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ESB-X (the eXtended version) (WIP)


Some of you are probably familiar with my ANH-X that is a WIP:


but truth be told, I have rough draft on the editing software timeline for Jedi and Empire. Depending if I need a switch and my mood I often hop around (focus still on ANH). Since the plan is to use the finished HD version of Adywans as a base, Empire might actually have a chance to have a release earlier than the other 2. Below are the current planned scenes for the ESB-X for those interested. I have not stopped ANH work though and in a week or so, will also create a separate tread for ROJ-X. Like the others, I have a version planed with a intros that are radio drama intros, but also will have a traditional theatrical version for those that may want that.

There will be a V1, V2, V3 for all these.

V1=is basically ESB-R w + all official deleted scenes added in and some quicker extended edits using original footage
Format:2D and possibly 3D
V2=V1 + scenes that only needed additional medium complexity FX
Format:2D and 3D
V3=Full/all scenes.
Format: 2D and 3D

Happy May the 4th!

~48 extra scenes or shots
Version Scene will be released in, is noted A “C” in front of the numbers denotes completed

  1. Rebel convoy (V3)
    Starts off after the crawl with scenes of convey getting attacked on their way to Hoth - This is the Radio drama edition’s beginning.

  2. Probe Droid Launch (V3)
    Extra radio Drama scene of Hoth probe droid launching after officers have a discussion on the star destroyer bridge about searching for a month and finding nothing - from the radio drama edition.

  3. General Rieken announces convey was annulated (V3)
    Scene from radio drama where they get this news of this event over the comlink on echo base, Liea shows look of despair as she hear this news.

  1. Extended Luke Intro (V1)
    Slight intro music modification to Luke’s intro with his taun taun taken from radio drama also includes some very quick extra deleted scenes of probe droid after it lands and some extra scenes on Luke’s Taun Taun that are from a deleted shots.

  2. Extended Chewie and Han argue (V1)
    Deleted shots of scene where Chewie complains to Han about not helping him with the Falcon.

  3. Extended scene of han and liea in hallway (V1)
    Deleted scene restored and added in that makes this scene longer and more of a heated conversation that the two have.

  4. SE wampa scene revisited (V1)
    SE edited back in, but re-edit to be more suspenseful and include some of the off camera shots of the wampa from original that added more suspense. Includes the extra scene with the Wampa opening it’s claws.

  5. Extra shot of Ion canon outside at night (V1)
    This is just an extra shot to transition to the next scene and matches the RalphMcQuarrie paining of the same.

C 9. 3PO talks about The storm (V1)
As 3PO walks up to Leia at the base doors, he mentioned the storm interfering with R2’s reception (Extra radio drama audio for this part where R2 was trying to find Luke’s signal). Some slight edit-in slots to make this audio work.

  1. Luke and han in the tent (V3)
    Extra new scene using dialogue from radio drama in the morning, where Luke and Han are waiting for rescue in the tent that was setup to survive the night.

  2. Launch of speeders in the morning (V2)
    Extra scene from Radio Drama, where the order is given to launch the search and recovery team, We see the last two speeders (of 3 total), leave echo base to look for Luke and Han.

C 12. Watch Luke in the bacta tank (V1)
Deleted B/W scene restored that shows the gang looking on and R2 commenting, Han says he is not sure what the droid said and Leia shows worry. Bacta is pink/red as seen in a later deleted scene and to more be consistent to the comics and Ralph Mcquery paintings where it is red as opposed to blueish in color that was in the original.

  1. Leia and 3PO see Luke after his recovery (V1)
    Deleted scene restored that shows them both in the medical center before solo arrives. Longer conversion about Luke leaving and some additional shots of 21B to transition in where 3PO ask to see Luke.

  2. probe droid destroying the gun turret outpost (V1)
    Deleted scene of probe droid before Han and Chewie go and face off against it.

  3. 21B talks to Luke (V3)
    Extended scene from radio drama between the two, as luke grabs his gear and leaves the medical facility to help with the battle.

C 16. Radio call for ground troops (V1)
Extra Radio Drama audio in base when announcements are made for ground troops to get to the perimeter as Leia gathers and instructs the pilots.

  1. Extra scene of vader entering the base (V3)
    Vader uses the force to open the base doors and chokes a rebel while also sending his lightsaber via force throw to slice another soldier. This will be a live action shot based off of a scene that was in a Battlefront as a cut scene.

  1. Wampas breaking free into the base (V1)
    From deleted scene showing rebels dealing with this while at the same time being invaded by the imperials.

  2. 3po switching the sign (V1)
    Deleted scene as they are fleeing rebel base to which the door holding back a captured wampa has the warning sign removed by 3PO, so when troopers check, they are unexpectedly attacked.

  1. Extended Hoth battle scenes #1 (V2)
    Series of extra shots mixed in that include the shots of the AT-AT Falling that Luke takes out and rebels engaged in ground battle before another AT-AT is taken down closer to the base. Here the terrain is more hilly and we are closer to the ion canon.

  1. Imperials entering the base (V3)
    Extra shot of vader blocking laser blast with his sabre in the main hanger as they enter the base that cuts to the control room where you hear about the imperials infiltrating the base but prior you never got to see them until they are already well inside. This is an extension that ties into the cutscene from battlefront

  2. Luke leaving Hoth (V2)
    Extra dialogue from radio drama of luke coming to his xwing after the battle while R2 is lifted in. + more dialogue with R2 in orbit while leaving hoth

  3. More Rebels leaving planetside (V2)
    More rebels escape under fire in snow speeders plus another transport and some xwings. The final AT-AT falls to the ground - cutscene from battlefront, but using miniatures/models

  4. Extra shots of Luke eating before yoda (V1)
    Deleted shots edited back in while luke is eating. This is a closer shot grabbing some white equipment from his crates. Adds a few seconds.

  5. Yoda rummaging through looks containers (V1)
    Extra radio drama segment, where Yoda talks about useless stuff Luke carries and Luke mentioned Yoda could have broken his power capsule.

  6. Han repairs the falcon (V1)
    Deleted scene restored and added in, where when they are inside the slug and han is working to do some repairs

  7. Luke’s light sabre training (V1)
    Extra deleted scene with yoda and Luke as Luke attempts to slice a metal bar into 4 pieces, but only cuts it in half. Also restored and enhanced music for immediately after when Luke is doing jumps and jogging with yoda on his back.

C 28. Extended bounty hunter intro shots with better view at Dengar. (V1)

  1. Extra 3po dialogue to lando from radio drama when they first land (V1)

  2. 3po and the junk closet droid (V1)
    Extra dialogue from the radio drama with a silver protocol leaving the closet/room before he enters and is blasted into pieces by stormtroopers inside

  3. Han and Leia’s Bespin kiss (V1)
    Deleted scene where they discuss and their first kiss, other than the B/W alternate take on the falcon. This added to the scene in theatrical where Han comes in

  4. Boba fett speaks at dining room (V2)
    Extra radio drama line at dinner from Fett after vader speaks (Temuera M voice reproduction)

  5. Lando treatens Bobfett while Han is tortered (V3)
    Extra audio scene taken from the radio drama (Temuera M voice reproduction)

  6. Han and leia talk after his torcher (V2)
    Extra lines taken from radio drama of han and leia in the cell room after he is torchered. 3PO talks about it being a trap for Luke

C 35. Extra Bobfett shot in carbon chamber before Han is lifted down (V1)

  1. Lando Thanks Lobot (V1)
    Extra dialogue from radio drama

  2. Lando clears the city (V1)
    Extra lines from radio drama when lando is clearing the city out on the comms radio. Also a few extra shots of people running through cloud city corridors.

  3. Cloud City Luke and Vader Reimagined by Fixit in Post (V3)
    The sequal to SC38….release date for this TBD and depends how this turns out or will just add a few extra shots to the beginning of scene

  4. Luke looking for Vader (V1)
    Extra lines from Luke from radio drama where he taunts Vader a little before Vader comes out of the shadows and attacks with his lightsabre

  5. Luke loses light sabre (V3)
    Scene of Luke losing his grip (gets knocked out of hand during sabre during fight) to which it is sitting in front of window that vader like it does in the Ralph Mcquarrie painting of the scene. As Luke has it in his hand when he flies out. This extended shows him using the force to get it back before goes out Window. Also shows vader shutting of his sabre after window breaks (Mcquarrie painting tie-in, so he can hold onto the wall a seconds later. In theatrical version, his sabre is already put away.

  6. Extra Exterior establishing shot of Slave 1 (V2)
    Before cutting to Han being loaded

  7. Lobot gets caught (V1)
    Deleted scene with lobot in the hallways and where he gets captured by imperials

  8. Vader to his shuttle (V1)
    SE scene of vader going to his shuttle exterior shot added back, but his voice calling “bring me my shuttle” removed as he is already at his shuttle and you see him walk to it a second later in the very next shot. Replacing with prepare or ready my shuttle

  9. Lando in the airlock (V1)
    Extra lando dialogue from radio drama when Lando has Luke safely in the air lock. There is more emphasis on the lines said to get them to get going…actually says let’s get out of here as you hear tie firing over the com + see the bolts above - a small edit that gives the scene more tension.

  10. Luke in Falcon medical Bay extended (V1)
    Deleted scene of luke in medical bed on the falcon with leia where she mentions boba fett to luke

  11. Ties Approaching (V1)
    Extra dialogue from radio drama where Leia is asking about an alarm that is going off which is for the star destroyer being detected. Happens after she has returned back to the cockpit.

  12. Lando Back in Falcon seat (V2)
    Fix to scene where lando is put back in his seat when falcon leaves bespin (he was in the prior shot and closer to the controls when R2 fixes the hyper drive), but then completely disappears a second later as a continuity issue.

  13. Final Shot (V1)
    Slightly closer framing in of the last shot with luke and leia and the droids through window of frigate More of a personal choice to see more detail. using UHD footage as the master source for more detail. Ends back to normal frame after camera pulls back 3 sec later and credits start.


screams in the void said:

I am curious as to your plans to incorporate the radio drama scenes into ESB , especially the scene of Han and Luke in the tent and the opening scene . Do you have footage in mind for this or plan to shoot some of your own ?

This will be a fresh shoot since we have a full han hoth outfit and most of luke hoth, thinking alot of over the shoulder shot but will do some face ons. Plan to use deep fake or simular. We have Hamil for the voice acting here obviously and some lines from Harrison, but will need to do some audio work on solo and get and some lines for him as perry is good but not Harrison 😃 and deep fake audio for the lines if not happy with results. There are actually some talented people out there on fivr doing Solo lines so will have to see. But yea, will have to be shot in winter so probably one of the later scenes to be honest since it is spring in my location now.If this scene does not happen it’s not the end of the world as it is not a crucial scene…although does have some good lines


kg1977 said:

screams in the void said:

I am curious as to your plans to incorporate the radio drama scenes into ESB , especially the scene of Han and Luke in the tent and the opening scene . Do you have footage in mind for this or plan to shoot some of your own ?

This will be a fresh shoot since we have a full han hoth outfit and most of luke hoth, thinking alot of over the shoulder shot but will do some face ons. Plan to use deep fake or simular. We have Hamil for the voice acting here obviously and some lines from Harrison, but will need to do some audio work on solo and get and some lines for him as perry is good but not Harrison 😃 and deep fake audio for the lines if not happy with results. There are actually some talented people out there on fivr doing Solo lines so will have to see. But yea, will have to be shot in winter so probably one of the later scenes to be honest since it is spring in my location now.If this scene does not happen it’s not the end of the world as it is not a crucial scene…although does have some good lines

cool , I hope you are able to pull it off as it would be cool to see , as would the opening space battle from the radio drama



Any plans on using the extended bounty hunters scene? I’ve seen around here this scene in some project. It has a better view at Dengar.


NabooDuck said:

Any plans on using the extended bounty hunters scene? I’ve seen around here this scene in some project. It has a better view at Dengar.

I just downloaded that tonight in a good quality and yes I plan to use it. Actually Dengar looks pretty stiff in that clip 😃


Shot list for this edit…Working on the Indy series at the moment and will probably focus on that till year end, but I do often jump back into starwars and finish a few scenes. Checked ones in the PDF are complete, but most are started and already edited on the timeline. Figured I would share this out for those interested in how this one is coming along.



Phase3 said:

I’ve just read your shot list; I was wondering, do you think you might use the deleted scene of General Veers’ AT-AT being destroyed? There is grey, black & white footage of him and the two drivers in the cockpit about to be rammed head-on by a speeder.

Originally had not decided to include due to the scene having so much cartoon/storyboard drawing pieces to it. Colorization has come along way and I do have some very nice practical models of the snow speeders, so maybe I will take another consideration, would probably be in a final V3 though.


As the 44 year Anniversary of Empire Strikes Back comes to a close, I figured I should give an update on this project. I am happy to say it is moving along and despite losing a lot of work from a harddrive and PC failure, I have recovered all and even ran into some new additional scenes plus improvements on the prior work along the way due to technology improving in the last year.

Below link is the updated shot list and status of where this is at. Was kind of hoping for Version 1 to be ready by now…but soon.


Many thanks goes out to Benduwan who helped me recover a tremendous amount of clips that I probably would have not had the ambition to go hunt for all over again or at least this all would have taken way longer.



kg1977 said:

As the 44 year Anniversary of Empire Strikes Back comes to a close, I figured I should give an update on this project. I am happy to say it is moving along and despite losing a lot of work from a harddrive and PC failure, I have recovered all and even ran into some new additional scenes plus improvements on the prior work along the way due to technology improving in the last year.

Below link is the updated shot list and status of where this is at. Was kind of hoping for Version 1 to be ready by now…but soon.


Many thanks goes out to Benduwan who helped me recover a tremendous amount of clips that I probably would have not had the ambition to go hunt for all over again or at least this all would have taken way longer.


Thanks. I’m glad i can help you.
I have a question : I need the cantina scene without the score in english and german language. I have extend them and need to add the score to the complete extended scene.
Anybody willing to help?
Thanks for doing your extended Version. Can’t wait to watch. 🫠


I need the cantina scene without the score in english and german language. I have extend them and need to add the score to the complete extended scene.
Anybody willing to help?
Thanks for doing your extended Version. Can’t wait to watch. 🫠

It sounds like all you just need is all but center channel extracted if you want to PM me the links to the German and English clip, I can do that for you.


Thanks for your offer.
Will send it to you in the next days.
Thanks you very much.