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Tales of the Empire


Grievous on Dathomir killing Nightsisters…?? Son of Dathomir adaptation perhaps? I am intrigued by that and the Bariss storyline. The Elsbeth background storyline, not so much. Thought she was really wasted in Ahsoka, and I don’t think delving into her family history and revenge storyline is going to make me care about her any more.

Overall, this is a nice surprise of a show to be added. I am shocked it was kept under wraps so well! I like the idea of these anthology animations covering the different factions. A lot of potential there. Tales of the Old Republic someday…?

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


Cool, but are we going to ever see an animated series like this for OT characters?


Acbagel said:

Grievous on Dathomir killing Nightsisters…?? Son of Dathomir adaptation perhaps?

This looks to be a retelling of the battle in Massacre from Elsbeth’s perspective. I don’t think this has anything to do with Son but I still hold out hope that we’ll see that and Dark Disciple adapted as miniseries some day.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Acbagel said:

Grievous on Dathomir killing Nightsisters…?? Son of Dathomir adaptation perhaps?

This looks to be a retelling of the battle in Massacre from Elsbeth’s perspective. I don’t think this has anything to do with Son but I still hold out hope that we’ll see that and Dark Disciple adapted as miniseries some day.

Ahh, you may be right… Man, would’ve been a great time to make DD or SoD. Hope to see those brought to life one day.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


MORC said:

Cool, but are we going to ever see an animated series like this for OT characters?

I don’t think Filoni wants to do that, which is good because I don’t want it either.


I’m interested in the Barriss Offee episodes finally explaining her story, but will give the Morgan Elsbeth episodes a miss.

Was this meant to come out before the Ahsoka series did? (It seems set up material for Morgan and how she became so loyal to the Empire and Thrawn, but would have been better to show this before the Ahsoka series and her lackluster ending in that show).

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


Keyan Farlander said:

I’m interested in the Barriss Offee episodes finally explaining her story, but will give the Morgan Elsbeth episodes a miss.

Was this meant to come out before the Ahsoka series did? (It seems set up material for Morgan and how she became so loyal to the Empire and Thrawn, but would have been better to show this before the Ahsoka series and her lackluster ending in that show).

It’s crazy how much they have been jumping around the same small time frame of the universe with all these spinoffs. Telling a story like this gets increasingly harder, specially when all those plot lines are interconnected.


MORC said:

Keyan Farlander said:

I’m interested in the Barriss Offee episodes finally explaining her story, but will give the Morgan Elsbeth episodes a miss.

Was this meant to come out before the Ahsoka series did? (It seems set up material for Morgan and how she became so loyal to the Empire and Thrawn, but would have been better to show this before the Ahsoka series and her lackluster ending in that show).

It’s crazy how much they have been jumping around the same small time frame of the universe with all these spinoffs. Telling a story like this gets increasingly harder, specially when all those plot lines are interconnected.

Yep, it really is baffling. There doesn’t appear to be much thought or planning going into many of these modern releases. It feels haphazard, and as you say makes it more difficult when the stories are interconnected.

Maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised?

“The thing about Star Wars is that there’s one universe” & “Everyone wants to know stuff, like, where did Mace get that purple lightsaber? We want to establish that there’s one and only one answer” - Leland Chee, Continuity Database administrator for Lucasfilm, aka ‘Keeper of the Holocron’, 2008.


MORC said:

Cool, but are we going to ever see an animated series like this for OT characters?

Unfortunately, I doubt it. They seem to struggle writing consistently for their own created characters and lore, let alone iconic OT characters.

I’d love to see it one day, of course. Although done by different creatives that have been in charge since 2008, who continue to mine the EU for ideas and stories, even write over other creatives’ 2014+ canon, as well as using empty fan service instead of creating something that has weight, or has something to actually say.

With that, I hope I’m wrong, and this TOTE will be a good watch, do something fresh, maybe even risk taking, though I’m not holding my breath on that.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


MORC said:

Cool, but are we going to ever see an animated series like this for OT characters?

Yeah, an animated series post-ROTJ would be great.


Sirius said:

MORC said:

Cool, but are we going to ever see an animated series like this for OT characters?

Yeah, an animated series post-ROTJ would be great.

I mean, I’d love that. But (A) I’m not confident Disney would execute it well and (B) I get the sense that like 75% of Star Wars fans these days are mostly Prequel fans. The passionate OT fans are dwindling, because we’re all getting older. But it would be interesting to poll a randomly selected sample of Star Wars fans about this.

It’s weird to think about, but the OT is now such a small part of Star Wars. I get the sense the average Star Wars fan today is more enthusiastic about Prequel stuff like Anakin/Ahsoka/General Grievous, etc. Just this morning, right after taking my heart medication and preparing for my annual colonoscopy, I yelled at a bunch of Prequel fans who were hanging around on my lawn, polluting it with lots of lame CGI crap.


i am a litle disaponting by this
the morgan episodes are great, i liked trawn more here than the ashoka show but the barris arc goes to a direction that i very disliked not only thinks it contradicts her but its overdone by now


Very disappointed by the storyline decisions this time around. To the point where I was actively hating every second of watching Episode 6.

Visually, they have mastered their craft. The art style and thematic depictions are top-notch, probably the best we’ve ever seen in Star Wars animation.

Nothing wrong with Elsbeth’s episodes, other than I find them to be somewhat… pointless? I guess it provides a little bit more context for her appearance in Mando, and some of her attitude in Ahsoka. But when you have an entire universe of characters to choose from to tell 40 minutes of high-quality visual storytelling, I am not exaggerating when I say I could name 200 other characters I would have rather seen get the spotlight than Elsbeth. Her arc here just doesn’t mean anything at the end of the day. Grievous was the highlight of her episodes, followed up by Thrawn. Overall, very mediocre plot with great visuals and thematic presence. 6.2/10

Episode 4 starts incredibly strong with Barriss adjusting to a new life in the Empire. The pacing was as good as it can be in a 15-minute timeslot, and everything here was pure setup potential. Episode 5 appears to start to deliver on this with a very dark and compelling opening scene, but wow does it go off the rails. All of the setup from the previous episode gets tossed out the window, and we get example #100 of dark sider turns good. I just really can’t fathom how that decision makes sense in the second half of the episode. Then 6 just completely lost me from the very premise, to the point where I actively disliked watching it anymore. The Sister gets just as much focus as Barriss, the stupid stab through the chest doesn’t kill people trend, she ALSO turns light, Barriss looks 50 years older but the Sister hasn’t aged a day? And what a tease of Vader for absolutely nothing. That was by far the most interesting premise in the entire show, yet we don’t get anymore than the trailer. Visually still looked great, but I strongly disliked the storyline choices to the point of not even enjoying watching it and now having to try to wipe it from my mind, so a 2.3/10 for me on this arc.

I was a huge fan of Tales of the Jedi, but Tales of the Empire really, really dropped the ball for me. The title of the show barely even makes sense… The Empire was not the focus at all, and at least half the show is set in a time period where the Empire doesn’t even exist. Just very confusing directing decisions, and I left feeling like at best this is simply not worth watching because it adds nothing to the saga other than an improvement in visual effects, and at worst feeling like I disliked it so much I’m going to pretend it doesn’t exist in my headcanon. It gets a 3.1/10 overall from me and I would not recommend it to anyone unless you view it as a tech demo for what the future of Star Wars animation could be.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


Should have been called “Tales of the Outcasts” as the Empire was pretty much non-existent in the series.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


They should have called these anthologies “Tales of the Galaxy” or something similar just so that they don’t have to write around the show’s label.


Everything that Acbagel said. What a surprising disappointment.

Forum Moderator

Honestly such a waste - bare bones Cliffnotes scripts really let down the concepts, there’s nothing here the trailer didn’t already substantiate in a minute of montage editing.

And sure, it’s often felt like intentional withholding of interesting stuff in these animated shows, but this one uniquely bulldozes through the concepts it puts on the table. This was supposed to be answers and payoffs. Bariss’ speculative future was so exciting and compelling in imagination, that’s gone now.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


I like the Barriss episodes in concept, but they really deserved to be the entire focus. Give her 8 24 min episodes and expand on this same story and I think it could be pretty good.

It honestly feels like the only reason for its existence is so when she inevitably shows up in a later tv show they don’t need to explain it. What a shame.


I just watched the first episode.

Maybe I’m just getting tired of Star Wars content as of late, or maybe I’m just too easily disappointed by nerd nitpicks that occur to me. But like… I turn on this show, and the first episode starts out with this crazy battle in a dark forest at night on the planet Dathomir. Robots are fighting witches who use space bow-and-arrows, General Grievous comes along and has a lightsaber fight, etc.

And all I can think is, does anyone remember that Star Wars has space ships in it? Why the hell is this battle even happening? Why doesn’t General Grievous just nuke the whole continent from orbit? He’s clearly not interested in taking prisoners.

I know. I know. We’re WAY past that at this point. But remember how in the OT, Vader’s generals wanted to destroy Echo Base from orbit, and only resorted to a ground invasion because of the shield? Remember how the old EU had this concept of “Base Delta Zero” (nuking a planet from orbit)?? Remember space battles??

Starting with the Prequels and their silly Napoleonic-style land battles, Star Wars has basically completely stopped trying to be even 1% science-fiction anymore. I know Star Wars was always mostly fantasy (the Force, giant space worms, etc.) but the OT and old EU incorporated plenty of military sci-fi elements. Large spaceships have lasers that can be used to destroy Rebel bases from orbit. But ever since the Prequels - and especially with the Filoni cartoons - Star Wars is often closer to pure high-fantasy, with occasional visits to space. The action has shifted almost entirely to lightsaber battles instead of dog fights in space.

Also, an “energy” bow and arrow is completely stupid and impossible to take seriously. I’m sure someone will point out how Chewbacca had a “space cross-bow” in the OT, but whatever.

TLDR: Disgruntled nerd rants about Star Wars, news at 11


Finally saw it, unfortunate. After not caring about the Morgan ones for one second, I expected to really enjoy the Barriss ones much like I didn’t like the Ahsoka ones and liked the Dooku ones last time around. Sadly they were also a disappointment and the whole thing seems like such a big waste. Filoni is just seemingly terrified of going anywhere near any character that Lucas created, I guess he felt more comfortable with Dooku having written him/around him so much in TCW (ditto for Barriss which in this portrayal is a TCW OC in all but name) but I mean, Morgan?! Just do someone else! Bail Organa was right there, weirdly his appearances have been odd in Kenobi and non-existent in Andor, so there’s so much potential. Or like, Galen Erso escaping, some interesting Saw stuff. After seeing him in Bad Batch, Krennic! Heck, even Yoda or another missing Jedi. There were tons of options here, I think even if it was like Yularen and he ran into Filoni’s dear Ahsoka I’d still appreciate it more than this uninspired disappointment. What a waste.