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Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP) — Page 2


Well, there are clips from season 4 and 6 in your samples, and even though they are impressive, well, yeah. 😃

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.


2022 - First Image Set: Pilot Episode "1x01;02 - Caretaker ; Der Fürsorger (Parts I & II)


Comparison Shots (with Slider; 10 image pairs per link):


If you want more, let me know. Happy New Year Everyone !!!


Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been as fast as I thought, had technical issues. But the next eps are almost done (currently including Voyager s01e03, DS9 s01e03 and B5 movie The Gathering).

Also, two more projects will be added to the three I already have up (I know, I am insane), but perhaps some of them would be of interest to you guys, so I thought I would announce them ahead of time so you can tell me if you want to be invited.

Upcoming new project: Earth - Final Conflict (Upscaled to 4K from DVD)

  • This is one of those “forgotten” SciFi treasures of the 90’s by Roddenberrys widow, effects were certainly ahead of their time

Upcoming new project: Stargate SG-1 (Upscaled from the 1080p BluRay to 4K)

  • I managed to get my hands of the BluRays which also suffered from problems (too much digital noise reduction and screwed up channel upmix in the audio from 2.0 to 5.1), so I tried a bit and will splice in the audio from the DVDs - here a little teaser image comparison: https://imgsli.com/OTI2MzY

So anyone who is interested let me know!


Could I please have the link for the PM thread for this edit? I have the links for DS9 and B5, but not for Voyager.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

Could I please have the link for the PM thread for this edit? I have the links for DS9 and B5, but not for Voyager.

Can’t add you to the private topic (where the links are) after it’s up, but I will PM you, ok?


I was hoping everything was okay for you.

I’m definitely interested in both of your new projects - EFC is uneven but wildly underappreciated and SG1 is just classic. That said, I’m most interested in getting a decent number of episodes released for whatever projects you choose to focus on. I’d rather have a full season of 1 or 2 shows than 4 episodes each of 6 different shows. If splitting your efforts more broadly prevents burnout though, maybe that is the best way to go.


Thanks. Yep, variety helps me a lot actually. Watching the episodes for corrections can get a bit tiresome at times, but I guess that will stop once I get around to let’s say episode 5+, since those are the ones I haven’t truly seen that much (ok, I once got to DS9 season 2 with one of my older workflows - I think the episode Harvester Desaster or something was the last one I did there, but that doesn’t really count because that’s a while back).

Also: I have taken up these two more projects not just for me or us around here but a close friend of mine that has had a lot of problems due to Covid, so if I can help him with this and also get something out of it for myself and the community here, why not?


wow! what a great thread! I’ve been hoping someone might be able to do this! Only yesterday I noticed in the Star Trek Voyager facebook group that one of the original CG animators was on the page and he was re-exporting some of the scenes he’d done in HD AND widescreen. It was really cool!

I know with Babylon 5 people were trying to do that with the new HD scans of the show and then use new exports of the effects to rebuild it… maybe that would be something to do with Voyager too!

I would love to at least see the show have some future in the Higher Quality age of television and streaming and not get…sidelined because of its production process.

Thanks for all your work on this! Would love to get my hands on any / all of it as its done ahha

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?


For SG1, which premiere version are you planning to use? I personally prefer the final rerelease where they made some cuts (no nudity or awkward Carter line about genitalia) and replaced the giant glider with a shuttle.


I will use the BluRay masters as a source, which has the full uncut pilot (yes, the one with the nudity and the genitalia line) - not because I prefer it, but rather because even using the DVD, it’s the only one I got 😉


Thank the computer gods for helping fans achieve what studios will not.

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.


Hello guys, sorry but I am still busy, many things to do at the moment. Still wanted to show you a little something I did in a quiet moment. Sorry if it’s a bit off topic, but perhaps some of you know (Star Trek) Enterprise.
The BluRays are not the best quality (similar to SG-1, but with waaayy more grain and artefacts).

Since someone saw me doing my SG-1 samples they asked if I could have a look at the Enterprise BluRays.
Perhaps this will be yet another addition for me.

Here’s what I can bring to that table, anyone who is interested let me know:


Back to work.


I might be interested. Eventually. AFTER Voyager. 😃

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.


@Nearsighted Scrappile:
Got it. May have to remind me. Just wanted to show the possibilities. Anyhow, I still got an episode of both DS9 and VOY (1x03), B5 Gathering, SG-1 (1x01;02), EFC (1x01) and perhaps ENT (1x01;02) on my shelf.
Most of it is done, but I haven’t had time to watch it yet and make corrections.
I had very busy work weeks (including weekends) and I am just so low on energy. Today I actually fell asleep during an online conference, which was really embarassing.

I will try to find the time.


Of course I’d like ENT too, but pace yourself, good man!


I will, don’t worry. Right now my real life work is keeping me from my projects, that’s all.


Hello again. A bit off topic here, but still:
Since I realized my previous 2 tests on Enterprise were not exactly what I imagined, I refined the workflow to closer resemble the original and look less “artificial” and avoid oversharpening.
Here are the comparison images:


Here is the video sample:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ksnb76vxeu6nx4/ENT 2x16 Future - 1080pHD Sample Upscale.mkv?dl=0

Let me know what you think!


My only tiniest nitpick (with the imgsli compare) might be that the saturation is a little too high and brightness reduced a tad too much? Archer’s blue top looks like it’s losing a smidge of detail in your upscale. It’s hard though because everything other than archer looks great in regards to saturation (and even he doesn’t look bad or anything really).

For the video, I’m not able to watch 4k in any kind of native-ness so I’ll just say it looks good from what I can tell (putting aside the bit mentioned above) but, yeah, I’m just watching it 2k which kinda defeats the point so 😦

Good stuff, Black Alert! Pretty soon you’ll be qualified to march into Paramount’s main office and demand they allow you to produce a new Trek series from scratch! 😃

LightWave = fun times with gfx for me 😃


You are correct on the uniform, slight detail loss there, but that originates from a minor gaussian blur I used (which I also use for my DVD Upscales), the rreason for that being less problems with remaining artefacts and fast movements (which can sometimes be interpreted as hard lines by the upscaler, which makes things awkward to watch otherwise). It’s a compromise I can live with.

As for Paramount/CBS: Would love for them to agree to a co-op, but don’t see that happening 😉


Hey guys, it’s me again.

I know it’s been a very long time, but I have been working on rather complicated updates and expanded my projects to include more series.
Don’t worry, the updates will also include those projects I had already put up.

So, the first new topic will Warp into our community with “Star Trek - Enterprise”:
(it’s an open topic, no episodes will be posted; PM me for further information, private topic will be created based on interest/request)

Just wanted to let you know a lot of new things are headed your way.

Next up:

  • Star Trek - The Original Series (2 Versions: Original & Remastered)
  • Star Trek - The Next Generation

Stay tuned!


Is this ready to be downloaded? If so, where can I find it? Please DM 😃 Thanks


I will soon. Still much work to do. Updates soon. Sorry this takes a while. I am swamped with work at the moment.