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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 365


CourtlyHades296 said:

One idea I had was going all-out with changes in Episode I, which is a prequel 3-in-1. Then the Cassian Andor show is Episode II, followed by Rogue One as Episode III.

As I said on Discord, that wouldn’t really work as a trilogy. It’d just be a standalone film followed by an unrelated duology.

I agree with everything NotTheDr0ids said. To really work as a trilogy, it needs the same core cast and not too big time skips.


Bingowings said:

I know it’s a bit wonky but the sparing sequences in Episode 5 of OB1 seem like a better introduction to adolescent Anakin than the elevator scene in AOTC. This show might be lacking in some ways but it and The Mandaloran might serve as additional material for PT edits.

Ive taken a different approach to re-introducing Anakin in my ReWritten PT which uses my Obi-wan series movie edit as the new episode 3 (trilogy a work in progress).

Here is our first glimpse of Anakin in my edit, young Jedi in Action! I repurposed the elevator scene later after the Council tells Anakin to escort the Senator back to Naboo.

Anakin Intro ReWritten

Padme’ Apartment ReWritten


Anakin Starkiller said:

CourtlyHades296 said:

One idea I had was going all-out with changes in Episode I, which is a prequel 3-in-1. Then the Cassian Andor show is Episode II, followed by Rogue One as Episode III.

As I said on Discord, that wouldn’t really work as a trilogy. It’d just be a standalone film followed by an unrelated duology.

I agree with everything NotTheDr0ids said. To really work as a trilogy, it needs the same core cast and not too big time skips.

Maybe we could have an alternate prequel trilogy focused entirely on Cassian, Saw and the rebellion; while the prequels are edited as a single spin-off movie in the style of Rogue One and Solo. Andor’s trilogy could go like this:
*Episode I = Andor Season 1
*Episode II = Andor Season 2
*Episode III = Rogue One


ELAYEM said:

Maybe we could have an alternate prequel trilogy focused entirely on Cassian, Saw and the rebellion

again, interesting idea

but not really a Radical Redux of the Prequel Trilogy, moreso just throwing the PT away and calling something else something different


ELAYEM said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

CourtlyHades296 said:

One idea I had was going all-out with changes in Episode I, which is a prequel 3-in-1. Then the Cassian Andor show is Episode II, followed by Rogue One as Episode III.

As I said on Discord, that wouldn’t really work as a trilogy. It’d just be a standalone film followed by an unrelated duology.

I agree with everything NotTheDr0ids said. To really work as a trilogy, it needs the same core cast and not too big time skips.

Maybe we could have an alternate prequel trilogy focused entirely on Cassian, Saw and the rebellion; while the prequels are edited as a single spin-off movie in the style of Rogue One and Solo. Andor’s trilogy could go like this:
*Episode I = Andor Season 1
*Episode II = Andor Season 2
*Episode III = Rogue One

Sounds like what you’re referring to is more of a fanmix than a fanfix, when this topic is more about coming up with crazy ways to fix the prequels. Not that the idea you’ve come up with is bad. It’s just that it doesn’t really “fix” the original three prequels.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

Not that the idea you’ve come up with is bad. It’s just that it doesn’t really “fix” the original three prequels.



Perhaps the most radical redux is to admit that you never wanted them fixed in the first place


SparkySywer said:

Perhaps the most radical redux is to admit that you never wanted them fixed in the first place

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


paja said:

Thought I’d experiment a little. Aged up Anakin similar to his appearance in the Kenobi flashbacks.


That’s great. Could really work to heighten the feeling that Anakin’s gone through hell. Stress, war, and time have weathered him since AotC. Would make an edit where he does what he does just to end the war even more compelling.


Maybe add dark circles to his eyes to signify his inability to sleep

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:

For all the assholes who keep giving me shit for my reviews, here’s your fuckin proof: https://youtube.com/shorts/7ytqBdVYoWw?si=-AIkldGZmOY-1LVP


I think that’d be too heavy handed. I think this is proof of concept is good as is. It’d just be a matter of time and resources to give the entire movie this treatment (or rather every shot with Anakin’s face).


Some ideas for the Palpatine confrontation in ROTS:

  • Edit out the three Jedi that Mace takes to the fight so Mace goes alone - this fixes three of the best Jedi masters getting taken out with almost zero resistance, and adds to Mace’s character as he instantly goes to take on Palpatine with no help. This could also help Anakin’s turn since it makes Mace more rash, even though Anakin never sees these deaths.

  • Make the Palpatine face reveal morph from his normal face to his evil face. I’m not sure if that’s possible but the light dimming effect never worked for me.

Have these been attempted before? I have a vague memory of seeing both of these done in some aspect but I’m not sure if they were ever ready to be implemented into an edit.


There’s been different takes on Palpatine’s transformation, and ditching the other three Jedi has been at least attempted before.


Anybody tried to give us what prequel trilogy cgi yoda would look like with today’s cgi?


Ask Corridor Digital. It’s not some rando here who’s gonna do it. Even then, they’d probably only do a few clips.


Upon rewatching AOTC, albeit in form of an edit, I was wondering whether it would be possible to pin Padmé’s assassination on the Kaminoans. It would certainly make more sense than to pin it on the separatist. After all they would profit from continued negotiations. The Kaminoans on the other hand want to sell an army and by sheer coincidence the leading figure behind the opposition to this endeavor has become the subject of numerous assassination attempts.

To me, that sounds like a promising plot for a thriller. It gives Obi-Wan something to actually work out and puts the Jedi and the Republic on the spot to make a difficult choice: Choose justice and play into the separatist hands or choose war to defend the republic. Adding yet another layer of irony to Order 66.

The only things, I am still struggling to fit into this narrative are Jango’s involvement with Dooku and the missing archive data on Kamino. The second point could potentially be dropped with Obi-Wan hitting Dex’s to determine the origins of the dart and heading to Kamino immediately after.
Though the first point might be more difficult to make sense of.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Thanks, actually the set up is already there, when Mace ask’s Obi-Wan if the cloners have anything to do with the assassination attempts. However Obi-Wan claims that there is no motive…
Yeah Obi-Wan isn’t the fastest to catch up, though I must admit that I hadn’t noticed that either until now 😃

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


No, money down!

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


NeverarGreat said:

“Do you think these cloners are involved in the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala?”
No Master, there appears to be no motive.”


If we’re at it, we should turn Mace‘s question into a suspicion: “You think these cloners are …” Answer: “Yes, Master” (taken from the end of the transmission)

I mean Obi-Wan just gave them the motive, he told them that these people want to sell an army. It makes no sense for Mace to ask an open question like that.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Thanks Paja, but my suggestion was more of a joke.

But it actually might work.

“Do you think these cloners are involved in the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala?”
“Yes Master, there appears to be a motive.” (The ‘a’ can be a pause covered by static if necessary)
“Don’t assume anything, Obi-wan. Clear, your mind must be, if you are to uncover the real villains behind this plot.”

This way Obi-wan is perhaps jumping to conclusions while Yoda senses a deeper evil.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


The bigger issue with this whole plot is that as Pan says, it makes no sense.

1: Why do the Separatists want Amidala dead if she is the one opposing a military response to the Separatists, and as such is the closest thing to an ally that they have?

2: Why did Dooku hire Jango for the job of being a template for the clone army and then act completely surprised at such an army’s existence?

3: Why is Mace Windu, who has intimate knowledge of the plot, not immediately suspicious that the template for the Clone Army seems to be in the employ of Separatists, and why does he kill Jango when he wanted him alive?

4: Why does the Republic not know about the army that they ostensibly ordered? Did the cloners not bother to get any confirmation or send any updates?

I suppose that for the first question, perhaps the Separatists want to push the Republic into a war since they believe that they can win with their secret droid army, not knowing that the Republic will soon have an army of its own. But for this to really make sense, we would already have to know about the secret power of the Separatists and their plan before the assassination attempt, otherwise it seems to be an attack by a Republic hardliner.

For the second question, it seems absurd that Jango would have never discussed with Dooku that the job Dooku hired him for was to build a secret army for the Republic. Are we meant to infer that Dooku knows about and expects the arrival of the clones and is just playacting the fool for the other Separatists in service to Palpatine’s plot? If that is the case, why does he attempt to convince Obi-wan that there’s an evil Sith in control of the Republic, potentially threatening his entire plan? Dooku is painted first as a peaceful idealist, then the strong leader of the Separatists, then a fanatical destructive nihilist, then an easily duped fool, then a duplicitous schemer in league with his avowed enemy. It’s enough to make a person’s head spin, and for this to work we again would need some idea of what this character actually believes so that we aren’t left feeling lost and confused when he does things entirely contrary to his previous characterization.

The third question is genuinely perplexing. If Jango had died in some accident before being apprehended by the Jedi, or even if he was killed by another Jedi before Mace could get to him, it would make sense. But Mace specifically wants Jango alive and then kills him. Furthermore, Mace doesn’t seem to care that he is in the employ of the Separatists. There would need to be an explanation that Jango was playing both sides in this conflict independently of anyone else for this to begin to evade suspicion, but there’s no evidence of that.

Finally, why is there no communication between the cloners and the Senate? Perhaps the cloners are in contact with Palpatine, who is assuring them that everything is good and to keep this under wraps for now, but again, there would need to be some scene where the Kaminoan leadership is in contact with Palpatine, and there’s no indication that this is happening. It genuinely seems like the cloners have been doing this alone for ten years since they don’t even know that Syfo Dias was killed.

I think a lot of the issues here stem from the plot being too confusing and relying on information which is not immediately obvious to the viewer. So perhaps to simplify things, there should be many sides to the conflict, disentangled from Palpatine. If Dooku were a genuine idealist who acts on his own and uses the Dark Side as a means to enact political change, it would give the Separatists an actual identity. Remove the scene at the end of the film where he meets Palpatine. Next, make Jango Fett an independent actor who uses his infamy to contract with both sides of the conflict. This is where the Jedi’s admonition for Obi-wan to avoid assumptions pays off. Have a communication between Nute Gunray and Jango where he is ordered to kill Amidala and make it look like militarists in the Republic were behind it, and use his own discretion in creating this appearance. Jango decides to lead the Jedi to the cloning facility to achieve this end, then goes to his real master to report on the situation. He does not plan on being tracked, however. For the killing of Jango Fett, it would make sense that he is killed by something other than Mace. Perhaps he is killed by the giant beast in the pit, thwarting the Jedi’s interrogation.

So for the new scene, I propose Nute Gunray communicating with Zam Wessel after the assassination attempt on the landing platform and the introduction of the Jedi.

Nute: “Is she dead yet?”
Zam: “No. They used a decoy, and now the Jedi are involved.”
Nute: “The Republic cannot know of our involvement here. My master is sending a bounty hunter to deal with these Jedi…and to help complete your mission.”
Zam: “Is that a threat?”
Nute: “Think of it as motivation.”

This scene lets us know early on that the Separatists are behind the plot to kill Padme. We already know that Nute is in league with Palpatine, and so we assume that either Dooku or Palpatine provided Nute with Jango Fett. That this scene comes after the insistence of Palpatine for security primes the audience to expect Palpatine to be playing both sides. The inclusion of Jango as a later addition to the assassination plot makes sense of the two assassins angle, and Jango being the go-to man for both Nute and Palpatine gives the audience that conceptual bridge that would otherwise short-circuit the two secret armies plots. The fact that Jango hangs around Dooku is a red herring for those believing Padme’s assertion that Dooku is behind the assassination attempts. With the removal of the scene of Dooku and Palpatine at the end of the film, this implies that only Nute is directly under the control of Palpatine and this makes Palpatine’s plan more tricky since he cannot fully control Dooku, the leader of the Separatists.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


paja said:

My try at executing Pan’s idea.


Cool, maybe we could add some interference or audio quirks to hide some of the off sentences.

Other than that I was reading through Neverar’s post and it got me thinking again. If the Kaminoans were trying to get Amidala out of the picture to cut out a deal with the republic, then we would need some indication, at least, that they are following a concrete plan, which doesn’t rely purely on coincidence.

The big question here is, how can this be accomplished within the framework of the existing movie.
So, albeit for a different reason and plot, Neverar was proposing a conversation between Gunray and Zam and pointed to the fact that there are two assassins.

This is important because the dart killing Zam is Jango’s way of leading the Jedi on to his trail. However the way it plays out originally feels random, thus breaking any illusion of a pre existing plan.

Though that could easily be changed by simply adding a closeup of Jango playing with the toxic dart in his hand, set to an ominous music cue at the end of his meeting with Zam.

Then I would simply remove the “missing data” point from the plot, there is no way to resolve it satisfyingly.

Obi visits Dex and goes to Kamino, there he learns of the army and questions Jango. This would be the tricky bit. We would need Jango to name drop Geonosis, maybe we could substitute it in for the “moons of Bogdan”.

And if it’s possible we should remove Sifo Dyas from the story, his is just another unresolved mystery distracting from the plot.

Now Obi contacts the council, reporting his suspicion, but he isn’t urged to capture Fett. Afterwards we could use the analysis droid deleted scene and change the droids line.
He analyses the dart and points out that the poison stems from a certain species of centipedes living on Geonosis. To drive the point home that these are indeed the bugs from the assassination attempt we could add a small graphic to the screen infront of Obi.

After that Obi charges to catch Jango and fights him on the landing platform, but the bounty hunter escapes without Obi-Wan placing a homing beacon on the ship.

After that the Jedi visits Geonosis and lands without facing any complications. (sadly there is no space for the Dolby surround sound bombs)

He spies on the separatist, no mention of any assassinations here, then contacts coruscant revealing both armies and gets arrested before accusing any party of the attempted murder.
One of the senators then blames the separatist and proceeds to call upon the chancellor to build an army. Yoda and Mace share a short glance at each other, but remain silent.

Meanwhile Dooku visits Obi-Wan in his cell. The Jedi claims to be looking for Fett, but he doesn’t insist on his presence on Geonosis. Jango only arrives after this scene, during the night, before Anakin and Padmé try to rescue Obi-Wan.

From this point on it should be smooth sailing.
Maybe cut Sidious’ final scene with Dooku, but there isn’t anything bigger in need of change.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”