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The ANH:SE Redux Ideas thread (Radical Ideas Welcome). — Page 5


Vader's chestplate has a big red and green button on the right and glowing red buttons on the left. In some scenes it looks like the green button on the right is blue.  Like here, this was taken from Revisited:

And here, the chest plate looks like it has plastic wrap on it in some shots:




I have to agree with you there^.

I ve notice that vader's buttons sometimes changing colors.

Even r2 is black and white in some parts.

But im so Impressed whad ady did with Vader's blinking chest lights that the rest of them are just side casualties.


Lol the face of leia. Is look like she says: my god, that a big .... (star)




Janskeet said:

Vader's chestplate has a big red and green button on the right and glowing red buttons on the left. In some scenes it looks like the green button on the right is blue.  Like here, this was taken from Revisited:

And here, the chest plate looks like it has plastic wrap on it in some shots:




And If You pause the movie at exactly 14:25 you can see william shatners coffee cup. RIGHT THERE ON THAT ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I can't believe that there are people who still defend the Jabba scene in ANH-SE:

ChainsawAsh said:

I don't think putting Jabba in is necessary at all.

1) His scene becomes redundant with the lines of dialogue moved from there to Greedo's scene

2) Jabba comes across as a pushover who isn't dangerous in the slightest

3) The tail ... oh Christ the tail ...

4. This scene becomes the first time that we see the Millenium Falcon. That fact completely ruins the scene when Luke sees the Falcon for the first time and gets to exclaim "What a piece of Junk!".

5. There is a (two?) guy here that looks like and is dressed exactly like Greedo. What's up?

6. Why would Jabba contradict what Greedo says and let him off the hook? That removes the motivation why Han is so ruthlessly chased by Boba Fett later on.

7. Showing Jabba destroys the mystery around his character.



What's still bugging me about ANH sometimes is the imperial forces in general and Darth Vader in particular. Everything from his voice to his helmet to his characteristics and place in the chain of command. Lucas has mentioned that Vader is an equal of Tarkin. I don't know how this could be done, but something to make Vader seem like less of a flunky would be nice. He rooms around the Death Star corridors too much, he brings Leia to Tarkin like some kind of security guard, he allows officers to bad-mouth him, etc. Aside from that, his helmet is dull, lacking the shiny quality of the sequels and his voice is poor. Adywan improved it for the DVD 9 but it still sounds like he's just a dude with a helmet on. In all the other movies, the voice sounds as if it's generated by the life-support system. But I doubt anything short of a re-dub would completely get rid of this problem.

Aside from that, I find the ANH rank badges ilogical, random and impossible to decipher. I feel a switch to the ESB style badges would be preferable here. Making Tagge and Motti Moffs would be good too. Admirals and generals having such influence in the desision-making process doesn't mesh with the way they are treated as pawns in ESB and ROTJ.


I don't have a whole lot going on this summer so I might devote my time to fixing the rest of the continuity errors Adywan left behind, as well as incorporating a few music ques I would like to insert in places, and attempting to make the CGI death star battle a little more convincing. I have very little experience in video editing software, and most of it was on a mac. I will be using pc software for this. I have no idea whether I will be able to handle this or not.



I would like to make these aliens blink as well as any other big eyed alien that doesn't have eye movement:

Janskeet said:

The only thing I miss that has been removed for the Adywan version is the music from this shot:

Other than a few minor things I mentioned above, I think it's almost perfect. I would like to re-insert this shot back into the Adywan version. All I have for access to that shot right now is the '04 DVD and I don't think I can color correct it to exactly fit the rest of the color correction.


If you have the DVD9 of SW Revisited, there's a very similar shot in the final trailer that shows the TIEs firing. You could use that, and you'd just have to drop in some blaster sound effects.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Yes, looks like Adywan decided to scrap this shot. I think it is prettty good. I might try to incorperate it. I think he didn't like it because all the Tie fighters look too coordinated.

Janskeet said:

I would like to make these aliens blink as well as any other big eyed alien that doesn't have eye movement:

Not every creature needs to blink. They dont even have eyelids so in turn making them blink would make the characters themselves look "Fake" not everything on our planet blinks.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Janskeet said:

Yes, looks like Adywan decided to scrap this shot. I think it is prettty good. I might try to incorperate it. I think he didn't like it because all the Tie fighters look too coordinated.

Yeah and the way they are moving that one that shot is gonna hit the one in front of it.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Darth Lars said:

I can't believe that there are people who still defend the Jabba scene in ANH-SE:

ChainsawAsh said:

I don't think putting Jabba in is necessary at all.

1) His scene becomes redundant with the lines of dialogue moved from there to Greedo's scene

2) Jabba comes across as a pushover who isn't dangerous in the slightest

3) The tail ... oh Christ the tail ...

4. This scene becomes the first time that we see the Millenium Falcon. That fact completely ruins the scene when Luke sees the Falcon for the first time and gets to exclaim "What a piece of Junk!".

5. There is a (two?) guy here that looks like and is dressed exactly like Greedo. What's up?

6. Why would Jabba contradict what Greedo says and let him off the hook? That removes the motivation why Han is so ruthlessly chased by Boba Fett later on.

7. Showing Jabba destroys the mystery around his character.


To be honest for what you describe as the reveal shot to be blown, the Falcon should look amazing and Luke should instantly burst our awe bubble with that line. The Falcon however does look like a piece of junk (but it goes like greased lightning) and it is shot in a rather unremarkable way so that scene just sets up a slightly running gag. So I don't think the Jabba scene spoils anything in that regard.

Greedo's lot looking the same isn't a major problem either, most hippos look the same to our eyes but hippos can tell each other apart (someone could alter some of the costume details but they may just be wearing a standard jump suit, how many people have you seen wearing blue jeans and a white tee-shirt on the same day?).

Greedo was clearly trying to make a big name for himself and pocket a bit of money on the side, if Solo was in genuine peril there and then he wouldn't be hanging about so casually. He sincerely thinks if he can get a quick job he can pay off his debts and Jabba will leave him alone and in the scene he tells Jabba that he has a new job and Jabba ups the price but delivers a warning that if he doesn't get the money back there will be consequences. So it doesn't bother me that he let's Solo try to get more money either Jabba is a buisness man and Greedo wasn't as good for buisness as Han was but if Solo disrespects him any more he will have to be made an example of.

And there is no real mystery to Jabba, he's a gangster, an alien gangster but a gangster none the less if Han owed the money to a tax collector (even an Alien tax inspector) would there be any more of a mystery?

The real problems in the scene are the execution, the dialogue adds nothing new (something that could be altered with different subtitles), the model still doesn't look right (it looks more like Jabba now but the colour and lighting is way off and the texture is all wrong) and Han stepping on the tail is way off.

Bumping off Greedo is something Jabba could forgive if he made some extra money out of it but would Vito Corleone (or any of his family) put up with an underling kicking him up the arse and cracking a joke about it infront of his friends?

I don't think so.

To make this scene work would require a lot of effort for very little pay off (it might be doable and I'd welcome attempts to try).

It could be done like the opening scene of The Godfather showing Jabba in the shadows and not all at once (which would require reframing it but would get around the tail problem) or by showing Jabba as a hologram (so Solo could walk right through the tail).


Janskeet said:


I never noticed that giant mouse creature sitting by the table until now. It looks so forlorn, I feel sorry for it.

Mouse creature?  That's Snaggletooth, of original Action Figure fame!  Actually, as a kid I always figured his scenes wound up on the cutting room floor (you also see him when Luke and the droids enter the joint) since we never saw him in the movie.  Turns out he was a victim of the pan-and-scan VHS release which was the only way I watched SW after '77 until I got the letterbox Faces set.


Pink Floyd -- First in Space


While we are talking about Vader's chestplate, while it's great to see the lights that Ady added I'm not sure if the right colour tones were used and they may require correction (the same goes for Artoo's light the blue light seems to be too green and not blue enough).

I would like to see the AOTC display lights added to the garage and (if the area appears in the film, which I'm not sure about) it would be nice if the family graveyard was put in as a little reminder of Anakin's mum and presumably his stepfather.

Bingowings said:

While we are talking about Vader's chestplate, while it's great to see the lights that Ady added I'm not sure if the right colour tones were used and they may require correction (the same goes for Artoo's light the blue light seems to be too green and not blue enough).

I would like to see the AOTC display lights added to the garage and (if the area appears in the film, which I'm not sure about) it would be nice if the family graveyard was put in as a little reminder of Anakin's mum and presumably his stepfather.


I thought those Lars garage lights were simply not on or burnt out. And there is no shot in ANH where you would see the tombstone where they were in AOTC, there is a wide shot next to the sandcrawler that comes close, but not quite.


Truth is no matter what more is done with ANH, there still would people wanting more.


Just throwing in my two cents here, but how about medals for the droids?

And why not?  Without R2 and 3PO, Luke would still be on Tattooine, Leia would still be held prisoner, Han and Chewie would still be making Kessel runs...and most of all if the four of them did somehow unite, they would never have gotten out of that trash compactor alive.


maybe admiral akbar could be added in the crowd......


scraping the barrel.:P


Don't forget the relationship between droid and non-droid in the Star Wars universe is one of slavery.

Threepio and Artoo are well liked (on the whole) by their owner/masters but they are not considered much more than property.

Unless someone writes a droid Spartacus storyline into Episodes VII through to IX they (and the Clonetroopers) are slaves and would never be given medals (even by the so called good guys).


fishmanlee said:

ig-88 is a droid and is he a slave?


Going by the films alone I guess he is (the EU makes him out to be some sort of Robot Che Guevara/Spartacus but that comes from the more silly end of that mythos) just because we aren't told who is owner is doesn't mean he hasn't got one.

I like the fact that his head was one of the drink dispensers from the Cantina in ANH turned upside down.