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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 412


jarbear said:

Although people are ok with it and come up with “interpretations” or “what he meant was …”

Isn’t that essentially excusing people or bad things/thinsg that don’t make sense.

It’s concerning we are getting to the point that its “ok” to have lines that make no sense in context to anything but its “ok” since we excuse it and make interpretations of things.

I would never “excuse” the terrible things in TRoS, but out of everything the movie does badly I just honestly don’t see any issue with that particular line, in context I don’t see how it “makes no sense”. In fact I’d say you’re the one making an oddly literal “interpretation” of a line that is meant to have a more broad and figurative/symbolic meaning. Do you honestly think Luke is saying that there are a thousand generations of Jedi possesing/living inside Rey’s body? When he says “because she saw your spirit, your heart”, do you think he meant Leia used a Force X-ray power to stare at Rey’s beating heart? There’s nothing in the movie to indicate that Luke was speaking literally. It’s quite the opposite, as in the climax, where the Jedi spirits communicate with Rey, it’s clearly shown to be an outward connection (as she looks far into the vastness of the stars), in complete contrast with Palpatine’s “my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me”.


Sometimes I read this thread and I feel like I’m losing my mind. I still don’t understand what the point of adding this line would be. I don’t blame you guys because all we have to work with when it comes to additional stuff is scraps, but… I mean they’re scraps.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Thanks for the motivation/idea MR.

Have you ever wondered why Rey acts all confused in the ending scene when the ghosts start to appear? Well wonder no longer! She was hearing voices in her head.


After all, family is the thing that is always there for you (or at least it’s supposed to be).

Other than being too loud, I really like that. It makes more sense and I got goosebumps. 👍🏼

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I do wish a lot of these ideas where suggested in the general thread. There seems to be a nice amount of younger, less experienced editors offering ideas these days and I’m willing to encourage their growth to help their skills/edits rather than just shutting down an idea that isn’t suitable for this cut.

I’ve learnt my best lessons through failure or flushing out the smallest of ideas to see where they go.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Yeah, it’s okay to bring up new ideas in the general TROS thread. I do read that one too and can pull in anything that seems like a good fit. There is often a lot to keep track of.
Let’s not add the Luke line to the hut scene.

I think we’re all getting antsy here, and this is a legit maddening kind of a project to tackle at all. The final product will inevitably include things one person would’ve preferred to leave out and exclude things they’d have liked to see. My hope is that the edit reads as an improvement without anything changed that doesn’t work easily on a single viewing.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I want to add another piece of wood to the fire. The line “you will take booth sabers to Exegol” it’s another exemple of unnecessary and literal lines, the end of the previous sequence is Luke saying “there i’s something my sister would want you to have”, and after we see Leia’s saber, we already know that Rey will keep it, so, the line about taking booth sabers is prescindible.

Also the line doesn’t make sense at all, like, “you will take booth sabers to Exegol”, yeah, but why? Does Luke knows that Ben Solo would need it? Have you read script? What’s that on the floor? Is that the script?

and come all canon stan with me like “but in the book ‘the trials of Tom Bombadill’s Lightsaber’ it’s said the force ghost can…” or something like that, let’s remember the audience shouldn’t have to read a book to know this information, if it’s not in the movie it doesn’t matter

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


I wonder what sort of lightsaber Tom Bombadil would have. He’d misplace it and wouldn’t use it for long.

I could see how the scene plays with the Exegol line muted. Rey’s next line is “I can’t get there,” but it’s still pretty clear what she means.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Yeah, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was giving a suggestion under the assumption the Luke trailer line has to be in the movie, and I was just offering a desperate compromise to keep it out of the hut scene and the “Rey Skywalker” scene. I don’t know why I got that impression, but anyway, sorry. It is easy to get lost here.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Fair enough all with your comments, thanks!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I agree. There’s a lot of really awkward exposition in that scene after the flashback. It’s why I liked Nevs “You have everything you need…” cut.

This movie is the worst at treating the audience like idiots and constantly giving the “incase you’re not following this simple storyline here’s a reminder” dialogue.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


oviniboy said:

Also the line doesn’t make sense at all, like, “you will take booth sabers to Exegol”, yeah, but why? Does Luke knows that Ben Solo would need it? Have you read script? What’s that on the floor? Is that the script?

My takeaway with that line is that it sounds a lot like an appropriately star wars corny/clunky (in the good way) thing that Obi-Wan would say in ROTJ, so I like it for that. And yes, Luke probably knew what was going on with Ben! Since it was Leia’s actions through the force that brought Ben to the good side, who’s to say Luke didn’t know it was going on, and that Ben would hopefully take a saber.
But either way, that line also has that whole “we’ll always be with you” mentality that Luke has; he kind of could mean it in that way.

After saying that, I don’t really have a big argument for keeping it. The line doesn’t add anything, really. But I don’t think it is bad enough to be necessary to just flat out remove it.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Movies Remastered said:

This movie is the worst at treating the audience like idiots and constantly giving the “incase you’re not following this simple storyline here’s a reminder” dialogue.

Exactly. That’s also why I was suggesting tossing out the “Rey Skywalker” line. I feel like the scene has more significance without it.

EDIT: I’m one of those people who tends to suggest stuff here instead of the general thread. I guess I get confused about how to differentiate “This could be a great idea in Ascendant” vs. “This could be a great idea in any fan edit.” Sorry!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


DominicCobb said:

Sometimes I read this thread and I feel like I’m losing my mind. I still don’t understand what the point of adding this line would be. I don’t blame you guys because all we have to work with when it comes to additional stuff is scraps, but… I mean they’re scraps.

It’s an incredibly touching line imo. The point of adding it would be to enhance the meaning of the ending of the movie. Rey chooses the family name of the people who will always be with her and never abandon her.

That’s why I’ve come to the conclusion that the only place the line belongs is at the end of the movie. But most people prefer silence.

EDIT: Just noticed Hal’s poll. My personal vote is to NOT include it not because I don’t like the line but because I don’t like where it is currently placed.


Okay, this is something I did very quickly to test out a few ideas. The audio isn’t mixed super great; it’s just a “What do you think about this?” kind of deal.

  • Removed “You’ll take both sabers to Exegol.”
  • New placement of “Always be with you.” Wish it could be padded out more, but what can you do? Maybe it could work; probably it’s still too cramped.
  • Another attempt at a purpley sunrise. I don’t care much either way - I love Nev’s coloring in the scene - but I thought there was some interest in the Leia-symbolism of using some purple in there.
  • Replacing Yoda’s Theme. (Screw you all! It’s wrong to include Yoda’s Theme! Wrong, I say! You’re defiling forty years of film scoring artistry!) No but seriously…what do you think of the new score? Does it work?

Even ignoring the blatant lack of Yoda, I like the idea that the key scene of “The Rise of Skywalker” is accompanied by “The Rise of Skywalker” Theme. Plus, Skywalker’s ship is “Rising” to “The Rise of Skywalker” Theme, Luke Skywalker is Skywalking to “The Rise of Skywalker” Theme, Rey is figuratively “Rising” to “The Rise of Skywalker” Theme…

Or, Yoda.

Wouldn’t it add so much more depth and meaning to this film than, “Hey, Luke is doing the same thing Yoda did 40 years ago! This is now special to me because I’ve watched the Star Wars-es!”? Does everything in this film have to be so superficial and empty? When I saw the film in theatres, I literally caught myself thinking, “Oh, ha, I get it. They’re doing the Yoda thing.” It took me completely out of the movie, and thereby destroyed any emotional connection I might have had to the scene. (AKA, “The exact opposite of what music is supposed to do in a film.”)

And something else to consider: for a film so frustratingly determined to stay stuck in the past, this would be a genuine chance to push it out in new directions for once.


The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I would argue that the key scenes of this movie are actually the people rising up all over the galaxy and Rey choosing the Skywalker name. Not Luke raising the x-wing. That theme already plays on one of those. Which brings me to my next point…

No offense, Sherlock, but I completely dislike using that song there. It just makes me think of the people rising up montage and removes all of my emotional attachment to the current scene.


Here’s my take on the scene. By removing some lines it allows Rey to “take it upon herself” to go to Exegol. She doesn’t need Luke telling her what do to.


The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I appreciate the mock-up, but I don’t wish to use any of it, except to experiment with attempting to add a purple cast or at least try it.

I love the use of Yoda’s theme, and wouldn’t dream of cutting “you have everything you need.”

I’ll look at the poll later but I expect the added line will be removed.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

DZ-330 said:

Here’s my take on the scene. By removing some lines it allows Rey to “take it upon herself” to go to Exegol. She doesn’t need Luke telling her what do to.


Saw this after my last post. The url appears to be invalid.

It’s up now. Was still uploading. Maybe I’m a little biased to my own opinion on this but I feel it is a stronger character moment for Rey to want to go to Exegol on her own instead of Luke guiding her and instructing her to. What does he care if she takes both sabers. It just feels like another audience pandering moment. Let the characters think and make their own decisions.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

Here’s my take on the scene. By removing some lines it allows Rey to “take it upon herself” to go to Exegol. She doesn’t need Luke telling her what do to.


Would it be possible to squeeze in “but this is your fight” right after that line? Or does that defeat the entire purpose of your work there?


Why is it Rey’s fight if all the ghosts show up? Luke contradicts himself because he joins the fight.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


But your point is proven wrong if you look at the whole sentence: “We’ll always be with you, but this is your fight.” As in, she has to initiate the fight but they will help her when she does.