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Bingowings said:

Is this the right time to remind people that this the ESB:R thread and that ROTJ and PT threads are already around?



Yes! To Bingowings you listen....

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


fishmanlee said:

what would be cool was if ady made music videos of vaders theme/Han and Leia's theme (whichever he wanted to do) for ESB:R and of luke and leias theme/jabba's theme/ewok theme (if ewoks exist in ROTJ:R) for Rotj:r


It would, but he'll really be too busy to do that. The poor guy's trying to get some sfx done. Anyway check this MV out that I made - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce07wUVsBHU

It's an updated version of my old one (which is one of the most popular Imperial March Music Videos on the site) and it also includes clips from Adywayn's ANH:R and TESB:R (from the TESB:R Trailer).


Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)



fancy. i think star wars the musical was released not to long ago. if anybody can find videos on that, damn that would be funny. all six movies in a two hour time frame.

oh_riginal said:
buddy-x-wing said:

I didn't see this on the opening page , so I hope this hasn't been discussed before

I'm off work today, recovering from the Flu and decided to watch Empire for the first time in about a year or so, and re-noticed a minor little something thats bugged me for a while.  In the scene where  Yoda meets Luke,  Yoda grabs some sort of weird chocolate bar from Lukes rations,  takes a bite and chews,  yet the food remains completely intact,  it always reminded me of the scenes on Sesame street whenever the characters mimed eating something.  Is there any way to actually make it look he actually took a bite out of the bar?

It sounds like a minor thing, and I'm sure it's well within the realms of Ady's capabilities, but It would  add more believability to Yoda in that brief little scene.


I'm sure this was mentioned before, but I don't recall if Ady addressed it or not.


 Ady has addressed this, and it is being fixed, I believe.


Still no news! I'd prefer a bad excuse to....... NO NEWS! ;)


Joined a cult, joined the Klan, on the road with Pearl Jam...

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


Maybe Ady is taking a break. I don't blame the poor guy. I know he is used to his plate being full but after a while it can be pretty tiring. Guys like me would just say FUGGIT but Ady is different. I hope whatever he is doing he is comfortable because I have seen the work he has done. I would have quit during the colour correction.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>


Still no word from Adywan?

I'm afraid the shield doors must be closed.

... but srsly, I hope when he's finished he'll maybe take a couple years without the slightest mention of Star Wars and can come back to enjoy watching them, because if he works so hard on these edits that it ends up ruining the magic of watching these films for himself, that would be very sad indeed.


All Ady's doing is taking a break from ESB to work on that color-corrected theatrical TPM DVD. Don't worry he'll be back


Can't believe the cheek of some of you guys, Ady's been working his bollocks off for the past 3 years correcting and improving these films, doing the same work, Lucas employs a company to do, or should I say should have done, and you bloody moan that he's having a break from them for a while.

For christ sake give the guy a break, does he have to post every single thing he does in a day? I think not!

Moaning about it won't make Ady work any faster!

Darksaber said:

Can't believe the cheek of some of you guys, Ady's been working his bollocks off for the past 3 years correcting and improving these films, doing the same work, Lucas employs a company to do, or should I say should have done, and you bloody moan that he's having a break from them for a while.

For christ sake give the guy a break, does he have to post every single thing he does in a day? I think not!

Moaning about it won't make Ady work any faster!

I know what you mean.   It's not like Ady is obligated to do ESB:R.  He should do it only for the fun of it.


Like I said before what ever Ady is doing I hope he is comfortable. Working with computers all day can be damn frustrating. I get pissed at mine all of the time.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:

Like I said before what ever Ady is doing I hope he is comfortable. Working with computers all day can be damn frustrating. I get pissed at mine all of the time.


I know that feeling.  Which is why I take time away from my computer to enjoy family, fresh air and anything else.

Darksaber said:

Can't believe the cheek of some of you guys, Ady's been working his bollocks off for the past 3 years correcting and improving these films, doing the same work, Lucas employs a company to do, or should I say should have done, and you bloody moan that he's having a break from them for a while.

For christ sake give the guy a break, does he have to post every single thing he does in a day? I think not!

Moaning about it won't make Ady work any faster!

Just wanted to clarify, I wasn't trying to contribute to the drama with my last post, I really was worried that maybe Adywan had been in an accident or died.
It happened once with a guy who was developing his own SNES inspired remake of Ocarina of Time.  He had his own thread for the project, and then he didn't post for a very long time.  People started to get riled up and rude, and it went on that way until a relative of the guy made a post using his account explaining that he had been killed in a car accident and the project was canceled.




I've been curious lately as Ady doesn't seem to have posted new photos or clips for awhile...


If you read the thread, SG, you'd know we aren't getting any new stills or clips until the film is released, barring behind the scenes photos. If you looked at the forum, you'd see that Ady is taking a break from ESB:R to make his theatrical restoration of TPM.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


Theatrical Restoration of TPM?  Does that mean simply color correcting, or actually editing out the scenes added for the DVD too?


He's restoring the theatrical cut using a DVD that Dark_Jedi had of a TV broadcast of the theatrical cut.  So yeah, he's editing out the scenes added for the DVD.  And color correcting.  It's going to be a DVD-only project, though - his Episode I AVCHD is the DVD cut.


I am waiting on TPM Blu Ray with the CG Yoda and Ady to tone down Jar's Jar's antics, I don't hate Jar Jar like others do, but he could get rid of the Eopie farting on Jar Jar and stuff like that. Don't eliminate all Jar Jar's clumsiness though, because that's part of his character, like it or not.