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From the tests I've seen Adywan's EpV Emperor is gonna look and sound just like ROTJ Palpatine, which is the moment I'm looking forward to more than any other part of ESB:R (I'm expecting Mount-Everest sized goosebumps ;-)  ).

I'm also looking forward to Ady's tweaked Emperor VERY much. The SE had the right idea with altering him for continuity in 2004. But they just half-assed it and used Ian as is in ROTS make-up. Better than the original creepy monkey-eyed woman, but still not what it SHOULD be.

How much more work was done to that Emperor scene beyond the trailer and scene Ady provided a few years back? As I recall it was already flawless.


I believe Ady was still working on the Emperors dialog with Vader when he posted the last clip. The FX work was complete, it was down to one word that ady was trying to find resources for. He was trying to find  Ian saying "LUKE" so he could restore the original line that the Emporer spoke when referring to Skywalker. Originally the Emporer said "Luke Skywalker". But for the 2004 special editions it was changed to "Young Skywalker". Don't know If Ady managed to restore the original line or not.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


Does Ian ever say "Luke" in a musical journey? Probably not in a suitable tone of voice


If Ian has done any roles where he had to put on a stronger Scottish accent, he may have said "Luke"?

(Little joke for the British Isles there)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Eh, even if he doesn't manage to restore Luke, it's still a one word difference. the entire context of the scene is reverted back to how it was originally (which is the big plus with the dialogue), so even if it's young skywalker instead of luke skywalker it won't be a deal breaker (least not for me)


sonofjones said:

Eh, even if he doesn't manage to restore Luke, it's still a one word difference. the entire context of the scene is reverted back to how it was originally (which is the big plus with the dialogue), so even if it's young skywalker instead of luke skywalker it won't be a deal breaker (least not for me)


I feel the same way. I can understand his desire for perfection, but young Skywalker is really fine to me as well.


That was my first ever edit submitted to this site, quite a few years ago.....Ian says 'Luke' on the 'A Musical Journey' DVD.....but sadly my edit has been removed from youtube

I still have it, I'll upload it to vimeo later



Someone did a mockup once, using Ian McDiarmid's voice saying "Luke" from the bonus DVD A Musical Journey, from the Revenge of the Sith soundtrack. It needed to be tweaked to match better, but other than that it sounded good. I don't know if that's still in the cards, as Ady has stated before that audio is the last step, and he isn't there yet.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


Jaitea said:

That was my first ever edit submitted to this site, quite a few years ago.....Ian says 'Luke' on the 'A Musical Journey' DVD.....but sadly my edit has been removed from youtube

I still have it, I'll upload it to vimeo later


Didn't you also make that mockup of the enlarged AT-AT foot too? I can't seem to find it so I assume YouTube deleted that too.


brash_stryker said:

Jaitea said:

That was my first ever edit submitted to this site, quite a few years ago.....Ian says 'Luke' on the 'A Musical Journey' DVD.....but sadly my edit has been removed from youtube

I still have it, I'll upload it to vimeo later


Didn't you also make that mockup of the enlarged AT-AT foot too? I can't seem to find it so I assume YouTube deleted that too.

 Yeah I still have that too....I'll upload that one too



brash_stryker said:

Jaitea said:

That was my first ever edit submitted to this site, quite a few years ago.....Ian says 'Luke' on the 'A Musical Journey' DVD.....but sadly my edit has been removed from youtube

I still have it, I'll upload it to vimeo later


Didn't you also make that mockup of the enlarged AT-AT foot too? I can't seem to find it so I assume YouTube deleted that too.

 THAT is one of the changes I'm looking forward to the most.  One of my pet peeves in movies from the late 70's through 80's is the inconsistency in sizes of objects (the Nostromo is anywhere from 800 feet long to 1600 feet long depending on the shot, from outside or inside the ship).

Also, this may have been addressed already, but I was watching this clip:

ESB:R gantry matte test

I was wondering if:

(1) the window Luke is thrown out of will be altered from the orange-brown look to match the appearance of the interior Luke was thrown out from.  Granted, you wouldn't be able to see details per se (due to the distance), but shouldn't it be darker with the sense of internal light than the bright, flat orange hue?

(2) same with the pulsing yellow lights on the end of the gantry Luke eventually drops from (which may be on there, but may be too small to notice on the youtube video)

(3) again, probably already addressed, but would the carbonite chamber (the spherical section above the "Luke window") be larger to accomidate the set?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


iamweasel said:

sonofjones said:

Eh, even if he doesn't manage to restore Luke, it's still a one word difference. the entire context of the scene is reverted back to how it was originally (which is the big plus with the dialogue), so even if it's young skywalker instead of luke skywalker it won't be a deal breaker (least not for me)


I feel the same way. I can understand his desire for perfection, but young Skywalker is really fine to me as well.

Same for me as well.

I really like in Ady's "Emperor hologram scene" how, in his tone when the Emperor says "Young Skywalker", he sounded as though he were demeaning towards Luke.. even disgusted, that he can't bear to say the full name.. and that fits his character perfectly. It's formal/respectful to say first and last names in many cultures, but the Emperor isn't necessarily one who'd show respect towards others ;) so saying "Young Skywalker" fits his style.

On the other hand though, given the context, it does seem to make more sense that he would actually say "Luke Skywalker," for the sake of informing Vader who exactly it is. Which Skywalker? Well, we the audience know wh o(Vader of course already knows who too), but it seems clear that the Emperor doesn't suspect that Vader knows, so he would most likely say "Luke Skywalker".

So in short: If Ady can manage to make him say "Luke Skywalker" again, in that same demeaning tone, perfect! If not, and it must still be "Young Skywalker", that's just fine also.

My 2 cents :)

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


The AT-AT's foot

& Palps vid here

I used footage that Ady composited,....my audio does go out of sync a bit, but it should give you an impresion of concept,....You can hear the difference in the audio when you are prepared for it, I'm sure Ady could blend it better



Jaitea said:

The AT-AT's foot

& Palps vid here

I used footage that Ady composited,....my audio does go out of sync a bit, but it should give you an impresion of concept,....You can hear the difference in the audio when you are prepared for it, I'm sure Ady could blend it better


 I had forgotten about the AT-AT mockup. I really hope Ady has added that change as well.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


I think having Palps say "Luke Skywalker" sounds the best. "We have a new enemy: young Skywalker" sounds out of place to me for some reason. 


Jaitea said:

The AT-AT's foot

& Palps vid here

I used footage that Ady composited,....my audio does go out of sync a bit, but it should give you an impresion of concept,....You can hear the difference in the audio when you are prepared for it, I'm sure Ady could blend it better


 "Luke Skywalker" doesn't sound half bad in that vid.


I'm waiting for the "deal with it" to show up there.


Still waiting...



Yes, it's real. Pity there isn't video of this.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


brash_stryker said:

I wonder if Mike Stoklasa would be interested in just saying "Luke" if the Ian McDarmid clip isn't sufficient. He does a mean Emperor....

 You may have been joking, but actually that's not a bad idea at all.

Just as Ady was on a search for someone who can digitally replicate an explosion for the generator, he could go on a search for someone who can do a really good emperor voice.. get a recording of them saying "Luke" for this scene, then seamlessly fit it in. This may be the best option, instead of using a "Luke" said by Ian with a different pitch/tone.

And of course keep this same person handy when it comes time for doing the prequels/ROTJ, just in case there's changing/adding/improving of dialogue ;)

Wishlist Of Ideas/Suggestions For Improving ROTJ


Wow! I finally remembered my login details after several years away!

Been stopping by now and again to read some of the progress of Ady's edit. But I just read the latest topic ideas of inserting "Luke" into Palpatines speech.

Not sure if it was discussed, but wondering why Lukes name is to be inserted? As to me this doesn't make sense.

Palpatine to my knowledge does not know Lukes name at this point. But "young Skywalker" is a reference to him "feeling" with the force that the offspring of Anakin is on the scene, aka young skywalker.  Infact, as far as we've seen in the movies, even Vader should not know Lukes name seeing as he wasn't present at the birth or upbringing of Luke. Only way I can see Vader finding out Lukes name in Empire, is perhapse word of mouth of the hero of the battle of Yavin. .. Which in turn i suppose Palpatine could have heard it too.

But, this scene indicates that this "new Enemy" is new news to Palpy. And it is after this scene that Vader mentions Lukes name, though his info likely comes from any one of the captured gang on Bespin. (who knows what was said at that table with Vader/han Leia etc..)

Anyways, just puttin that out there. peace out! ;-)

"Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm!"



.Mac. said:

brash_stryker said:

I wonder if Mike Stoklasa would be interested in just saying "Luke" if the Ian McDarmid clip isn't sufficient. He does a mean Emperor....

 You may have been joking, but actually that's not a bad idea at all.

Just as Ady was on a search for someone who can digitally replicate an explosion for the generator, he could go on a search for someone who can do a really good emperor voice.. get a recording of them saying "Luke" for this scene, then seamlessly fit it in. This may be the best option, instead of using a "Luke" said by Ian with a different pitch/tone.

And of course keep this same person handy when it comes time for doing the prequels/ROTJ, just in case there's changing/adding/improving of dialogue ;)

I was definitely at least half serious. Stoklasa (and his team) really "get" Star Wars and film in general, as seen in his prequel reviews. If he was actually interested, it would add some extra geek cred to Revisited as well as further spread the word.

Unfortunately, I Iearnt last night that all of the members of RedLetterMedia, under their former name of 'GMP Pictures', were friendly with Garrett Gilchrist (banned member ocpmovie on these forums) and they worked together under both GMP and Garrett's own 'Orange Cow Productions'. There are some videos on youtube of all of them together and looking very young. That kind of thing might mean it would be out of the question on both sides. Adywan has always been open about how Ocpmovie is a massive douchebag. :p


^I don't know how to fix the text above......I had to copy and paste it because the site went down when I was originally posting it and now the text stays dark no matter how I edit it. Sorry folks!


I will be extremely impressed if the team can achieve this dialogue change given the lack of resource material. However, if it doesn't seem possible to make it work to Ady's standards, I don't think anyone should consider it a deal-breaker. After all, yoda1138's logic makes a lot of sense. If Palps was all-knowing, couldn't many of the saga's events have been avoided? I like how at that point he's still kind of in the dark (pun intended) about the threat of another Skywalker. The change would be neat from a purist's perspective, but not being able to make it work wouldn't compromise the story, IMHO.


yoda1138 said:

Wow! I finally remembered my login details after several years away!

Been stopping by now and again to read some of the progress of Ady's edit. But I just read the latest topic ideas of inserting "Luke" into Palpatines speech.

Not sure if it was discussed, but wondering why Lukes name is to be inserted? As to me this doesn't make sense.

Palpatine to my knowledge does not know Lukes name at this point. But "young Skywalker" is a reference to him "feeling" with the force that the offspring of Anakin is on the scene, aka young skywalker.  Infact, as far as we've seen in the movies, even Vader should not know Lukes name seeing as he wasn't present at the birth or upbringing of Luke. Only way I can see Vader finding out Lukes name in Empire, is perhapse word of mouth of the hero of the battle of Yavin. .. Which in turn i suppose Palpatine could have heard it too.

But, this scene indicates that this "new Enemy" is new news to Palpy. And it is after this scene that Vader mentions Lukes name, though his info likely comes from any one of the captured gang on Bespin. (who knows what was said at that table with Vader/han Leia etc..)

Anyways, just puttin that out there. peace out! ;-)

Keep in mind that until 2004, Palp's line was "we have a new enemy...Luke Skywalker."

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)