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Star Wars: A Renewed Hope (Moved to Facebook) (* unfinished project *) — Page 5


Darth Stewie said:

... As a matter of fact, I pride myself on my good manners and ability to defer to others, which I felt I did with the utmost respect. 

Really? Because to retro-delete all your posts from a thread is very bad mannered and extremely disrespectful.

I've done what I can to rectify the situation. I'm leaving this thread open in the hope that someone can relay updates from Facebook and generate productive discussion about the edit itself.

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here


With the recent nostalgia for when Angel posted ideas and mock ups here I thought I'd bump this reminder of another chap who posted some nice ideas (some a bit wonky looking but better than anything I could do).

I wish these fellas would swallow their pride and put their material back up here.

I never got why SSWR took down all his videos either (many edits owe a debt to his ideas and hardwork).


Darth Stewie said:


He makes a good point.