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Stranger Things - Film Edition (Released) — Page 2


be great to give these a go. May I have a PM please


I have sent you a PM. I would like to see all 3 films please


Hello everyone, a few updates.

Although this topic hasn’t been active, many people have been asking for my Stranger Things series-to-films edits (some of them providing great feedback) and I am really happy about that.

But I haven’t been quite happy about the quality of these edits for some time now. So, currently, after a lot of practice on simillar projects I haven’t shared yet (including His Dark Materials and Penny Dreadful edits), I am in the process of revisiting Stranger Things.

I have completed Stranger Things 3 with better pacing, smoother transitions and a shorter runtime cutting 20 minutes of the 3h and 22min film that originally was.
Now I am close on finishing Stranger Things 2 as well (I don’t know if I am going to redo the first film, I am actually quiet happy about that one) and here is where I need some help and advises.

Again my main goal is to achive better pacing and smoother transitions and, of course, a shorter runtime, the main issue being the whole plot with Eleven leaving Hawkins. Since it was an unpopular chapter that didn’t seem to affect the main plot, I am plannig to remove The Lost Sister episode again, resulting to a slightly shorter cut than the 3h and 5min cut that is currently sitting on.
However, since I am going for an even shorter cut, I am thinking of removing El’s visit to her mom as well. The film will follow Eleven until she finds Hopper’s files and then catch up with her again when she enters Will’s house, leaving her absence as a mystery. In this case, I will put together a new film (something like a companion film) which will follow Eleven’s journey outside of Hawkins where she finds her mom and Kali before reunite with the gang.

Which of the two versions you think would work better? Would you be intrested in a shorter Stranger Things 2 with a huge chunk of Eleven gone, plus a companion film, or do you think that leaving Eleven’s story out of it would affect the narration of the film?

Any kind of feedback or idea that I haven’t thought of would be much appreciated.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection



Ηello everyone and happy new year to all!

Version 3 of Stranger Things 2 and Stranger Things 3 are now available.

The first post has been modified covering all the changes.
Those who already have a link for the previous cuts should be able to check out the updated versions. Anyone who doesn’t have it and wish to watch all three films, can send me a PM.

In these new versions I tried to achieve better pacing, smoother transitions and a shorter runtime.
Of course, I am not a professional, but I can surely say that I am way more satisfied with my new effort on these Stranger Things edits.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


“Thank you for your work! From the very beginning, your idea to remake ““Stranger things”” for a horror movie of the 80s seemed very interesting to me, but I never got around to evaluating the result of your work. Last week I just reviewed all the seasons on https://yeahmovies.tv/putlocker. Therefore, I am ready to watch the available parts of full-length films. I will be happy to share my impressions soon. By the way, a new season is coming out this summer. Are you planning to make a movie based on it as well? It seems to me that a good horror teen drama would come out.”


wow this sounds great - would love the links please, have PM’d you


daseder said:

“Thank you for your work! From the very beginning, your idea to remake ““Stranger things”” for a horror movie of the 80s seemed very interesting to me, but I never got around to evaluating the result of your work. Last week I just reviewed all the seasons on https://yeahmovies.tv/putlocker. Therefore, I am ready to watch the available parts of full-length films. I will be happy to share my impressions soon. By the way, a new season is coming out this summer. Are you planning to make a movie based on it as well? It seems to me that a good horror teen drama would come out.”

Of course, I am looking forward to working on Season 4. And hopefully we can all share our ideas here when the time comes.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection




In preparation for Stranger Things 4 I’ve been brushing up my editing skills and I’ve put together a new version of Stranger Things 1. It is basically the same cut with better pacing, smoother transitions, additional music and a slightly shorter runtime (2 hours 47 minutes) with the only major difference from the previous version being the removal of Nancy’s encounter with the Demogorgon in the forrest. The new version will be available in the following days and it will replace the previous cut.


Also, I’ve been working on an new cut of Stranger Things 2, basically fulfilling an earlier idea, which sits on 2 hous and 50 minutes, and a brand new cut covering the events of Season 2 that left out with a runtime of 56 minutes.
Here is the new opening for Stranger Things: The Lost Sister:

These edits will not replace the current version of Stranger Things 2, they will only serve as alternative versions.

ThanosM. said:
The film (Stranger Things 2) will follow Eleven until she finds Hopper’s files and then catch up with her again when she enters Will’s house, leaving her absence as a mystery. In this case, I will put together a new film (Stranger Things: The Lost Sister) which will follow Eleven’s journey outside of Hawkins where she finds her mom and Kali before her reunion with the gang.


I have yet to finish Volume 1 of Season 4, but I won’t start any project until July when the last two episodes drop.
However, I do have some early ideas I want to share.


Obviously, the longer runtime of the episodes makes the task of putting together one film much more difficult than before. Not to mention all the new characters, the different locations and the many subplots that take place simultaneously. Plus the last two episodes that are already film-lenght.
One thing I want to avoid is to split the season into to two parts. But I also don’t want to make a film that exceeds the 3 hour runtime by far.
So I am thinking of creating another “companion film” such as Stranger Things: The Lost Sister, this time covering Jim Hopper’s journey and Joyce’s and Mur’s attempts to find him.
As I’ve said these are just some early thoughts, but I do want to hear your thoughts and ideas about Season 4. Just keep them under a spoiler tab.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


Personally I would suggest just splitting season 4 into two parts, it seems to be all the rage again anyways. What with Mission Impossible doing it, SpiderVerse at one point doing it, and personally I would rather see that than compilation films no offense. Good luck with This ambitious project either way tho. 😃

Drew Bell


I’ve been watching season 4. While I like it, there are way too many storylines happening at the same time. Just when I am getting interested in one story, it shifts to another and loses steam for me.

With the length of the episodes, I wonder if it might be good to split them into four different movies [I haven’t finished the first half of the season yet to determine the best order]:

  1. Hopper/Joyce [Russia]
  2. Eleven/Mike/Will [California]
  3. Dustin/Lucas/Vecna [Hawkins]
  4. Final Film [I assume the three stories come together at some point]

The only concern is if each story has a good spot that can work as a conclusion.

Also, what is the markup for spoilers on here? I can’t seem to figure it out.


Solemn.Philosopher said:

I’ve been watching season 4. While I like it, there are way too many storylines happening at the same time. Just when I am getting interested in one story, it shifts to another and loses steam for me.

Exactly my thoughts. I found it hard at times to get invested into each storyline with these many shifts. On a possitive note, I think this time it was much easier to choose which parts to cut for my edit.

Solemn.Philosopher said:

With the length of the episodes, I wonder if it might be good to split them into four different movies [I haven’t finished the first half of the season yet to determine the best order]:

  1. Hopper/Joyce [Russia]
  2. Eleven/Mike/Will [California]
  3. Dustin/Lucas/Vecna [Hawkins]
  4. Final Film [I assume the three stories come together at some point]

The only concern is if each story has a good spot that can work as a conclusion.

Actually I had the same idea while watching the episodes. And while making four movies out of this season is possible, I think they are too many. And I have to include the original gang in the same film, even though they are split into different locations.
One thing I am certain about by now is that the Hopper/Joyce storyline will be a separate film. To be honest I did not enjoy it as much as the rest, but I believe that it will be essential for the finale.
For the time being these are my plans for Season 4:

  1. Stranger Things 4: Part 1
    Which will follow the main events on Hawkins and California from Volume 1.
  2. Stranger Things 4: Jim’s Story (I am still in search for a subtitle for this one)
    Which will follow Hopper, Joyce and Murray.
  3. Stranger Things 4: Part 2
    Which will include the final two episodes and maybe parts of Volume 1.

As I’ve stated before, I don’t mind long movies if the story is compelling, but I don’t want to exceed the 3hours limit by far. I guess when Volume 2 arrives everything will become clearer.

Solemn.Philosopher said:

Also, what is the markup for spoilers on here? I can’t seem to figure it out.

Just click Quote on a post with a spoiler tab and then copy the text. That’s how I do it, I don’t know if there is an easier way.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


ThanosM. said:

Solemn.Philosopher said:

I’ve been watching season 4. While I like it, there are way too many storylines happening at the same time. Just when I am getting interested in one story, it shifts to another and loses steam for me.

Exactly my thoughts. I found it hard at times to get invested into each storyline with these many shifts. On a possitive note, I think this time it was much easier to choose which parts to cut for my edit.

Solemn.Philosopher said:

With the length of the episodes, I wonder if it might be good to split them into four different movies [I haven’t finished the first half of the season yet to determine the best order]:

  1. Hopper/Joyce [Russia]
  2. Eleven/Mike/Will [California]
  3. Dustin/Lucas/Vecna [Hawkins]
  4. Final Film [I assume the three stories come together at some point]

The only concern is if each story has a good spot that can work as a conclusion.

Actually I had the same idea while watching the episodes. And while making four movies out of this season is possible, I think they are too many. And I have to include the original gang in the same film, even though they are split into different locations.
One thing I am certain about by now is that the Hopper/Joyce storyline will be a separate film. To be honest I did not enjoy it as much as the rest, but I believe that it will be essential for the finale.
For the time being these are my plans for Season 4:

  1. Stranger Things 4: Part 1
    Which will follow the main events on Hawkins and California from Volume 1.
  2. Stranger Things 4: Jim’s Story (I am still in search for a subtitle for this one)
    Which will follow Hopper, Joyce and Murray.
  3. Stranger Things 4: Part 2
    Which will include the final two episodes and maybe parts of Volume 1.

As I’ve stated before, I don’t mind long movies if the story is compelling, but I don’t want to exceed the 3hours limit by far. I guess when Volume 2 arrives everything will become clearer.

Solemn.Philosopher said:

Also, what is the markup for spoilers on here? I can’t seem to figure it out.

Just click Quote on a post with a spoiler tab and then copy the text. That’s how I do it, I don’t know if there is an easier way.

Good luck with that!

Drew Bell


I just finished watching all the released episodes of season 4. The Hawkins and Eleven story do finally come together at the end there, so those two stories together would probably work. I still think there are a lot characters and side stories going on between the two groups, but perhaps when you remove all the unnecessary scenes it will flow better.


These look very interesting!

Forever in search of that one movie experience…


Can i please get a link to all these, thx

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


So, I finally watched Volume 2 of Stranger Things 4.
After a few days of thinking and playing around with various senarios, these are my plans:

Stranger Things 4 will be split into three films:


Which will cover the main events of Episodes 1-7.
In this first film we follow the heroes in Hawkins and El’s story arc in California and Nevada. Mike, Will, Jonathan and Argyle are present up to the point they loose El. Joyce only appears in the beginning of the film and her absence is only mentioned by Jonathan without further explanation. Hopper’s arc in Russia will be covered in the next instalment.

NOTE: I’ve been silently working on this cut for some time now and it will be done soon.


Which will cover the remaining events of Episodes 1-7 and some from Episodes 8-9.
In this one we follow Jim Hopper’s journey through Russia and Joyce’s and Murray’s attempts to find him. Also, in this cut we catch up with Mike, Will, Jonathan and Argyle and their attempts to find El.

NOTE1: The title “The Monster and the Superhero” may actually refer to Eleven’s hypostasis, but here I used it for a different porpuse. “The Monster” is an actual reference to the monster which Hopper has to fight and “The Superhero” is both a reference to Eleven and a metaphor for Hopper’s role.

NOTE2: I’ve been thinking a lot about how to end this cut, if I wanted to tell the whole story of Hopper in one film and keep it separate from the rest of the season or if it was better to end it with a cliffhanger and continue with it in the next one.
While I have not made my final decision yet, I am currently working on a cut in which we leave Hopper, Joyce and Murray discovering all the monsters inside the prison and Mike, Will, Jonathan and Argyle discovering the millitary tracks in Nevada.


Which will cover the main events of Episodes 8-9.
In this cut we follow El leaving Nevada to reunite with her friends and the rest of the characters in Hawkins and the Upside Down. Also, in this cut concludes Hopper’s arc in Russia.

NOTE: Regarding the events in Russia, if I am to proceed as said above, I will have to create a big time-jump from where we left our heroes in the previous film. Since I was not a big fan of them leaving the prison just to come back in there again, in my version it is implied that -after discovering the rest of the monsters- they search the prison for a flamethrower and then come back to the lab only to find that they had escaped.

So these are my plans for my Stranger Things 4 fanedits.
As I always say, I am open to suggestions and any kind of conversation.

In the following days I will post some clips of what I have already put together, while polishing my cut for Part 1.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection



“Stranger Things 4: Part 1” is almost done with a current runntime of 3hours and 30minutes.

Despite being the longest of my Stranger Things fanedits I will say that I am pretty happy with the result and I do believe that the main story of Volume 1 is much easier to follow this way. Lots of stuff had to be taken out and many scenes were trimmed down, but I think that I’ve put together a cut with a comprehensive story covering all the major events of Episodes 1-7.
I have to work a bit more on some transitions and then I am calling it finished. At least until any better ideas or suggestions come up.

Here is an extensive changelist with some clips:


  • Cut-down Dr. Brenner’s introduction/Opening Scene

  • Removed Mike’s prepatarion for school

  • Removed Suzie and Dustin

  • Removed Steve and Robin driving to school

  • Removed Max and Ms. Kelley before the pep rally

  • Removed the whole pep rally

  • Removed Eleven’s “direyama” presentation

  • Cut-down Max’s session with Ms. Kelley

  • Removed Eddie’s introduction in the cafeteria

  • Removed Jonathan/Argyle and Nancy/Fred talking about their relationship

  • Removed Mike and Dustin searching for Lucas’ replacement

  • Removed Eddie and Chrissy in the woods

  • Cut-down basketball game/Eddie’s DnD campaign

  • Cut-down Chrissy in Creel House

  • Cut-down police finding Chrissy/Montage news cover

  • Removed Lucas and basketball team at Benny’s

  • Removed Mike’s awkward landing in California/Cut-down Mike, Will and El at Rink-o-mania

  • Removed Nancy and Fred driving to the trailers

  • Removed Jonathan and Argyle playing “golf”

  • Removed Dustin, Max, Steve and Robin searching in the system for Reefer Rick

  • Removed Fred’s vision in the woods

  • Reomved Mike and Will fighting in Rink-o-mania

  • Cut-down Dustin, Max, Steve and Robin talking to Eddie

  • Removed Dr. Owens’ introduction

  • Removed Mike, Will, El, Jonathan and Argyle driving home and dining with Joyce and Murray

  • Removed Jason going to find Eddie

  • Removed the gang visiting Eddie

  • Cut-down police finding Fred/Removed Mike and El fighting in her room/Removed police arriving to arrest El

  • Removed Jason attacking Eddie’s band members

  • Cut-down Nancy and Robin in the library

  • Removed Max at Ms Kelley’s house

  • Removed Dr. Owens and Eleven in the dinner/Restructured Max’s vision

  • Removed Jason’s and Erica’s interraction

  • Cut-down the gang in Wheelers’ house

  • Removed Nancy’s and Robin’s interraction with Pennhurst Asylum’s director

  • Removed Max visiting her Mom

  • Removed Eddie contacting Nancy/Restructured the gang waking up in Wheelers’ house

  • Cut-down Eleven running through the lab/Merged with Dr. Brenner explaining the NINA project thourgh the speakers

  • Removed Chrissy’s funeral

  • Cut-down Jason searching for Eddie in Rick’s house

  • Removed training with the lights in the lab

  • Removed Eleven trying to escape

  • Removed Jason talking to the cops after Patrick’s murder

  • Removed Dr. Brenner talking to Eleven about her powers

  • Cut-down the gang arriving at the scene of the crime

  • Cut-down the gang searching for Skull Rock

  • Removed the town hall meeting/cops at Wheelers’

  • Cut-down figthing training in the lab

  • Cut-down gang at Lover’s Lake

  • Cut-down Steve, Nancy, Rodin and Eddie in the Upside Down before arriving at the Wheelers’ house

  • Removed Eleven re-entering in the water tank

  • Removed cops interrogating Max, Dustin and Lucas

  • Removed Six’s punishment

  • Recut One killing the guards

In the follwing days I will post the changelist and some clips for “Stranger Things 4: The Monster and the Superhero” and within the next week or so both cuts will be released. “Stranger Things 4: Part 2” is on production.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


“Stranger Things 4: The Monster and the Superhero” is done and currently rendering with a runtime of 1hour and 40minutes.

I have to say that while I initially started making this cut to gather all the stuff that did not fit into the main story in the end I really enjoyed the process. And I do believe that the final product is a tight, action-packed, suspenseful story that fits perfectly between Part 1 and Part 2 filling the gaps and connecting all the storylines.
While the runtime was never an issue for this edit, I did cut and tweak several scenes and plotlines that I personally thought didn’t work that well.

Here is a changelist with some clips:


  • The film starts with Joyce closing the gate from Season 3 and then follows her in California right before she recieves the mail from Russia

  • Removed the “It has tits” joke

  • Hopper being captured by Russians before Murray arrives at California/Removed getting in the van to Kamchatka

  • Recap El’s arrest right after Joyce and Murray leave the house/New scene created of the agents visiting the boys

  • De-chringed Yuri/Less dialogue/Less interraction with Joyce and Murray

  • The millitary arrives at Byer’s house and captures the agent/Removed all scenes of the General interrogating the agent about Eleven

  • Merged Joyce’s and Murray’s attempts to free themselves

  • Kept the boys viting Suzzie/Removed “Neverending Story” reference since it was cut from my “Stranger Things 3” fanedit

  • Removed “last supper” scene and “fake fight” scene in Russian’ prison

  • Cut-down prisoners fighting the Demogorgon

  • The film ends with Hopper and the gang discovering the monster-lab/The boys discovering the millitary tracks

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection


“Stranger Things 4: Part 2” is finished and ready for rendering with a runtime of 2hours and 22minutes.
Finishing Part 1 before starting on Part 2 might not have been the wisest choise, 'cause I had to go back and change just one tiny thing which caused an unfortunate delay.

Regardless, Part 2 came together pretty easily since the last two episodes already had that finale vibe. That being said, I had to cut a few scenes and make some minor changes, mostly on Episode 7.
While I am a fan of long scenes with dialogue, my aim for this edit was to create a fast-paced and action-packed film, so several character-driven scenes were left out.
As I stated above this edit follows Eleven leaving Nevada and the gang at Hawkins and the Upside Down and catches up with Hopper, Joyce and Murray as they re-enter the prison.

Here is the changelist with some clips:


  • New opening scene
  • Cut-down Nancy’s vision/Moved right after the title card
  • Removed the gang planning on getting guns/Stealing the RV
  • Removed Brenner and Owens arguing about Eleven leaving
  • Removed the gang inside the RV/Steve talking about his dream family/Max and Lucas chatting
  • Removed the gang shopping guns
  • Removed the gang on the field preparing for battle
  • Cut-down the millitary attacking the lab/Removed soldiers’ cringy lines
  • Cut-down Brenner lying on the ground/Removed El inside the van telling Mike and Will they need to go to Hawkins/Cut to the gang driving to the Creel House
  • Removed El and the boys at the gas station
  • Restructured El and the boys arriving at Surfer Boy Pizza/Eddie and Dusting shielding the trailer/Removed Argyle making pizza
  • Removed Steve, Nancy and Robin walking to the Creel House
  • Removed El and Mike in the dinner/Removed Will and Jonathan in the kitchen
  • Removed the “I piggyback from a pizza dough freezer” line (it was a good line, but I am not a fan of humor at a time of crisis)
  • Restructured Mike’s speech/Removed Will’s “You’re the heart” line
  • Removed Robin making sandwiches with Vickie
  • Removed Nancy and Jonathan outside of Hopper’s cabin
  • Changed the end credits song to something more epic and fan-favourite

Due to the delay I mentioned above, all three fanedits won’t be released this week as planned, but I am optimistic for the next week. My next post will be the announcement of the release.

PS1: I added hardcoded English subtitles for the Russian dialogues in my “Stranger Things 4: The Monster and the Superhero”.
PS2: Since the concept of “companion films” are no longer an alternative take, after the release of “Stranger Things 4: The Monster and the Superhero” I am making the “Stranger Things 2: The Lost Sister” fanedit as “cannon”.

Stranger Things Film Collection

Foundation Film Collection

His Dark Materials Film Collection