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VHS transfer help(sound).

I have this VHS tape i would like to transfer to DVD(actually i did a sample of it already to see how it would look)but i noticed that the sound volume drops every so often,is there any way to stabilize the sound so it wont keep dropping in volume?
thanks for any and all help

ps,what i am trying to transfer is the Chicago Bears Super Bowl Win(for my brother and father in-law,i am a Cowboys fan),i have it all taped and looks pretty good,just the sound is screwy.
would it be too hard to manually adjust the output volume using a utility like Adobe premiere?

What I'd try to do is:
save the audio file
input the file in a progect in Premiere.
manually spot the times when the volume drops and apply volume filter on these points.
Export track uncompressed.
compress the track to ac3 or mpa
multiplex the audio file I created with the video I have grabbed.

I don't think this solution is what you originally had in mind, but that's what I'd do.

And now, for your feature presentation:
The Classic Re-re-re-release of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back.
In this version the word "WOOKIE" has been changed to "HAIR CHALLENGED ANIMAL" and the entire cast has been digitally replaced by Ewoks.
Try another VCR, or clean the heads (properly - not with a head cleaning tape) of your current VCR.

I've noticed sometimes if the VCR has problems reading the hi-fi track, it will drop out to the linear audio track. This is probably what's causing the volume changes.

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