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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 25


I actually thought the finale was great. But I don’t like the show very much overall - it is absolutely messy and lacking in focus. We start off with some interesting character development for Boba, which gets gradually less interesting over the course of two episodes until the writers give up and give us Mandalorian season 3 content instead. What’s more, it’s ESSENTIAL Mandalorian season 3 story content, and it’s in the wrong show.

I’m glad we returned to touching on Boba’s development in the finale, as Cad Bane tells him he can’t escape his past but Boba symbolically kills him with the Tusken gaffi stick (which reminds me, I still think killing off the Tuskens was a major, major misstep). I also really liked Cad Bane’s death scene. He had to die at some point, he was probably headed for the retirement home soon anyway.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Hal 9000 said:

On the one hand I enjoyed having something to watch, but on the other it seemed jumbled.

I had just watched a video essay about how Star Wars was very linear in its storytelling, introducing new things firmly in context of what came before and staying focused on the story. Maybe that was just on my mind, but this series certainly did not feel that way.

Boba Fett felt confused, and I don’t have much more of an idea who he is now than six weeks ago. I’m still not really sure how saving Mos Espa makes the Sand People’s lot any better.

Fortunately, this mess doesn’t have “Episode _” at the start of it, so I’m much more forgiving than if it had.

I have really enjoyed all of Mando and BoBF and am looking forward to doing a chronological edit of the three seasons.


For those that don’t like the Boba Fett series, and are looking to make their own Mandalorian season 2.5 cut

  • Din arrives at the TaunTaun meat locker kills those dog creatures, fights with the darksaber, and decides to leave for Tatooine.

  • He arrives in Mos Eisley builds his ship and he leaves Tatooine

  • Have Din arrive and spend time talking with Ahsoka, Luke training Grogu, but omit the scene when Ahsoka talks about Grogu’s training being interrupted if he sees him.

  • Luke asking Grogu if he wants the lightsaber or his friend’s gift.

  • Then we see Din’s ship flying off the planet.

  • The last scene is Grogu tapping on the glass and Din pushing the button to accelerate.

This way, you don’t have to watch TBOBF, you can just skip it all with careful editing.


Mixed-to-positive feelings on the boba finale, from my side.


regularjoe said:

Hal 9000 said:

On the one hand I enjoyed having something to watch, but on the other it seemed jumbled.

I had just watched a video essay about how Star Wars was very linear in its storytelling, introducing new things firmly in context of what came before and staying focused on the story. Maybe that was just on my mind, but this series certainly did not feel that way.

Boba Fett felt confused, and I don’t have much more of an idea who he is now than six weeks ago. I’m still not really sure how saving Mos Espa makes the Sand People’s lot any better.

Fortunately, this mess doesn’t have “Episode _” at the start of it, so I’m much more forgiving than if it had.

I have really enjoyed all of Mando and BoBF and am looking forward to doing a chronological edit of the three seasons.

I think this would really help the content here. This doesn’t really work as a standalone show IMO, even just as a fanedited movie it’d still be a weak entry. It would be much better to just inject the flashback scenes into the first season of Mando than play everything else out chronologically. Just edit down the present stuff from episodes 1-4 down to 2 episodes than follow with the last 3 episodes of BoBF. Essentially making them the first 5 episodes of Mando S3.


This was my favorite episode of the series…and it was just kinda mediocre. I’m still amazed at how much of a mess this all turned out to be.


I’d be interested in seeing this incorporated into Mando, perhaps titled “The Mandalorians.”

Or, maybe for Mando season 2, we start off following Fett out of the Sarlacc, with two episodes’ worth of flashback material treated linearly. Let a couple Fett episodes encroach on Mando’s show rather than the other way around. Perhaps these two episodes could follow Fett’s introduction in S02E01. We’d be all caught up by the time we see him next.

Season 3 of Mando can start with the present-day BOBF material for perhaps an episode or two, then pick up from episode 5 with Mando and concluding with a mid-season finale of sorts.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Very happy with the epic finale we got, apart from a few fan tweaks needed to mute Boba somewhat and make him more of a leader (as well as sort out that mod bike episode scene😬) I think we’ve got a good StarWars series overall and with the Obi-Wan Kenobi series coming in march its a good time to be a StarWars fan 😁👍.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Darth Muffy said:

Very happy with the epic finale we got, apart from a few fan tweaks needed to mute Boba somewhat and make him more of a leader (as well as sort out that mod bike episode scene😬) I think we’ve got a good StarWars series overall and with the Obi-Wan Kenobi series coming in march its a good time to be a StarWars fan 😁👍.

The Obi-Wan series doesn’t start until May 25 (appropriately enough). Moon Knight, which ironically stars an actor who is probably best known for appearing in Star Wars, is coming from Marvel at the end of March. Spielberg’s West Side Story goes up on D+ in early March.

Anyway, I enjoyed the finale. Speaking of Dune references, the Rancor’s roar really reminded me of how the Sandworms in the Sci-Fi Channel Dune miniseries sounded. I wonder if that’s a pre-existing recording that’s simply been repurposed over the years. I’d be curious to know the origin of that roar because I feel like I’ve also heard it elsewhere.

The red/blue shield effect reminded me a lot of the new Dune film.


This was a mess. A very stupid one that makes the whole creative team seem questionable. If they were going to be making him a leader instead of a killer, where’s the clever diplomatic resolution? Are we supposed to believe that this pathetic band kept out a huge force from a whole planet? Won’t they just move to another region? Why didn’t anyone lay explosives under the battle droids? There are so many baffling writing problems that we would be here all day. Sigh.


I’ll add a couple of positives for me that I left out of my initial review of the final episode. I liked the way Fett killed Bane. It was Fett being shown as the capable and sometimes ruthless tough guy we’ve long known him to be. He looked and acted strong standing over a soon to be victim.

I also really liked the X-Wing entrance for Grogu. I was totally expecting Luke to sleepwalk through another sequence and deliver him, while going on to a lengthy discussion with Fett and Mando about who knows what. Having R2 deliver him was a great surprise touch. Also happy we get to fill in Grogu making his choice to Luke with our imaginations. For me, that whole sequence - X-Wing approach, Peli having a mild panic about it, to the cockpit opening is possibly my favorite part of the entire series.

Forum Moderator

I feel this episode puts the series in perspective for me.

Overall a good episode. I have felt all along that they had too few people. It shouldn’t have been just 2 Gamorrean Guards. And he should have been able to pick up a few people locally who wanted the same change. But then, as we’ve seen, a single Mandalorian comes to a fight worth as much as a squad of other troops. The armor and the toys make them formidable, and perhaps Boba Fett was counting on that. And Fennic Shand is nearly as effective herself. I just felt that there were too few on his side to start with. And then sitting there knowing that Cob Vance has been shot and likely isn’t coming and neither are his reinforcements.

I felt the Pike attack was wonderfully executed and I loved the scorpion droids (droidekkars on steroids). I did feel the timing of the Rancor arrival felt too quick. Is Jabba’s palace really that close to Mos Espa?

But other than that I loved this episode. I was disappointed that Grogu arrived with only R2, but in retrospect that is not surprising. It worked and kept the Boba Fett storyline away from the Luke/Ahsoka story line. I loved the showdown between Boba and Cad Bane. I loved that he won because of the Tusken training and weapon.

With this, I think it is clear that this series remains tightly tied to The Mandalorian. It is really a side story. I think they could have done quite a few things to make it better but I find no huge flaws with it. It is more lacking than badly done. With the way things worked out, I think Din’s scenes could have been spread out a bit rather than compacted into the final 3 episodes. I think the entire series should have been more like the final 2 episodes. The whole series would have benefitted. But the dialog portion of duel with Cad Bane really brought Boba’s story full circle and made this huge change Boba is trying to make tie in to his character origins. For those who wanted more OT Boba, that isn’t such a good thing, but for those of us who like complex characters, it is a fascinating and wonderful aspect to the story.

This series is definitely better than Resistance. It felt like one of those series of side stories in Clone Wars. Kind of like Boba’s episodes there. I think if you watched those episodes than this series, it would fit very well. Again, it could have been better, but overall really good.


OK, just finished bingeing the show.

Frankly I don’t feel any particular way about it in general, although I did appreciate specific parts, such as when Boba Fett and the Tuskens assault the spice train, which obviously borrowed from Westerns and Lawrence of Arabia, the Night of a thousand tears in Mandalore which was reminiscent of the Terminator movies. The episode I enjoyed the most was the fifth one, because as I posted earlier, I’m a sucker for Mandalorian lore.

Bringing Grogu back so soon felt so forced, and I felt total indifference towards Luke. All this constant regurgitation of established SW stuff has rendered me numb, and I really wish Filoni took some creative chances and stopped appealing to nostalgia and callbacks.


Well, they did it, they ruined Mando season 2, this’ll honestly sour any rewatches of the Mandalorian for me and I couldn’t be less excited for the eternal Grogu merchandise adventures. The finale really cemented how shoehorned the past two chapters were. Din should’ve been a gun for hire in Boba’s squad, nothing more.

I really liked Cad Bane in this episode though, I liked how he called Boba out, and his duel with him was really good, if only the show had been building up to it. Bane would’ve worked really well as a nemesis to Boba, a constant reflection of his past life, instead it was just a last minute cameo.

And the other antagonists were so underwhelming, all that slow and tedious build up for the Pykes, the mayor & the Mos Espa houses only for Fennec to just kill them all in 5 seconds, what was even the point? For a bit I thought it was Boba that killed them, it really should’ve been him, showing he’s a killer like Bane just said, bringing things back to when he shot Bib at point-blank range, and capping the story with the somber conclusion that diplomacy failed and he had to resort to violence again. Instead it was just presented as Shand being a “badass”.

This was supposed to be what the past four actual TBoBF chapters were building up to, and it ended up being quite a mess. The fight with the droids felt so drawn out, when they first appear they seem very threatening, but after so many shots of everyone just standing around them or messing with their shields most of the tension was lost. Also everyone kept shooting the shields over and over to no avail, but once the rancor breaks them nobody thinks to blast the droids, I kept expecting Boba to bullseye their bright red weakspot just like his papa, but no, other than Din everybody just sat there and watched the rancor struggle to tear the droids apart. I also thought it was funny how Boba says “those droids will tear down the city!”, and then proceeds to unleash a Rancor on the city.

On a more positive note, I really liked the life-sized Rancor they built for the close-ups, and the CGI was so good it was hard to tell when they switched between the two, that was really a hightlight. Paired with the Cad Bane stuff it just goes to show we didn’t need all the shoehorned Mando storyline.


Boba’s character development at the start of the series needed to be continued, Cad Bane’s importance to Boba’s past needed to be set up earlier. If these things met in the middle, and the screen time wasted on getting The Mandalorian season 3 early had been spent on stuff more related to the story, you might have a really bold, original, character-driven series. The ideas were there, but they needed so much more organisation and better execution.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


thebluefrog said:

The series summed up:

click for sound

Honestly this spin is one of the best things from that episode, I don’t care. Pure campy goodness.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


thebluefrog said:

The series summed up:

click for sound

😋 That stupid spin will be the only thing I’ll be fanediting out in final episode, less mods the better in this series it seems.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Yeah that spin move was so bad. Can you imagine if a character did a pointless spin in the middle of a fight in the original Star Wars trilogy?


Cthulhunicron said:

Yeah that spin move was so bad. Can you imagine if a character did a pointless spin in the middle of a fight in the original Star Wars trilogy?

That would be so terrible. The movie would be ruined.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The spin doesn’t bother me at all.