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The goal:
Find or get close to the theatrical T2 sound mix, not the bastardised Gary Rydstrom near field mix
Mux a BD theatrical cut with a 2.0 and 5.1 track
I need either the:
CDS 5.1 (obviously only a cinema mix with no home format, but some of the 5.1 mixes may have been taken from it)
70mm Dolby 6 track
Dolby SR
What I have so far (Theatrical cut [TC] only): (first USA dvd is on the way)
UK PAL Laserdisc only release Dolby Surround
NTSC Laserdisc First release CLV Dolby Surround
Lionsgate First Bluray release Dolby EX 6.1/DTS-ES 6.1
Lionsgate/Optimum Skynet Bluray release DTS HD-MA 6.1
Lionsgate Second DVD release “Ultimate edition” Dolby EX 6.1/DTS-ES 6.1
Artisan Third DVD release “Extreme Dvd” Dolby EX 6.1 (+ if I can rip it the WMV version)
I will go thru all the releases I have and check the sound one by one, I have also asked Van ling if the CDS track could be on the new disc but I think that is a a long shot!
I have a good memory of the CDS track but if anyone has any info on releases I will be happy to hear it.
I think the rumor is that the the first USA dvd has the TC audio, I have that in the post but also have the first LD if not but that is only Dolby Surround.