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Star Trek Deep Space Nine - NTSC DVD Restoration & 1080p HD Enhancement (Emissary Released) — Page 9


Animaxx said:

Hello guys. Great news: I’ve just finished the 4K Preview (first 90 seconds of the pilot) in 4K.
The original post at the beginning has been updated accordingly.

Here the link for the Original SD-File from the NTSC-DVD (67,5 MB) so you can compare:

Here the link for the enhanced and upscaled 4K-File (106 MB):

The 1080p-Version preview is still in the works but should be finished soon, I will also post it here and at the beginning of the topic.

Afterwards the work on the full episode will procede. For the full episode please pm me around the next two days, ok?

I’m very interested in your project. I wanted to look at the samples in your Google drive but when I click on the link it tells me it’s unable to connect and to make sure I’m connected to the internet. Which is odd because I’m on the internet or I could not be using the site.
I have a Google drive and account, so why can’t I access the drive to download a sample clip?
I hope this project is able to bring all the great ST series to upscale.
Thanks for your effort on this!

If anyone can pm links to any episodes I’d be very grateful. I would love to help but my computer is too weak. But I’m a huge fan of what you are doing. Keep up the amazing work.
And others as well. Would love to see them upscaled.
Maybe someday I’ll get a pc that can do this type of work and if I do, I’ll gladly contribute myself.


Would also love to help with this. The links for the method that was used are no longer working. I’ve been trying to upscale DS9 from the DVD’s myself and would like to see how this workflow varies. I could help in doing the whole series. I have a 3950X with an RTX 3080 and a 9900K with a 2070 Super.

If someone could post the method, I could start rendering episodes.


Personally, I’ve had good luck using Handbrake to detelecine the DVD rips to 720x480 square-pixel lossless CFR 23.97fps h264 mp4s, and then running Topaz VEAI’s Dione Interlaced Robust V3 on them. The great thing about this model is that it keeps the majority of the detail while making things a little cleaner and sharper. It never massively blurs any areas of the image, like Artemis has a tendency to do, nor does it have the lengthy processing time of Gaia. It also sorts out the occasional interlacing artifacts left in my detelecined rips (which are usually the result of post-process screen shake). Other models tend to exaggerate them instead. The only big downside is that the sharpening causes the image to lose a little of its perceived depth - but that’s not so noticeable in motion, at TV-distance.

Here’s images of the Defiant, the Station, the Replimat, and the Sisko.


I’m just getting into ds9 for the first time and coming to the s1 dvd from the TNG Blu-ray remaster is a big jump. After digging around it seems the reason there’s aliasing and rainbowing confined to the effects shots is that they didn’t apply good comb filtration to the effects which is why the interiors look fine. They apparently used the source broadcast edited tape and thus the series is stuck that way unless a full reconstruction is done.

There is some discussion on LD groups that the LDs handle this better and this have a better looking picture depending on hardware but of course the series wasn’t completed on the format and only had later seasons done in Japan. But they do have pcm Dolby surround…I want too many LDs…

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Hello community, I used to be user “Animaxx” around here before - for several reasons that I will not go into with this post, I had to change a few things about my avatar and my work.

I just wanted to let you know that I am not dead, just been away for a while.

I have continued the project and have now created a new open topic, which can be found be searching the discussion category “Preservation of other properties” under the title “Star Trek - DVD-Restoration and Upscale Project”.

Check it out if you like!


sade1212 said:

Personally, I’ve had good luck using Handbrake to detelecine the DVD rips to 720x480 square-pixel lossless CFR 23.97fps h264 mp4s, and then running Topaz VEAI’s Dione Interlaced Robust V3 on them. The great thing about this model is that it keeps the majority of the detail while making things a little cleaner and sharper. It never massively blurs any areas of the image, like Artemis has a tendency to do, nor does it have the lengthy processing time of Gaia. It also sorts out the occasional interlacing artifacts left in my detelecined rips (which are usually the result of post-process screen shake). Other models tend to exaggerate them instead. The only big downside is that the sharpening causes the image to lose a little of its perceived depth - but that’s not so noticeable in motion, at TV-distance.

Here’s images of the Defiant, the Station, the Replimat, and the Sisko.

Those are impressive comparisons, the only obvious issue I see is the background of the Replimat has some lights with oversharpening artifacts, but if that’s the biggest problem it’s a damn fine one to have.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hello guys, my new topic just got an update, including new comparison images and a video sample. Check it out
(Category: “Preservation of other properties”, topic title “Star Trek - DVD-Restoration and Upscale Project”).

To make it easier, I will post the links here as well (only this time, password is “DS9Enhanced”, written without quotation marks).

Comparison images (215 images, 250 MB):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jsllel6h2lpheqg/SD vs HD Images - 1x01%3B02 - Der Abgesandte %3B Emissary.rar?dl=0

Video sample (4K at 2880x2160p, 4:3 resolution without black bars left and right, h265 encode in mkv; 2,5 GB):

Let me know what you think.


Why would secret hideout be involved they are Alex Kurtzman’s production studio, a bunch of other details don’t add up.

CBS digital always does their own restorations TOS and TNG are both at 2K. None of the new shows are being shot at 4K. We are supposed to believe that Deep Space Nine is now going to be in 4K. I don’t believe it.

Considering how even the new shows are being finished in 2k, and the sweet spot for television for Trek has been 2K, i don’t give this any credibility.


If they do ever remaster it, I’d expect a 2K AI upscale with digital replacements, only, for the stuff that the AI messes up and possibly some minor digital corrections like the registry of the Defiant-A.


Sorry, but I must say it looks more like “wishful thinking fueled by rumors” - not that I would not be happy about it, but I just don’t see it happening. I will not stop my project on that one slim chance.