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Worst Edit Ideas — Page 87


Hal 9000 said:

Kenobi hands Luke Qui-Gon’s lightsaber, recoloring it to green throughout ANH and ESB.

His saber he constructs in ROTJ Is blue.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Servii said:

Change Obi-Wan’s Krayt Dragon call in ANH to a Godzilla roar.

I’d go for the headless kamikaze scream from the Serious Sam games.


All light saber recolors are done in MS Paint 98.

Let a thousand stars shine 'til we all burn out!


Just remove all the opening crawls. Screw it. Let the audience figure it out.


This might actually be a good change but…make all the droids’ pronouns gender neutral.


Crawls have always been lazy exposition. The only reason they’re there at all is as an homage to old serials, where they were merely recaps of the last episode, not unlike the way their equivalent is used in The Clone Wars.


I think the crawls do set the mood for the audience. They tell the viewer that what they’re watching isn’t going to be just another action movie, but something grand and operatic (though that feeling has diminished with the films after the OT). Also, they help enable that more “in medias res” form of storytelling that can throw the viewer right into the action without being confused by the time jump between films. Though I’d argue that some of the films (namely RotJ and TLJ, and possibly ESB) don’t need the crawls and would be perfectly understandable without them.


I kinda like how the crawls often take poetic license a little, setting the stage with some hyperbole or fuzzy, dramatic narration.

Phantom Menace’s “two Jedi Knights.”
Clones implying Amidala supported creating a Republic army.
Sith’s “heroes on both sides.”
At least as interpreted from a larger perspective of lore than the film in a vacuum, the overly neat suggestion that Leia’s stolen plans will set the universe to rights.
Empire suggesting that Luke is the leader of the rebels, or at least those on Hoth.

My stance on revising fan edits.


They tell the viewer that what they’re watching isn’t going to be just another action movie

I don’t think Abrams got the memo.


Servii said:

I think the crawls do set the mood for the audience. They tell the viewer that what they’re watching isn’t going to be just another action movie, but something grand and operatic (though that feeling has diminished with the films after the OT). Also, they help enable that more “in medias res” form of storytelling that can throw the viewer right into the action without being confused by the time jump between films. Though I’d argue that some of the films (namely RotJ and TLJ, and possibly ESB) don’t need the crawls and would be perfectly understandable without them.

I wouldn’t say that the crawls are unnecessary. When executed right, they do a good job of giving the audience foreshadowing and something to pay attention to (ANH is a classic demonstration of this). Unfortunately, that became sort of a lost art once TPM was released.

Going back on topic now. Let’s give Holdo a Hitler mustache.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Give Luke a green milk mustache in TLJ and a blue one in ANH.

Add a “Got Milk?” logo on the bottom right of the screen every time Luke has the 'stache.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Give Luke a green milk mustache in TLJ and a blue one in ANH.

Add a “Got Milk?” logo on the bottom right of the screen every time Luke has the 'stache.

Add it as a sticker on the bottle/canteen he uses.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Re-record battle droid dialog so they say “Roger-dodger.”


In AOTC, instead of the Imperial March, the anthem of the Galactic Republic plays.

Really, though, I get that was technically the true beginning of the Empire, but I thought it felt like the Imperial March was getting overused and out of place in the PT.