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Star Wars Prequels/Original Trilogy: The Complete Scores (Released) — Page 26

GoodMusician said:

Guys, keep a look out here:




that's where I'll be posting it

Unless space runs out, then I'll have to get back with heileman about uploading it



What I posted One page ago. 


This Index has everything I uploaded and will soon have more as I get more up.



Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


Yeah, I still don't see these posted.  Perhaps a torrent should be created, or if someone could up these to a.b.starwars


It’s Not the Years, It’s the Mileage.


You don't see what posted?


If you have cookies of the old index, you'll have to refresh them because it'll still show up as the old index But it's there.


I havn't posted any of the star wars nor have I said I would yet.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


I haven't uploaded JP3 up yet. Hense why they show as file not found.

I'm uploading now.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


Thanks for the JP3 ones as well dude much appreciated don't mean to be pushy but do you have set for the lost world as well as I see that it is listed up there.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



 I'm reworking TLW.


Gotta have patients. I haven't so much as uploaded any of these sets in ...months...maybe a year. The fact you all are getting them at all right now should be a surprise and delight..


I have to redo them because I was able to figure out what I did wrong last time.


The IOA tracks were stereo recordings from mono speakers. I didn't realize it right away, but when I did, I went back and recorded agasin from the other speakers and once layered together, they create a very very nice sounding mix. So I need to remix that all

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


Cool I've got no problem in waiting id rather wait and have quality thanks for all the effort you are putting in anyways its greatly appricated.



you guys should all refresh your index cookies again.


I've updated it. Every link should work and send you directly to the correct files.

If something doesn't have a link, then it's not up yet.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


GoodMusician said:

I do have some news, I'm still working on the set...and plan to send some over to a friend for some tinkering and hopefully a soon release.

;) By the way, you're working the TPM in lossless, are you ?



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


Asteroid-Man said:

When will this be completed and available?

 Looks like our fellow has vanished from the forum...



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


Sorry guys... I'm around... just havn't been on.


As for the updates... I need to do them, but I've been so busy. More and more material keeps coming out and frankly, I've been out of the loop a bit too long. I'm gonna try to team up with GGCTUK and maybe someone else I know to get hte most up to date and corrected sets... Episode II and III are the ones with the biggest changes.


I'll let you all know ;-)

This is where they'll go though


Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


I like to be wrong sometime ;)



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


GoodMusician said:

I'll let you all know ;-)



Asteroid-Man said:

When will they be up?


I think the 1st quote was the answer.


(Edit: Oh, and sorry GM !... Looks like I'm once more advertising my set in your thread... lol).




The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


GoodMusician said:

Sorry guys... I'm around... just havn't been on.


As for the updates... I need to do them, but I've been so busy. More and more material keeps coming out and frankly, I've been out of the loop a bit too long. I'm gonna try to team up with GGCTUK and maybe someone else I know to get hte most up to date and corrected sets... Episode II and III are the ones with the biggest changes.


I'll let you all know ;-)

This is where they'll go though


If you, GGCTUK, and ABC team up, the results would be godly. I've heard at least some version of ANH from each of you.

I adore your Temple of Doom set.


Honestly I keep waiting, hoping GGCTUK can get some stuff done. I want to jump back in and redo my sets but new games with new material keeps coming out.


I would like to wait until there's a lull... let GGCTUK find some more of the pieces, then make my edit and send it to ABC and get his final revision on it.


I mean, I did the original research. I searched 100 gb of music to create the set I made. It took nearly 2 years to complete... letting GGCTUK figure out the tiny nuances of a few cues...I'm ok with :-p


Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?



Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


fishmanlee said:


BTW: the first track has been partially released on the Jabba's Palace Soundboard!!!

I almost think that this must be from the mix into the film. They must have found the masters for the different track layers in the film. Becuase if you listen, it fades out just as it does in the film...


It doesn't mean they found the masters of the track which still makes me sad.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


GoodMusician said:

Honestly I keep waiting, hoping GGCTUK can get some stuff done. I want to jump back in and redo my sets but new games with new material keeps coming out.


I would like to wait until there's a lull... let GGCTUK find some more of the pieces, then make my edit and send it to ABC and get his final revision on it.


I mean, I did the original research. I searched 100 gb of music to create the set I made. It took nearly 2 years to complete... letting GGCTUK figure out the tiny nuances of a few cues...I'm ok with :-p


Based on GGCTUK's thread at ffshrine, he uploaded new sets for the OT recently. Supposedly working on TPM at the moment.

I remember you once having an E.T. set. Any chance of that resurfacing some day?