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Info Wanted: T2 Best Transfer for Home Media


I heard The bad things About The 4k Transfer.

Whats The Best Transfer out there?


I don’t have an answer for your main query, but

PsyKovic said:

I heard The bad things About The 4k Transfer.

It appears the 4k is a case of too much DNR and edge enhancement applied, to the point his skin here looks like it’s peeling all over the place and the subsurface scattering is gone (giving a “waxy look”) as you can see


Around and under her ear here doesn’t look right, does it?


Also in that last compare and this one you can see a brownish dinge to the 4k, which is another mark against if for some people…


LightWave = fun times with gfx for me 😃


For me, the 2009 Blu-ray is what I consider to be the best. It has minimized edge enhancement, less DNR and more natural color grading.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


i just use a fanres version i found online for theatrical and special edition

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


PsyKovic said:

I heard The bad things About The 4k Transfer.

Whats The Best Transfer out there?

Good question. Most transfers of T2 on blu-ray are, sadly, not up to snuff. I already did my own fanedit from my 2009 Skynet Edition, and I’ve heard that it’s the best transfer here in the States (I’m not sure about anywhere else, though). Even with that, I still did my own color grading to fix some of the issues with the transfer.

I’m not sure there is a “perfect” transfer out there for T2 in HD, and it’s sad because it’s a film that deserves a great release at worst.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


There is also a 35mm scan that was done a while back that has the theatrical colors.

Project creator and film enthusiast.


crissrudd4554 said:

I don’t own it but many have recommended the 2015 Blu-ray.


I am one of the people who also says the 2015 one is the “best” but it’s really saying something

Because compared to other fresher masters released by the same period it looks outdated and crusty, but the advantage is at least it’s the most textured and least tampered with compared to the 4K version

But it is quite clear it’s an older master prepared for either the early BD market or the late DVD market



If you’re willing to go for an SD release, the 1997 Snapcase DVD of T2 has the original CDS 5.1 mix encoded as Dolby Digital 5.1, and sounds better than any of the Blu-Rays.


OMG, we are going down the Terminator 2 road, again?

Maybe I am blind, but I do not find a “search” in this Forum, so a manual collection of Threads regarding Terminator 2, is various releases and such:

Infos and Discussions on the WMV-HD Disc of T2, that accomanied a DVD release:

Infos and Discussions on the rare japanese Squeeze LD release:

Infos and Discussions on a fan release of Terminator and Terminator 2:

Another fan regrading with discussions on quality of releases:

Discussions on the sound mix of the Theatrical Version:

That should cover the most prominent discussions on the T2 road. I may have missed one or two threads… but maybe there’re also links in the discussions.

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


None are good.

Legally it’s essentially a choice between the 2015 Blu and the 4K. Don’t worry about anything else as they are all garbage.

There is a release on myspleen that takes the 4K version, adjusts some stuff and patches it up with elements from the 2015 blu. It’s actually pretty good. That’s basically the best version that exists for public consumption. It even offers multiple audio options.

Here is the write up:

The mission here is to hopefully provide the best possible viewing and listening experience of T2 that we can get, using the latest 2017 StudioCanal “remastered” transfer as the main source.

First, a big thank you and credit to sanjuro_61 for his release of this film that we used as a basis to work from, found here: https://forum.fanres.com/thread-2885.html

Further alterations from his release as follows:



  • Reinstated a single frame that was accidentally left out, rendering the audio out of sync by 42ms 18 minutes into the film in v1.0


  • Encoded the Japanese CDS Mix 2003 into DTS-HD MA



  • Painstaking regrading of the film, not just scene to scene but in some cases shot to shot or even single frames where necessary in order to restore the film to something closer to previous releases (This took a lonnng time!)

  • Restored bendy knife in bar scene

  • Restored stuntman’s head in the slo-mo bike jump scene

  • Replaced shots throughout film where lost detail could not be recovered from the 2017 transfer by using the 2015 Lionsgate transfer instead, with additional regrading to match the rest of the film

– We decided to use the 2015 transfer for the first shot of the T800 crushing the skull with the pink lasers overhead, as removing the ridiculous amount of blue was not possible with the 2017 transfer

– The lava at the end of the film has been turned to yellow with too much detail lost in the process, so the 2015 transfer was favoured in some shots

  • Cropped a shot in the car after the Sarah Connor asylum breakout due to presence of border of projected backdrop being visible in 2017 transfer


  • DTS-HD MA 5.1 (StudioCanal 2017)
  • DTS-HD MA 5.1 (Lionsgate 2015)
  • DTS-HD MA “6.1” (Skynet 2009)
  • Dolby TrueHD 5.1 (Japanese Premium Edition 2008)
  • DTS-HD MA 5.1 (French CDS Mix “Remaster” 2008)
  • DTS 5.1 (Japanese CDS Mix 2003) [Thanks to Chewtobacca for his resync of this]

So, I’m not completely happy with the sync up of the 2008 CDS “Remaster” audio, but it’s as good as I can get it really and is still very watchable. If anyone else wants to have a crack, go nuts.

I have the Lionsgate 2015 audio as the default selected track.





And the SE as well

The mission here is to hopefully provide the best possible viewing and listening experience of T2 that we can get, using the latest 2017 StudioCanal “remastered” transfer as the main source.

First, a big thank you and credit to sanjuro_61 for his release of this film that we used as a basis to work from, found here: https://forum.fanres.com/thread-2885.html

Further alterations from his release as follows:


  • Painstaking regrading of the film, not just scene to scene but in some cases shot to shot or even single frames where necessary in order to restore the film to something closer to previous releases (This took a lonnng time!)

  • Restored bendy knife in bar scene

  • Restored stuntman’s head in the slo-mo bike jump scene

  • Replaced shots throughout film where lost detail could not be recovered from the 2017 transfer by using the 2015 Lionsgate transfer instead, with additional regrading to match the rest of the film

– We decided to use the 2015 transfer for the first shot of the T800 crushing the skull with the pink lasers overhead, as removing the ridiculous amount of blue was not possible with the 2017 transfer

– The lava at the end of the film has been turned to yellow with too much detail lost in the process, so the 2015 transfer was favoured in some shots

  • Cropped a shot in the car after the Sarah Connor asylum breakout due to presence of border of projected backdrop being visible in 2017 transfer

  • Inserting and regrading of Special Edition scenes to match the rest of the film


  • DTS-HD MA 7.1 (Ultimate Lionsgate Hybrid 2020)
  • DTS-HD MA 7.1 (Ultimate Premium CDS Lionsgate Hybrid 2020)
  • DTS-HD MA 5.1 (Premium CDS Lionsgate Hybrid 2020)
  • DTS-HD MA 5.1 (Lionsgate 2015)
  • DTS-HD MA “6.1” (Skynet 2009)
  • DTS-HD HR 7.1 (German Ultimate Edition 2008) [Thanks to Kurtos for sending me this rarity - only present on a German HD-DVD from 2008 for some reason!]
  • Dolby TrueHD 5.1 (Japanese Premium Edition 2008)

They botched the timing of the Special Edition scenes with the StudioCanal 2017 audio, so I didn’t include it.

The top three tracks for SE, I put together myself. I found that the volume of the German Ultimate Edition 7.1 was set too high, “brickwalling” it more so than other remixes, so I took the side surrounds from the German Ultimate Edition 7.1 and lowered them accordingly to match the Lionsgate L, R, C, LFE and rear surround channels, which are identical more or less to the German Ultimate Edition anyway, but with a higher bitrate and less brickwalled. So if you want a remixed 7.1 experience, the first track is probably the way to go.

The third track is the Japanese theatrical CDS Mix, with Lionsgate SE scenes spliced in for L, R, C and LFE. I took the rear channels from the Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Japanese Premium Edition for SE scenes, as their volume levels matched more closely to the CDS Mix without any need for editing. Other than the volume being lower, they’re identical to the Lionsgate. This is as close as it gets to watching the film with original audio, if you’re interested in SE.

The second track is the CDS Mix L, R, C and LFE channels. with Lionsgate SE scenes spliced in for L, R, C and LFE, combined with the side surrounds from the German Ultimate Edition, with volume adjusted accordingly to match the CDS. Most people would consider this blasphemous, but if you want that original mix with 7.1, use this Tongue

I have the Lionsgate 2015 audio as the default selected track.






CloakedDragon97 said:

For me, the 2009 Blu-ray is what I consider to be the best. It has minimized edge enhancement, less DNR and more natural color grading.

The 2015 bluray uses that master but has slightly more grain.


Maybe after Cameron does The Abyss and True Lies like Bill Hunt is alleging he will, he’ll fix this and T1. Right.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death