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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 171


Yeah, this is very similar to what I’ve been working on for a year. I really like the slow-mo footage from the documentary.

I did wanna go down the grey Jedi route but I got such a backlash I didn’t continue. It would really make my mate happy to add that though.

Exactly!! I’m cutting the old lady part and all end scene dialogue. I’m adding Ben land in Red5 and walk towards Rey. I also have footage of Ben walking behind BB8 before the falcon finale but I’m split between that or Ben & Rey silhouette in the sun rise.

There’s a good animation footage of supermans black cape that could work to.

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I mean, just because his outfit is grey doesn’t mean he’s a grey Jedi. I think that would just be the simplest way to make his outfit look different.

Are you speeding up the slo-mo shot? I’m not sure how a slo-mo shot would look among regular speed shots.

And yeah, I have to say I do love the Falcon ending as well. I think it depends on how you interpret the ending. Perhaps it ends on the twin sunset shot, or it is kind of like what I said earlier. Maybe Ben has been living in exile, but on Tatooine, and Rey is coming to take him with her.

This video has a cool tutorial for head swapping that could be useful for a potential costume change.


Going to put in my two cents here in regards to the “Ben Lives” ending and say… if you’re going down the “Ben arriving on Tatooine” route, you could possibly modify and re-use some footage of Driver from The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (from my vague understanding of the film plus seeing trailers of it, I think most of that film takes place in desert-y locations).

However, I know how hard doing something like that would be plus I haven’t actually seen TMWKDQ and don’t really have a good idea of what shots could be used. But, I thought I could bring it up again in this thread.


Yeah, I think grey is the way forward.

I’ve not played with the slow-mo footage much. It’s a much better shot so I’d like to include it if poss.

Did you see this? https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DfUxB48rC18/YJL76CWDorI/AAAAAAAAPYM/VDglZpyneKou9MvhiMMZCeJVoQCFt-7-gCK8BGAsYHg/s0/2021-05-05.jpg?authuser=3

I really like the Exile idea. I really wish both Ben and Rey showed some form of arch visually. Kylo having a beard would’ve been awesome, imo.

Great tutorial. Have you used Mocha before? I tried a while ago but switched to Roto2 brush, I may give Mocha another try after watching this.

I’ve not seen The Man Who Killed Don Quixote but that Tash, haha! I’ll give it a watch. Thanks…

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RogueLeader said:

I wonder if you could get away with Ben still wearing his “Kylo Ren” robes, but you make them gray instead of black. I feel like you could accomplish that with some color grading and masking.

Speaking of, wasn’t there some discussion of getting Rey into grey robes for the original finale? That would be cool to see, if someone is able to mask it successfully.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Movies Remastered said:

I’m gonna attempt to have her wear a very dark grey or black after I’ve finished all these other scenes. Hopefully doing them on an adjustment layer so I’ll be able to change to which every colour we suit.

Nice, man! I hear chartreuse is lovely this time of year.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I’m still trying to find the best way to handle Hux, because the spy stuff doesn’t make any sense to me. In my edit, I’m planning on just cutting mentions of the spy and probably removing his death scene entirely, and that should be doable; but I was wondering if there’s any way to take it more in the direction that TLJ was hinting, namely having Hux try to overthrow Kylo? I was thinking, in the scene where Hux is like “The Knights of Ren screwed the pooch on Pasaana!”, would there be any way of inserting a new line? Something to the effect of: “Under the command of [Kylo] Ren, we suffered losses. A transport was destroyed. [We need new leadership.]” *Musical sting as we push in on Pryde* *wipe*

And then, when Hux is killed, ideally I’d want to overdub that scene so that Hux says something like “Well Pryde? Can I count on you?” *gets shot* And then Pryde says something like “Prepare the fleet to leave.”

Any ideas where that audio could come from though?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I agree with your thought process Sherlock, and Jar Jar is right there are those lego games that have him voicing things … hopefully something would pan out.

I do think the Spy angle was lame, or to be nicer, just handled poorly. It came off more of “helping the other guys win” and not “I want to take over and kick Kylo out” which was definitely hinting at from the last movie. But the execution of it in this was … bad. It didn’t come off well at all. It’s like he just … didn’t care anymore by this movie.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I think this is something I’ve talked about way back in this thread.

It would take a bit of FX work, but if you wanted to have Hux live until the end, these are a few changes I think you could make:

  1. Cut his death scene.

  2. Replace Pryde with Hux when he speaks to Palpatine’s hologram.

  3. Use footage from TLJ to have Hux be on the bridge of the Star Destroyer during the final battle, and have Hux be the one that dies looking out the bridge while it blows up.


Alrighty, no disrespect to the almighty Poppasketti, but his custom Kylo line in Ascendant always sticks out to me like a sore thumb. I bet a first time viewer wouldn’t notice it, but knowing about it only makes it worse. Here’s what I feel is a good alternative to the original’s “I never lied to you”:


So it would go…
Kylo: I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it. I needed you to see it. Who you are. I know the rest of your story. Rey…
Rey: You’re lying.
Kylo: I see them. Your parents were no one. They chose to be. To keep you safe.

I feel like this also helps explain why Rey all of a sudden gets visions of her parents. Kylo could be supplying some of that.


Thanks for those Hux clips, Jar Jar! I can’t wait to start looking through them.

RogueLeader said:

I think this is something I’ve talked about way back in this thread.

It would take a bit of FX work, but if you wanted to have Hux live until the end, these are a few changes I think you could make:

  1. Cut his death scene.

  2. Replace Pryde with Hux when he speaks to Palpatine’s hologram.

  3. Use footage from TLJ to have Hux be on the bridge of the Star Destroyer during the final battle, and have Hux be the one that dies looking out the bridge while it blows up.

RogueLeader, are you secretly a Hollywood script doctor or something? That’s a great angle too. I wonder if you even need to VFX the hologram scene. Just make it into a audio recording over some shot of Hux brooding, ideally a clip of him saying “Yes, Supreme Leader”; and then maybe some careful cuts could convey that Hux is on the ship on Exegol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


So Rey currently claims with Finn that she saw both Kylo and herself on the Sith throne in her vision. This is wrong. Only Rey is seen on the throne in both the theatrical release and Ascendant. And the vision in Ascendant, in my interpretation, represents the two dark paths she could end up on (either with Kylo or the Sith).

Luckily this can be corrected by simply removing Finn’s line: “Ren?”


The only other thing that would need to be done to undo Kylo’s character regression would be to replace his line “We’ll kill him, and take the throne.” I’m still having trouble finding a suitable replacement for that.


All of that is impossible for me to do, unfortunately. In fact, I struggled to even create that, which is what I think you’re “feeling”. My editing software loves creating audio pops and visual anomalies when splicing thing together.

Besides that, I’m not sure I agree that the line is felt when absent. Maybe it’s because you’re expecting it. On text at least, it makes sense.

“I had a vision. Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it. And me.”


It’s not really about the expectation, though cutting to Finn for a split second does feel odd, it’s more about that series of statements.

“I had a vision. Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it. And me.”

The first two statements make clear that she had a vision about the throne of the Sith, and the third statement clarifies that she saw someone on that throne. The fourth statement however doesn’t make it clear at all that she saw herself on the throne, rather that she had a vision of herself separate from the throne, since the ‘and’ implies that her presence in the vision was not included in the part of the vision revealing the throne.

She could say “I had a vision. Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it…me.” This would confirm that she was on the throne and not separate from it.

Or she could say “I had a vision. Of the throne of the Sith. And me.” Which merely implies that she is on the throne.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


What’s up with this idea of “the throne of the Sith” anyway? I suppose Rey could have surmised her vision was of Exegol, but are we supposed to assume the Jedi texts also talked about the importance of Palpatine’s chair, or something? Does the galaxy at large recognise this “throne of the Sith” or is it just a Sith Eternal thing? Does Rey even know about the Sith Eternal? The whole planet is super secret. It kind of feels like it’s trying to pull something from Game of Thrones, but without the setup.

I’d be tempted to try and tweak it to be “a throne.”, or even trim the exchange down to “I had a vision. Ren? And me.”… But unfortunately if Rey doesn’t call it “the throne of the Sith” it doesn’t really convey why it would have made her so scared about turning to the dark side.

(On reflection this is probably unnecessary nitpicking.)


Some already made a version of that scene where Rey just says “Me.” All you have to do is to snip “And” from the audio channel it’s on. And you don’t even have to change her mouth movements at all. It just looks like she is opening her mouth to talk.