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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 19


CarboniteSolo said:

By reusing CGI shots, they didn’t have to pay people hours and hours to create new effects, new landscapes, digital frontiers, etc.

Movies that rely on CG effects cost the most to make, that’s common knowledge.

But is this even possible after 20+ years? I can only imagine how many software compatibility issues there’d be, if the files would even be intact after all this time. Not to mention that 1999 CG would probably stand out if placed beside 2022 CG. Reusing film plates I get. They just have to re-scan it and remove the blue screen, etc. if applicable. But reusing CG that “old” (in CG terms anyway) just seems implausible to me.

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ZkinandBonez said:

CarboniteSolo said:

By reusing CGI shots, they didn’t have to pay people hours and hours to create new effects, new landscapes, digital frontiers, etc.

Movies that rely on CG effects cost the most to make, that’s common knowledge.

But is this even possible after 20+ years? I can only imagine how many software compatibility issues there’d be, if the files would even be intact after all this time. Not to mention that 1999 CG would probably stand out if placed beside 2022 CG. Reusing film shot I get. Just re-scan it and remove the blue screen, etc. if applicable. But reusing CG that old just seems implausible to me.

Some of those shots were filmed practical or filmed in miniature, watch the special features for The Phantom Menace, lots of miniatures.

These shots were upscaled due to being shot on 35mm film.


I don’t have any evidence but to me, Beggar’s Canyon in the latest episode looks like a new miniature that’s just very accurate to the original version.

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The big question is did they reuse the old footage and added new things, changed the color, added new shadows or did they create all new effects and miniatures? If it is new miniatures, that explains a lot.

They muted the color of Beggars Canyon as well as the sky, in this shot at least.


jedi_bendu said:

I don’t have any evidence but to me, Beggar’s Canyon in the latest episode looks like a new miniature that’s just very accurate to the original version.

These two actually look quite different to me. Yes, the camera angle, FOV and lighting has been altered, but the rock faces look very different–i.e. the cracks and striations don’t match. They either went all out and made a new miniature for just this one scene, or it’s a very good, but not identical, CG model or digital matte painting.

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ZkinandBonez said:

jedi_bendu said:

I don’t have any evidence but to me, Beggar’s Canyon in the latest episode looks like a new miniature that’s just very accurate to the original version.

These two actually look quite different to me. Yes, the camera angle, FOV and lighting is different, but the rock faces look very different–i.e. the cracks and striations don’t match. They either went all out and made a new miniature for just this scene, or it’s a very good, nut not identical, CG model or digital matte painting.

I said that the set in the episode was “very accurate”, then found the comparison image, and realised after looking at it closely it actually wasn’t all that accurate at all (although definitely meant to be the same place).

It makes sense to me because over 40 years have passed since we saw the same location in TPM. Some things like the cracks being different can’t be easily explained, but different houses and differences nearly the tops of the rocks can probably be attributed to rebuilding and rock erosion I would imagine. Either way, it isn’t a big deal.

I also think this looks like a miniature set, which is impressive. I hope we get a behind the scenes feature for TBOBF like we did the mando seasons.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

ZkinandBonez said:

jedi_bendu said:

I don’t have any evidence but to me, Beggar’s Canyon in the latest episode looks like a new miniature that’s just very accurate to the original version.

These two actually look quite different to me. Yes, the camera angle, FOV and lighting is different, but the rock faces look very different–i.e. the cracks and striations don’t match. They either went all out and made a new miniature for just this scene, or it’s a very good, nut not identical, CG model or digital matte painting.

I said that the set in the episode was “very accurate”, then found the comparison image, and realised after looking at it closely it actually wasn’t all that accurate at all (although definitely meant to be the same place).

It makes sense to me because over 40 years have passed since we saw the same location in TPM. Some things like the cracks being different can’t be easily explained, but different houses and differences nearly the tops of the rocks can probably be attributed to rebuilding and rock erosion I would imagine. Either way, it isn’t a big deal.

I also think this looks like a miniature set, which is impressive. I hope we get a behind the scenes feature for TBOBF like we did the mando seasons.

Bit odd, from a lore perspective thst is, that the rock walls would change in 40 years but no one bothered to fix the gate or pick up the broken pieces.

Having said that, I’m not really a stickler for minutae, I think it’s a cool recreation either way.

The difference in rrock texture is actually the biggest evidence for this being a miniature, as its easier to just knock out these shapes than it is to spent time and money on carving them in exact shapes. The houses though I think are much more accurat, but the change in angle and FOV makes it hard to perfectly compare them

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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It could be shots that weren’t used for The Phantom Menace for whatever reason, so they used them for this.

Most likely a new miniature or the old one set up outside and shot with new cameras trying to recreate the exact shot where the original was. That’s why it’s off a little and the miniature has deteriorated somewhat.


jedi_bendu said:

I don’t have any evidence but to me, Beggar’s Canyon in the latest episode looks like a new miniature that’s just very accurate to the original version.

Yeah, the similarities begin with the basic shape of the two paths and cliff sides, and that’s it. The rest doesn’t match at all in terms of the houses, rocks, or even that little light beacon in the foreground.


To sum up: let’s wait on a behind the scene feature to know how it was done.

Fan theories are funny but I still prefer facts 😅

So long 🙌


Yeah, I think the main takeaway from this discussion is that we’re all just huge nerds.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Episode 5, wow. Just shows how strong the whole Mandalorian concept and character is. By far the best episode yet.

Anyone who has read Larry Niven’s “Ringworld” will love this episode. Very convincing.

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I think the comparison image proves beyond any doubt that that didn’t ruse anything from TPM. Most likely it is a CG background. The obviously have the tools to do this as the episodes are full of CG backgrounds.

But a note on reusing old CG items. As long as you have software that can read the files, you can use old CG materials. The B5 people have been doing so. And that is going from Amiga to modern systems. So there is no issue. And where ILM crafted a lot of the software themselves, it is very likely that they can use anything from the archives if they want. Also very likely is that the old CG parts were deemed too low quality and were updated or totally recreated. Hard to say unless you know someone from ILM. My bet is that they just analyzed TPM and made everything new. That would likely be the easiest option.


Chase Adams said:

CarboniteSolo said:

All they did was remove the pod racers, they did create a few new shots for it, but mostly used the 24 year old footage.

I’m sorry, don’t mean to nitpick / further derail the thread, but how do you actually know this?

They saved a few thousand by doing this.

And this?

I don’t know specifically about the episode 5 of BOBF episode, but ILM did this kind of thing in Mandalorian season 1:

During a recent interview with ICG Magazine, ILM VFX supervisor Richard Bluff provided insights on how ILM integrated real-time technology with elements from the original Star Wars in order to create a “greater connection.” Bluff explained, “There has been an enormous number of practical elements shot for previous Star Wars films, so we leveraged as much as possible from ILM’s asset library.” Bluff continued with an example from episode 5, in a scene when the Mandalorian looks off into the distance and sees two Banthas. "I was adamant we shouldn’t build a fully animated and rigged furry Bantha for just two shots and suggested we pull out the plates from A New Hope’s dailies. I knew I could come up with a shot design to leverage the Banthas from that.”

Bluff also shared that his team used ILM archives and reshot old matte paintings. “When Mando flies toward Tatooine, we are actually seeing the [Ralph McQuarrie] matte painting seen early in the original film.” This was not the only time the team used this technique. They also used another old matte painting of Mos Eisley for a fly-in. “I sent a photographer out to the exact spot George shot his original plate, capturing high-res elements so we could up-res as necessary.”



I liked a lot of the Mando-centric episode 5, despite the overly-goofy Peli Motto mechanic dialogue dragging things down for me.

Humour is subjective of course, but I really disliked the nonsense about her having ‘dated a jawa’ in the past. That was the lowest point of the episode for me.

There’s plenty of straightforward ways to trim and re-edit this show into something more to my taste however, so let’s see what the remaining 2 episodes bring…


I think the Marshall is saved just like Fennec, he’ll get a mod and survive, then he’ll get revenge.

In case you haven’t watched the episode yet.

I loved seeing Cad Bane. When I saw that figure in the distance, I just knew it was Cad Bane, especially when I saw the hat.

Han Solo will bring his son to be trained by his uncle Luke. Grogu is dropped off on Tatooine by Solo on their way home. Han Solo and Boba Fett meet face to face again. Grogu saves Din in the battle. Fennec will face off with…

Cad Bane.

Din and Grogu head to Mandalore, the end.


I love Timothy Olyphant, I don’t think I care about anything else in this show but Timothy Olyphant, I hope Vanth isn’t dead. 😦

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Another really oddly structured episode, though at the same time I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the segments. Did Fett even say a word in this episode? I always assumed that this was a miniseries, but now it seems more likely that the intent was to have another season. Or maybe Favreau simply felt that Fett’s story was sufficiently told in the first few episodes and now it’s more about an ensemble cast of characters.

Judging by you-know-who’s appearance at the end it does at least seem like we’ll get more with Fett in the next episode which I’m pretty will have to be at least a 50 min. episode to wrap things up. Unless of course we get some kind of season 2 tease. Or who knows, maybe Fett’s story will be continued in The Mandalorian season 3 seeing as Din basically took over almost two episodes of his show.

A few random thoughts and observations:

Really like the Sergio Leone vibe from the scenes with Cobb Vanth. And the speeder in the 1st scene still wobble like a car with wheels just like Luke’s in ANH, which I think adds a certain clunky charm to them despite the obvious reason why it looks like that.

The stone-mason ant-droids is definitely one of the cooler droids I’ve seen in SW for a while.

Luke looks so much better than before. His expressions feels more natural, though there’s still a bit of softness to the face, however I’d consider that a decent trade off for performance. His voice, however, does sound a little bit off, or is that just me?

Slight canon break, so small in fact that I don’t really care, but figured I’d mention it either way. Yoda’s lightsaber was technically smelted down by Mas Amedda in a ritual show in the first issue of the Darth Vader comic by Charles Soule, but I suppose Yoda could have made a replacement during his years in exile. Or I suppose there could have been other small lightsabers found at the Jedi temple.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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NFBisms said:

I love Timothy Olyphant, I don’t think I care about anything else in this show but Timothy Olyphant, I hope Vanth isn’t dead. 😦

I don’t think he’s dead, but I think the citizens of his town will save his life by taking him to get a mod, like Fennec.


CarboniteSolo said:

NFBisms said:

I love Timothy Olyphant, I don’t think I care about anything else in this show but Timothy Olyphant, I hope Vanth isn’t dead. 😦

I don’t think he’s dead, but I think the citizens of his town will save his life by taking him to get a mod, like Fennec.

He was only shot in the shoulder so I don’t see why the mods will be needed, but we’ll see. He’s definitely coming back though, otherwise they would have given him a more obvious and dramatic death.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
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