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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 422


We could make the TIE on Pasana the same TIE from TLJ? (of course non of us are miracle workers)

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

We could make the TIE on Pasana the same TIE from TLJ? (of course non of us are miracle workers)

I’m surprised JJ didn’t do that to Johnsons’s TIE in this movie since those two enjoy destroying each other’s creations in these movies. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

dgraham414 said:

We could make the TIE on Pasana the same TIE from TLJ? (of course non of us are miracle workers)

I’m surprised JJ didn’t do that to Johnsons’s TIE in this movie since those two enjoy destroying each other’s creations in these movies. Lol.

Yeah and he also repairs anything that he didn’t like Rian destroying (Kylo’s mask cough cough).

If there were an Episode X directed by Rian he would continue the meta conversation by putting Finn and Rose back into a relationship or something lmao.


Nah, he’d bring back Snoke to be behind it all again and then have him trip and hit his head and die. Roll credits

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

Nah, he’d bring back Snoke to be behind it all again and then have him trip and hit his head and die. Roll credits

I was seriously about to type something like that! Wow!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


DZ-330 said:

Nah, he’d bring back Snoke to be behind it all again and then have him trip and hit his head and die. Roll credits

My expectations have been thoroughly subverted.


Similar to Justice League, however, TROS is still kinda fundamentally flawed, even if you add cut footage back in. Ugh.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Watching TROS:A is going to be enough of an elevated* experience compared to the theatrical. Much more so than I imagined when creating this thread out of obligation. I’m impressed and happy with it, as you all know. I can only imagine if I could travel back in time and show myself V2 before seeing the theatrical and then present myself the cutlist of what is different.

*you know the pun is intended

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Watching TROS:A is going to be enough of an elevated* experience compared to the theatrical. Much more so than I imagined when creating this thread out of obligation. I’m impressed and happy with it, as you all know.

Also, I for one disagree that TROS is fundamentally flawed. The novel, if a bit messy, is proof that it isn’t.


jarbear said:

To be fair, the whole thing is an error, regardless of rationalizing it … but, can be overlooked since there isn’t much one can do.

Although it was a visually interesting thing with the TIE vs Rey, it would have been better if it wasn’t that to avoid the plot hole on JJ’s part. So many overlooked things in this movie. Oye.

Yes there Is! You remove the epic but flawed tie backflip and have it that Kylo is just closing in on them while remaining in the ship, thus eliminating the tug o war and having Rey “kill chewie” out of fear rather than anger.

EDIT: Damn, I missed a whole page of comments. I’ll catch up later.

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Jar Jar Bricks said:

IMO this movie needed to be 3 hours long in order to work right. Reminds me of the whole Justice League situation. I hope one day we get a longer cut just like with that movie.


I guess I can see why Disney would balk at departing too much from the other saga films in terms of length, but I agree with you. And I think at this point fans and movie audiences in general have gotten used to longer runtimes for these big tent pole movies.

An extended edition would be nice; would been a good use of resources after a year without much production.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

jarbear said:

dgraham414 said:

We could make the TIE on Pasana the same TIE from TLJ? (of course non of us are miracle workers)

I’m surprised JJ didn’t do that to Johnsons’s TIE in this movie since those two enjoy destroying each other’s creations in these movies. Lol.

Yeah and he also repairs anything that he didn’t like Rian destroying (Kylo’s mask cough cough).

C’mon, man, it was a continuation of Kylo Ren learning from his failure in TLJ. After the throne room scene he stops letting the past die because it’s a horrible idea, look what happened between him and Rey, he even just becomes Supreme Leader of the First Order instead of creating a new Order altogether.


Nah, I don’t think a 3+ hour cut of TROS would be any good. It might be better - maybe they’d let some scenes breathe more, open up the pacing, maybe even add some good scenes in; but in my opinion the film is just fundamentally broken. Its biggest failures aren’t “This needed to be explained more,” it’s that things are over explained, and the presented ideas are just arguably dumb. Bringing back Palpy? Dumb. The fetch quest that’s rendered pointless when Kyle* destroys the MacGuffin? Dumb. Ret-conning Rey’s parents? Dumb. You’d have to write a whole new script.

That said, that Ascendent is even watchable, let alone good, is nothing short of miraculous. (I’m still holding out for Rey Nobody though!)

As for Kylo’s TIE, it’s a massive continuity error, sure; but it might be tricky to change ship enough to be obviously different, while still staying in line with the First Order aesthetic. Short of designing a whole new 3D model…

If anyone wants to try, I’d definitely be interested in seeing what they come up with!

*That was autocorrect, but I’m leaving it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


TestingOutTheTest said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

jarbear said:

dgraham414 said:

We could make the TIE on Pasana the same TIE from TLJ? (of course non of us are miracle workers)

I’m surprised JJ didn’t do that to Johnsons’s TIE in this movie since those two enjoy destroying each other’s creations in these movies. Lol.

Yeah and he also repairs anything that he didn’t like Rian destroying (Kylo’s mask cough cough).

C’mon, man, it was a continuation of Kylo Ren learning from his failure in TLJ. After the throne room scene he stops letting the past die because it’s a horrible idea, look what happened between him and Rey, he even just becomes Supreme Leader of the First Order instead of creating a new Order altogether.

Chill my guy it was a joke.

I actually feel like it was a good decision on his part, granted not for the same reasons as you.


I think this edit overall has made this a better movie.

Funnily what fixed alot of it wasn’t the addition of new material, it was simply cutting things that were already there, the time limit set up by palpatine, “they fly now”, & the reveal of chewie being alive being three big ones.

The current edits for V2 feel like things are being pumped back into the movie to give it a backbone.

I think its quite funny how this movie and ROTJ share so many of the same issues, and I’ll probably get flack for saying it but after watching V1 I enjoy this movie more than ROTJ, and even TFA.

I’m very curious Hal - outside of the remaining edits being done, is there anything in the movie you’ve wanted to change or enhance that has yet to be discussed?


I do agree with sentiment on peoples part. My wish is for this movie to be tolerable, to be honest. There is NO WAY to make this a satisfying and good movie, let alone a “conclusion” of the Saga with its terrible writing, let alone a disjointed trilogy. But with edits like Hal’s, and others contributions, it can at least be mindless entertainment. (Just my personal view, for those who are happy or enjoy them more, please do so! AKA I’ll just view them as an alternate reality. LOL)

Back to the TIE, man, if it is possible to make it a little different … would be great. Even if it is slight coloring difference.

At the same time, with Hal’s removal of the cockpit exploding … could the TIE at the DSII look VISIBLY repaired … kinda like the Skywalker Saber? I doubt it since it isn’t a close up is quick … not sure. Just throwing ideas out.

EDIT: Throw stones at Creation! Throw them now! 😛

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


ThisIsCreation said:

I think its quite funny how this movie and ROTJ share so many of the same issues, and I’ll probably get flack for saying it but after watching V1 I enjoy this movie more than ROTJ, and even TFA.

No stones thrown from here. I actually agree with this sentiment. I dislike most of ROTJ except for the Luke/Palpatine/Vader stuff. And TFA was always kinda boring.


ThisIsCreation said:

I’m very curious Hal - outside of the remaining edits being done, is there anything in the movie you’ve wanted to change or enhance that has yet to be discussed?

I’ve always felt like a slow, meticulous thinker. And with my life being busy the last year especially, I don’t feel like I’ve afforded TROS the same sort of care that I had to the others. I’ve wound up in an executive-type role.

That said, nothing pops right to mind. Hell, a lot of the changes being made would not have struck me as possible in the first place.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Totally joking Creation, ROTJ certainly has its flaws and I get what you say.

So we need someone to do something else that didn’t seem possible. WE NEED ANOTHER JONH … BUT FOR THE TIE STUFF!

hahaha. Amazing stuff.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I like the idea of the red stripes being recolored to gold. That would look cool and be easier than totally replacing it.


I don’t know I for one don’t understand why we would address one continuity issue (the ship/wayfinder) without addressing others.

Once you go down the rabbit hole of fixing these issues there’s no coming back out until they are all eliminated lol.


I’m ok with the ship not being changed.

I think the shot is too striking to be changed.

Now, if you wanted to remove the explosions it would kill two birds with one stone.