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Amazing work on the flaps Ady! Most impressive!

And that is very exciting news to have a film-accurate 3PO onboard for the prequels, as a Royal Protocal Droid (so much more logical than being put together by young Anakin). I hope we'll see less of Coruscant and more of Alderaan in the prequels, so maybe 3PO can originate from Alderaan? Then R2 can still originate from Naboo and, in the events of things, they cross paths (in episode I if possible) and are together/pals ever since... now I'm getting carried away XD

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


Maybe Threepio can take or join some of Jar-Jar's scenes.


I think having 3PO as a royal droid (and GOLD) makes much more sense that what the prequels put forth. But something seems off about the waist area of that 3PO costume (though the rest of it looks excellent). Too long? Anyone else notice?


I honestly don't like the idea of having R2 in the prequels. I do like the idea of having astro droids as sort of standard sidekicks for the heroes throughout all the films, like Obi-wan already having R4 and possibly Anakin having another that isn't R2. However, it makes the galaxy seem too small to have R2 be connected with the heroes of the PT then also just happen to be the one Leia entrusts with the Death Star Plans just by pure luck.


To be fair, its Leia's droid. I don't have a problem with the Droids being in the prequels. I wish the PT was told from their point of view, kind of what the OT was.

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yeah but if R2 is in the prequels it should at least be more than coincidence he's in the prequels and happens to end up in Leia's hands. For example, since C-3PO is being made Padme's droid, it can easily be assumed, once Leia is revealed as Padme's daughter, that Leia inherited him after her mother died.


sonofjones said:

yeah but if R2 is in the prequels it should at least be more than coincidence he's in the prequels and happens to end up in Leia's hands. For example, since C-3PO is being made Padme's droid, it can easily be assumed, once Leia is revealed as Padme's daughter, that Leia inherited him after her mother died.

But since R2 is actually Padme's droid, as well (remember that he's introduced in the Naboo royal starship), the fact he ends up in Leia's possession makes just as much sense.


Oh right, i forget. i mostly remember him mainly being Anakin's sidekick droid throughout Episodes II and III. But yeah, him and C-3PO being counterpart servants to Padme completely works :)


Well that made me a whole lot more excited for the PT:R than I already was.

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Captain Antilles said:

But something seems off about the waist area of that 3PO costume (though the rest of it looks excellent). Too long? Anyone else notice?

 It's just the costume slipped down a bit by the looks of things. Here are some other photos of Simon in the costume, and you can see there is nothing wrong with the length of the waist area

plus the original 3p0 costumes waist altered length all the time throughout the films.




Who did you get to play Warwick?  He's a perfect double!


adywan said:

Captain Antilles said:

But something seems off about the waist area of that 3PO costume (though the rest of it looks excellent). Too long? Anyone else notice?

 It's just the costume slipped down a bit by the looks of things. Here are some other photos of Simon in the costume, and you can see there is nothing wrong with the length of the waist area

plus the original 3p0 costumes waist altered length all the time throughout the films.

 Yeah, I took a look at his Facebook page. I notice the problem in several shots, but there are also several that look fine. I'm guessing you're right that the costume must have slipped down or something.

And yeah, you're right--3PO's waist is inconsistent in the films, anyway. In fact, it always bothered me how dramatically different it looks in ROTJ. For some reason they made the wiring look sharp and jagged.


adywan said:

Jacen said:

How's that big-ass computer monitor working for you, Ady?


 It's still working great, thanks Jacen :)

Today i filmed the very last shot for the speeder flaps. Had some disasters along the way ( the paint deciding to react with the under-painting and bubble up all of a sudden on the 5 paint job, where it has been fine for the 4 previous ones, for example), but it pretty much went a lot smoother than it could have gone. The very final shot was for Wedge's screen right speeder flap. The final shot became the only one that didn't need a second or third take. I got it in one. Now to stick it into the composite and get the last few shots for this section completed............

And here is a short clip of the flaps in action.....


 For some reason the video won't load for me. I'm on a Windows laptop, using Chrome. Says "Facebook Internal Video - Unavailable. This video is only accessible from within the corporate network or VPN."

Very weird.

EDIT: None of FB's videos are loading for me. I'll try again later.


sonofjones said:

I honestly don't like the idea of having R2 in the prequels. I do like the idea of having astro droids as sort of standard sidekicks for the heroes throughout all the films, like Obi-wan already having R4 and possibly Anakin having another that isn't R2. However, it makes the galaxy seem too small to have R2 be connected with the heroes of the PT then also just happen to be the one Leia entrusts with the Death Star Plans just by pure luck.

 I am a bigger George defender than many on this site.  He has said (yes, he's said lots of things) that he intended to have the droids in all 9 films, even years ago before he began denying that he ever had plans for 9 films.  I'm a bigger fan of George's true original vision than the one he has promulgated in more recent years.  I think it's not such a bad idea.  It's sort of a link between movies.  The problem is that the droids probably should have somehow introduced us to the main characters as they did in ANH.  Somehow the plot follows them for a bit till we met Obi-Wan (who should have been the main character of the whole PT anyway).  Sadly, I see no way to pull this idea off, but it would have been the best way to use them if one were to use them in the PT.


Bingowings said:

It shall take some time to get my mind off of Ady's flaps.

 Anyone else find it ironic and a little disturbing that Bingowings is preoccupied with Adywan's flaps?



darth_ender said:

 I am a bigger George defender than many on this site.  He has said (yes, he's said lots of things) that he intended to have the droids in all 9 films, even years ago before he began denying that he ever had plans for 9 films.  I'm a bigger fan of George's true original vision than the one he has promulgated in more recent years.  I think it's not such a bad idea.  It's sort of a link between movies.  The problem is that the droids probably should have somehow introduced us to the main characters as they did in ANH.  Somehow the plot follows them for a bit till we met Obi-Wan (who should have been the main character of the whole PT anyway).  Sadly, I see no way to pull this idea off, but it would have been the best way to use them if one were to use them in the PT.

 I know Ady has said that he's toying with the idea of having 3P0 only show up in Ep III........but an alternative idea would be to have them both around from the very beginning but not necessarily together from Ep I. Possibly have them both present but never meeting in TPM, actually meet in AOTC, and then together for the whole of ROTS.


Just to add my own appreciation of how your 'speeder flaps' have turned out.  Things are looking great in motion and nicely subtle, as usual.  Tremendous stuff, and liking the C3PO update too.


adywan said:

And here is a short clip of the flaps in action.....


The attention to detail on this project continues to amaze me. Excellent work!

Ryan McAvoy said:

adywan said:

And here is a short clip of the flaps in action.....


 Simply stunning work Adywan! :-D

This has probably been asked (And answered before) but even as a kid this shot always bugged me a little (Awesome panel readouts btw!)...

...because the impact flash has been composited about 10 foot higher than the top of the AT-AT. In my mind I always put it down to the shot impacting off the (Invisible) shields. But does an AT-AT have shields? I know armour is mentioned but are shields? Not a huge issue in any case.

Yeah, that shot has always bothered me, too. It's like the lasers impacted on the air above the AT-AT. It just doesn't seem to make sense.


those type of flashes appear throughout the battle. They also happen during the space scenes too in ANH when the stardestroyer is firing on the falcon. They have nothing to do with hitting shields or anything like that. It's supposed to represent something like air flak during a battle, but from lasers. It's just a visual thing. There is nothing wrong with the blast happening above the AT-AT




Did the original colors get added back to the flashes?

I cannot tell from my phone but it looks like it might have been if so top job!


muddyknees2000 said:

darth_ender said:

 I am a bigger George defender than many on this site.  He has said (yes, he's said lots of things) that he intended to have the droids in all 9 films, even years ago before he began denying that he ever had plans for 9 films.  I'm a bigger fan of George's true original vision than the one he has promulgated in more recent years.  I think it's not such a bad idea.  It's sort of a link between movies.  The problem is that the droids probably should have somehow introduced us to the main characters as they did in ANH.  Somehow the plot follows them for a bit till we met Obi-Wan (who should have been the main character of the whole PT anyway).  Sadly, I see no way to pull this idea off, but it would have been the best way to use them if one were to use them in the PT.

 I know Ady has said that he's toying with the idea of having 3P0 only show up in Ep III........but an alternative idea would be to have them both around from the very beginning but not necessarily together from Ep I. Possibly have them both present but never meeting in TPM, actually meet in AOTC, and then together for the whole of ROTS.

 You know, that has merit as well, as it sort of ties them to the OT more from the PT perspective.  I agree, I wouldn't mind if they didn't know each other in TPM either.


sonofjones said:

I honestly don't like the idea of having R2 in the prequels. I do like the idea of having astro droids as sort of standard sidekicks for the heroes throughout all the films, like Obi-wan already having R4 and possibly Anakin having another that isn't R2. However, it makes the galaxy seem too small to have R2 be connected with the heroes of the PT then also just happen to be the one Leia entrusts with the Death Star Plans just by pure luck.

I've always felt this way, too. I just can't decide if it's because there's so much other fan service in the films anyway, or if because the things R2 does are so cheesy ("smiling" at the camera while fixing the Naboo ship, the hokey fry & fly sequence with the super battle droids, etc.). It seemed a little too coincidental that he was the sidekick for both Anakin AND Luke (small galaxy, huh?), but I could probably let that go if the character was treated with a little more respect and less slapstick. Same with 3-PO's "head swap" in AoTC. Ugh.