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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 460


I’m non-religious and definitely think my life has a purpose. Not a purpose dictated by a higher being or family or society, but one directed from myself and my abilities. On good days, I imagine looking from the end of my life back on the present and asking if I’m really living or simply passing the time. For now, the purpose of living is not only to do those things necessary for survival but to gain in knowledge, skill, and expressive ability through art, and make sure that I also reap enjoyment from these activities. I’m very lucky to live with my girlfriend and two dogs, all of whom I love very much, and I try to appreciate each day with them without expectations of the future which so often sabotage a person’s happiness.

Who could ask for more?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Aren’t animals the product of a process that selects for survival, not happiness?

Survival is a form of happiness. A plant is “happy” when it has lots of sun, water, and nutrients.


That’s an interesting take, but fair enough. I’ve always thought of that sort of happiness as just being happiness by analogy or metaphor, but I suppose it makes sense.

NeverarGreat said:

I’m non-religious and definitely think my life has a purpose. Not a purpose dictated by a higher being or family or society, but one directed from myself and my abilities. On good days, I imagine looking from the end of my life back on the present and asking if I’m really living or simply passing the time. For now, the purpose of living is not only to do those things necessary for survival but to gain in knowledge, skill, and expressive ability through art, and make sure that I also reap enjoyment from these activities. I’m very lucky to live with my girlfriend and two dogs, all of whom I love very much, and I try to appreciate each day with them without expectations of the future which so often sabotage a person’s happiness.

Who could ask for more?

Thanks for the perspective. I think the reason this wouldn’t work for me is that I’m too analytical in my thinking, in the sense that I see the world primarily through a rational, objective lense and interpret my subjective experience through that. So if I weren’t religious, the lack of objective meaning and import of my life would undermine any subjective meaning my life could have. It’s interesting to me that most people don’t seem to think this way.


Anakin Starkiller said:
2020 is when things went bad and the virus was a big factor in that.

It’s also astoundingly stupid how Americans blame East Asians (especially Chinese people) as a whole for the virus, when in actuality the reason it got so bad in America was the incompetent government, people refusing to wear masks, and the CCP of course. Barely the Chinese citizens’ fault.

Classic old “They started it!” bullcrap

When’s something gonna happen?


I’ve only seen people pointing out how wrong it is to blame asians, and haven’t seen anyone blame asians. Like antivaxxers, they come off as strawmen from my perspective.


My Discord server exploded again, as it does every so often. By exploded, I mean it steadily built up an active userbase until suddenly it erupts into spam and I have to ban everyone involved. What’s notable this time however is how a close friend of mine, who hadn’t shown any sign of anger towards me in the past several months said the following:

im leaving
fuck you for treating me like shit
you’re shitty
and manipulative
and you use people

They promptly left. I literally have no idea what they’re referring to. They’ve stormed out of my server in anger once before only to later come back in disguise before eventually revealing themselves. Not to spy on me or anything, but just because they didn’t want me noticing they missed this place enough to come back. Or at least that’s how I read it at the time. Anyway, now with a new boyfriend to keep them company, I doubt they’ll come back again, but who knows.


Why tf was I only able to get one or two classes per semester registering immediately the hour I could?


Anakin Starkiller said:

My closest friend is my ex with a flair that says “I ❤️ my amazing boyfriend”. Pretty hard to sit thru, but I manage.

That sucks, man. You need a rebound girl. Doesn’t have to be anything serious, just something with someone else. Even something as meaningless as a one night stand. I’d set you up if you weren’t Canadian.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Well after the message I posted above and subsequent departure, at least that’s not there to constantly torment me.

Why is the border an issue though? I’m not expecting to meet people in person regardless at the moment so I’ll take what I can get. You live not too far from iirc, so I’m open to the idea.

Regardless, the sentiment is something can certainly appreciate. Having someone support you like that makes a world of difference.


‘tHiS iS nOt aVaILabLe iN yOuR cOunTrY’

Don’t you just hate it when this happens?

Pretty much the ONLY justifiable reason for piracy.

(This has nothing to do with my infamous posts back in 2016)

Also, noon sucks. so damn humid.

When’s something gonna happen?


Well my Nintendo Switch just got the update 12.0.3 bug that will not let it download!
Its my only modern gaming console right now.


Well fuck.

I’ve been playing the Octo Expansion on mine and it’s hard but fun.


A person at my job said rape survivors shouldn’t be believed. I hate that guy.

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


You can’t make blanket statements like that. You can’t assume they’re all lying nor can you assume they’re all telling the truth. These things must be dealt with with care on a case by case basis.


NeverarGreat said:

Is this the audio editing program or a response to the previous statement?

its the audio editing program.
and the bad news about it.


It should be fucking illegal to make it difficult to cancel a paid subscription.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I feel so goddamn empty. I just feel completely indifferent to anything and everything. Nothing brings me joy.

Wait a minute, I’m just sleep deprived!


i hate my life, i have nothing, i am just a piece of shit, with no purpose and no one around me seems to understand, and that makes me feel alone. FUCK



You’re not alone. You just described me too. I’m not sure the sleep deprivation was the only reason for my earlier feelings today.


I understand too and there are several factors for me to feel this way, not just one thing.
