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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread — Page 9


screams in the void said:

Z6PO said:

Daisy Ridley excited for “fun direction” of new STAR WARS film (YouTube)

I’m glad she is excited to return . Also glad to hear her praise of Sharmeen Obaid’s documentary experience . Wasn’t there something about George Lucas making the original Star Wars in a documentary style ? Seems like this may be in good hands , between the lead , the director and the writer , I am optimistic . Idk , we will see . anyway , looking forward to seeing Star Wars in theaters again soon .

I’m optimistic too, but if I recall correctly, the whole thing about treating sw77 like a documentary had more to do with the first (notorious) cut of the film, and that the documentary “feel” was diminished for the Final Cut once they realized that it wasn’t working. That said, Sharmeen might still make a great film, and her documentary background could still very well be a good thing for this. Only time will tell.

Admittedly, though, the lack of enthusiasm from most others makes it difficult for me to maintain my own excitement, especially since now people are hating on this director for an out-of-context quote from 9 years ago. I might not even end up seeing the movie, cause I feel like I lose either way. Either I’ll hate it, or everyone will yell at me for liking it.



When TFA came out in 2015, Daisy Ridley’s performance - and her chemistry with Finn - was actually one of the major aspects I liked about the movie. It was such a breath of fresh air to see actual acting and chemistry after 3 Prequel movies of non-stop wooden acting and lifeless characters.

But that turned out to be just a small silver-lining after the Sequel Trilogy devolved into a catastrophic incoherent mess. As for the upcoming movie, Daisy Ridley is a good actress, but it’s hard to be too excited about this new movie. I mean, even Adam Driver’s amazing performance couldn’t save the Sequels. It’s really all about the writing - and so far Disney has been sorely lacking in that department.


rocknroll41 said:

screams in the void said:

Z6PO said:

Daisy Ridley excited for “fun direction” of new STAR WARS film (YouTube)

I’m glad she is excited to return . Also glad to hear her praise of Sharmeen Obaid’s documentary experience . Wasn’t there something about George Lucas making the original Star Wars in a documentary style ? Seems like this may be in good hands , between the lead , the director and the writer , I am optimistic . Idk , we will see . anyway , looking forward to seeing Star Wars in theaters again soon .

I’m optimistic too, but if I recall correctly, the whole thing about treating sw77 like a documentary had more to do with the first (notorious) cut of the film, and that the documentary “feel” was diminished for the Final Cut once they realized that it wasn’t working. That said, Sharmeen might still make a great film, and her documentary background could still very well be a good thing for this. Only time will tell.

Admittedly, though, the lack of enthusiasm from most others makes it difficult for me to maintain my own excitement, especially since now people are hating on this director for an out-of-context quote from 9 years ago. I might not even end up seeing the movie, cause I feel like I lose either way. Either I’ll hate it, or everyone will yell at me for liking it.

I’m looking forward to this, I didn’t think I would be, but Daisy’s excitement for it is infectious! So why shouldn’t fans be positive?

I know some of us a cautious, going on the mixed-to-disappointing content from Star Wars of late, and the ST, but this is something new from new people behind the scenes. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and look forward to it.

Screw the haters for bringing their out of context quotes from years ago and trying to merge them into something they are clearly not. Don’t let them spoil your take on the film. Hopefully it’ll be a good one, maybe something a little different too?

If it sucks, then okay, but it won’t be because of perceived political “agendas”, or the hate of Fandumb Menace and clickhaiters spout. Although they’ll be trying their best, and the usual suspects will certainly be profiting from grandstanding that hate. And that’s before we’ll see anything from the film itself!

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Patronizing terms such as “click haters” and “fandumb menace” are not welcome here. You can be excited for a project you know little about without having to label and ridicule posters on this forum. You come off way more toxic than anything you’re pretending to be “against” and perhaps a bit too hostile. 😉


Fan_edit_fan said:

Patronizing terms such as “click haters” and “fandumb menace” are not welcome here. You can be excited for a project you know little about without having to label and ridicule posters on this forum. You come off way more toxic than anything you’re pretending to be “against” and perhaps a bit too hostile. 😉

I was referring to the hate-based content makers; the clickhaters and the fandumb menace. As in:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Although they’ll be trying their best, and the usual suspects will certainly be profiting from grandstanding that hate. And that’s before we’ll see anything from the film itself!

and there was also no ridiculing of posters, or being “toxic” to other posters, on here.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


If you weren’t referring to any members on this board who don’t have gushing thoughts about any upcoming SW projects…then why did you mention it in the first place? Did you think anyone here wanted to hear your rant on “hating the haters”? Still is not the place for your personal vitriol against a 0000.01% minority.


Fan_edit_fan said:

If you weren’t referring to any members on this board who don’t have gushing thoughts about any upcoming SW projects…then why did you mention it in the first place? Did you think anyone here wanted to hear your rant on “hating the haters”? Still is not the place for your personal vitriol against a 0000.01% minority.

Dude, he wasn’t saying “Rey is 100% gonna be good and anyone who says otherwise is a hater”, he was saying “Rey has potential, and even if it sucks it won’t be because of its ‘SJW woke agenda’ or whatever.” Try getting some basic reading comprehension before you shit on someone for no reason.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

Fan_edit_fan said:

If you weren’t referring to any members on this board who don’t have gushing thoughts about any upcoming SW projects…then why did you mention it in the first place? Did you think anyone here wanted to hear your rant on “hating the haters”? Still is not the place for your personal vitriol against a 0000.01% minority.

Dude, he wasn’t saying “Rey is 100% gonna be good and anyone who says otherwise is a hater”, he was saying “Rey has potential, and even if it sucks it won’t be because of its ‘SJW woke agenda’ or whatever.”

100% this.

“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas


Is there a point to Rey-based movies? Star Wars is over the moment Leia and Luke died. The Star Wars saga was about the Skywalker family. Rey’s a Palpatine (uurrghh) so who wanna watch a film about Palpatine magically out-of-the-blue daughter?
Might as well focus on another Solo/Lando film, Mandolorian and Andor.


It’s all about the dyad…

Seriously though, that link with Ben is enough.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


act on instinct said:

It’s all about the dyad…

Seriously though, that link with Ben is enough.

Early rumors suggested that this film would be about Rey training two new pupils, a boy and a girl, and that the movie was pitched as “Your Name in space.” Those things lead me to believe that the film itself will be about Rey finding two new “heirs” of the dyad, so to speak. The fact that it was originally supposed to be set much later in the timeline kinda adds to this theory, imo.



They didn’t do anything worthwhile with the dyad in the last movie, it’s hard to imagine that it would be worthwhile now. Kylo Ren, aka the only person with characterisation, is still dead. I would imagine they’re going to ignore this whole idea and try another soft reboot. If it ever gets to production.


Anjohan said:

The thing is that no one wanted to see Luke dead in the first place, and definitely not to be replaced by Rey - a character few have grown to care for and a character we’ve not seen struggle for her achieved triumphs. It’s like sacrificing your house to buy a motorbike. It just doesn’t hold the same value to most people and will always be considered a very bad choice that people can’t fathom.

Having Luke around will only be to get the bank bucks from “The Politically-Evil Spirited Sequel Haters” and we all know it. It will hardly be satisfactory either having a beloved character that raised million of children as a blue force orb trying to teach Rey a lesson or two for the THIRD film in a row. Some people will go to the cinema and watch it, others will wait for stream - and I suspect a large amount of the fanbase here and elsewhere will torrent it in pure disdain and hatred. Either way, It’s going to make money and it’s going to be canon.

Until the day they either sell or replace the majoritfy of their staff, this is what we’re going to get and we’ll just have to bend over and either close our eyes or try to enjoy it.

Thank the maker we have brilliant faneditors that can salvage things from The Sequels for people who want to give them a new chance.

Rey Skywalker, you’re our only hope.

Forget about what has come in the last eleven years, it will be for the best. Or in any case select what few things are salvageable.


The script written by Steven Knight. You can find those pieces from the interview (which is currently only available in a recently edition of Empire magazine) here.


I hope its worthy of seeing, not another remake of the OT, or rearranging the same ideas. Like if they get lazy and desperate they don’t crib something like the dark empire comic.


Who can say if it will be worth seeing, but the foundation for any potential Episode X is very shaky to say the least.


Channel72 said:

When TFA came out in 2015, Daisy Ridley’s performance - and her chemistry with Finn - was actually one of the major aspects I liked about the movie. It was such a breath of fresh air to see actual acting and chemistry after 3 Prequel movies of non-stop wooden acting and lifeless characters.

But that turned out to be just a small silver-lining after the Sequel Trilogy devolved into a catastrophic incoherent mess. As for the upcoming movie, Daisy Ridley is a good actress, but it’s hard to be too excited about this new movie. I mean, even Adam Driver’s amazing performance couldn’t save the Sequels. It’s really all about the writing - and so far Disney has been sorely lacking in that department.

I liked the aspect of her being a scavenger but like Finn being a runaway Stormtrooper they did nothing with it. So disappointing, they were so desperate to hew to the OT they did nothing new. Rey being a nobody i really liked. Really what i hate more than anything is Rebels vs Empire again, and Jedi VS Sith. I’m not saying i wanted a midichlorian macrobiotic world but some difference would have been nice.

I give ILM credit for the effects and production design was top rate, and cinematography were great. Good looking movies, decent acting, good music, the screen stories are lacking.


Mocata said:

I would imagine they’re going to ignore this whole idea and try another soft reboot. If it ever gets to production.

Probably for the best. Considering how divisive and bizarre a lot of the choices have been, another story with Rey will go down easier with a clean slate. Ridley has charm and can deliver in the role. I like Rey, enough to wish Episode 9 never happened to her. Hopefully she will be gifted better material this time*.

(*if this film actually crosses the finish line, which you cannot count on)


Looks like Daisy hinted at John Boyega being back too: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/daisy-ridley-young-woman-and-the-sea-john-boyega-new-star-wars-film-1235902088/

John Campea said on his show again today that this movie is gonna bomb at the box office.

Even though I’m intrigued about Rey’s return, I kinda wish they woulda announced an additional character for this at Celebration 2023 (Finn, Luke’s ghost, the two new kids that Rey is supposedly training, etc.). The fact that this movie has just been known online as “the Rey movie” for the last year seems to have caused a lot of skepticism amongst casuals, unfortunately.



With the new rumors of Boyega returning, a bunch of people on Reddit are now saying things like “don’t do it John, they don’t deserve you!!”

I’m trying to be excited for this movie, but it really is deflating when literally every little piece of news about it gets lambasted with so much scrutiny. It’s hard to ignore all the haters every step of the way.

I’m leaning closer and closer to just skipping this movie altogether.

This sorta thing goes both ways with me, though. I don’t wanna see this Rey movie cause people are already being too negative about it, and conversely, I don’t wanna see the new Deadpool movie cause people are being too positive about it and acting like it’s gonna be the best movie ever just because it might have a bunch of cameos and stuff. I don’t like seeing people get their expectations too high (especially for such superficial reasons). I guess I just don’t like “extremist” culture in general. Or maybe I’m falling out of love with movie culture altogether.

I think from now on I’m just not gonna go to the theaters anymore and just wait the few extra months for the things to come to streaming, so that I can watch things after most of the “hyperbole” has died down.



The last few surviving SW grifters can easily be ignored though. Ridiculous Jedi Council style hype shows (and their polar opposites) are just a sign of the times and the broader social media circus as a whole. Something is always “trending” or stirring up a reaction somewhere, so who cares?