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wow, ive been gone a few days and it sure has gotten crazy around here :)

Davnes007 said:
The Golden Idol said:

How do you know this?

He felt it.


Anyway, here's a 'quick' little video I just made that has that clip in it, as-well-as a couple of other crazy, wacky, and odd ideas. Set your faces to 'stunned'.



Watched and rated.

Loved it.

Haha!  Star Destroyer!



Davnes007 said:
The Golden Idol said:
Darth Chronus said:
Histeria said:
Davnes007 said:
Darth Chronus said:
oh_riginal said:
The Golden Idol said:

How do you know this?

He knows the ways of the force. He's been trained to use the dark side.

Are you sure?


Then our worst fears have been realised.

We must move quickly if the Jedi Order is to survive...

Can't anyone give me a serious answer? lol

Why so serious?


How 'bout a magic trick?


My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

oh_riginal said:
sgdelta1771 said:
Davnes007 said:
The Golden Idol said:

How do you know this?

He felt it.


Anyway, here's a 'quick' little video I just made that has that clip in it, as-well-as a couple of other crazy, wacky, and odd ideas. Set your faces to 'stunned'.


I honestly think that the Bespin approach sequence is ok as it is.  Adding that first clip sequence to me detracts from the mystery and feeling of the scene.



I just like the panning shot better, rather than cutting from the Falcon flying past the camera, then cutting to a shot of Cloud City with the Falcon entering the frame from the right.

Yea, that part was certainly improved, but I think the beginning of the clip after cutting from Luke talking to Yoda should be kept as it is.


sgdelta1771 said:
oh_riginal said:
sgdelta1771 said:
Davnes007 said:

...here's a 'quick' little video I ... made that has that clip in it, as-well-as a couple of other crazy, wacky, and odd ideas...


...Adding that first clip sequence to me detracts from the mystery and feeling of the scene.

I just like the panning shot better, ...

Yea, that part was certainly improved, but I think the beginning of the clip after cutting from Luke talking to Yoda should be kept as it is.

I threw that in to see how it would flow...and I agree that is an akward transition, at best, no matter how incredibly brilliant my editing is.

Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


When asked when ESB:R would be released
  Adywan hollered,
You'll be the first to know."
Ooo-hooo no news

I've learned to do the laundry
Feed the cat and clean the house
I promised to be patient
While he worked his problems out
When he packed his bags
His destination was unclear
But I sensed that his intentions
Were honest and sincere
Ooo-hooo no news

He could telephone, tell a friend
Tell a lie about where he's been
Send a pigeon, send a fax
Write it on a postal pack
Send a signal up in smoke
Tap it out in morse code
I'd prefer a bad excuse

To no news

His mum's been a little vauge
As to his whereabouts
His sister says, "I'm certain
Your romance is headed south."
I don't have a single doubt
That he's still in love
My level of anxiety
Is just a product of
Ooo-hooo no news

(Repeat chorus)

he missed his bus, missed his plane
Surely, this can be explained
Lost his car at the mall
Got lost in a bathroom stall
Joined a cult, joined the Klan
On the road with Pearl Jam
Buried with the Grateful Dead
Came back as a parrot head
Got derailed, got de-iced
Offered as a sacrifice
FBI, CIA, if they've seen him
They ain't saying
No news! Still no news!

Ripplin said:
Davnes007 said:

Anyway, here's a 'quick' little video I just made that has that clip in it, as-well-as a couple of other crazy, wacky, and odd ideas. Set your faces to 'stunned'.


LUKE: I saw...I saw a [Star Destroyer] in the clouds.

YODA: Mmm. Friends you have there.

LUKE: On a Star Destroyer?!



Wow, Davnes007 :) Interesting vid. That Destroyer in the clouds actually looks ominous, it creeped the hell outta me.

Vader must be on that ship....oh wait he has a bad-ass Destroyer of his own :)

Very nice video, I fave'd it btw.

Edit: Oh and sorry for playing the ROTS quoting game, rather than paying attention to TESB.

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)



The DS hiding behind the clouds had me in stitches,


I don't know it must be because of my kids 


I pictured the imperials on the bridge sniggering and whispering  - shhh shhh quiet down, he'll hear us!!!! shhhhh teheheheh!!!

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?

Sevb32 said:

-epic song-


That was quite awesome.


And I laughed so hard at the SD in the clouds. I didn't even notice it the first time I watched it.

fishmanlee said:
Darth Chronus

Vader must be on that ship....oh wait he has a bad-ass Destroyer of his own :)

his had a bridge to right? remember "we just lost our rear deflector shields!"


Of course. Shame Piett got fried, but he had to go someday, lol.

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


BarBar Jinkx said:

The DS hiding behind the clouds had me in stitches,


I don't know it must be because of my kids 


I pictured the imperials on the bridge sniggering and whispering  - shhh shhh quiet down, he'll hear us!!!! shhhhh teheheheh!!!

At first I thought the hidden SD was clever.  Then you (your kids) made it hilarious.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


I actually laughed when I saw that star destroyer in the clouds; it's a very... interesting... addition. :P

sgdelta1771 said:

I actually laughed when I saw that star destroyer in the clouds; it's a very... interesting... addition. :P


I thought it was cute as well, though it does eliminate the element of surprise when we find out that Darth Vader and his troops arrived ahead of time.

fishmanlee said:

its ver noticible and unoticible also

Should I call the grammer police lol.

And as an interesting addition as it is, I had to watch the vid 3 times to find it lol. It's unnecessary.


The person your searching for simply does not exist


If anyone feels the need to add any unnecessary ships to the scene, it ought to be the Slave 1 and not a star destroyer.  And then, I still wouldn't do it.  Wrecks the surprise.

Sluggo said:

If anyone feels the need to add any unnecessary ships to the scene, it ought to be the Slave 1 and not a star destroyer.  And then, I still wouldn't do it.  Wrecks the surprise.


I don't think it was added in with the intention of being serious.  Just a little Easter egg to get a chuckle out of everyone.  Though I could dig adding Slave I to the background of ships over Cloud City à la The Outrider in ANH: SE.




Seriously, Ady didn't even have to include us in this, but he did. So we should count ourselves lucky he allows us to have a voice. He could have shut himself away and never given us any little trailers, or pictures, or anything. Ady, take as long as you need, man. It's not a luxury that a filmmaker always has.