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Your ideal Star Wars Sequel Trilogy — Page 2


Episode 7 would take place in a galaxy that has devolved into a cold war between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic. Leia controls the Senate as Chancellor and acts as master of the new Jedi council. Her son, Ben, is her star pupil and the public face of the Jedi as he seeks to bring ‘peace and justice’ to the galaxy.

The story begins with Rey, a young girl who has been adopted by an old freighter pilot with a robotic leg who lives in the outer rim. She returns from a scavenging expedition one day and sees that there is a visitor, the dashing young Ben Solo who has arrived on a New Republic shuttle and demands of the old pilot that he give up the girl. The old man refuses, and Rey causes a distraction which allows them both to escape in the Millennium Falcon. The man tells her that he is indeed Han Solo, and Ben was there on a hunt for Jedi students, of which Rey is one. She is astonished, asking him why he never told her, and Han says that it was for her own protection. They must now go to find Luke, who is living in exile in Imperial space, and along the way they meet Finn who is an Imperial trooper and Chewie, who is free from his life debt from Han and is captain of his own ship. Poe Dameron is introduced as a pilot for the elite strike force of the New Republic, and is tasked with tracking down our Heroes.

Our heroes eventually find Luke, who reveals that he found Rey at an early age but then Leia turned to a dark place in her attempt to hold the New Republic together before Luke could find more than a couple young recruits. Leia demanded more of the students than they could take, with Ben and the rest of the students being corrupted by the necessity of gaining too much power too quickly. Luke eventually went into exile, unable to destroy his own sister and her son. Han took Rey under his wing for her protection, as she was the youngest of his students by far.

Leia and Ben arrive on intel from Poe, and Leia confronts Luke while Ben confronts his father. Han and Chewie and Luke all die, Han and Chewie aboard the Falcon in one last act of sacrifice with Rey and Finn only barely escaping. The Imperial Remnant arrives through Finn’s help to face this threat to their territory, and there is a pitched battle between old Imperial ships and New Republic vessels, and Poe secretly switches sides to join with the heroes. The spirit of Luke arrives to aid Rey, and she bests Ben. The Republic retreats with Poe undercover and Rey vows to become a true Jedi and rebuild the Order.

The second and third films would continue this conflict, with Rey and Finn and Poe attempting to reconcile the two sides of the conflict guided only by the spirit of Luke.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I’ve still yet to hear any idea that was better than what we got, including my own ideas, so I’ll just stick with it and keep going. Star Wars forever! MTFBWY


The Jedi Killer is the Villain he is not related to the Skywalkers he is the secret apprentice of Darth Vader he use a similar mask like him, some people believe that he is Vader lost son and brother of Luke and Leia,Luke have a New Jedi Order in Yavin 4 his teachings are the same like Prequel Jedi he is not married and dont have children, Han Solo and Leia have a son and his name is Anakin Solo and he is blonde like Luke and he is a Jedi Padawan, The Jedi Killer is preparing a full scale war against the New Republic with the help of the Hutts and Empire fanatics and loyalists his endgame is to resurrect Palpatine and Vader with Plagueis teachings in Episode VIII The Jedi Killer kills Luke and Anakin Solo become a Jedi Knight in Episode IX Anakin Solo is now the new hero he defeats the Jedi Killer in a duel in Coruscant Han Solo and Chewbacca dies in the battle of Coruscant in the end Anakin replace Luke and become the grandmaster of the New Jedi Order the New Republic becomes a new government the Jedi Killer true identity is that he was a Luke Clone Vader wanted to resurrect Padme but Cloned Luke better after their duel in Episode V


My Sequel Trilogy would have been something like this:

Episode VII: The New Republic is seemingly thriving, however there is no new Jedi Order, and Luke Skywalker has exiled himself, Leia is now Chancellor of the Republic but finds herself weighted down by the world of politics and Han died some time prior to the movie (Harrison Ford has never been enthusiastic about SW so I would leave him alone). I would have kept the Imperial Remnant title from the EU as it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the First Order, and would have portrayed them as a shadowy organisation that unlike it’s predecessor the Empire, which fought using total war, they resort to more subtle tactics, such as guerrilla warfare, espionage, deception, infiltration through senators that are still secretly loyal to the Empire, conquering seemingly unimportant worlds, using unused experimental imperial technology, and while they would use old imperial Star Destroyers as mobile bases, their main base of operations would be in the Unknown Regions. They would be lead by the Knights of Ren, who are what I would call Force supremacists, as they believe that Force wielders are inherently superior to others and should rule over everyone. Originally being students in Luke’s fledgling Jedi academy, their belief of the strong ruling over the weak is what drove them to crush the new Jedi Order before it could truly blossom and subsequently join the Imperial Remnant. Kylo Ren in this version is unrelated to the Skywalker family, he’s just a promising student with a lust for power who went renegade alongside others, and Kylo Ren is his name for real. Second to the Knights of Ren in terms of command would be a council of former imperial military leaders and senators. Rey would be a nobody and nowhere near as OP in the Force, but is fully aware of her Force sensitivity and that’s what drives her to seek out Luke, to gain a better understanding, and she’s been gathering information on Luke’s whereabouts. That’s how she meets Chewbacca, now captain of the Millennium Falcon and Poe Dameron, his copilot and Finn, first mate and renegade stormtrooper. Finn defected from the IR because he couldn’t stand the suffering he inflicted when raiding worlds and kidnapping people to be used as slave labour, and has since decided to right the wrongs of his past with helping Chewie and Poe. Throughout their journey they uncover the IR secret plan to restore the Empire, and halfway through the movie Rey meets Luke, who is pretty much the same as in TLJ, a bitter disillusioned hermit who wants no further part in the conflicts of the Galaxy, but nevertheless agrees to train Rey as she’s driven by a desire to use her power responsibly, but the training is cut short when Kylo arrives after sensing her presence and offers to teach Rey true power, being impressed by her raw potential, and proceeds to kill Luke as a display of power, yet Rey still turns him down and flees. Now guided by Luke’s Force Ghost, Rey is determined to protect the Galaxy against the growing threat of the IR.

Whew, that’s a lot of text, I think I will use different posts for episodes VIII and IX.


I think The Force Awakens needs a major edit and then I think the ST would be great.

My ideal ST had to have an ending that I felt was a nice wrap-up to the entire saga. I feel we got that so I’m good.

But if you want to know what I would think we be an ideal next trilogy… one, we leave the Skywalkers alone. Two, go into the past - further than the new High Republic setting. Three, Jedi being Jedi (like Qui-gon Jinn) and lots of new worlds and alternate views of old worlds. Four, going back far enough to tell one of the Jedi vs. Sith conflicts would be awesome. Five, Star Wars isn’t just Jedi so we need smugglers, princesses, bounty hunters, senators, and aliens galore. Six, it would be nice to reused existing aliens along side new ones. One of my issues with the ST is too few classic aliens.


fmalover said:

My Sequel Trilogy would have been something like this:

Episode VII: The New Republic is seemingly thriving, however there is no new Jedi Order, and Luke Skywalker has exiled himself, Leia is now Chancellor of the Republic but finds herself weighted down by the world of politics and Han died some time prior to the movie (Harrison Ford has never been enthusiastic about SW so I would leave him alone). I would have kept the Imperial Remnant title from the EU as it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the First Order, and would have portrayed them as a shadowy organisation that unlike it’s predecessor the Empire, which fought using total war, they resort to more subtle tactics, such as guerrilla warfare, espionage, deception, infiltration through senators that are still secretly loyal to the Empire, conquering seemingly unimportant worlds, using unused experimental imperial technology, and while they would use old imperial Star Destroyers as mobile bases, their main base of operations would be in the Unknown Regions. They would be lead by the Knights of Ren, who are what I would call Force supremacists, as they believe that Force wielders are inherently superior to others and should rule over everyone. Originally being students in Luke’s fledgling Jedi academy, their belief of the strong ruling over the weak is what drove them to crush the new Jedi Order before it could truly blossom and subsequently join the Imperial Remnant. Kylo Ren in this version is unrelated to the Skywalker family, he’s just a promising student with a lust for power who went renegade alongside others, and Kylo Ren is his name for real. Second to the Knights of Ren in terms of command would be a council of former imperial military leaders and senators. Rey would be a nobody and nowhere near as OP in the Force, but is fully aware of her Force sensitivity and that’s what drives her to seek out Luke, to gain a better understanding, and she’s been gathering information on Luke’s whereabouts. That’s how she meets Chewbacca, now captain of the Millennium Falcon and Poe Dameron, his copilot and Finn, first mate and renegade stormtrooper. Finn defected from the IR because he couldn’t stand the suffering he inflicted when raiding worlds and kidnapping people to be used as slave labour, and has since decided to right the wrongs of his past with helping Chewie and Poe. Throughout their journey they uncover the IR secret plan to restore the Empire, and halfway through the movie Rey meets Luke, who is pretty much the same as in TLJ, a bitter disillusioned hermit who wants no further part in the conflicts of the Galaxy, but nevertheless agrees to train Rey as she’s driven by a desire to use her power responsibly, but the training is cut short when Kylo arrives after sensing her presence and offers to teach Rey true power, being impressed by her raw potential, and proceeds to kill Luke as a display of power, yet Rey still turns him down and flees. Now guided by Luke’s Force Ghost, Rey is determined to protect the Galaxy against the growing threat of the IR.

Whew, that’s a lot of text, I think I will use different posts for episodes VIII and IX.

I still haven’t come up with any ideas for episodes VIII and IX, but at the risk of appearing needy, I would like to read some feedback on my proposed episode VII.


fmalover said:

I still haven’t come up with any ideas for episodes VIII and IX, but at the risk of appearing needy, I would like to read some feedback on my proposed episode VII.

Sure thing. I really like the idea of the New Republic doing well while the Imperial Remnant resorts to more subtle and sinister tactics - to differentiate from the OT more, I’d have liked the sequel trilogy to have had the bad guys be the underdogs, but a growing threat which the Republic does not take seriously. The scenario in the sequels, where the FO suddenly have all this amazing military force somehow, is rather bad worldbuilding and a large contrivance.

I’m with you on keeping Luke as he is in TLJ - I think that’s a really compelling story. My issue would be that you’re cutting it in half. In TLJ, it’s crucial that Luke regains his optimism and sense of self at the end of the film, finding purpose in letting the Resistance fight another day. He is the heart of that film, but in this version he’s just a vehicle for some character conflict (Rey persuading him to train her), the necessary method of getting Rey that crucial training, and then being killed off to further the arc of the main villain. Regarding that last part, I’m fine with Snoke being treated that way in TLJ, but not Luke. He also would never get the chance to emerge from that state of pessimism and lack of self-belief that so many fans hated.

Another criticism would be that this seems like a lot to happen in one film and might be too ambitious, but that’s a minor one. It’s a structural issue, while I think the premise of your ep VII is very solid! I also like that the Knights of Ren would provide insight into the supremacist ideology of dark siders, and have a more interesting motive than ‘standing around and looking cool’. I also like that you don’t feel the need to continue the ‘Skywalker saga’ as such, making Kylo a villain not tied directly to this group of characters we’ve already been following. A complaint I have about the sequels is that too many characters feel part of this interconnected tight-knit group. In this version, Rey has no special heritage to define her, and neither does Kylo. I don’t mind him being Han and Leia’s son at all, but thematically this is much nicer. Great thoughts.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

fmalover said:

I still haven’t come up with any ideas for episodes VIII and IX, but at the risk of appearing needy, I would like to read some feedback on my proposed episode VII.

Sure thing. I really like the idea of the New Republic doing well while the Imperial Remnant resorts to more subtle and sinister tactics - to differentiate from the OT more, I’d have liked the sequel trilogy to have had the bad guys be the underdogs, but a growing threat which the Republic does not take seriously. The scenario in the sequels, where the FO suddenly have all this amazing military force somehow, is rather bad worldbuilding and a large contrivance.

I’m with you on keeping Luke as he is in TLJ - I think that’s a really compelling story. My issue would be that you’re cutting it in half. In TLJ, it’s crucial that Luke regains his optimism and sense of self at the end of the film, finding purpose in letting the Resistance fight another day. He is the heart of that film, but in this version he’s just a vehicle for some character conflict (Rey persuading him to train her), the necessary method of getting Rey that crucial training, and then being killed off to further the arc of the main villain. Regarding that last part, I’m fine with Snoke being treated that way in TLJ, but not Luke. He also would never get the chance to emerge from that state of pessimism and lack of self-belief that so many fans hated.

Another criticism would be that this seems like a lot to happen in one film and might be too ambitious, but that’s a minor one. It’s a structural issue, while I think the premise of your ep VII is very solid! I also like that the Knights of Ren would provide insight into the supremacist ideology of dark siders, and have a more interesting motive than ‘standing around and looking cool’. I also like that you don’t feel the need to continue the ‘Skywalker saga’ as such, making Kylo a villain not tied directly to this group of characters we’ve already been following. A complaint I have about the sequels is that too many characters feel part of this interconnected tight-knit group. In this version, Rey has no special heritage to define her, and neither does Kylo. I don’t mind him being Han and Leia’s son at all, but thematically this is much nicer. Great thoughts.

I think you’re right jedi_bendu. Killing Luke off without him overcoming his pessimism would be a terrible idea, so I’ll revise that part and have him survive until the final act of episode VIII, giving him time to restore his sense of justice.

I want to further delve into the details of my proposed ST. I previously mentioned the IR would have old Star Destroyers as mobile bases, and I want to add that they are equipped with miniaturised Death Star cannons which, while not powerful enough to destroy planets, can still raze entire cities and are quite useful at reducing the numbers of enemy fleets, their major drawback is their recharge time. The starfighters employed by the IR would have an aesthetic similar to that of the TIE Fighters, but unlike their predecessors are self-sufficient, having perks such as hyperdrives, taking off and landing on their own, all this because the IR can’t afford to mass produce TIE Fighters dependent on a base, thus we are presented with smaller fighter squadrons that make up for the numbers by their efficiency.

Although the Knights of Ren clearly draw from the Dark Side, what differentiates them from the Sith is that they aren’t concerned with proving the superiority of the dark over the light, but rather believe that Force wielders are inherently superior and should rule over what they consider to be lesser beings, and their ultimate goal is to create an Empire in which Force wielders are the ultimate authority, similar to the Tevinter Imperium from the Dragon Age games, where mages are the ruling class and everyone else is a second class citizen.

OK, now the ideas for my proposed episode VIII are starting to flow. I will post them later.


My idea sequel trilogy would probably be something along the lines of the most recently-reported version of George’s ideas. Not necessarily the specifics of Maul surviving and bringing in Talon, but putting the challenges of postwar rebuilding front and center would have been perfect for making the trilogy a relevant part of a single story, making it feel more necessary and legitimate. The idea of a criminal underworld helmed by a darksider also would’ve made for a much more distinct threat than Empire 2.0 in the First Order.



Thinking smaller, the core elements of what we got could have made for a perfectly solid ST with a few tweaks. For instance…


30 years after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic is established and a free galaxy has fallen into complacency. Leia Organa-Solo serves in the Galactic Senate, Han Solo adjusts to retirement as well as can be expected, and Luke Skywalker trains their son Ben along with a handful of students in the Jedi arts—with the help of Snoke, a surviving Jedi Master from the days of the Old Republic.

But when the deserting ex-stormtrooper Finn arrives to warn the Senate that an Imperial remnant calling itself the First Order is gathering strength in the Unknown Regions, Snoke—secretly a darksider in league with the First Order—reveals himself and accelerates his plans to retake the galaxy.

Responding to a distress call from the Jedi Temple, Han finds that Snoke has completed his seduction of Ben Solo, and in doing so decimated the Academy. The newly-christened Kylo Ren murders his father in a tense confrontation, and Chewbacca rescues the only two Jedi who haven’t been killed or captured—Luke and one student, a young orphan named Rey.

With Finn’s help, the grief-stricken heroes organize a plan of attack, infiltrating and destroying the First Order superweapon Starkiller Base…but not before it obliterates the New Republic’s capital. Leia assumes command of the New Republic’s surviving military forces, while Luke takes Rey to complete her training on the remote Jedi world of Ahch-To, just as Yoda had trained him on Dagobah decades before.

This would allow us to spend time with the heroes at peace and show a glimpse of the free galaxy they fought for in the OT. It would eliminate Han and Leia’s estrangement, give Luke a similar struggle with guilt without having to explain why he tapped out of the galaxy for years, introduce us to Ben Solo before things go to hell, and eliminate the controversy over Rey being skilled without Jedi training, all while preserving the good elements the ST gave us.

In particular, having Kylo’s turn, Han’s death (which, let’s face it, would probably be a Harrison Ford requirement no matter what), and the fall of Luke’s academy all happen simultaneously onscreen, as the immediate precursors to the trilogy’s central war, alleviates The Force Awakens’ implication that Luke, Han, and Leia’s lives all sucked before we see them again. Having characters meet tragic ends in the course of facing a new crisis is a lot easier to swallow than having them suffer losses, withdraw from their loved ones for years, regress to old habits, AND THEN meet tragic ends.


The broad strokes could be similar to The Last Jedi, especially the exploration on Luke’s mythic status (hence the new title). The above outline for A Shattered Balance leaves the exact circumstances of Kylo’s turn somewhat ambiguous, so there would still be room for a similar set of flashbacks as in the official TLJ. I don’t have strong feelings about whether Rey should be Luke’s daughter or remain a nobody, but this basic idea could work with either decision. Another possibility might be that Rey is the daughter of a darksider Luke was forced to kill years ago. [EDIT] I’d be fine with a version of the Canto Bight subplot pruned like Hal’s version, but for the sake of the trilogy as a whole perhaps it would be better if Finn and Rose’s mission was instead focused on finding allies to help what’s left of the New Republic regroup in the wake of the Starkiller disaster. [END EDIT]


😃 Maybe a little something like this:




Cadavra said:

Thinking smaller, the core elements of what we got could have made for a perfectly solid ST with a few tweaks. For instance…


30 years after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic is established and a free galaxy has fallen into complacency. Leia Organa-Solo serves in the Galactic Senate, Han Solo adjusts to retirement as well as can be expected, and Luke Skywalker trains their son Ben along with a handful of students in the Jedi arts—with the help of Snoke, a surviving Jedi Master from the days of the Old Republic.

But when the deserting ex-stormtrooper Finn arrives to warn the Senate that an Imperial remnant calling itself the First Order is gathering strength in the Unknown Regions, Snoke—secretly a darksider in league with the First Order—reveals himself and accelerates his plans to retake the galaxy.

Responding to a distress call from the Jedi Temple, Han finds that Snoke has completed his seduction of Ben Solo, and in doing so decimated the Academy. The newly-christened Kylo Ren murders his father in a tense confrontation, and Chewbacca rescues the only two Jedi who haven’t been killed or captured—Luke and one student, a young orphan named Rey.

With Finn’s help, the grief-stricken heroes organize a plan of attack, infiltrating and destroying the First Order superweapon Starkiller Base…but not before it obliterates the New Republic’s capital. Leia assumes command of the New Republic’s surviving military forces, while Luke takes Rey to complete her training on the remote Jedi world of Ahch-To, just as Yoda had trained him on Dagobah decades before.

This would allow us to spend time with the heroes at peace and show a glimpse of the free galaxy they fought for in the OT. It would eliminate Han and Leia’s estrangement, give Luke a similar struggle with guilt without having to explain why he tapped out of the galaxy for years, introduce us to Ben Solo before things go to hell, and eliminate the controversy over Rey being skilled without Jedi training, all while preserving the good elements the ST gave us.

In particular, having Kylo’s turn, Han’s death (which, let’s face it, would probably be a Harrison Ford requirement no matter what), and the fall of Luke’s academy all happen simultaneously onscreen, as the immediate precursors to the trilogy’s central war, alleviates The Force Awakens’ implication that Luke, Han, and Leia’s lives all sucked before we see them again. Having characters meet tragic ends in the course of facing a new crisis is a lot easier to swallow than having them suffer losses, withdraw from their loved ones for years, regress to old habits, AND THEN meet tragic ends.


The broad strokes could be similar to The Last Jedi, especially the exploration on Luke’s mythic status (hence the new title). The above outline for A Shattered Balance leaves the exact circumstances of Kylo’s turn somewhat ambiguous, so there would still be room for a similar set of flashbacks as in the official TLJ. I don’t have strong feelings about whether Rey should be Luke’s daughter or remain a nobody, but this basic idea could work with either decision. Another possibility might be that Rey is the daughter of a darksider Luke was forced to kill years ago. [EDIT] I’d be fine with a version of the Canto Bight subplot pruned like Hal’s version, but for the sake of the trilogy as a whole perhaps it would be better if Finn and Rose’s mission was instead focused on finding allies to help what’s left of the New Republic regroup in the wake of the Starkiller disaster. [END EDIT]


😃 Maybe a little something like this:


I like your proposed ST, but I would take Starkiller Base out of the equation. I just don’t like the idea of an underpowered organization creating a superpowered weapon.


Cadavra said:

Totally valid. I was just thinking in the context of what could be done with a less ambitious rearrangement of existing elements.

Any thoughts on my proposed episode VII and ST setup?


Cadavra said:

Totally valid. I was just thinking in the context of what could be done with a less ambitious rearrangement of existing elements.

In that case you could merge Starkiller Base and Exegol, and instead of the superweapon aspect have the remnant Imperial fleet instead, maybe keep it being an ancient Sith world in order to tie it better to Snoke or the Knights of Ren even if Palpatine is not present in this.


OK, here’s my proposed episode VIII:

One year has passed since episode VII, the Imperial Remnant is starting to consolidate its power through more overt attacks, sowing distrust within the governments, spreading misinformation and sowing distrust within the ranks of the regional governments, undermining Leia and her allies. Rey has been training under Luke, however unbeknownst to Luke, her fateful encounter with Kylo Ren has created an unusual Force bond between her and Kylo in which Rey represents embodies the light with a touch of darkness, and Kylo the dark with a touch of light. This bond allows for communication between them just like TLJ, and just like in TLJ, these events are involuntary and spontaneous. Initially Kylo tried to turn Rey to his cause, which Rey rejected, however a growing mutual understanding develops between them.

Meanwhile Poe, Chewbacca and Finn are aiding a local resistance militia in an outer rim system, and conquering this particular system will prove key in the IR’s rise to power. We learn here that Poe used to be a Republic soldier and an ace pilot whose problem with authority led to his reassignment as an Intel gatherer and a scout who reports to Leia on IR activities. Their mission is complicated when it is revealed that one of the Knights of Ren is leading the effort, and their very presence leads to the IR’s first major victory. Our trio of friends escape with the resistance militia thanks to the help of a Bespin fleet sent by Lando and Chewie’s contacts from his smuggler days. Other Knights of Ren achieve similar, lesser victories in other outer rim systems.

As Rey’s training and mastery of the Force progresses, so does Kylo’s, and we see him exploring places powerful with the dark side, such as the cave in Dagobah, and after being informed of the accomplishments of his fellow Knights, gathers them and informs them that the time has come to attack the New Republic, but the bond with Rey inadvertently alerts her of his plan. Luke views the encounter between Rey and the Knights of Ren as inevitable, and allows her to depart on her own, cryptically saying that will join her when the time is right.

Poe, Finn and Chewie arrive on Coruscant to present irrefutable evidence of the IR’s growing threat over the past three decades before the Senate, and suddenly the Imperial Remnant launches a surprise attack and Kylo, alongside two other Knights, personally takes Leia hostage. Upon sensing Leia’s Force potential, Kylo is puzzled about a Force wielder such as Leia not using her position to exert greater control upon the population through the Force, to which Leia responds that giving up such power is the true meaning of strength. Rey arrives in the nick of time to prevent Leia’s execution at Kylo’s hands, Kylo orders the other two Knights to stay away, as he wants to deal with Rey. Rey is no match for Kylo, at which point Luke makes his entrance with a renewed sense of justice, which evens the scales prompting Kylo to call upon the other two, and Luke and Rey being outnumbered three to two, it is then that Leia unconsciously uses her battle meditation by focusing on Luke and Rey, giving them the edge over the three Knights. Luke dispatches the two lesser Knights, but Rey and Kylo are cut off from Luke and Leia, however just when Rey is at Kylo’s mercy, Kylo realizes that he can’t bring himself to finish her off, and neither can Rey, even though they are at opposite ends, and so Kylo retreats along with the fleet.

The attack on Coruscant has galvanized the Republic into freeing the oppressed systems and stopping the Imperial Remnant once and for all.


Bumping up this thread.

So, any opinions on my proposed episode VIII?


I’ve spent the last month diverting myself with Euro 2020, but it looks like this thread has lost steam, which is a real shame, as I would really like to know the thoughts on my proposed episode VIII.


Cadavra said:

This would allow us to spend time with the heroes at peace and show a glimpse of the free galaxy they fought for in the OT.

Just seeing this thread now. This made me realise that one of the most major flaws of the sequels right from the off was not showing us the good to come out of the new republic before everything goes to shit. Plunging us right into pretty much the same dire situation we were presented with in ANH can create a sense that the original trilogy’s fight didn’t matter as much. A key advantage of the rewrite, and something that can differentiate the sequels from the OT, is that we watch the situation unfold.

Love the titles, by the way!

fmalover said:

Poe, Finn and Chewie arrive on Coruscant to present irrefutable evidence of the IR’s growing threat over the past three decades before the Senate, and suddenly the Imperial Remnant launches a surprise attack and Kylo, alongside two other Knights, personally takes Leia hostage. Upon sensing Leia’s Force potential, Kylo is puzzled about a Force wielder such as Leia not using her position to exert greater control upon the population through the Force, to which Leia responds that giving up such power is the true meaning of strength.

I really like this debate about the use of power and the contrast in ideologies. I also really like that Coruscant is back in this version.

I like the touch of Lando using his past connections to help the New Republic, and I’m glad he appears in ep 8 instead of 9.

Also really like Kylo maybe revisiting locations from the OT, like the cave on dagobah. It’s fanservice perhaps, but like how fanservice was used in TLJ (Leia hologram, yoda’s appearance) it also serves an important story purpose.

fmalover said:

Rey has been training under Luke, however unbeknownst to Luke, her fateful encounter with Kylo Ren has created an unusual Force bond between her and Kylo in which Rey represents embodies the light with a touch of darkness, and Kylo the dark with a touch of light.

This is a tricky one: I wonder if it’s possible to have a more meaningful explanation for this force bond/dyad than just ‘it happens, but it’s unusual’. TROS barely has an explanation, but at least there Rey is palpatine’s ‘granddaughter’ so it’s the grandchildren of vader and palpatine being connected in a sense. Maybe, like so many things that happen because of the force - such as force ghosts - it simply can’t be explained and is there because the story needs it. I must say I’m really interested in the plot point of Rey accidentally finding out about the planned attack because of the force bond.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

This is a tricky one: I wonder if it’s possible to have a more meaningful explanation for this force bond/dyad than just ‘it happens, but it’s unusual’. TROS barely has an explanation, but at least there Rey is palpatine’s ‘granddaughter’ so it’s the grandchildren of vader and palpatine being connected in a sense. Maybe, like so many things that happen because of the force - such as force ghosts - it simply can’t be explained and is there because the story needs it. I must say I’m really interested in the plot point of Rey accidentally finding out about the planned attack because of the force bond.

The best I can come up with would be that Kylo and Rey unconsciously feed upon the living Force, and their first encounter in episode VII inadvertently sparked a reaction which resulted in their Force bond.


Overall, I like your rewrite ideas. Your version of the Imperial Remnant sounds good, and I like what you’re going for with the Knights of Ren and their whole Force Supremacist ideology, but I’d suggest finding additional ways to differentiate this new ideology from the Sith. As they’re described now, they sound like Sith Lite, which is okay, but I think could be made more interesting. One idea (I’m not sure if this is what you were thinking) would be to make the Knights of Ren similar to the Imperial Knights from the Legacy Era: Force users who reject the Dark Side, but serve an authoritarian regime, perhaps out of some sense of a “greater good.” That way, the story won’t require bringing the Dark Side back after RotJ, but will portray a whole new, different corruption of the Jedi ideology that has to be defeated. I wouldn’t have them massacre Luke’s Jedi Order, but I would have them convert most of Luke’s students away from his teachings, leaving Luke disheartened but not totally broken.

I don’t agree with having Kylo Ren as the leader of the IR, though. He can be the leader of the Knights of Ren, but the IR’s leader should be someone the Knights swear fealty to. A Force sensitive, also, but someone older and with more military bearing. Kylo could be basically the chief lieutenant/enforcer of this new Emperor.

As for the Imperial Remnant’s technology, I like the idea of more self-sufficient TIE Fighters, but I’m still not on board with the Death Star lasers coming back. The IR’s strength should be through subterfuge and surgical strikes, like you described. So it would be better if they didn’t have world-wrecking technology to fall back on. Their strength would come from their tactical cunning instead of raw firepower. One thing I would be careful to do is to never show the IR’s military power as overwhelming or insurmountable like the Imperial Fleet was. With battle scenes, there should be the sense that the odds are more even now, and that the IR can sometimes lose in pitched battles that the Empire would have easily won. If done well, it could create more tension, because the audience by now is used to seeing underdogs beating the stronger foe, but when the situation is closer to 50-50, it won’t always be clear what direction a battle will take, and you can use that unpredictability to your advantage.

As for Han, I’m fine with him being written out, for Harrison Ford’s sake. Though I would like for Han and Leia to have a kid or kids. They wouldn’t have to be Force sensitive, and they can just be minor characters,

I like your plot outlines, but I would try to flesh out VIII’s climax a bit more. The part of Kylo and the whole IR fleet leaving Coruscant, while a good character moment for Kylo, seems too abrupt from what you described.

Luke being depressed is fine, but I would rather have Luke’s depression be depicted in a more realistic way. The vast majority of depressed people don’t behave like ST Luke does. They still carry on with their lives, struggling day-to-day while trying to retain some degree of normality. The signs of depression are usually more subtle and easily missed by people. You could have Luke still trying to train his remaining students, but it’s clear he’s lost his old enthusiasm. His room is messier. He seems tired a lot more. Little things like that would go a long way.


Servii said:

Overall, I like your rewrite ideas. Your version of the Imperial Remnant sounds good, and I like what you’re going for with the Knights of Ren and their whole Force Supremacist ideology, but I’d suggest finding additional ways to differentiate this new ideology from the Sith. As they’re described now, they sound like Sith Lite, which is okay, but I think could be made more interesting. One idea (I’m not sure if this is what you were thinking) would be to make the Knights of Ren similar to the Imperial Knights from the Legacy Era: Force users who reject the Dark Side, but serve an authoritarian regime, perhaps out of some sense of a “greater good.” That way, the story won’t require bringing the Dark Side back after RotJ, but will portray a whole new, different corruption of the Jedi ideology that has to be defeated. I wouldn’t have them massacre Luke’s Jedi Order, but I would have them convert most of Luke’s students away from his teachings, leaving Luke disheartened but not totally broken.

Although I liked the Imperial Knights, I always perceived them as a neutral entity who have no quarrel with the Jedi, which defeats the purpose of being antagonists, so I am sticking to my version of the Knights of Ren even if they are merely “Sith lite” as you put it.

Servii said:
I don’t agree with having Kylo Ren as the leader of the IR, though. He can be the leader of the Knights of Ren, but the IR’s leader should be someone the Knights swear fealty to. A Force sensitive, also, but someone older and with more military bearing. Kylo could be basically the chief lieutenant/enforcer of this new Emperor.

I’ve been giving it some thought. I don’t like the idea of the IR being led by an older Force user no one has ever heard of because you have Snoke all over again, so I came up with this solution: the IR is lead by the Triumvirate, a former regional Imperial governor representing the political aspect, a former Imperial Fleet general representing the military aspect, and finally Kylo Ren, the Force user, representing the mystical aspect, with a bit of competition amongst the three.

Servii said:
As for the Imperial Remnant’s technology, I like the idea of more self-sufficient TIE Fighters, but I’m still not on board with the Death Star lasers coming back. The IR’s strength should be through subterfuge and surgical strikes, like you described. So it would be better if they didn’t have world-wrecking technology to fall back on. Their strength would come from their tactical cunning instead of raw firepower. One thing I would be careful to do is to never show the IR’s military power as overwhelming or insurmountable like the Imperial Fleet was. With battle scenes, there should be the sense that the odds are more even now, and that the IR can sometimes lose in pitched battles that the Empire would have easily won. If done well, it could create more tension, because the audience by now is used to seeing underdogs beating the stronger foe, but when the situation is closer to 50-50, it won’t always be clear what direction a battle will take, and you can use that unpredictability to your advantage.

You’re right, I should probably discard the portable Death Star cannons altogether.

Servii said:
As for Han, I’m fine with him being written out, for Harrison Ford’s sake. Though I would like for Han and Leia to have a kid or kids. They wouldn’t have to be Force sensitive, and they can just be minor characters,

I never thought about it, but I like your suggestion of Han and Leia’s children being minor characters with inconsequential roles, which would obviously bother many fans, but would also drive home the point of people not being defined by their bloodlines.

Servii said:
I like your plot outlines, but I would try to flesh out VIII’s climax a bit more. The part of Kylo and the whole IR fleet leaving Coruscant, while a good character moment for Kylo, seems too abrupt from what you described.

I was falling asleep and wanted to wrap it up quickly.

Servii said:
Luke being depressed is fine, but I would rather have Luke’s depression be depicted in a more realistic way. The vast majority of depressed people don’t behave like ST Luke does. They still carry on with their lives, struggling day-to-day while trying to retain some degree of normality. The signs of depression are usually more subtle and easily missed by people. You could have Luke still trying to train his remaining students, but it’s clear he’s lost his old enthusiasm. His room is messier. He seems tired a lot more. Little things like that would go a long way.

Actually that would make Luke a man in denial, which IMO would be far too depressing.