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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 435


Or he introduces new force power that rivals the dyad…

Force Gas Attack.

EDIT: Wait, that would be super dangerous if he used the two at the same time … the lightning igniting it … Oh man, OP!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Looks nice, Hal and Nev!

The only thing that I would suggest tweaking is the smoke in the new lava shot is pretty neutral white, while the highlights in the shots of the ties and Kylo fighting are tinged orange (making it an overly warm hellscape).

Otherwise, that new shot is beautiful!


Agree with poppasketti - it looks great, but the highlights could probably be tweaked a little more to match the orangey/pinky palette of the rest of the sequence.

Also, I feel like we should still hear the TIEs flying in the new shot. It might also be cool to see just their shadows flying across the landscape, so that we can more effectively convey them descending from atmosphere to high altitude, to castle level, to forest level, to ground. There might be too much contrast there to show the shadows effectively though…

Great work on the shot, both of you! The music sounds really seamless.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I feel like the lava shot is out of place, since the three shots surrounding it all focus on the three ties journeying from space to forest. While the lava shot leaves out those ties.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Hmm…I’d rather not remove the last pure forest shot, Nev. That’s the main establishing shot for this particular location. I think it’ll feel really weird if it’s a dark, dingy lava plane, and then all of a sudden *poof!* Kylo is killing people in this bright, orangey, pinky forest.

That one shot is the one that sells the entire sequence to me.

That’s why I think it would be good to imply that the TIEs are nearby in the new shot, but they aren’t close enough yet to be seen. Then it would feel like they’re still traveling to different parts of the planet, but they haven’t reached ground level yet.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I worry that first time watchers won’t immediately tell what exactly they’re looking at in the new lava shot.

Starting on a giant red ball. Then to a close-up of random formations of lava that are hard to tangibly grasp or even wrap your head around what angle the camera is facing (is it down towards the earth? In a way, it’s now a super fast zoom from space to the Mustafar ground or something.) Then an alternate closer angle, with the TIEs popping back into the motion of the scenes.

It’s a little all over the place and kinds breaks the pace.
I like showing some lava instead of immediately seeing the castle, but it needs more connective tissue.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


NeverarGreat said:

The thing that’s throwing me off is that it goes from the planet to the lava/trees shot to an aerial pan of the castle and then back to the trees before going to Kylo. I feel like it should go planet-castle-lava/trees (with the addition of TIEs), removing the last pure forest shot.

Agreed. The goal hopefully with the new shot is to use it as a bridge. As is, it’s a bit hard for me to buy that the Kylo/forest stuff fits with the castle. When it was just the forest it wasn’t an issue, but once you’ve full made it clear it’s Mustafar, it’s a little hard to visually accept that leap that the locations are connected. Not an insurmountable leap mind, but the new shot would be an improvement.

For the record, this is part of why I’ve never been hot on name dropping Mustafar in the crawl, but with the forest stuff alone you can at least go off the canon explanation of healing or whatever.


Could the scenes of Kylo in the forest be graded differently to better match that shot?


If it means anything, I showed the new Mustafar sequence to a couple people that don’t know the movie nearly as well as the folks here do and they had no idea that wasn’t how the movie was originally presented. I think the smoke highlights in the first new shot could be brought down like mentioned before, but otherwise I think the continuity of the TIE flyby sells the sequence.

Also, hi again after like 5000 replies! What a fast moving thread haha.


RogueLeader said:

Could the scenes of Kylo in the forest be graded differently to better match that shot?

Possibly, but I actually think the two tie shots after the new lava shot could be regraded a little to better match it too. The first shot of ties with the castle is very dark and orange. Maybe an adjustment there would make the transition to the forest scene more gradual.


I mocked up the scene with the added shot as posted above, fully implementing it and doing audio in order to assess whether it really works that way.

I would say that I wouldn’t worry at all about catering to the viewer’s expectations for Mustafar, and just make sure that it’s consistent within this movie.

With that in mind, if we can only have two shots I’d lean toward the castle and the forest with TIEs. Either this new shot fits as a dramatic establishing shot before getting into the transition into the action or it feels too out of place. I think the timing of the music is slightly more favorable with just the two shots, also, but not to the point of precluding using it if it works.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Just my opinion but I prefer the Two Shot Version, seems neat and trimmed the Ties coming round Vaders castle seem more than enough for me personally.

I know i’m a new poster on this thread but I have been reading all the posts from week to week and the ideas and implementations you guys have been adding is amazing.


Three shot version for sure, besides the new shot looking great I think it helps establish to the audience that this is Mustafar but we’re heading to a new area we haven’t seen before.


This is a tough one for me… I thought the reason we selected this shot from the documentary was the trees so that it could line up better with the forest shot. But the order we currently have it in would kinda disrupt that since the castle shot has no trees in it.

I think I agree with those people that suggested having TIE shadows in the shot with their audio in the distance.

Otherwise, I think we should stick with what we got. I’m not sure about this order, and I know Hal doesn’t want to try any other ordering.


I feel like the castle shot flows into the forest shot very naturally, and I’d hate to break that up. I can’t help but feel the lava shot would feel like an insertion.

My stance on revising fan edits.


It’s why I’m thinking of using it after the battle and add The Whisperer to it instead. Have Kylo fly up to the Castle to find the Wayfinder.

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Yeah, the tricky thing is, the forest shot is the most relevant one to this film. There’s no (obvious) lava where Kylo starts a-killin’, so I think it would feel weird to go from high contrast, burning, molten lava to brightly lit trees.

Breaking up the shots with Vader’s Castle actually works for me. I dunno.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Well, I’d imagine that in the geography of what we’re creating there’s Vader’s castle, which is surrounded by various lakes of lava, and then there was a forest planted just beyond those lava lakes.


Personally feel like theres something off with the Vader castle shot, I’ll probably remove it from my personal copy. The tracking on the Tie’s doesn’t seem right and they look very obviously inserted rather than naturally fitting in like some of the other 3D edits that’s been made.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore