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How do I convert a AVCHD Lite movie?

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I have just bought a TZ10 with a HD recording. I have made 3 video's and would love to put them onto dvd. When I use the software provided it just says my dvd's are not compatible. Does anyone know how to convert a AVCHD Lite video to dvd or facebook film?


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 Its provided software is "plastic" When I want to burn my AVCHD Lite video files to DVD. Firstly I use a crappy program that is promoted by spammers to convert AVCHD Lite to HD AVI and then burn it onto a black DVD.


You can have a try. Hope it solves your problem.


OK, so I found a post on another forum by a user called alex6699, which was promoting the exact same software that oudinmelanie09 mentions. Two accounts, each with a single post in the same thread. It's obvious that this whole thread is just a spam setup.

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