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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 154


You’re sacrificing your life for us, Mark? 🙄 Go complain somewhere else, we’ve all got problems.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Chase Adams said:

SparkySywer said:

Idk man, when you were younger did you ever have that one guy in your friend group that nobody really was that close with, but they thought you guys were super close?

Yes, except that one guy was me. 😕

Me too! I think that’s why I’ve got an issue with it.

Hal, Exactly!

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Hal 9000 said:

And then that guy sacrificed his life to get us out of a jam and no one gave a shit. Continued to badmouth and be annoyed at him even after that.


The writing and character dialogue in this movie is whack.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I just found out a number of parents had an issue with “3PO, move your metal ass!” I did find that a little harsh for a kids movie so I’ve changed it to “3PO, NOW!”. Let me know if you wanna use it?

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Movies Remastered said:

I just found out a number of parents had an issue with “3PO, move your metal ass!” I did find that a little harsh for a kids movie so I’ve changed it to “3PO, NOW!”. Let me know if you wanna use it?

I’m fine with the language being used, especially since we heard Finn call DJ a bastard in TLJ


Largely copying a post I made on the Ascendant thread:

I’ve mocked up four different versions of Luke’s exchange with Rey. All of them remove Luke’s one line of “It was fear that kept me here” for two reasons:

  1. It was a major goal of Rian Johnson’s when writing Ep. VIII to make sure that Luke wasn’t acting out of fear. “I know the Luke that I grew up with is not a coward; he’s not sitting out there hiding. So I had to come up with a reason he was there that was one, active; and two, positive.”

“It was fear that kept me here.” It feels wrong to me to undo all of Rian’s work with a throwaway line.

  1. Honestly, seeing it in practice, I like it even more this way - not only does it avoid ignoring Luke’s feelings of guilt in the previous movie; but it allows Luke’s declaration of “I was wrong” to hang in the air. The added space gives Rey (our protagonist) a moment of genuine self-reflection, one that is no longer interrupted by Luke’s prattling.

Version 1 - The Basic Trim: https://streamable.com/3qr20n
This version cuts out Luke’s one line, and then tightens the space around it a little to avoid excessive dead space. Space could obviously be tightened more if need be.

Version 2 - The Early Cutoff: https://streamable.com/wqo8f2
Luke interrupts Rey’s explanation, deciding not to entertain her flawed justifications. This version also plays with a slightly redone version of Luke’s “I was wrong” line, where I repitched it a little and made the word “wrong” a bit louder, to make Luke sound more forceful. (It’s less, "Oh yeah, I was wrong about that. Sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ " and more “You moron, don’t you remember that I was wrong? You’re the one who told me that in the first place!”)

Version 3 - The Early Lesson Three: https://streamable.com/muk1wo
Luke frames their entire conversion around his long-promised Third Lesson to Rey, the lesson he never got to give her in Episode VIII - finding her courage, and embracing her title as a Jedi. For this version, I decided to reverse the shot of Rey between “I was wrong” and “What are you most afraid of” - Now she looks up at Luke when he mentions “Lesson Three.”

Version 4 - The Later Lesson Three: https://streamable.com/4742xw
Luke talks about fear and courage, and then imparts one final wisdom to her as his Third Lesson.

Both Versions 3 and 4 feature a slightly retouched version of Jar Jar Brick’s “Lesson Three” cleanup, which was based on JXEditor’s design. I’ve run the “three” through a compressor to balance out the audio levels a little bit more, and I condensed/overlapped the gap between the words slightly to try and make it flow better. I also performed some noise reduction on the word “Lesson,” because there was some slight music in the background that I was noticing with the absence of music in the Early Lesson version. We can play with that though.

Different pieces of each could also be combined. I’m mainly just curious as to people’s thoughts.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I think version 4 is the best placement, but it does sound edited in as it is.

Unrelated, but would it be possible to make Leia the one that heals Ben? This would make Rey’s “will she turn to the darkside” arc more meaningful as she doesn’t immediately fix her mistake, makes her encounter with Luke more meaningful as she thinks she killed him, and makes her encounter with Ben on Exogol better as Rey realizes he’s alive. Don’t know how easy that would be to pull off though.


Regarding Leia, I was toying with the idea of sliding the shots of her around a bit, so that her hand collapses as Rey is healing Ben. Then it would be like Leia is sending her lifeforce to Ben (through Rey) in order to save him; rather than Leia just “losing the will to live.” So that could also make Rey’s inner conflict more interesting - she was able to save Ben, but she basically had to condemn Leia to do so.

EDIT: hinventon, what are your thoughts on removing Luke’s line about being afraid?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


My first thought would be, If the deleted scene of Rey running to the village is added to TLJ would that be considered “lesson 3”?

I also like how Luke interrupts Rey. It matches Luke’s attitude in TLJ. I also like 4.

I think this could go somewhere. Great work, dude.

P.S. I cut the “It was fear that kept me here”. line from Luke as I felt it contradicted the “Fear is the destiny of a Jedi” line.

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Luke’s fear line didn’t bother me that much, but I can see the reason for removing it. I wouldn’t mind removing it for a Rey palpatine version but I would probably keep it in to retain some Luke dialogue for a Rey nobody version since you’re already taking out a lot of Luke dialogue there. I think the interrupting is a pretty funny idea that works with Luke and Rey’s relationship as well.


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but weren’t Luke’s lessons to Rey all about why the Jedi had to end, or seriously reform? His third lesson being about how to be a better Jedi through confronting one’s fear feels contradictory to that idea of the Jedi being inherently flawed, unless I’m missing something.

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Either way, the line’s awful and I fully support cutting it. Because, no, JJ, fear wasn’t what kept Luke there. That’s the kind of gross misinterpretation of TLJ you’d find on Reddit.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I agree. There could be an argument for any number of things keeping Luke on that island, but fear is on a very short list of wrong answers.

My own interpretation, based on Luke’s entire life, is that he is there because of pain.

Throughout the OT, Luke has faced fear in many forms. He didn’t let his fear of the Death Star stop him from going back and destroying it, nor did he let his fear of Vader stop him from facing this villain in Cloud City. He even accepted his fear of death when he went to the Emperor fully accepting his fate.

No, what Luke can’t bear is seeing his family dying, his friends in pain. This motivates him throughout the OT, so if Luke were to see his friends destroyed in Ben’s future, he would do almost anything to stop it. In this it makes sense for him to contemplate destroying his nephew, but it also makes sense for him to realize the paradox of his action. He cannot kill his nephew, but in doing so he dooms his friends.

He flees into exile not because he fears making this choice, or if he does the fear is fleeting, but rather because he will not choose, cannot choose. This is where I believe TLJ got Luke wrong as well. There is no shame in shrinking from an impossible choice. Ben cannot be turned, at least by Luke, and so there is no stopping the dark future that Luke sees. Any guilt he feels is misplaced, because Ben’s heart is already gone.

“I can’t get the vision out of my head…they’re my friends, I’ve got to help them!”

Except…this curse of vision will never end. Luke must cut himself off from the Force, it is the only way to stop the pain.

In the end, he is at peace because he accepts the paradox. Kylo is the relative he cannot redeem, Han and Leia are the friends and family he cannot save. But this is okay because he accepts what he cannot do and embraces what he can, though it lead to certain death.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


ildiem, it was an idea that was being discussed on the Ascendant thread. People were theorizing that, now that Luke’s outlook on life and on the Jedi has changed, any “third lesson” he would give to Rey would change as well. I think it’s a cool idea in theory, but I wasn’t sure how it would work out in practice.

I appreciate everyone’s feedback!

Nev, that’s a fantastic way of looking at it. I love Luke’s arc in VIII, but it definitely would have been cool if TLJ leaned more in that direction, rather than just touching on it slightly.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Movies Remastered said:

My first thought would be, If the deleted scene of Rey running to the village is added to TLJ would that be considered “lesson 3”?

I also like how Luke interrupts Rey. It matches Luke’s attitude in TLJ. I also like 4.

I think this could go somewhere. Great work, dude.

P.S. I cut the “It was fear that kept me here”. line from Luke as I felt it contradicted the “Fear is the destiny of a Jedi” line.

The full line is actually, “Confronting your fears is the destiny of a Jedi.”


I personally interpreted it as Luke being afraid that he would just make things worse if he were to get back involved.

When I was really depressed in the past, I would sometimes feel that the world would be a better place without me if I just didn’t exist. That’s why I really sympathized with Luke in TLJ. He was so guilt-ridden that I like to think he had a similar mindset that I’ve had before, and he extended that belief not only to himself, but the Jedi as a whole. He made such a terrible mistake that he wanted to close himself off from the world, because he didn’t want make more mistakes and hurt more people.

So I personally think the lines works. I just see it as, “It was fear that kept me here. Fear that I would just make things worse.”

And I kind of think Rey fears the same thing. She fears that she will just make things worse in the end. But she, like Luke, has to confront that fear of failure in order to help those who need it.

EDIT: Another thought. While it was a little flimsy, the idea that Leia abandoned her training because of fear (of the death of her son) ties into that theme in a way. Perhaps you could say Palpatine was responsible for the dark visions that Luke, Leia and Rey all have that led them to wanting to abandon the Jedi path. Because Palpatine is the physical manifestation of fear, and Rey defeating him is symbolic of Rey overcoming her own fear of failure. I think it fits Rey’s whole identity crisis pretty well, too. She starts doubting her own ability to become a Jedi, because she fears that she will fail, make mistakes and ultimately hurt people. But in the end, she learns from Luke and Leia’s failures and perseveres through her own insecurities to become a strong adult, ready to take on the world.

That is a very generous reading of the Sequel Trilogy, at least.


RogueLeader said:

I personally interpreted it as Luke being afraid that he would just make things worse if he were to get back involved.

I feel like I’m being a little flippant to say when you went into a much more deeper place in the rest of your comment, but that’s the text of the movie. There’s not really any other interpretation to be had, unless you want to get into really weird justifications, like, “Everything Luke says in TLJ is a lie, oh and also Kylo’s in on it too for no reason”. Luke is on the island because he thinks that leaving the island would hurt the galaxy.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Just a thought guys - is it maybe just worth removing Luke saying he’ll give her three lessons? Then there’s no missing third lesson. He can give her an explicit ‘lesson one’, and follow that up with an explicit ‘lesson two’, and then, you know, just stop counting, and stop making each lesson a quantifiable thing as he just starts sharing wisdom and experience ad-hoc.

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TestingOutTheTest said:

Movies Remastered said:

My first thought would be, If the deleted scene of Rey running to the village is added to TLJ would that be considered “lesson 3”?

I also like how Luke interrupts Rey. It matches Luke’s attitude in TLJ. I also like 4.

I think this could go somewhere. Great work, dude.

P.S. I cut the “It was fear that kept me here”. line from Luke as I felt it contradicted the “Fear is the destiny of a Jedi” line.

The full line is actually, “Confronting your fears is the destiny of a Jedi.”

Really? https://youtu.be/RUio_AkadFE

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Movies Remastered said:

Extremely crude example but shows how you may see the lightning affecting the surrounding area.

  1. Does the light reflet into the whole room
  2. Just red lightning like the animation series?


It would also say that only the red lightning looks much better and if i recall correctly, i´ve never seen sith-lightning have an impact on the surroundings in a major way regarding colours