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The Book Of Boba Fett (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 17


SilverWook said:

I presume Boba suffered from some oxygen starvation and his memory of escaping the Sarlacc was swiss cheesed as a result. There may have not have been much air left in that dead trooper’s suit to begin with.

Indeed SilverWook, that’s the only kinda explanation that makes any sense of the existing footage in this show, if I were to re-watch it.

But I’d prefer to have Boba’s ‘escape’ footage look more ‘open-ended’ like I showed on page 10, giving the impression of ‘complete exhaustion’ after he got out ‘somehow’…and just stick with seeing the way he got his armour back in THE MANDALORIAN show, after the jawas initially stole it off him.


Maybe he remembers the Jawas taking his armor in his next dream.

He got wounded in the gun fight trying to get to his ship, so now he needs to use the Bacta tank again.

I think the next chapter might be called “The Sheriff and a Mandalorian” or something along those lines.

He’s going to run into both of them trying to retrieve his armor and also Fennec or Fett will hire them both for the big fight at the beginning of Chapter 6.


With the bacta treatments done don’t think there will be any more extensive flashbacks, or they will change the narrative framing device for them. If they want to depict how Boba knew Cobb Vanth got his armor, they could have Boba meet Cobb in present time and then have a short flashback.

I also think Boba has some kind of retrograde amnesia from being hit on the head by a Jawa and the overall stressful situation he found himself into.


But didn’t Boba Fett get injured in the gun fight trying to get to his ship? If he did, then he’ll be back in the Bacta tank again.

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe he meets them in present day like you said.


Some of the comments mystify me. Some make sense.

First, perhaps it would be useful if everyone knew what the term Daimyo means. It is a feudal lord in Japan equivalent of the English Baron. In Japanese history Daimyos were very independent. Sometimes working for the Emperor or Shogun and sometimes against. In the Warring States Period, it was the Daimyos who were at war.

Second, the Mod street gang. Seriously? Why does this not fit? How are their mods less shiny than Anakin’s first artificial hand? And what about the droids? Weren’t C-3PO, R2-D2, R5-D4, and other droids shiny and colorful? And why is wrong with those glorious 1950’s colors? This seems exactly the sort of thing you’d find in a big city on backwater world. These kids are trying to emulate the more prosperous centers like Coruscant.

And I fail to see any problem if the prequel aesthetic is included. Most of Boba’s lines were delivered by Daniel Logan. And his portrayal is critical to understanding the character as more than just a bounty hunter with a reputation for disintegrations. The prequels are a huge part of Star Wars, as are the sequels. That is the canon this fits with. There is plenty of glitz in there. And even if you want to stick to the OT, the Death Star and the Rebel Blockade Runner were nice, clean, new, and shiny. The light sabers were silver if not chrome. So there is plenty of bits of shininess in the Star Wars galaxy. These kids just have put it together. Also, don’t forget that older special effects hated anything shiny, but we are past that now. The Razor Crest was beaten and battered, but it was silver and shiny as well. Just because Luke drove the equivalent of a rusty pickup does not mean kids in the city will be happy with the same aesthetic.

Now their chase through the city was a bit odd, until you realize that these kids are new to this and their bikes are not supped up enough (they look cool more than being fast - something that works for some) and they are chasing someone in a standard speeder. So this is a chase by a bunch of amateurs. Quite different from the chase we got in Solo, which was indeed more exciting. It felt more real than if it had been faster and more exciting.

And Boba Fett is trying to reinvent himself. The way he acted with Din Djarin in The Mandelorian was a huge tell. He helped Din rescue a baby Jedi to deliver to the Jedi. I think we all know how Boba feels about Jedi. So this characterization is not some new twist. That twist started the moment Boba appeared as he watched Din. He didn’t rush in and take his armor. His new goal of respect was already running and he behaved in The Mandelorian exactly like he is behaving in this series. And if you have seen how gangsters build their empires, there are two ways - by force or by respect. Boba is out to earn loyalty not just blast people. He is still willing to do that as this last episode proves, but he is more interested in building up a team loyal to him than he is in just killing. Mercy goes a long way to do that. He recruits the mods because he sees they have something he can use.

We never get any real indication of Boba Fett’s personality in his original appearances. And if you are taking anything from the EU you are doing yourself a disservice. This Boba Fett was never going to be like that because that characterization has been set aside in favor of exploring Jango’s clone son. If you think they weren’t going to do that you missed Filoni’s name all over this series. He already explored young bounty hunter Boba Fett and this picks up that character exploration after he escaped the Sarlacc.

So if you can’t stand the PT, The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, or Rebels, this series is not for you because it is continuing what they started. It will bring in Prequel aesthetics. It will tie in with Daniel Logan’s portrayal and Boba’s appearance in Clone Wars. That is a given and that appears to have escaped some people because that is behind a lot of the complaints. You aren’t going to get a series that ignores the prequels or sequels. They are canon and the series is going to include those in their aesthetic and their story telling. So commenting that the mod kids are copying the glitz of Coruscant, Canto Bight, and Hosnian Prime (not to mention all the other prosperous worlds) like kids do makes perfect sense. They fight right in with Queen Amidala’s ship, Senatator Padme’s ships, and the Naboo starfighter. Not everything in Star Wars needs to be run down and ancient.


Not only characters no longer die in Star Wars, but they even get clone sisters now. The hell…

So long 🙌


Hal 9000 said:

If we get Temeura in a wig and makeup, it’ll be worth it.


The blue elephant in the room.


I want to see him in Kenobi as Captain Rex or Commander Cody in a Clone Wars flashback.



A short video of speculation for tomorrow’s episode in case you’re interested.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Now that was a really great episode of The Mandalorian. And I suppose that’s my only criticism as well.

Random thoughts:

I loved the ring city. One of my irks with recent SW is that they haven’t made enough weird locations. There’s a tendecy to focus to much on biome-planets like Hoth or Tatooine and forget places like Cloud City. I’m obviously all about SW being space fantasy and not sci-fi, but that doesn’t mean that everything has to happen in either a desert or a forest.

Peli’s quips does seem a little odd to me in an OT setting, but that’s a very minor nitpick, and I do find her scenes funny.

The brief flashback is one of the coolest, and darkest, scenes I’ve seen in modern SW. Was I the only one who got Nausicaa vibes from it?

I wonder if a certain little guy might end up in the dome turret behind Din on his new starfighter in future episodes?

Interesting, though not at all surprising, to see Vizla become a rival. Now that there’s two Mandos out for the Darksaber and with Din teaming up with Fett as a favour instead of pay, it now seems like we’re going to see some kind of internal conflict between the Mandos in The Mandalorian season 3. I thinks it’s very likely that Favreau and Filoni’s end-goal is to have Din become the next Mandalore.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Chapter 5 was the best so far, loved it. Return of the Mandalorian

This is the way.

Lots of Episode 1 references, great action, dark saber fights, Jedi Fallen Order droid BD-1. Does this mean that Cal Kestis heads to Mos Eisley? I can’t wait for the next episode, it’s going to be a long week. Wow!!!

My thoughts on the next two chapters.

Chapter 6, I think the big fight is in the next chapter, I think Din will heal in the Bacta tank. They fight the war, and Din leaves with a new ship. Chapter 7 has him arrive to see Grogu and offer him the Beskar armor. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are there, maybe Grogu is playing with Ben Solo around the Millennium Falcon and Chewbacca is also there. Grogu might be at the end of chapter 6, I don’t know.


ZkinandBonez said:

Now that was a really great episode of The Mandalorian. And I suppose that’s my only criticism as well.


the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Yeah same, other than that building the ship took an oddly long amount of screentime, my only criticism is that this is a strange way to do a TV show. It’s like that episode of The Bad Batch where the bad batch cameo in their own show. This means A LOT needs to happen in the final two episodes.

But yes that episode was fantastic. Seeing that Din has fallen back on his old bounty hunting life, and still struggles to part ways with cult he was raised in, is actually really sad. He doesn’t even stand up to the armourer, he asks for forgiveness and is simply refused. But things are looking up for him!

Didn’t expect to see the armourer or paz vizla, peli motto or carson teva, again so soon - that was all really nice. I also didn’t think we would see the first live action appearance of Mandalore in The Book of Boba Fett, but we did - and won’t be seeing it again, judging by what the Empire did to it. I also really appreciated that they addressed the scene in Rebels where Sabine passes on the darksaber to Bo Katan - I’m sure Bo probably feels incredibly guilty for “cursing” Mandalore, and perhaps Sabine too - if she believes it.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Episode 5 was fun (and even emotional at times), though I honestly feel like some of the lore/backstory stuff should’ve been saved for Mando Season 3. Also, Fennec just so happened to show up at the mechanic’s shop to look for Mando the same exact day Mando was there to get his new ship?



She has probe droids tracking who is in town, plus she has informants in town working for her. It wasn’t just a coincidence, she knew he was there.


Same thoughts as above, good episode, wrong show. Seemed like a jump in budget too. How’s he going to get by in such a small ship though…?


I was thinking Boba Fett could get severely injured and Fett gives Din his ship before he dies.

Din removes the paint and it’s now his ship, but that’s just a theory of mine.


rocknroll41 said:

Also, Fennec just so happened to show up at the mechanic’s shop to look for Mando the same exact day Mando was there to get his new ship?

Watching the episode a 2nd time I noticed that some of the extras used in chapter 3 when one of the mods reported on the Pykes arriving on the public transport where used in this episode as well when Din arrived at the same port with the same type of ship. It could of course just be that they just re-used the same extras for the same set (maybe even shot both back-to-back), but it could also be that Din arrived during the events of chapter 3 and that it took a while for the starfighter to be built and for Fennec and her “spies” to find out he’d arrived on Tatooine.

And the building montage suggested that at least one day passed as we saw it turn dark. Though I’d guess that it was longer.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I find this episode great too, but as you guys said, burned one slott of BOBF with content that could easily been told in Mando season 3.

Sometimes seems like the producers of this show just doesn’t know what to do with Boba Fett. Boba have ±25 years of unexplored content in the new canon, they could have explored his teenage years plus the time he worked for the empire, and a thousand other things. It’s sad that they spent four episodes to tell a story that could be told in two and now we get a Mandalorian episode in BOBF.


Sirius said:

I find this episode great too, but as you guys said, burned one slott of BOBF with content that could easily been told in Mando season 3.

Sometimes seems like the producers of this show just doesn’t know what to do with Boba Fett. Boba have ±25 years of unexplored content in the new canon, they could have explored his teenage years plus the time he worked for the empire, and a thousand other things. It’s sad that they spent four episodes to tell a story that could be told in two and now we get a Mandalorian episode in BOBF.

Regarding the Mandalorian, they want to set it up now, so they can start on Mandalore for season 3, after he visits Grogu in the Book of Boba Fett.

Season 3 will begin on Mandalore. These episodes are explaining the in between of both of those seasons.

With these chapters, we see how he got a ship, his purpose, etc, without having to waste those chapters explaining everything in season 3.


I think the two series are too intertwined to really separate. You can’t tell the story of Boba Fett without season 2 of The Mandalorian. So it makes sense that we get a step forward for Din Djarin in Boba Fett. This is really a hallmark of Filoni’s story telling. it was also common in the Russel T. Davis Doctor Who seasons. Blink being a truly outstanding one. And having watched a lot of relatively modern TV lately, I haven’t had any problem with the story telling style. Book of Boba Fett has been one of the better series lately.


For me the problem isn’t showing Din. The problem is a full episode focusing on just him, and even caring to showing Boba. And gets worse by the fact that this fifth episode alone had more action and more progress in the present story than the entire BOBF so far. It even seems like a high budget episode, while all of the first four episodes of BOBF seemed to have a really low budget, with pour effects and bad action scenes. The impression it gives me is that they care more for Din than Boba, something that isn’t right. Both characters needs their time to shine. But at least for now, Boba seems like a fancy supporting character in his own show, where even Fennec is more active than him.

If episodes 1-4 of BOBF are awesome, I think I wouldn’t care for a Mando only episode. But with the lack of development of the whole Daimyo storyline so far, it’s hard to see an episode “wasted” with Din.