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Help Wanted: 'Gunmen's Blues' - Can someone email me the link?


Hi there,

I can’t register on Demonoid due to registrations being closed, however a short film has cropped up on the site that I have been searching for for a long, long time. The film is “Gunmen’s Blues”, starring Matt Dillon and directed by Eric Red (The Hitcher, Near Dark). I managed to find a cached page with the listing for the film on it (screencap below), but couldn’t download the torrent itself.


If anyone would be kind enough to download the torrent (not the film itself, don’t want to put you out that much!) and e-mail it to me at jamesflower1984@hotmail.com, I’d be really really grateful. Thanks in advance.

I've moved this thread from the technical discussion forum - you'll probably get a better response in here.

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If you still need this I have it. Let me know.
Don't Make Me Destroy You!
Thanks jaberdoo, PM on its way.

EDIT: Never mind, bigrob's been generous and done it already. Thanks anyway jaberdoo