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The Bad Batch (animated series) - a general discussion thread — Page 4


RogueLeader said:

She’s the character I’m actually the most interested in. So she is a clone of Jango, but with two XX chromosomes instead of an XY. It’s a really cool idea I had never even considered before. Her perspective and place in the galaxy will be fun to explore.

+1 RogueLeader, my thoughts exactly.
As I had already written on the OT Discord yesterday, Omega may end up being a highlight of the show for me. Dare I even say a favourite character? I’m still of the opinion that the rest of the Bad Batch squad aren’t all that interesting enough to have a whole show about, so bringing in a new team member is certainly welcome in my book. I’m definitely not getting that ‘annoying kid’ vibe from her since seriously guys, she has like 2 lines in the trailer and you’re already making that judgement? 😉 But overall I agree that exploring her perspective on the aftermath of the war and being a part of a soon to be redundant army will be very interesting. I even think the show may start to dig into questions like if Omega is a member of the Bad Batch team now, what does it mean to be one of them? And specifically, how do they stand out from the rest of the clones, aside from the obvious, skin-deep differences? One thing I am wondering is that why would Kamino produce more children at the very end of the war? Did we even see any clone kids in any of the later seasons of TCW? Certainly not in ROTS.

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The kids that were roughly the age of Boba (and played by that actor) in Attack of the Clones wouldn’t be fully aged up to the same age as the first batch of Clones from that film by the end, or would be barely of age. The clones age roughly two years per year (excepting Boba), so if that batch were 10 when the Clone Wars started, they would maybe be 20 by the end (relatively).

We also see a batch that is relatively the same age as Boba (half his age objectively) in a Clone Wars arc that would not have been that long before the end of the war (five years is an incredibly short period of time anyway).

I also don’t think the Kaminoans knew the Clone Wars were ending when they did, and as a business would likely have liked to continue supplying the military force (as we see with their senator in The Clone Wars), so it makes sense that there would be more young clones.


JakeRyan17 said:

The kids that were roughly the age of Boba (and played by that actor) in Attack of the Clones wouldn’t be fully aged up to the same age as the first batch of Clones from that film by the end, or would be barely of age. The clones age roughly two years per year (excepting Boba), so if that batch were 10 when the Clone Wars started, they would maybe be 20 by the end (relatively).

We also see a batch that is relatively the same age as Boba (half his age objectively) in a Clone Wars arc that would not have been that long before the end of the war (five years is an incredibly short period of time anyway).

I also don’t think the Kaminoans knew the Clone Wars were ending when they did, and as a business would likely have liked to continue supplying the military force (as we see with their senator in The Clone Wars), so it makes sense that there would be more young clones.

All good points. Thanks for clearing that up, I couldn’t be bothered doing the maths myself! 😃

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While it has never been a big deal to me, I hope they do go into what exactly to happen to all of those clones after the war ends. We know some clones stay active duty for some period of time after the war ends, but we know the stormtroopers are mostly recruits towards the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. So do they just continue to serve in different ways? Do they retire on Kamino? Are any of them euthanized?

It would be cool to see that transition happen, too. To see clones serving alongside recruits.


Haha, yeah… that maths is why I’m like “Rex can’t be in Ahsoka or The Mandalorian…”


RogueLeader said:

It would be cool to see that transition happen, too. To see clones serving alongside recruits.

I’ve been wanting to see hopeless stormtrooper recruits fighting alongside the bred for war clones for ages now. 😆 I really hope that’s something we’ll get on screen.

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I would love that! It would be fun to get some kind of scene where a clone (Maybe Cody) is in charge of new non-clone recruits. And him dealing with their incompetencies and prejudices regarding clones.


RogueLeader said:

I love how people don’t like Omega already. It’s the same type of fan who hated Ahsoka and Ezra, but then they grew up and they love them.

Hum no: Ezra is still is a lame character in my book. And early days Ahsoka is still very lame.

So long 🙌


RogueLeader said:

It’s the same type of fan who hated Ahsoka and Ezra, but then they grew up and they love them.

I still hate them.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


If you don’t like the surrogate character for the kids, you likely won’t like the surrogate character for the kids in this show.

It’s not an accidental choice to add a character like that into the story.


For anyone interested in Star Wars: The Bad Batch, here are the Clone Wars episodes I think would be the best primer, in chronological order:

Clone Cadets (s3e01)
Rookies (s1e05)
The Deserter (s2e10)
ARC Troopers (s3e02)
The Citadel (s3e18)
Counter Attack (s3e19)
Citadel Rescue (s3e20)
Missing in Action (s5e12)
The Unknown (s6e01)
Conspiracy (s6e02)
Fugitive (s6e03)
Orders (s6e04)
The Bad Batch (s7e01)
A Distant Echo (s7e02)
On the Wings of Keeradaks (s7e03)
Unfinished Business (s7e04)


I think I’m gonna rewatch The Bad Batch arc this weekend to hype myself up for the show (and remind myself who all the Bad Batch members are)! It’s been far too long.

Also, I love the character posters. Glad we’re finally getting more marketing.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

I think I’m gonna rewatch The Bad Batch arc this weekend to hype myself up for the show (and remind myself who all the Bad Batch members are)! It’s been far too long.

Also, I love the character posters. Glad we’re finally getting more marketing.

Those other episodes I listed between posters highlight Echo’s journey prior to that arc.


JakeRyan17 said:

jedi_bendu said:

I think I’m gonna rewatch The Bad Batch arc this weekend to hype myself up for the show (and remind myself who all the Bad Batch members are)! It’s been far too long.

Also, I love the character posters. Glad we’re finally getting more marketing.

Those other episodes I listed between posters highlight Echo’s journey prior to that arc.

I saw that! Might go easy on the Clone Wars watching, but I’ll maybe watch a couple episodes. Who knows, I might get sucked in and go through your whole list :p Thanks for posting it.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

JakeRyan17 said:

jedi_bendu said:

I think I’m gonna rewatch The Bad Batch arc this weekend to hype myself up for the show (and remind myself who all the Bad Batch members are)! It’s been far too long.

Also, I love the character posters. Glad we’re finally getting more marketing.

Those other episodes I listed between posters highlight Echo’s journey prior to that arc.

I saw that! Might go easy on the Clone Wars watching, but I’ll maybe watch a couple episodes. Who knows, I might get sucked in and go through your whole list :p Thanks for posting it.

Of course! Most of them are specific arcs, the first handful are episodic.


Anyone have a favourite member of The Bad Batch? They didn’t stand out much for me when I watched the arc for the first time, and I’d maybe pick Wrecker as my favourite simply because he’s the funny one. But judging from the trailers, it looks like Hunter will be the one who takes on the killer-turned-father-figure role, similar to Din in The Mandalorian, and I love that trope. He’ll probably end up being my favourite.

I rewatched S7 ep1 ‘The Bad Batch’ tonight, and right now, Tech might be my favourite. He’s the nice, co-operative one and often the member trying, completely without success, to avoid infighting.

One problem I have with The Bad Batch is all the members are kinda just tropes for me, which is why I’m really looking forward to seeing them being developed further in the series.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


It’s clear that the Bad Batch arc in TCW s7 was blatantly setting up this show, since the batchers themselves show very little character development and remain relegated to classic archetypes (the leader, the grumpy one, the muscle, the nerd…), so it’s hard to pick a favorite (barring Echo, of course). I think this lack of depth is what had many people wishing they had used Delta Squad instead. But I’m sure the Bad Batch will be a fun ride and they’ll finish the series run as well-rounded characters.

I’m currently rewatching the key TCW episodes and I never get tired of the peak moments of this series. Hopefully BB will reach similar heights.


No idea if it’ll reach the same storytelling heights yet, but we know one thing for sure - the animation is just as stunning as it was in season 7. That alone is something I’m really looking forward to.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”