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Making our own 35mm preservation--my crazy proposal — Page 14

negative1 said:
SKot said:

Welcome back, -1.

Wait, you've acquired a (possible) girlfriend?

Forget it, guys...negative1 will never have time to work on the project now!  Move along, nothing to see here... ;)




i dont' know your situation..

but for the last 2 weeks i've been out almost every night until at least 3am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the girls 23, and she REALLY knows how to party..

trust me, i'm as baffled as anyone about how this came about,

its a really long, and weird story..


there are some things in life that come along, and you

just have to go for it... (like getting the SW prints)..


this is one chance for me, that i've never had before,

and as much as i love 'star wars', there's some things

that just don't compare..


be seeing you


You're one sick fuck, you know that? The GIRL is half your age, you perverted sick bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're old enough to be her father.


And yes you have some nerve coming back, and you keep babbling on about how sad your life is so that we'll all understand and feel sorry for you...jeez get a life.


I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

vbangle said:

You're one sick fuck, you know that? The GIRL is half your age, you perverted sick bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're old enough to be her father.

And yes you have some nerve coming back, and you keep babbling on about how sad your life is so that we'll all understand and feel sorry for you...jeez get a life.

That's a pretty pathetic personal attack.. What are you an ageist? You don't have to like it, but you don't know either party and they're BOTH old enough to decide how to live their lives. Christ...


Congrats to -/+1 for finding someone!

The Monkey King - Uproar In heaven (1965) Restoration/Preservation Project

Nezha Conquers the Dragon King (1979) BBC 1.66:1 & Theatrical 2.35:1 preservations


On the subject of Star Wars:
-1, I hope you dont turn this into an x0 thread like it once may have been considered in the past, Im glad a fan has these materials, but if you do not feel that you are up to the challenge or personal life is getting in the way, please pass on the materials "in good faith" to one of the established member like adywan....where you would at least know your materials would be put to good use and you know you would receive said materials back after the work was complete

On the subject of relationships:
Its different strokes for people, but I always found this this rule to be useful

Moth3r said: No, there is no video embedding option in this forum software (thank god!)


vbangle said:

You're one sick fuck, you know that? The GIRL is half your age, you perverted sick bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're old enough to be her father.

And yes you have some nerve coming back, and you keep babbling on about how sad your life is so that we'll all understand and feel sorry for you...jeez get a life.

Wow.  Someone needs to relax.  What he's doing is not illegal or immoral.  Let's not judge.  We should all be so lucky to find love in our lives at any time...regardless of when. 

It's really odd because I was JUST thinking about negative the other day. 


so where is everybody?


i thought there would be more questions?


could it possibly be that some of you might have been

wrong? and this is really going on?


ask me, and you'll find out!


be seeing you,


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

vbangle said:

You're one sick f*ck, you know that? The GIRL is half your age, you perverted sick bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're old enough to be her father.


And yes you have some nerve coming back, and you keep babbling on about how sad your life is so that we'll all understand and feel sorry for you...jeez get a life.



so, did you want me to reply or not?

did i say, you should feel sorry for me?

did i ever promise something, and ask you to pay for it?

why are you the one avoiding answering the questions,

and bringing up personal attacks.


by the way, i think that going out, and dating qualifies

as 'getting a life'...


by the way, she was the one that asked me for my number,

and initiated the whole thing, and has no problem with my age.


be seeing you



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

CompMovieGuy said:

On the subject of Star Wars:
-1, I hope you dont turn this into an x0 thread like it once may have been considered in the past, Im glad a fan has these materials, but if you do not feel that you are up to the challenge or personal life is getting in the way, please pass on the materials "in good faith" to one of the established member like adywan....where you would at least know your materials would be put to good use and you know you would receive said materials back after the work was complete

On the subject of relationships:
Its different strokes for people, but I always found this this rule to be useful


thanks for the link.


by the way, i already said i'll be passing the prints on to adywan or

someone else if they're up to it..

(see earlier post)..


i hope that eases your fears.


be seeing you,



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

digitalfreaknyc said:

Wow.  Someone needs to relax.  What he's doing is not illegal or immoral.  Let's not judge.  We should all be so lucky to find love in our lives at any time...regardless of when. 

It's really odd because I was JUST thinking about negative the other day. 


 hey man,

live and let live..

i don't mind the criticisms, because i always get them

from everyone i know anyways, its something i have

to learn with...

so its not like people didn't hate me in the first place anyways..

i'm happy, and she's happy, that's all that matters right now..


be seeing you,


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]



please stop teasing us and just tell us straight away if you're doing this or not.

Your personal life might be important but understand that this isn't a forum dealing with that. So you're in the progress of getting a girlfriend? Good for you. She's much younger than you? That's your business. Unless of course you decide to take that to a Star Wars fanboard. Wherever you'd decide to chat about that though, you would have people who disagree with what you're doing. But the point remains, this is not the board for such discussion.

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it, or even have the time for it but, as others have said if you're not planning on doing anything with these prints, please either give or sell them to somebody who has the capabilities and/or equipment to properly treat these beauties.

And about my offer, a couple of pages ago I told you that if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me - since I don't have the needed equipment to scan these prints myself, I'd happily restore them frame by frame if necessary and do everything needed to give SW fans what they've been waiting for for so long. And I'd still give you all credit you deserve for allowing this to happen.

You don't have to take my word for it. Just send me a minute or two of footage and I'll show you what I'm capable of. 

So please, don't just let these prints decay until they're beyond repair. Do this while it's still possible.



Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's

DarthPlagueis said:

Your personal life might be important but understand that this isn't a forum dealing with that.

Yes - listen to this guy, he talks sense.

... if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me...

Oh wait - scratch my last comment.

Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here

DarthPlagueis said:


please stop teasing us and just tell us straight away if you're doing this or not.


i did say to pm me, and i haven't seen one from you yet.

Your personal life might be important but understand that this isn't a forum dealing with that. So you're in the progress of getting a girlfriend? Good for you. She's much younger than you? That's your business. Unless of course you decide to take that to a Star Wars fanboard. Wherever you'd decide to chat about that though, you would have people who disagree with what you're doing. But the point remains, this is not the board for such discussion.

fine, people wanted to know what happened to me,

and i felt it was relevant

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it, or even have the time for it but, as others have said if you're not planning on doing anything with these prints, please either give or sell them to somebody who has the capabilities and/or equipment to properly treat these beauties.

And about my offer, a couple of pages ago I told you that if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me - since I don't have the needed equipment to scan these prints myself, I'd happily restore them frame by frame if necessary and do everything needed to give SW fans what they've been waiting for for so long. And I'd still give you all credit you deserve for allowing this to happen.


yes, i did read your message!

i read all the messages!

but i want to discuss it privately.

You don't have to take my word for it. Just send me a minute or two of footage and I'll show you what I'm capable of. 

So please, don't just let these prints decay until they're beyond repair. Do this while it's still possible.



pm me!

pm me!

pm me!

pm me!


do i need to repeat myself?


be seeing you,



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Moth3r said:
DarthPlagueis said:

Your personal life might be important but understand that this isn't a forum dealing with that.

Yes - listen to this guy, he talks sense.

... if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me...

Oh wait - scratch my last comment.



i know the feeling, will do!


be seeing you,



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


I really hope adywan chimes in here and you guys can discuss a "borrowing" of materials because IMO, he is one of the best people to take this project forward and we know that we would get results


Moth3r said: No, there is no video embedding option in this forum software (thank god!)


CompMovieGuy said:

I really hope adywan chimes in here and you guys can discuss a "borrowing" of materials because IMO, he is one of the best people to take this project forward and we know that we would get results



 adywan has been contacted,

and is in the loop..


as you can imagine, he's got a lot of things on his plate,

please don't disturb him with even more questions..


he's well aware of the situation, and will comment when

he feel's ready to!


be seeing you,


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Moth3r said:
DarthPlagueis said:

Your personal life might be important but understand that this isn't a forum dealing with that.

Yes - listen to this guy, he talks sense.

... if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me...

Oh wait - scratch my last comment.


Yeah, you're right Moth3r. But listen I'm in a hurry and I haven't got too much time to express myself properly and I didn't mean to sound like a wacko who lives in a dream world and likes to oversimplify things, but you know... it's Star Wars. It's fantasy. It's about letting dreams come true and doing the impossible, right? This is probably the only chance we have to see a properly restored version of ANH and ESB.

Adywan already proved that George shouldn't be too proud of this technological terror he constructed called the SE and the 2004 DVD's, since his ability to destroy a saga is no match for the power of Star Wars fandom, most notably an unknown guy with a computer from GB that became a true living legend amongst Star Wars fans because he did the impossible working with... shit.

Yes, shit. The 2004 DVD's and the GOUT is shit too me. And although I'm unaware what PC Ady's using I guess it's far inferior to whatever the ILM and Lowry Digital crew were using.


So I only wanted to let him know that I'm up for the task unless of course this certain Mr. Adywan expresses his interest in doing this. But assuming that's just wishful thinking regarding he has got a lot on his hands these days - considering we all expect him to provide us with both the Revisited and color corrected HD versions of the Saga - I'd offer to help out myself. I can do this, that's not the issue. I know it's a hard and time consuming task to scan these reels, but I just need the raw data. I'd do everything necessary (IVTC and so on and so forth) myself and restore it frame by frame.

I'll PM you soon, -1


Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's

DarthPlagueis said:

(IVTC and so on and so forth) myself and restore it frame by frame.

I'll PM you soon, -1



check your pm darth,

be seeing you,



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

DarthPlagueis said:

I know it's a hard and time consuming task to scan these reels, but I just need...

I get the impression you don't know.


Guidelines for post content and general behaviour: read announcement here

Max. allowable image sizes in signatures: reminder here


Welcome back, negative1.

I'm glad you came back, since that means there's a chance we might actually get to see the results of your project one day.

But I think you have to expect people to be skeptical. After you disappeared, I thought that it was maybe all a cruel joke. That you rubbed it in our faces that you had the prints, we didn't, and we'd probably never see them again. And I was afraid that you might be collaborating with someone who would take the prints and use them for his own secretive purposes. (check your PM)

If you find you've hit a wall with this project, please try to pass things on to one of the established masters of the forum. If nothing else, I think your prints will be safe with them.

Again, welcome back.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?



There WILL BE a message from Adywan concerning

this important project.


You don't have to direct any questions to me,

since this is going to be a sensitive/private project.


Yes, there will be updates, but not from me.


Stay Tuned!


be seeing you,


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Erikstormtrooper said:

Welcome back, negative1.

I'm glad you came back, since that means there's a chance we might actually get to see the results of your project one day.

But I think you have to expect people to be skeptical. After you disappeared, I thought that it was maybe all a cruel joke. That you rubbed it in our faces that you had the prints, we didn't, and we'd probably never see them again. And I was afraid that you might be collaborating with someone who would take the prints and use them for his own secretive purposes. (check your PM)

If you find you've hit a wall with this project, please try to pass things on to one of the established masters of the forum. If nothing else, I think your prints will be safe with them.

Again, welcome back.

holy fricking cow!!!


look, i'm too exciteable for my own good!

i DID NOT MEAN to get peoples hope up, or 'rub it in their faces',


seriously, i only wanted to share my excitement about it with other fans..

again, the disappearing act is something i do all the time, so i really

didn't think too much about it...... it's just how i am...


anyways, i just made the big announcement that Adywan on's board

to get this train rolling, and back on track..


i can't promise anything (and i hope that you don't think i promised things

before either)..... but at least you'll know that efforts are underway,

things WILL be happening, and that there WONT BE ANY FINANCIAL issues

to deal with, at least that much i can guarentee.


i've always said that at the beginning, and despite people willing to contribute,

that will just complicate things, and problems will arise..


ok, let's put all the past stuff behind us, and just get back to why we're here..



'star wars'


be seeing you,



'may the force be with you'


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


Well i'm definitely on board for this project. I've been talking with -1 for the past couple of days to see how this can realistically be done.

Bringing every hope back down to earth i think we can honestly rule out getting a professional HD transfer done. I really think this was never going to happen because there were too many things involved, including the legality of this.

There may, however, be a ray of sunshine on the horizon....

I have been talking to a photographer friend of mine who has a old but High quality 35mm digital film scanner with the automatic film adapter. Now he said that he it a damaged adapter but he, in theory, could be able to modify for it to automatically feed and scan a reel of film. He has a brand new, much higher quality film scanner but doesn't want to do any modifications to it, which is understandable especially when he's paid over 4 grand for it. It has both a negative and positive setting for use with both 35mm photographic negatives and 35mm positives so no problem with having to do that side of things in post production

Now if he is able to modify the scanner then this can be done. But please don't get your hopes up for a HD quality transfer, because i doubt this can happen. As he explained to me you would need the newer scanner he has to be able to do something that will look any good in HD. So realistically we're looking at a DVD version only. But even with this it is still better than what we have with the GOUT

Now the modifications are going to take a few months at least to do as he has to build a new rig to accommodate the larger reels, so updates will be very scarce. So if things go quiet don't think its been abandoned. If it does get scrapped then i will let you know.

Once he has done the modifications we can test it with a 35mm trailer he has first to see what results can be obtained. If its feasible then -1 will be shipping the reels to me and the project will officially start





Thanks for the update guys.  I think that last post will calm down the concern a bit.

negative1 said:
Mielr said:

-1 is the Ross Perot of this forum.


 i'll take that as a compliment.



I figured you would. ;-)





there's some progress today,

i'm just finding out further information.


again, please refer to adywans post above

for clarification....


sorry to be so cryptic, but obviously we're

not going to make MAJOR announcements

here until something is definite.


be seeing you




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]