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What changes would you make to the Sequels? — Page 2


Vladius said:

JadedSkywalker said:

The thing is Force Awakens and Last Jedi are far from perfect but the third film should have been where they should have stuck the landing. Instead they made a film worse than Return of the Jedi. I like Rey more as the adopted niece and a nobody than a Palpatine. Finn isn’t the only character they failed they also just about erased Rose. I mean i get it its Rey’s story and Finn and Rose are supporting roles, but they got even worse than Han and Leia did in ROTJ.

The third one introduced new characters i very much liked like Zorri Bliss, and Jannah. But in adding more characters it was overstuffed no room for Rose Tico?

most films are worse than Return of the Jedi

Though I dislike ROTJ, you’re not wrong.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


Rey’s parents should’ve remained deadbeats who abandoned her. I’m actually fine with her being the Emporer’s granddaughter, but they still should’ve kept her parents being pieces of trash, too.

On that note, it seems a great missed opportunity not to have Rey actually go search for her parents at any point.


I very much loved it when in TLJ Rey’s parentage is stated to be inconsequential.

Why the fuck did Rey have to be the long lost descendant of a previously established character? Why can’t she simply be Rey Nobody from Nowhere?


fmalover said:

I very much loved it when in TLJ Rey’s parentage is stated to be inconsequential.

Why the fuck did Rey have to be the long lost descendant of a previously established character? Why can’t she simply be Rey Nobody from Nowhere?

I completely agree and I resent J.J. for making that such a ridiculous mystery in TFA (before he retroactively tried to explain it badly). Doesn’t anyone remember the Jedi use to go around the galaxy adopting force sensitive children from parents who were not force sensitive or Jedi at all? It just would have been better storytelling to suggest the Force randomly taps individuals. Keep it “mysterious”.


Even with the shoehorned “Chosen One” shenaningans in the prequels, Anakin’s mother was established as an uninportant slave with no Force sensitivity whatsoever.


If starting from scratch: I’d use George Lucas’ story treatments.

If enhancing the Disney trilogy: I’d have Rey kill Kylo Ren and Snoke she becomes the new villain of the series. Finn would replace her as the hero.


Nilbog said:

If starting from scratch: I’d use George Lucas’ story treatments.

Nah, they are terrible.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Midi-chlorian microverse trilogy. How the fuck anyone could think that’d ever have been good, I fail to understand.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


Luke Skywalker would have a fruitful and working Jedi Academy, and the galaxy would mostly be at peace.

Luke would have a kick-ass opening scene, with the force being used to move immense objects and remove enemies at ease - leaving the audience at awe from when we first saw him. Now our hero is not just that; he’s also the most powerful being in the galaxy.

He would have a follow-up scene with Han and Leia, at his academy and upon his return, with a funny but also heartfelt conversation. They have been visiting Luke (and their son, Ben) for years and watched the Academy and their son thrive. They are happily married and run some sort of business together, whatever it may be.

Then, after some great character development and also introduction of new and likeable characters, we would be introduced to rumours of a black hole in the galaxy; giant ships having been seen flying in and out. Ships not of the modern age.

The black hole is revealed to be some sort of timelapse portal to The Old Republic era, with the Dark Lord of the Sith having created this dark hole with all their might and power to sometime return if the power of the Sith is threatened (be it by their extinction).

This is the sole conflict, and the first film would end with The Dark Sith Lord (Revan? Malek? Someone new?) turning Ben into his apprentice, killing Han and Chewbacca to raise the stakes and leaving Luke with a facial expression in a close-up that can only mean one thing; his father’s anger is still in his veins, and what will Luke do with this power and conflict as he will surely avenge his fallen friend’s legacy and try to save his nephew Ben from The Dark Side?

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Superweapon VII said:

Midi-chlorian microverse trilogy. How the fuck anyone could think that’d ever have been good, I fail to understand.

Yes, it seems so strange. As well as him going to make Leia be “The Chosen One”, and it no longer be Anakin. I guess that would be quite divisive for Prequel fans, and fans on Anakin.

I do have a weird curiosity to learn more of how George thought he was going to pull those ideas off, although I am glad we will never see them.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.

Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!


It’s pretty clear at this stage that George has a penchant for making shit up as he goes along.


Emre16O1 said:

Superweapon VII said:

Midi-chlorian microverse trilogy. How the fuck anyone could think that’d ever have been good, I fail to understand.

Yes, it seems so strange. As well as him going to make Leia be “The Chosen One”, and it no longer be Anakin. I guess that would be quite divisive for Prequel fans, and fans on Anakin.

I do have a weird curiosity to learn more of how George thought he was going to pull those ideas off, although I am glad we will never see them.

I would have been interested in his ark for Luke only. But it is clear to me he wanted to make a sequel to the Star Wars prequels which Disney didn’t want to do. The biggest issues i have with what we know, Darth Maul as the new Sidious i don’t like it and i don’t find him a sufficient threat for Luke or the New Republic. I don’t like having Talon in the wrong timeline or her inclusion at all. Maul should have died in Phantom Menace. While i like what Clone Wars and Rebels did with him, its almost a different character. George also wanted Boba to survive the Sarlacc and ultimately Disney resurrected him. I’m against this as well except for in the Expanded Universe. Characters who die should stay dead.


Superweapon VII said:

Midi-chlorian microverse trilogy. How the fuck anyone could think that’d ever have been good, I fail to understand.

If that’s really what Lucas’ sequels were about even. I read so many contradictory claims about George’s crazy sequels. The latest incarnation apparently is a story featuring cyborg Darth Maul as leader of a criminal underworld, and a plot involving various criminal organizations vying for control of the galaxy in a power vacuum left by the Empire.

That sounds kind of stupid, but probably better than the actual Sequels which are ultimately just an OT remix with extra incoherence. Maybe George’s sequels have a subplot where they use a magic shrinking ray to shrink down into the microverse and go on an amazing psychedelic midichlorian adventure in quantumania or whatever. Hopefully those scenes are easy to skip.

Let’s face it: the only competent Star Wars sequels ever created were written by Timothy Zahn, and those are basically unfilmable.


Channel72 said:

Let’s face it: the only competent Star Wars sequels ever created were written by Timothy Zahn, and those are basically unfilmable.

Unfilmable? How so?


fmalover said:

Channel72 said:

Let’s face it: the only competent Star Wars sequels ever created were written by Timothy Zahn, and those are basically unfilmable.

Unfilmable? How so?

Well, maybe not entirely unfilmable with today’s deep-fake antics, but probably very difficult to film. To film it without relying entirely on multiple deep-faked main characters, it would need to be substantially rewritten. Plus, arguably, a Sequel Trilogy should focus on a new cast, not have the OT cast again as main characters, regardless of how much we love them.


The Lucas idea that crime bosses fill the power vacuum left by the empire is a really good one. I could take or leave everything else, but that would at least be a unique enemy that isn’t just more of the empire (though some stories with the imperial remnant are cool too,) and it makes a lot of logical sense.
I think some of that bled into The Mandalorian, at least in season 1. It starts with all frontier bounty hunting stuff because this is the aftermath of the empire’s defeat, though fragments of it are still there.


Vladius said:

The Lucas idea that crime bosses fill the power vacuum left by the empire is a really good one. I could take or leave everything else, but that would at least be a unique enemy that isn’t just more of the empire (though some stories with the imperial remnant are cool too,) and it makes a lot of logical sense.
I think some of that bled into The Mandalorian, at least in season 1. It starts with all frontier bounty hunting stuff because this is the aftermath of the empire’s defeat, though fragments of it are still there.

Some of Lucas’ crime-boss trilogy ideas definitely seem to have bled into other Star Wars media. Like Darth Maul actually appears as a crime boss in a cameo at the end of the Han Solo movie. In fact, the Han Solo movie seemed like it was building up to depict a world of criminal organizations vying for power.

But then again, I don’t think Lucas’ “crime boss trilogy” idea appeared on the Internet publicly until very recently (maybe like 2021?), which makes me wonder if the crime boss trilogy was ever real, or just extrapolated from other material after the fact. It’s also totally unclear how the microverse/midichlorian stuff fits in - was that a completely different idea for a sequel trilogy that George pitched at some point, or is it a subplot of the crime boss thing? Who knows.


With Ahsoka’s nod to the Mortis gods, I was thinking about that place, and how cool a location it was for the final battle in that “Duel of the Fates” script. It’s one of many things I wish weren’t dropped in the process of making Episode 9. I had a brain wave though about incorporating the Father/Son/Daughter mythology into the script that could have made for an interesting resolution, as well as addressing some common complaints about the ST.

Instead of dragging Palpatine’s corpse back, use Anakin as the final ‘boss’. The confrontation on Mortis ends with Anakin Skywalker appearing to Rey and Kylo. Anakin has become the ‘Father’, intent on bringing balance to the force, and to achieve this he needs a Son (Kylo) and a Daughter (Rey). Both have been ‘destined’ to fulfill these positions and have felt the weight of external forces pulling them throughout their lives. Rey defies prophecy, choosing to leave and help the galaxy directly rather than watch from a distance.


henzINNIT said:

Instead of dragging Palpatine’s corpse back, use Anakin as the final ‘boss’. The confrontation on Mortis ends with Anakin Skywalker appearing to Rey and Kylo. Anakin has become the ‘Father’, intent on bringing balance to the force, and to achieve this he needs a Son (Kylo) and a Daughter (Rey). Both have been ‘destined’ to fulfill these positions and have felt the weight of external forces pulling them throughout their lives. Rey defies prophecy, choosing to leave and help the galaxy directly rather than watch from a distance.

That’s a pretty fucking cool idea.


Vladius said:

The Lucas idea that crime bosses fill the power vacuum left by the empire is a really good one. I could take or leave everything else, but that would at least be a unique enemy that isn’t just more of the empire (though some stories with the imperial remnant are cool too,) and it makes a lot of logical sense.
I think some of that bled into The Mandalorian, at least in season 1. It starts with all frontier bounty hunting stuff because this is the aftermath of the empire’s defeat, though fragments of it are still there.

I agree. A new enemy and one which sets up a different kind of confrontation is a good idea. In one of the myriad other ‘how would you change the sequels’ threads, I suggested that they should’ve gone down a kind of James Bond route, with the galaxy in an uneasy Cold War situation, with a Spectre-like third party trying to aggravate conflict between the New Republic and the Imperial remnant. Crime bosses or a resurgent Mandalore (before season three of the Mandalorian ruined it) would have been good options for that third party.

I’d also like to have seen the Imperial Remnant reject the Sith ideology and adopt a more pragmatic militaristic outlook. Whatever darkside adepts or faction remain after RotJ might work for/with the crime syndicate but would be doing so to further their own plans that might pay off in future films.

I now think they should have done a Jedi academy-style trilogy either first or as well as a new galactic conflict trilogy. Have Luke’s Jedi searching for old Jedi temples, etc, and be confronted by darksiders trying to pillage their treasures. You could throw a revelation about Luke & Leia’s parentage into this which threatens to undermine plans to re-establish the Jedi Order & sows dissent in the ranks of his pupils.

I think the sequel trilogy that we got was both too much of a rehash of the OT & tried to cram too many things into it - like throwing mud at a wall to see what sticks. I don’t think we should’ve had any galaxy threatening super weapons in the first new trilogy. Build up to that in future films, if you do it at all.


Great stuff, GuardianoftheWhills, I agree with so much of that, it feels like the obviously correct route but that’s my opinion. I love the idea of digging into the past searching temples or even the crashed Death Star. Things the ST only half tried at best.

I had a rewrite scene in mind a while back based on the concept images of the sunken Death Star covered in vegetation and Luke running his academy with a handful of students calmly investigating the remains, almost like busy work. They could be using those TPM style breathers to swim through the trenches, and Luke would be overseeing, walking on top of the water (too much?) along the trenches observing, remembering, their search is interrupted or the students find something that gives Luke a bad feeling, he closes his eyes and the water ripples beneath his feet and the students underwater hear his voice clearly call to them to return, that there’s danger here.

Maybe overkill but I wanted more quiet moments with training lessons to build the world while still advancing some mystery, it should have intertwined more and let us have a feel for Luke as an advanced Jedi and teacher and the grandchildren as part of a generation that’s still very connected to the consequences of the previous generations.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


Have 3 different directors but have a general outline for all 3 that each director agrees on. Or at least have them be all of a piece and not stand alones, or a duology and one standalone. I’m not gonna single out Rian, the trilogy would have been better if Duel of the Fates was made. Because you would have had 3 distinct visions. They course corrected too hard on 9 and if that Rey movie is made they have to deal with the consequences of that.

The Mini Death Star canon was a neat idea like a mini nuke and totally believable. Starkiller base was just another death star, and Star Destroyer death stars was ridiculous maybe one Super Destroyer or two might have one but a whole fleet, not believable.


JadedSkywalker said:

The Mini Death Star canon was a neat idea like a mini nuke and totally believable. Starkiller base was just another death star, and Star Destroyer death stars was ridiculous maybe one Super Destroyer or two might have one but a whole fleet, not believable.

Yes, I did like the mini Death Star canon. It’s also the kind of tech you could imagine crime lords or another third party scavenging from the wreckage of an Imperial base or the two Death Stars. It’s easy to imagine a film or TV series about New Republic spies trying to prevent Imperial tech falling into the hands of other factions. (Or at least it would’ve been before the Mandoverse series established the New Republic as morons.)


Let’s be honest, TFA didn’t exactly set up the New Republic as geniuses.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Let’s be honest, TFA didn’t exactly set up the New Republic as geniuses.

It didn’t set them up at all. They’re barely in the movie.