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3D STAR WARS for the masses...has ARRIVED! — Page 34


Mr. Bungle said:

We’re doing 3D versions of all six films, one a year, starting in February of next year. We start with [episode] one and go all the way through six, totally chronological. One a year, if they work. If they don’t, then there will be just one [episode converted to 3D].

-Rick McCallum

I just don't know what constitutes "work".


Making money.


doubleofive said:

none said:

Rumor that 3D AotC and RotS to be shifted to 6 month release schedule:


via: clubjade.net
Yes, when your first 3D release is panned for being a bad conversion, hurry up and get the rest of them out there.

Who cares? People are paying hand over fist for them regardless of what they look like? It say Star Wars, people will go, the SW brand name increases rather than decreases in power as time goes by.


georgec said:

Can't wait for George to blame the fans when they ask for the other movies in 3D and he says that they didn't give him enough money to see Jar Jar get farted on in 3D.

Still can't understand why people would want any of the movies, prequel or original, in 3D. Yes, I realize it's a fad and people like it for the kiddies, but anyone with half a brain should realize that giving George money to sell them the same garbage over and over again is a bad thing.

Yes, apparently not. Like I said, it's a drug, people will pay for anything with the name on it.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Mike O said:

georgec said:


Still can't understand why people would want any of the movies, prequel or original, in 3D. Yes, I realize it's a fad and people like it for the kiddies, but anyone with half a brain should realize that giving George money to sell them the same garbage over and over again is a bad thing.

Yes, apparently not. Like I said, it's a drug, people will pay for anything with the name on it.

 As someone with perhaps more than half a brain, I think that ten bucks for the entertainment of seeing TPM in 3D is a fine amusement to kill two hours.  


Yeah I probably would have shelled out if not for the blu-ray BS, I've paid for much dumber movie experiences.

I don't know if scoring a win with the TFN guys qualifies as "people paying hand over fist" but lurking over the weekend they seem to have decided that this release is an amazing success, unprecedented for a 13 year old movie. (just discovered I can't log in there anymore, make sure nobody tells them about  The Exorcist Director's Cut (2000) - Box Office Mojo or   E.T. (20th Anniversary) (2002) - Box Office Mojo) especially don't mention 10 years of inflation and non-3D tickets


The fact that even ONE person went to see THIS movie in the theater like two months after the blu-ray came out on home video...

makes me wish the Earth would just get the Alderaan treatment now and get it over with.


Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!


But none, your brain isn't like that of a mere mortal.

I know, I've seen, seen Thee Backslacpkping With Media three times from beginning to end.


none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.


Darth Id said:

The fact that even ONE person went to see THIS movie in the theater like two months after the blu-ray came out on home video...

makes me wish the Earth would just get the Alderaan treatment now and get it over with.

Exactly. SW fans, even the ones who openly criticize George, the prequels, the special editions, and all the other crap, still can't manage to say, "No," to the flannel overlord. The levels of self-loathing are immeasurable.

Makes me think of Professor Farnsworth - "I don't want to live on this planet anymore."

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


It's being reported now that this might come bundled with 3D BD players by the end of the year. Just a rumour. But it seems they have possibly accelerated the home video plan, I'll bet because of the lacklustre performance in theatres. As far as I know, there was no home video plan, except possibly as a set when they are done. If so, it's a sign that this has been a money-loser so far.


Darth Id said:

none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.
You want Chris R to pull a gun on you too?


SilverWook said:

Baronlando said:

In 1985 there was a re-release of JEDI that was a total non-event, and was pretty much part of the last gasp of SW, entering its lowest point of popularity.  In tickets sold it's not that far off from this much more expensive reissue, so what does it take for LFL to acknowledge any kind of flaw in their M.O.? (the M.O. being: really little kids are the only thing that matters, the rest of you who supported this thing for 20 years can suck it. Maybe it's a little off-putting? Maybe?) 

Did they promote it much?  I don't even recall the reissue, although I saw a lot of movies that year.

That was the same year as the "triple feature" engagements. I remember there was a lot of local press on the one in NYC (though, I didn't get to go, unfortunately). It was a pretty big deal, and people were lined up outside to get in. It was 70mm too... :-(


$30 million...heh heh. ;-) With the conversion costs, I wonder if TPM3D broke even?

If they decide to go ahead with AOTC3D, I predict it will be an even bigger disappointment, since I think TPM is generally more well-thought of, and as with most sophomore releases in a franchise, it will have less novelty going for it. $15-$20 million total- TOPS.


Maybe it was 70mm engagements only? The only local theater I know for sure had the gear for it back then didn't open until 1986.


With 3D blu ray players coming down in price, I don't see any exclusive pack in titles being that much of an inducement now. People who already own a 3D player may resent having to wait for TPM to be released separately.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


georgec said:

Darth Id said:

The fact that even ONE person went to see THIS movie in the theater like two months after the blu-ray came out on home video...

Exactly. SW fans, even the ones who openly criticize George, the prequels, the special editions, and all the other crap, still can't manage to say, "No," to the flannel overlord. The levels of self-loathing are immeasurable.

I never even tried to say "no."

I have no personal struggle, self loathing, or cognitive dissonance over Star Wars.

When Lucas puts out a product I do not want or actively dislike (blurays) I don't buy it. Easy as that.

If Lucas puts out a product I'll enjoy (Clone Wars cartoon, TPM 3D) I have no problem enjoying it.

My  demand for the OOT is in no way compromised by this stance.


TV's Frink said:

Darth Id said:

none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.
You want Chris R to pull a gun on you too?

 I don't know what that means, but I think it was perfectly obvious that I meant I want my voice to be supplanted by a lifeless Australian drone.

Frinkin' duh, dude.


TheBoost said:

georgec said:

Darth Id said:

The fact that even ONE person went to see THIS movie in the theater like two months after the blu-ray came out on home video...

Exactly. SW fans, even the ones who openly criticize George, the prequels, the special editions, and all the other crap, still can't manage to say, "No," to the flannel overlord. The levels of self-loathing are immeasurable.

I never even tried to say "no."

I have no personal struggle, self loathing, or cognitive dissonance over Star Wars.

When Lucas puts out a product I do not want or actively dislike (blurays) I don't buy it. Easy as that.

If Lucas puts out a product I'll enjoy (Clone Wars cartoon, TPM 3D) I have no problem enjoying it.

My  demand for the OOT is in no way compromised by this stance.

I must agree. If you enjoy something, why not watch it out of some principle? You'd be succumbing to your own anger and robbing yourself of enjoyment. 


Darth Id said:

TV's Frink said:


Darth Id said:

none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.
You want Chris R to pull a gun on you too?


 I don't know what that means, but I think it was perfectly obvious that I meant I want my voice to be supplanted by a lifeless Australian drone.

Frinkin' duh, dude.

Temuera Morrison is a Kiwi bro.


And David Prowse is not Scottish (just in case).


Bingowings said:

And David Prowse is not Scottish (just in case).

In that case, David Prowse is crap.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Darth Id said:

TV's Frink said:


Darth Id said:

none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.
You want Chris R to pull a gun on you too?


 I don't know what that means, but I think it was perfectly obvious that I meant I want my voice to be supplanted by a lifeless Australian drone.

Frinkin' duh, dude.

Australian?  Well done, dude.




Make sense now?


TV's Frink said:

Darth Id said:

TV's Frink said:


Darth Id said:

none said:

Seen it three times so far.  Messa in big dudu this time!

 The fact that I get that joke...

makes me wish I'd just get the Boba Fett treatment once and for all.
You want Chris R to pull a gun on you too?


 I don't know what that means, but I think it was perfectly obvious that I meant I want my voice to be supplanted by a lifeless Australian drone.

Frinkin' duh, dude.

Australian?  Well done, dude.

Not an unexpected mistake though, thanks to The Clone Wars cartoon. Most clone voices seem to be Americans attempting an Australian accent.

It seems there are plenty of actors from the UK, Canada and Australia playing Americans in Hollywood, but no voice actors from those countries to do accurate sounding accents for cartoons and video games. Must be a union thing...


Bingowings wrote:

But none, your brain isn't like that of a mere mortal.

I know, I've seen, seen Thee Backslacpkping With Media three times from beginning to end.

Bingowings tink day none brains so big?  Mesa no tink so.

Three strikes... and you get the 'Star of Alderaan', Congratulations!


georgec wrote: still can't manage to say, "No," to the flannel overlord.

Fanboys Hateboys Superfans Haters.... we all form a symbiont circle.  What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this.

georgec wrote: The levels of self-loathing are immeasurable.

Hisen to be pune-ished?

zombi84 wrote: But it seems they have possibly accelerated the home video plan

Yes, yes, of coarse… ahhh… as you know, our blockade of the Original Theatrical Versions of the Star Wars films is perfectly legal, and we’d be happy to receive the NFR… Happy to.

Harmy wrote: If you enjoy something, why not watch it out of some principle? You'd be succumbing to your own anger and robbing yourself of enjoyment.

And we all know anger leads to fear... fears dark sides hate... everything suffering for principle.


TheBoost wrote: My demand for the OOT is in no way compromised by this stance.

Yousa doen grand.  So, wesa maken yousa Bombad General.

fishmanlee wrote: But your paying to watch the Blu-Rays in 3D.....

We will watch the B3RD with great interest.

ok i've beaten this kaadu...


Mielr wrote: If they decide to go ahead with AOTC3D, I predict it will be an even bigger disappointment

There's no if.  Disappointment, for all we know the business plan for these 3D theatrical releases is all red.


TV's Frink said:

Australian?  Well done, dude.




Make sense now?


No!  WTF?

But anyway: is it possible that what I mistook for a phoned-in, bored-sounding Australian is actually a vibrant, nuanced and energetic Kiwi accent?  Maybe the switch improved ESB after all!?!?!?

(PS- I assure all that my mistake was in no way influenced by exposure to any cartoon regarding 'The Clone Wars'.)