right-hand side of 'Slave I''s main body when Han is being loaded aboard?  I only ask as the ramp noticeably juts out slightly further from the main body of the Ep.II version.  It's certainly no biggie, but for a better look at how the ramp fully extends and retracts on the Ep.II version, check out the 0 mins. 14 secs. mark, and the 2 mins. 41 secs. mark on this clip here -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tMZdrUx8eM


Onto a couple of other small queries now, and here's a link to your latest clip to make things easier to refer to - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=862811780401072&set=vb.223279371020986&type=2&theater

1.  As a big fan of the additional 'life' that your added 'distant ships' bring to the city shots, is it possible after Boba's close-up to include even just one tiny, moving element in the background somewhere when we cut away to your new shot of Han being loaded aboard Slave I at the 4 mins. 16 secs. mark? And also/or to your new shot of Slave I taking off at the 4 mins. 51 secs. mark?


2.  And I'm also a big fan of the idea of seeing an occasional 'slowly blinking' red light atop a building or two, again to add some additional 'life' and 'movement' to the city shots.  There's certainly the odd shot where that could potentially done, so again, perhaps you could consider if that's something that's worth doing or not.


3.  And going back to something involving added 'distant ships' - I see you've altered the ones on your shot of Slave I seen through the corridor windows seen at 4 mins. 39 secs.  But because all three of them are moving in the same kind of *upwards* trajectory compared to the non-upwards trajectory we've seen of 'distant ships' in other shots up till then, it kinda makes it look that the ships are already starting to get the hell outta the city at that point...

...but Lando hasn't been seen to give his announcement yet at the 8 mins. 42 secs. mark which comes a good bit after that particular Slave I shot appears, so do you think it might be better if at least a couple of those new elements could revert back to just flying in a horizontal flightpath instead, still unaware of the announcement that Lando's about to make?

It now looks like the ships are evacuating already *before* he makes his announcement, if you see what I mean, because they are *all* travelling upwards in your new shot.  But if you were to consider altering things back to the more horizontal flightpaths that the current Blu-ray elements have, we would then get our first look at several ships evacuating upwards in your 'Lando and Leia in corridor with windows' shot seen at 9 mins. 47 secs. in the clip. 

I just think that would be a far more impactful and effective shot to initially see the reaction to Lando's announcement from a little earlier, and we then see all your further 'upwards trajectory' elements that continue to escape in other shots that come after that 'corridor windows' shot, of course.

(By the way, your lowered Slave I platform in that shot to the same level as our running heroes is a really neat improvement.  Love it!)


4.  Another little thought about the 'Han being loaded aboard' shot - should the length of your new, thin Slave I 'shadow' be made *slightly* longer on the left-hand side of the shot to indicate the sun is beginning to lower in relation to the city at that point?  I'm not quite sure about this, but I think it might tie-in even better with the moody approaching 'evening' skies look of all your other terrific backgrounds, that follow soon afterwards.  Once again, see what you think.


5.  And just a last little query - I see that the lights surrounding your Slave I 'landing platform' shots seen at the 4 mins. 16 secs. mark and the 4 mins. 51 secs. mark of your clip, are quite yellowish-looking compared to the very white ones that are seen on your Falcon 'landing platform' shots.  But should the Slave I platform lights be equally white as well?...or is this a slight difference you're choosing to do to differentiate the look of the two separate platforms?  Just curious.

(The new shot of Slave I taking off is also terrific by the way, and it's good to finally see that added 'canopy' in motion!)  :) 


^What you did there didn't go unnoticed.

If a quick release was on the cards or key this baby would have been delivered in May 2010.

Seeing as it wasn't and isn't getting the best it can be is probably best policy.

I can think of nothing more annoying for Ady and the gang to spend all this time making the thing only to notice a fixable flaw the moment it's released.

I personally prefer the composition of the original matte, obviously the shot now makes more continuity sense but the original position of the buildings and their proportions follow the golden ratio.

It looks more artistic even if it's less realistic.

I don't now if it's possible to tinker with the shot to get the building to be more in line with the original ones but maintain the new gain in continuity?


HotRod said:

^^ WoW...You really don't want this film released anytime soon, do ya?? 


Of course not, as I need this thread to continue indefinitely for the sake of your witty one-liners.  ;) 

(Seriously, I've been waiting expectantly for 'ESB:R's eventual release like everyone else these past years.  I'd have been gnawing my leg off if it hadn't been for the 'workprint' to keep me going in the meantime!  But I know adywan will still consider any little points that anyone may still have, right up until he's satisfied...even though he's thought of just about everything so far)


as for Fett/Slave1:

As I see it, if Boba and Jango are two different bounty hunters, that Slave1 should look different, as the Falcon could have some modifications, like Han said, that Lando (the former owner) hadn't built in/on to his ship ...

if on the other hand there is only to be ONE Fett - the colour-scheme could also change over 20-30 years, not just looking brand new and unweathered ;-)

and yep, the ramp should be seen, makes more sense for continuity


I hope that Jango is renamed Boba for the PT:R and he never takes his mask off.

Dad of the Mystery Man was one of the silliest ideas of that trilogy.

Do we have to see every OT character's dad or mother, grandad, auntie etc.


HotRod said:

^^ WoW...You really don't want this film released anytime soon, do ya?? 


 Only a sadist would prolong this waiting period which can drive a man to lunacy.  


not fond of the "bounty hunter dad" story, but what about him being a relative (brother?) or just some guy related to his clan "Fett" ?

we just need to get rid of little Boba, thats all ;-)

and little Ani by the way ...


Luke's dad was always going to be in a PT from the moment Star Wars became ANH.

Boba's dad was silly and having both as annoying kids well...


Any word on the building perspective issue?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Just a quick thought on this shot... Instead of the Lambda shuttle there.

How about Luke's x-wing instead. I know that is stretching things a bit far in terms of the film and something we don't need to see in the film but ultimately not sure if this is for the axe or not in revisited but It would make for a nice DVD menu screen of Lukes X-wing parked up there on a landing Pad :)

either way Lukes x-wing on a landing platform DVD Menu I think it would be fantastic.


Oh I've always liked that side-view silhouette shot of Vader and co. and his shuttle. I dissliked all of the rest of the SE additions of this segment though, where the action later is interrupted with seeing it approaching the Executor and then slowly landing in it. I am very glad the "Bring my shuttle" is being restored, but even if it's doubtful, I've been hopeful that that particular shot could still remain (with Revisited improvements). The main thing is instead of his shuttle already there, it should be seen where it has just landed (because of the "Bring my shuttle").

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


hehe, when did Luke get his X-Wing back ?

I forgot that he parked it on Cloud City (now off-limits for Rebels), but flying it later to Tatooine and Dagobah ... (*

as for the Prequels: just keep the Kids out of the story, we didn't see baby Obi-Wan or Han (we had luck!) neither!

*) and without R2 "Autopilot"ing it, who returned it to him ?


I really don't want to dwell on this and I actually really don't want to say any more than I have already recently but I did get that idea about the x-wing being there instead because we never knew for one where Luke parked it and what happened to it and I was also trying to save that bit of footage if it's heading for the scrap heap.

But I will also add I don't think it matters and I don't think it's something we need to see in the film. But I looked on the internet and other people also wonder about what happened to the x-wing so this would confirm that they confiscated this one, and possibly searched it and tried to retrieve info from it. But there is no way they got anything from it, but it's logical in that sense.

Exactly the reason why I did have the idea because there's no way "Bring my shuttle" and this scene could work unless you either have empty platform or perhaps Luke's x-wing. And also because I really like the way all the cloud city shots look in revisited so I want more.

I had a chuckle about it and I am not 100% serious. That's why I think it's a great DVD Menu scene :) But this is my poor attempt to save this scene.


brimforge said:

hehe, when did Luke get his X-Wing back ?

I forgot that he parked it on Cloud City (now off-limits for Rebels), but flying it later to Tatooine and Dagobah ... (*

*) and without R2 "Autopilot"ing it, who returned it to him ?

It's very likely he got another one, that's how I imagined it anyway... "Okay Luke, we'll let you take ANOTHER X-Wing, but please try to bring this one back!"

Ronster said:

there's no way "Bring my shuttle" and this scene could work unless you either have empty platform or perhaps Luke's x-wing. 

Not entirely true. Read what I just said earlier. Of course there would be a time lapse from when he says "Bring my shuttle" and the shot of the platform, but it'd help that sense of time lapse better if the shuttle is seen landing, instead of already landed.

While I'm thinking of it, it could also be a good idea to see/hear a tie fighter or two go past in the background. Perhaps they were the shuttle's escort and now going about around the city, further occupying and threatening the city that Lando warned them about (who could potentially be, but maybe not, 2 of the 4 fighters who pursue the Falcon later).

This is when I really wish I could create a motion mock-up/concept :)

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


It's not just about restoring a line of dialogue. That shot interrupts the flow of the film and is wholly unnecessary.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

It's not just about restoring a line of dialogue. That shot interrupts the flow of the film and is wholly unnecessary.

I completely agree with you on the 2 shots where you see Vader's shuttle fly towards the Executor, and then again when docking in the Executor - those SE shots are wholly unnecessary... but I do not see how the 1st SE side-view platform shot interrupts any flow, this shot has a lot of worthwhile potential (such as what I just described) instead of being discarded completely.

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


IMO It's one of the few really nice shots in the SE but I don't feel strongly either way. I'd be happy to see it retained in some form but I wouldn't miss it greatly either.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Here's a couple more queries concerning your recent clip adywan, which I didn't have time to put in my previous post about it the other day.  And again, here's the link to the comparison clip for easy reference -



1.  Your enhancements on the 'Bespin building/stormtrooper running towards the Falcon' shot seen at the 10 mins. 34 secs. mark are terrific.  It's amazing how it looks now compared to the very dark look of the current footage.  Good to see the re-colouration of the building and platform now matches with how things looked earlier in the movie when Han and co. initially met Lando, as well as the wall lights now matching.  And it's also great to see that you've added the correct 'ribbed' vertical columns either side of the doorway too, to match the ones seen in closer shots of the doorway set design.

But what I'd like to ask is this - It's great that you've re-coloured the 'white'-looking walls either side of the doorway to tie-in better with the 'brown'-looking building in most of the shots now...but will you also be re-colouring the shot where R2 exits the doorway in smoke/steam at the 9 mins. 56 secs. mark too?, as there are still 'white'-looking wall sections in that particular shot at the moment.


2.  I remembered mentioning something ages ago about the 'pool of flashing red light' during the Falcon platform sequence, so I dug out my previous comments to check - see HERE

As I said back then, despite the 'reflection' from the small flashing red light not being in any other shots apart from where R2 opens the doorway to the Falcon platform, I think it works okay 'stylistically' rather than being removed.  And it's good to see that you've now added the 'reflection' to the shot where R2 exits the doorway in smoke/steam at the 9 mins. 56 secs. mark too, to tie-in better.

But there's something else I'd like to ask about this now - would you also consider adding a subtle hint of that same flashing red 'reflection' to the scene that comes just a little beforehand, where Leia, Chewie, and Lando are at the doorway of the Slave I platform, only a few minutes before?  

The merest hint of it could perhaps be shown at the very bottom of the frame when Leia and co. first run out of the doorway at the 4 mins. 46 secs. mark, just before the shot pans upwards a little to reveal the doorway's small flashing red light.  And then further faint glimpses of the red 'reflection' could be added where the stormtroopers are firing at them at the 5 mins. mark just afterwards. 

(I just reckon that the 'daylight' in the clip seems to have already darkened enough to be able to add a faint hint of the same 'stylistic' red flashing 'reflection' when Slave I takes off...as there's only 5 mins. or so separating the 2 platform scenes in the movie if the action is looked on as being in 'real-time' at that point...and this would tie-in well with how things look on the Falcon platform shots. 

Or do you think the 'daylight' at the Slave I take-off is still supposed to be a lot brighter than when we get to the Falcon platform a little later...and that it would be too bright to see any red light 'reflection' whatsoever at this point?...even though it's a 'stylistic' kind of 'reflection' like the one seen on the Falcon platform.  See what you think) 


3.  As far as the small flashing red light that is seen above the doorway goes, it's missing altogether in the first couple of shots of the Bespin building when Han and co. first see Lando coming to meet them (those shots aren't in this clip, however)...but when we then cut to close-ups of Lando just afterwards, we can see the red light flashing in-between the 2 white lights either side of it.

(the thing is, the red flashing light does not seem to only come on when the doorways are open, as it's still seen to be flashing during the close-up Lando shots, even though the doorway has closed behind him again) 

So could you add the small red flashing light to those initial 2 shots where it's currently missing, to match with the close-ups of Lando?  Adding this light to them would tie-in with how the rest of the doorway shots look, as well as add a tiny bit of additional 'life' to both shots. 

In addition to that, I see that you've now added a red flashing glow above the doorway in your great new 'Bespin building/stormtrooper running towards the Falcon' shot at the 10 mins. 34 secs. mark - it looks great, and it's a nice additional tweak since your earlier comparison clip of it, seen here - www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxPEuoqyTkM

However, the 2 white lights are flashing on and off too in your latest version, even though those lights are static in all the other shots in the movie, and only the red light in the middle is seen to flash on and off usually...so would you consider making those 2 white lights static again, and add the flashing red light in-between them instead to match the rest?...or was your intention to give this particular doorway shot a slightly more dramatic-looking flashing effect overall, seeing as it was the leading to the climax of the platform scene?  

If so, cool beans, as it's just good to see *some* kind of flashing red light shown in that final shot of the building now! :)    


4.  Coming onto something else now - your new shot of Luke hanging from the 'Vane' walkway at the 8 mins. 10 secs. mark has turned out excellent too.  And good to see that you've removed the 'strip' that runs down the right-hand side of the chasm, seeing as it wouldn't have been visible from that view-point.  I just wish that Luke's lightsaber had originally been placed a bit nearer to his right hand on the walkway, to make it more obvious...as I remember never even spotting it's current position amongst the other debris for years, and wondering how Luke got it back after he crashed out the window...until you pointed a large arrow at it ages ago! :)

But would you consider 'yellowing'-up the big 'flashing' railing light a bit, so that it ties-in better with the vividly yellow ones in the rest of the movie?  It's always bugged me a little how dull-looking the railing light in this particular shot looks compared to other shots of the railing lights...but no biggie of course.


5.  And here's something to do with your marvellous new 'Vane' shots - on the initial 'zoom-in', I can just about make out that we no longer see the couple of tiny, white vertical flashing bits on the railings area of the walkway which are wrongly evident in the original.  It's a very minor thing, but good to see that only the tiny yellow lights atop the railing are flashing in your version.

But another couple of strange white bits are still seen at the same kind of position on the next, closer shot of Luke walking along the 'Vane' at the 10 mins. 45 secs. mark...except they are static now.  They are on the first vertical railing that Luke moves past on the walkway at the very start of the shot, and are noticeable as being static white blobs compared to the yellow flashing railing lights either side of them.

I've no idea what they are, but they shouldn't be there, so would it be possible to remove those 2 white bits from that shot too?...as they are nowhere to be seen on the railings in later shots of the duel, nor are they seen on the side of the 'Vane' when it's seen from a different angle, either.


And here's a last few musings I've got concerning this clip - 

Seeing as the issue was recently brought up again, I agree it's best to keep the 'flipped' shot of the '2 stormtroopers firing' as it is, for a better 'flow' of showing who is firing at Leia just before she runs out towards the Falcon...but I don't really feel that re-'flipping' the 'R2 and Chewie running in corridor' shot would badly throw the look of things off at that point.

I'm not spotting anything to do with the set layout that would throw things out by the time we immediately cut to R2 reaching the doorway, nor when we then cut to the next time that Chewie is seen firing at other stormtroopers. 

While we're certainly used to seeing R2 and Chewie moving left to right in the current shot, I reckon we'd soon get used to seeing them going the other way, while keeping the previous 'Lando and Leia running' shot as it is, and also keeping the following 'R2 reaching the doorway' shot as it is too.  (for instance, I very soon got used to seeing the 'Stardestroyer firing at the Falcon' shot going the other way in 'SW:Revisited' compared to the original, even though the change seemed initially jarring) 

I'd been hoping to see this particular 'flipped' shot reversed since a long time, considering how noticeable the details on R2 and Chewie are as Bingo said.  But if you strongly prefer the current 'direction of movement' more than seeing the details reversed adywan, and you really feel it would look wrong to change to a 'camera angle' that shows R2 and Chewie moving from right to left at that point instead, then fair enough and cool beans once again.  Hell, it's not like I ever noticed any of these 'flipped' shots until my umpteenth viewing anyway!  :)

Then there's the new 'zoom-in' shot of the 'Vane', which is a triumph in motion - I really liked the original look of the 2 sets of red lights at the bottom of it in that shot, so I kinda wish you'd removed the middle red light from the underside of the structure during the shot where Luke is falling, rather than adding it to the 'zoom-in' shot...but I gotta say, I absolutely love how those red lights and the ones at the top of the 'Vane' now flash on and off!  Really brings additional 'life' to the shot, along with all your other enhancements.  :)    

It's just too bad that certain other trivial things will still have to remain unfixed due to various difficulties...such as the 'gate doors' that shut behind Luke inside the 'Vane' missing a few shots later (I'll just imagine that they 'retracted' again offscreen for some reason, before we see that section of the set again!)...or such as not being able to re-colour the prominent group of 6 dark 'vent' circles seen through the 'Vane' window to red throughout, right up until Luke crashes out, to tie-in with the others (but there's one or two other dark-looking 'vents' in other shots too, so it's no big problem really)...but the overall effect of all your new enhancements in this latest clip are just fabulous, whether big or small.  Even something as minor as the slight lengthening of Luke's lightsaber at the 7 mins. 13 secs. mark defininately helps improve the overall experience. 

So, yeah...Wow again, and little details count for a lot!  :)