C3PX said
....or spawn some whiny new joke thread (like New Politics).
For the record it was never intended to be a whiny thread...more a pastiche of a whiny thread like this one (ergo all the politically satirical rules and the unfathomable points and punishments system).
I wouldn't have even have considered coming up with it if the earlier fracas hadn't been brought up in a totally unrelated thread posted by someone asking for purchasing advice.
I didn't respond in that thread in a snarky fashion as it would not have been appropriate but started a separate 'joke' thread.
I kept my promise to keep out of the politics thread (without the need of a vote) and I will never post on there again...ever (probably).
I don't think I did anything there for which I need to be forgiven or apologise for but I didn't see the point in continuing to interrupt what had become a very closed circuit.
I do read it though but it's often informative and hilariously amusing.