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This topic has been locked by a moderator.

Ok, this is where I go a different route. What if I am wrong? Nobody loses anything because we are all hoping for the same thing to happen. If I am right we ALL get what we have wanted all along. So why all the hostility Cable? We could be friends outside of this board and you wouldn't know. It's really sad that you are waiting for a mod to step in because you are unable to handle yourself like an adult on the internet.
You know, I seem to recall yesterday in another thread (I think it was "Rules, Regs & BS"), mverta asked Raul at least twice to PM him the name of his source at LFL. That way mverta could confirm if Raul's source was legit. Now those posts are completely gone.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Is Mike mverta?

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death

Thankyou! You will also notice if you look at those threads a lot of other deleted posts. Why censor it if it's all just a bunch of lies?

Fuck off.


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Just a couple of side notes:

Two days ago when Raul started his thread, I locked it because the conversation was going around in circles, and until he had anything to prove, I felt it didn't need to turn into another flame-fest like the last thread did. I even went into both threads and deleted all references to Raul's "source" in case he was actually telling the truth and he was incriminating whoever was leaking the info. Yesterday, Moth3r pointed out that Raul was also posting under the name "RichardPX3". So at this point, we realized that not only was Raul bitching about and flaming himself, but he was trying to blame us for censorship when in reality I was only trying to keep him from potentially getting someone at Lucasfilm fired. It's obvious now that Raul never had any legit "source" and that he was making up the whole thing.

If he really had actual screenshots of an anamorphic OOT from a brand new transfer, he wouldn't be saying things like "see, they're trying to censor me, that proves I'm right, I don't even need to show you the pics". No, this attention-whore would have posted them to spite us and get the recognition he so desired.

Good riddance Raul.

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